HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1983.01.24CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 24, 1983 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Mink on Monday, January 24, 1983 at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Garcia, Giomi, Graham, Leahy, Mink, Schwalm Absent: None Staff Present: Planner Helen Towber; City Attorney Jerome F. Coleman; City Engineer Frank C. Erbacher MINUTES - The minutes of the January 10, 1983 meeting were unanimously approved and adopted. AGENDA - Chm. Mink moved Item #4 to the beginning of the agenda, continuing with the regular agenda immediately following. ITEMS FOR ACTION 4. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN TO APRIL, 1983 C. Cistulli nominated C. Graham as Vice Chairman to April, 1983. The nominations were closed and C. Graham named Vice Chairman by acclamation. C. Cistulli nominated C. Giomi as Secretary. There were no other nominations; C. Giomi named Secretary to complete C. Graham's term. 1. MASTER SIGN PERMIT TO ESTABLISH A SIGN PROGRAM FOR THE BUILDING AT 1200 HOWARD AVENUE, ZONED C-1, BY KING YEE, THE UNITED INDUSTRIES INC. Planner Towber reviewed this application for a master sign permit at 1200 Howard Avenue. Reference staff report dated 1/18/83; Sign Permit application filed 12/15/82; Sign Exception application filed 12/15/82; "no objections/no comments" memos from the Fire Marshal (12/16/82), Chief Building Inspector (12/21/82) and City Engineer (1/4/83); City Planner letter to Mr. Yee dated August 16, 1982; Peter Callander letter to City Planner dated December 6, 1982 with attached color photos; January 10, 1983 study meeting Planning Commission minutes; Callander letter to City Planner dated January 14, 1983 addressing study session requests; plans date stamped December 8, 1982; and aerial photograph. Plr. Towber discussed details of this unique property with three frontages and the master sign permit request; code requirements; staff review; sign exceptions requested; Callander clarification of study session requests; Planning staff comments addressing issues of the sign exception and master sign permit. If approved, three conditions were suggested: the condition listed in the staff report and two additional conditions as amended by Planning staff. Mr. Yee, the applicant and Peter Callander, his representative were present. Mr. Yee advised the Chm. he found the Plr.'s description of his application accurate. Chm. Mink opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was declared closed. City of Burlingame Planning Commission Page 2 January 24, 1983 Discussion: clarification of the number of signs and exceptions requested; a desire to standardize all future nameplate signs on this building. C. Graham found this building most appropriate for a master signage program because of the large number of businesses it could contain; specifically, the potential amount of signage on this site would be far greater than what is being requested in the present application if each tenant obtained separate signage. C. Graham then moved to grant this master sign permit with the following stipulations, as amended by C. Giomi: (1) that the master sign permit include the plans date stamped December 8, 1982 and the letters from Peter Callander Associates representing Mr. Yee dated December 6, 1982 and January 14, 1983; (2) that the future signs noted on the plans date stamped December 8, 1982 shall divide the remaining available square footage of sign area on their respective frontages equally between them; (3) that when nameplates included on the December 8, 1982 plans are replaced they shall not exceed the size shown on the plans; and (4) the applicant shall submit a proposal for a uniform size and letter style for future nameplates to staff for approval. Second C. Garcia, motion approved unanimously on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 2. AMENDMENT OF 9/22/80 CONDOMINIUM PERMIT TO ENCLOSE THE PARKING GARAGE AT 1500 WILLOW AVENUE, ZONED R-3, BY ZEV BEN-SIMON, TALDAN INVESTMENT CO. Planner Towber reviewed this application to provide a security gate which had already been placed at the entrance to the lower level parking garage. Reference staff report dated 1/19/83; aerial photograph; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 12/20/82; City Engineer letter to Zev Ben -Simon dated December 14, 1982; Zev Ben -Simon letter to City Planner dated December 17, 1982; Police Chief letter to City Planner dated December 21, 1982; City Engineer January 4, 1983 memo to Planning Department; Chief Building Inspector January 3, 1983 memo to Planning Department; Fire Marshal memo to City Planner dated 1/5/83; Planning Commission study meeting minutes of January 10, 1983; Traffic Engineer's 1/17/83 diagram indicating available on -street parking; plans date stamped January 3, 1983; and City Engineer's diagram indicating an alternative to the security gate. The Plr. discussed the requested permit amendment; Planning Commission requirements for guest parking; parking provided by this project; city staff review and comments; applicant's explanation and justification for installing the gate; Commission study meeting questions: current available on -street parking, TSP Commission's actions and recommendations, and alternatives to the gate; Planning staff comments. If approved, two alternate conditions were recommended for Commission consideration. Zev Ben -Simon, the applicant, was present and explained the installation of the security gate as an emergency response to numerous tenant complaints: children skateboarding on the ramp and climbing to the roof, theft from cars and storage areas. With reference to guest parking he commented there was ample on -street space but many tenants wanted their guests to have security for their cars if staying there. Chm. Mink opened the public hearing. The following residents of 1500 Willow Avenue spoke in favor of the lower security gate: Robert Reif, Bob Morton and John McDonald. Their concerns: burglarizing of automobiles (stereos, etc. and even a service revolver of retired San Mateo County Sheriff, Mr. McDonald); the gate was necessary for security of the entire building; security of the lower garage storage area; vandalism in the building. Melinda Gotelli, a resident of 733 Fairfield Road, also spoke in favor, commenting her building has had the same problems: car burglaries, security of the building itself and children skateboarding down the driveway. There were no further comments in favor and none in opposition. Chm. Mink declared the public hearing closed. City of Burlingame Planning Commission Page 3 January 24, 1983 Discussion: possibility of second entry at the lower gate; staff concern about the steep slope, parking on the crown of the lower driveway and blocking sidewalk areas. CE advised if the gate were left in place there would be sufficient legal exits from the garage. One Commissioner expressed concern about personal safety with an open garage; the possibility of putting a communication system to the gate in the upper level was discussed. There was some further discussion about parking requirements, on -street parking, guest parking and protection for residents and guests. C. Graham stated his concern about vandalism and safety, and noted that guest parking would still be available to guests as well as on -street parking. He then moved to grant this amendment to the 9/22/80 Condominium Permit with the following condition: (1) that the installation of the gate to the lower parking garage meet the requirements of the Chief Building Inspector's memo of January 3, 1983. Second C. Schwalm; motion approved unanimously on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE POSSIBLE REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE NOVEMBER 27, 1978 USE PERMIT FOR PENINSULA SPORTS CENTER AT 1239 ROLLINS ROAD Reference staff report dated 1/19/83 detailing permit history, use permit issue and listing four conditions for consideration should the Commission wish to conform the use permit to the existing practice. Attachments were as follows: site drawing; November 16, 1982 letter to Ann Mori, Peninsula Sports Center from the City Attorney; January 11, 1983 letter to Ms. Mori from the City Planner; June 19, 1979 letter from the Asst. City Planner to Ms. Mori; Planning Commission minutes of June 11, 1979; Director of Public Works' May 5, 1979 memo; Planning Commission minutes of November 27, 1978; Director .of Public Works' November 22, 1978 memo; Traffic Engineer's November 14, 1978 memo; December 5, 1978 letter of action from the Asst. City Planner; staff report for Item No. 7, November 27, 1978 agenda; Project Assessment revised 11/2/78; application letter from Ms. Mori dated October 20, 1978; November 19, 1978 letter from Ms. Mori; site plan for Peninsula Sports Center, 1239 Rollins Road received October 24, 1978; Fire Marshal's memo of January 19, 1983; Special Permit application dated 10/16/78; and letter from Ms. Mori received by the City Attorney January 18, 1983. CA Coleman noted Fire Department correspondence regarding Fire Code violations and information received from Ms. Mori, after notice of revocation hearing, that indicated hours of operation and class size were not in conformance with the original permit; the CP's staff memo sets forth options for Commission's action. Ms. Mori was present and, led by Chm. Mink, there was considerable discussion concerning her present hours of operation and class size. It was pointed out that the concern of Commission was traffic and circulation in the area which depends on the number of people who visit the Center and the hours. As a result of this discussion an amendment was made to the permit to allow gymnastics and fitness classes on the site for a maximum of 16 students and two instructors per class plus some parent observers, with hours from 10:00 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. weekdays and 10:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. Saturdays. It was brought out that Peninsula Sports Center also holds gymnastics meets. Chm. Mink opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the Chair declared the hearing closed. Concern was expressed about traffic during critical peak hours and the impact of those attending the gymnastics meets. Ms. Mori advised all were small teams consisting of children and she would prefer earlier hours. It was noted that after normal working hours there would be parking spaces available for those attending the meets. The hours of 5:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. were agreed with a maximum of 55 people, the occupancy load to be established by proper city staff. Page 4 City of Burlingame Planning Commission January 24, 1983 C. Giomi moved to grant an amendment to the November 27, 1978 use permit for Peninsula Sports Center at 1239 Rollins Road with the following conditions: (1) weekday hours of operation to be limited to 10:00 A.M. - 8:30 P.M., and 10:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. on Saturdays; (2) that class enrollment be limited to a maximum of 16 students and two instructors per class with occasional parents; (3) to allow gymnastics meets, Monday through Friday, from 5:30 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. with a maximum occupancy not to exceed 55 people; (4) that this site be found in compliance with the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire Code requirements for this use at this location; and (5) that the business be found to be in compliance with the standards of the Uniform Building Code and the Uniform Fire Code and conditions of this use permit in six months time. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved unanimously on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. ITEM FOR STUDY 5. AMENDMENT OF 4/28/80 CONDOMINIUM PERMIT TO ENCLOSE THE UNDERGROUND PARKING AREA WITH A GATE AT 733 FAIRFIELD ROAD Requests: exact percentage of the grade into the parking garage; number of on -street parking spaces available within reasonable walking distance of the property; number of available spaces on the R-3 and R-1 sides of the street; alternative location for the gate. It was also requested that Commission restudy guest parking policy. Item set for hearing February 14, 1983. CITY PLANNER REPORTS CP's review of January 12, 1983 Council study meeting and January 17, 1983 Council regular meeting was distributed to Commissioners. Discussion of regulation alternatives for grocery and drug uses in the C-1 and C-2 districts was continued. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Nannette Giomi Secretary