HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1983.04.11CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 11, 1983 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Mink on Monday, April 11, 1983 at 7:32 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Garcia, Giomi, Graham, Leahy, Mink, Schwalm Absent: None Staff Present: City Planner Margaret Monroe; City Attorney Jerome F. Coleman; City Engineer Frank C. Erbacher MINUTES - The minutes of the March 14, 1983 meeting were unanimously approved and adopted. AGENDA - Order of the agenda approved with the addition of Item 4-a, Resolution of Commendation and Appreciation, Charles W. Mink. ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. VARIANCE TO ALLOW A SECOND STORY ADDITION TO THE HOME AT 1308 SANCHEZ AVENUE CP Monroe reviewed this request to allow a 1,056 SF two story addition which does not maintain the minimum required sideyard. Reference staff report for Item #1; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 3/2/83; plans date stamped March 2, 1983; applicant's justification for variance date stamped March 2, 1983; "no requirements/ comments" memos from the Fire Marshal (3/7/83), City Engineer (3/7/83) and Chief Building Inspector (3/7/83); and aerial photograph of the site. CP discussed details of the request, code requirements, staff review, applicant's justification for the project and Planning staff concerns about parking if this unit were converted to duplex in future. If approved, two conditions were suggested in the staff report. Andrew Zack, representing Ann Mori, the applicant, was present. Chm. Mink opened the public hearing; there were no audience comments and the hearing was declared closed. Mr. Zack presented three letters in support of the project from adjacent property owners: Robert E. and Esther D. Cochran, 1309 Sanchez Avenue; Gerald E. Kabatchnick, 2740 Bromley Drive, San Carlos; and E. P. and Amy B. McElhany, 1009 Sanchez Avenue. Discussion: concern that this unit could be converted to duplex without Planning Commission being aware of it; Mr. Zack advised no additional plumbing and/or kitchen will be added at this time; staff's suggestion that any approval be conditioned to require adequate off-street parking should a conversion to duplex occur; suggest the apparent abandoned car now parked in driveway be removed; site meets parking require- ments for a three bedroom unit; findings necessary to grant a variance; CE advised the easement adjacent to applicant's garage is a city easement and is approximately 10 feet wide. Chm. Mink found there were exceptional circumstances in that this house was built, under different codes, against a property line because there was an existing easement; that the intent of a side yard is served by the existence of this city controlled easement Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes April 11, 1983 which would provide fire access and, therefore, denial would create a hardship upon the property owner. C. Schwalm agreed with these findings and further found the variance would be necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a property right of the owner; that it would not be injurious to the adjacent property owners; and would not adversely affect the comprehensive zoning plan of the city. C. Schwalm then moved for approval of this variance application with the following conditions: (1) that the improvements made to this property be consistent with the plans date stamped March 2, 1983; (2) that if this unit ever becomes a duplex four off-street parking spaces be provided, three of which shall be covered; and (3) that the automobile which is stored in the driveway and appears to be inoperable be removed. Second C. Graham; motion approved on a 5-2 roll call vote, Cers Cistulli and Garcia dissenting. Appeal procedures were advised. 2. REVIEW OF 2/8/82 SPECIAL PERMIT FOR A DELI IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 840 STANTON ROAD (CONTINUED FROM MARCH 14, 1983) CP Monroe reviewed this item. At its March 14 meeting the Commission continued review of Ferial's Deli for one month to give the applicant time to comply with Fire Department requirements. Reference staff report from Helen Towber, Planner dated 4/5/83; April 5, 1983 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; April 5, 1983 memo from the Fire Marshal; Fire Marshal's March 16, 1983 memo discussing final inspection procedures; Towber letter of March 22, 1983 to Botrus Zaarour of Ferial's Deli; Planning Commission minutes of March 14, 1983; and March 14, 1983 staff report for this item (with attachments). CP noted reports from staff indicating the stove had been disconnected but as of April 5, 1983 the hood had not been installed. Staff suggested the item be continued to the meeting of April 25 with the understanding the building permit be picked up and work completed by April 20; if no action by April 20, the stove must be removed from the premises by April 22 and revocation proceedings would be initiated at the April 25 meeting. C. Garcia moved to give the applicant nine working days, until April 22, to comply with the Fire Marshal's requirements, the conditions to be met on that date or the stove to be removed. If the requirements are met, this permit be subject to review in six months. Second C. Giomi. Following the motion applicant explained the delay in installation of the hood due to his original contractor withdrawing from the job and his need to find a new contractor; he requested a 30 day extension. C. Garcia amended his motion to allow the applicant 30 days to have the hood installed and C. Giomi amended her second. If installation occurs within 30 days and all requirements are met, then the permit will be subject to review in six months; if not, revocation proceedings will ensue in 30 days. Motion approved unanimously on roll call vote. 3. REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT OF 8/28/78 VARIANCE FOR A CARPORT ADDITION AT 2500 HAYWARD DRIVE CP Monroe reviewed this request to reinstall a driveway which Commission had required to be removed when granting the variance request in 1978. Reference staff report from Helen Towber, Planner dated 4/4/84; Project Application & CEQA Assessment; March 18, 1983 letter from Hart Shadrick, the applicant; April 4, 1983 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; March 28, 1983 memo from the City Engineer; "no comment" memo dated 3/28/83 from the Fire Marshal; September 11, 1978 letter of action and Planning Commission minutes of August 28, 1978; site drawing. CP discussed action taken by Commission in 1978, applicant's present request, staff review. If the request is granted one condition was suggested in the staff report. Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes April 11, 1983 Hart Shadrick, the applicant, was present. Chm. Mink opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments. Secretary Giomi read into the record two letters from neighbors expressing concern about the number of vehicles parked on or near this property: Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Totman, 2505 Hayward Drive and one signed "A Neighbor" The public hearing was then closed. The applicant explained he is a car collector and would like enclosed parking for his cars, specifically he would like to reinstall the driveway to the two car garage which is no longer being used as a playroom. Discussion: city procedure for policing of on -street parking; basic issue is does Commission wish to open up the driveway so two more vehicles can be parked on site; think a car collector should rent a place elsewhere to store and work on his cars; is it appropriate to limit the total number of cars allowed on site, suggest maximum of seven cars on site owned and controlled by property owner; putting two more cars under cover will alleviate the on -street parking situation. Chm. Mink explained removal of the driveway in 1978 was required because the use of the area was as a playroom, now applicant wishes to use it for inside storage of his cars and needs the driveway to get into the garage. C. Graham moved that Commission reverse the condition of the 1978 variance and allow reinstallation of the driveway on Valdivia Way, with the following conditions: (1) that the garage meet all the requirements of the present Uniform Building Code including maintaining the one hour fire separation between the garage and residence, and (2) that rain water drain for the driveway be piped under the sidewalk and through the curb. Second C. Leahy; motion approved on a 5-2 roll call vote, Cers Cistulli and Garcia dissenting. Appeal procedures were advised. 4. REQUEST FOR 12 MONTH EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR A 12 UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT AT 524 PRIMROSE ROAD CE Erbacher discussed this request and recommended approval and recommendation to City Council. Reference CE's memo of March 22, 1983 and attached letter of March 21, 1983 from James Shypertt, Martin M. Ron Associates. C. Graham moved for approval of the requested 12 month extension of Condominium Permit to June 7, 1984 and for approval and recommendation to City Council of extension of the Tentative and Final Parcel Map to that same date. Second C. Schwalm; all aye voice vote. Item 4-a. RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION AND APPRECIATION - CHARLES W. MINK Secretary Giomi read Planning Commission resolution commending retiring Commissioner Mink on his sixteen and one-half years of outstanding service to the city. Councilman Mangini read City Council Resolution No. 19-83 commending Commissioner Mink, and both resolutions were presented to him. Additional remarks of appreciation and commendation were made by Councilman Martin; Mayor Crosby and Councilman Amstrup (in absentia); former Planning Commissioner Tom Sine and Commissioner Cistulli. Others present to honor Chairman Mink were his wife, Carol; former Planning Commissioners Everett Kindig and Joseph Harvey; Terrence Giomi; Jane and Tom Taylor. Chm.. Mink expressed his pleasure in serving the city on the Planning Commission and his hope to continue to serve the city in future. A recess was called at 8:40 P.M. for a short reception. Meeting reconvened at 9:10 P.M. with newly appointed Commissioner Taylor being seated at this time and Vice Chairman Graham chairing the remainder of the meeting. STUDY ITEM 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW AN OFFICE ADDITION TO EXISTING OFFICE BUILDING AT 800 AIRPORT BOULEVARD IN THE C-4 DISTRICT Set for hearing April 25, 1983. Page 4 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes April 11, 1983 OTHER BUSINESS 6. Special Study Session - Ramada Inn Expansion Consensus was to hold this special study session on Wednesday, April 27, 1983, in Conference Room B, City Hall at 7:30 P.M. CITY PLANNER REPORT CP Monroe reported Council actions at its March 21 and April 4, 1983 meetings. Council/ Commission joint meeting has been set for Saturday, May 21, 1983. C. Graham expressed his concern about the growing number of restaurants and bars in downtown Burlingame, particularly Sub -Areas A and B, and concern about the parking impact. Staff was asked to investigate this problem with other cities, possible regulations and alternatives, and to put the item on the next agenda for Commission discussion. An-in1IDKIMCKIT The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Nannette Giomi Secretary