HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1983.01.10CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION -JANUARY 10, 1983 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Mink on Monday, January 10, 1983 at 7:32 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Garcia, Giomi, Graham, Harvey, Leahy, Mink Absent: None Staff Present: City Planner Margaret Monroe; City Attorney Jerome F. Coleman; City Engineer Frank C. Erbacher MINUTES - The minutes of the December 13, 1982 meeting were unanimously approved and adopted. AGENDA - Order of the agenda unanimously approved with the addition of Item 2 (a) followed by a short recess for an expression of commendation and appreciation to retiring Commissioner Joseph E. Harvey. ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. VARIANCE TO ALLOW AN ADDITION TO THE HOME AT 751 LINDEN AVENUE, ZONED R-2, BY ROBERT DYSON, APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNER CP Monroe reviewed this application to allow a 414 SF living room addition to a home that does not meet minimum front or side setback requirements. Reference staff report dated 1/4/83; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 12/15/82; 12/17/82 memo from the Fire Marshal; 12/21/82 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; 1/4/83 memo from the City Engineer; December 10, 1982 letter from Robert A. Costa, Classic Construction, applicant's representative; December 22, 1982 memo from Helen Towber, Planner re average front setback calculations for this block; aerial photograph (distributed this evening) and plans date stamped December 15, 1982. CP discussed the two variances requested; code requirements; staff review; applicant's justification for the variances; Planning staff's consideration of this project. If approved one condition was suggested as listed in the staff report. Robert Dyson, the property owner, was present. Ch. Mink opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was declared closed. It was pointed out in discussion that the application had been signed by the contractor for this project; however, City Attorney advised the property owner's presence this evening indicated he was aware of the application. It was also noted that the average setback on the block was 18'-11". The Chair reviewed applicant's letter of justification noting exceptional circumstances in the shape of the lot and the fact that setbacks in this block vary significantly; that a growing family necessitated another bedroom and this project seemed the most aesthetic proposal; that there would be no public hazard or obstruction of traffic at the corner; and the home would remain a single family residence. C. Giomi moved for approval of these two variances with the condition that the project as -built be consistent with the plans date stamped December 15, 1982 and with the Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes January 10, 1983 following findings: that there were exceptional circumstances in the shape of the lot, the placement of the original home and subsequent changes in city codes, and the variety of setbacks on the block; that the variances were necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a property right of the owner in his need for more living space; that there would be no public hazard for automobiles at the corner due to the stairstep nature of the addition nor would it be injurious to other property owners; and that this proposal would not adversely affect the comprehensive zoning plan of the city. Second C. Graham; motion approved unanimously on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 2. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF 10/27/76 SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW CENTURY 21 REAL ESTATE ACADEMY TO CONDUCT CLASSES AT 1799 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY, BY JOHN W. HATTEN FOR CENTURY 21 (CONTINUED FROM 12/13/82) CP Monroe reviewed this latest request by Mr. Hatten to extend his permit only to March 31, 1983 as they plan to relocate their training facility to another peninsula city. Reference staff report dated 1/4/83; letter from John W. Hatten, Regional Director, Century 21 dated December 17, 1982; minutes of the December 13, 1982 Planning Commission meeting at which time the item was continued due to the absence of applicant and/or property owner; staff report for Item #3 for the 12/13/82 meeting; November 16, 1982 letter from Mr. Hatten; "no comments/concerns" memos from the City Engineer (11/16/82) and Chief Building Inspector (11/23/82); December 1, 1982 memo from the Fire Marshal. CP discussed Mr. Hatten's request to extend the permit to March 31, 1983 without his attendance at the 1/10/83 meeting; staff requested Commission hold a public hearing and make a determination on the amended request. If this extension is granted, three conditions were suggested as listed in the staff report. During discussion CP advised staff had received no concerns or complaints about this operation and that this is merely a review item, no filing fee would be charged for the extension. C. Graham moved that an extension of this special permit be approved with the following conditions: (1) that the daytime classes be limited to eight sessions per month with an average attendance not to exceed 20 people and a maximum attendance of 50; (2) that evening real estate license classes be held two evenings per week with an average attendance of 30 persons and maximum attendance of 50 people; and (3) that this permit be extended to March 31, 1983. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved unanimously on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. Item 2 (a) At the conclusion of the action items the Chair asked Secretary Graham to read Resolution of Commendation and Appreciation to Joseph E. Harvey, retiring Commissioner. Chairman Mink recognized in the audience Mayor Barton, Councilman and Mrs. Amstrup, Councilman and Mrs. Mangini and Councilman Martin. Mayor Barton, on behalf of the City Council, thanked Mr. Harvey for his exceedingly fine leadership on the Planning Commission and for his many years of service to the city. The Chair expressed appreciation to Mr. Harvey for his help and leadership on the Commission and wished him well in future. Retiring Commissioner Harvey expressed his pleasure in serving the city, the rewards received, the friendships formed, and commended the city's staff. He then introduced members of his family including his wife, Doris; sons and daughters-in-law, Mike and Karlene and Kevin and Sheryl; and two grandchildren, Eric and Julie. Chairman Mink declared a recess at 7:50 P.M. for a short reception in C. Harvey's honor; meeting reconvened at 8:15 P.M. Newly appointed Planning Commissioner Charles F. Schwalm was seated for the remainder of the meeting. Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes January 10, 1983 ITEMS FOR STUDY 3. MASTER SIGN PERMIT FOR THE BUILDING AT 1200 HOWARD AVENUE CP advised staff had asked the property owner for a master signage program for the guidance of all tenants and city staff. Requests: more detail on the design criteria; uniformity in design; clarification of lighting including ground sign lighting and overall lighting scheme for the building; clarification of addresses; detail on nameplate signs; how does request exceed code. Item set for hearing January 24, 1983. 4. AMENDMENT OF CONDOMINIUM PERMIT TO ENCLOSE THE PARKING GARAGE AT 1500 WILLOW AVENUE Requests: how many on -street spaces are accessible to this building for guest parking; availability of on -street parking spaces presently and in future, and at what hours of day; status of TSP Commission's discussion of these on -street spaces; alternatives to the gate. CA advised this gate as installed was not on the approved condominium plans, therefore the gate would be an amendment to the condominium permit. Item set for hearing January 24, 1983. 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW A 360 ROOM HOTEL AT 150 ANZA BOULEVARD, BY BLUNK ASSOCIATES FOR GRANADA ROYALE HOMETELS WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA At staff's suggestion Commission agreed to a special study session for this item on Wednesday, January 19, 1983 at 7:30 P.M. in Conference Room B. The Chair added one action item, i.e., election of a new Vice Chairman to replace C. Harvey. CITY PLANNER REPORTS CP Monroe summarized Council actions at its meeting of January 3, 1983. Convenience Stores in the C-1 and C-2 Districts Reference staff report dated 1/5/83. CP Monroe discussed the moratorium imposed by Council on grocery, drug and sundry stores in C-1 and C-2 and its request that staff take the matter to the Planning Commission for their study and recommendation to Council. CP noted police records from 1975 to 1982, types of police calls and hours; regulations of other cities; previous public concerns and a summary of concerns. CP requested Commission input as to whether additional regulation of these stores was necessary and, if so, what should the nature of the regulation be. Discussion: types of convenience stores; hours of operation, should not be too restrictive; desirability of all-night operations; location of these stores and possibility of different regulations for different areas; proximity to R-1; physical regulations to mitigate littering/noise; landscaping/lighting regulations. It was agreed staff would draft several options for Commission consideration including general provisions for the zone and a specific set of standards for grocery and drug stores. Review of Metal Roofs and Suggested Code Changes Reference staff report for this item, City Manager's memo to Council (11/9/82) and City Attorney's 12/30/82 memo to Council attaching proposed ordinance allowing metal roofs and walls. CP Monroe reviewed Council's discussion of the need to revise the Municipal Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 January 10, 1983 Code amending the Uniform Building Code regarding metal roofs and buildings. CA's proposed ordinance received first reading at the 1/3/83 Council meeting. Commission had been asked to review this ordinance, the major change being the elimination of architectural review by Commission of all metal buildings and roofs. There were no Commission objections. Commissioners' Notebook CP briefly discussed the possibilities for use of this book. Ch. Mink suggested staff reports refer to sections of the notebook, that copies of the book be made available to the public at the library and that Commission begin discussions concerning procedures and -interaction with each other. Chairman Mink made available to other Commissioners publications he had received as Chairman of the Commission. CP Monroe distributed Financial Disclosure forms and an announcement of the 1983 Planning Commissioners Institute to be held at the Hyatt Del Monte, Monterey, March 2-4, 1983. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 P.M. to January 19, 1983 at 7:30 P.M. in Conference Room B, City Hall. Respectfully submitted, Harry S. Graham Secretary