HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1982.08.23CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 23, 1982 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Mink on Monday, August 23, 1982 at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Garcia, Giomi, Graham, Leahy, Mink Absent: Commissioner Harvey (excused) Staff Present: City Planner Margaret Monroe; City Engineer Frank C. Erbacher MINUTES - The minutes of the August 9, 1982 meeting were unanimously approved and adopted. AGENDA - Order of the agenda approved. CP advised the 8/9/82 study meeting item, 477 Airport Boulevard, would be on a future agenda for action since the applicant is redesigning. ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. VARIANCE TO ALLOW A 578 SF TWO BEDROOM -BATH ADDITION TO A SINGLE FAMILY HOME AT 607 CONCORD WAY, BY ROBERT MASSAGLI CP Monroe reviewed this request for an addition to a single family home with substandard parking. Reference staff report dated 8/16/82; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 7/14/82; aerial photograph; August 12, 1982 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; 8/9/82 memo from the Fire Marshal; 7/14/82 letter from the applicant, Robert Massagli; site drawings received July 14, 1982; and plans date stamped July 14, 1982. CP discussed details of the application, 1976 conversion of the rear portion of the garage to a non -habitable darkroom and recent inspection which showed there was a bed in this darkroom area, staff review, applicant's justification for variance, code requirements. Staff recommended the converted portion of the garage be brought up to code appropriate to its use and, if the variance were granted, one condition was suggested as listed in the staff report. Robert Massagli, the applicant, advised the darkroom conversion had been made before he moved in and confirmed the completed addition would result in four bedrooms and this recreation room. CP commented that if the darkroom area is to be occupied it must be brought up to code and also advised there had been no discussion with the applicant about reconverting to a tandem garage. Chm. Mink opened the public hearing. There were no comments in favor. Richard Perry, 601 Concord Way spoke in opposition: concern about automobiles parking on the street and creating an obstruction for the street cleaners. There were no further audience comments and the public hearing was declared closed. Commission discussion and concerns: difficulty in making finding of fact; a suggestion that the tandem garage be converted to its original use (applicant was not in favor); Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes August 23, 1982 ,applicant had not demonstrated hardship to support approval of the variance; it was 'determined the applicant's two cars were of compact size which might fit in the tandem garage, if reconverted; possibilities of redesign were discussed; concern was expressed about four bedrooms and only a one car garage for this family of five; speaking to redesign, the applicant was advised if he were to remove the small bathroom and recreation room, recreating the garage and extending the back wall to make a standard two car garage, he would not be required to come before the Commission. The Chair pointed out that Commission consensus appeared to be a desire that the applicant provide two parking spaces on this lot, either tandem or standard. Ron Cert, contractor, confirmed with Commission that if the applicant redesigned with extension of the back wall to provide two standard spaces, a variance would not be required. Processing time was discussed for each option open to the applicant. The Chair then declared this item removed from the agenda at the request of the applicant, modified plans to be heard at the next meeting. 2. VARIANCE TO ALLOW A 350 SF BEDROOM -BATH ADDITION TO A SINGLE FAMILY HOME AT 920 LINDEN AVENUE, BY MICHAEL AND KARLENE HARVEY CP Monroe reviewed this request for a variance to the off-street parking requirement in order to allow a first floor bedroom -bath addition to the existing two bedroom home. Reference staff report dated 8/16/82; Project Application &.CEQA Assessment received 7/28/82; aerial photograph; 8/5/82 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; 8/9/82 memo from the Fire Marshal; "no comments" memo from the Director of Public Works; July 28, 1982 letter from the applicants; and plans date stamped July 28, 1982. CP discussed details of the application, staff review, applicant's justification and code requirements. It was noted the existing garage exceeds current standards for a one car garage but substantial remodeling and reconstruction would be needed to accommodate two cars behind the front setback; the face of the garage is at the front setback so tandem parking is not possible without removing the kitchen behind the garage. Staff recommended approval. The applicants, Michael and Karlene Harvey, were present. Chm. Mink opened the public hearing. William Jans, 933 Linden Avenue spoke in favor: this house is as -built many years ago, most of the homes on the block were built the same way (with one car garages a part of the structure, close to the front setback); the applicants have only one car at present. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. During discussion it was determined the addition would be made to the back of the house; that the kitchen would have to be removed if garage space were added. Michael Harvey advised the proposed construction would bring their home up to present code (with the exception of the parking requirement), and that one of two apple trees would have to be removed. "No comments" memos from the Director of Public Works, Chief Building Inspector and Fire Marshal were noted as well as the CBI's note re double hung windows. C. Leahy found there were exceptional circumstances in the location of the existing garage as -built so that it cannot be expanded to the front or the sides and expansion to the rear would require moving the kitchen and breakfast room; that these circumstances were a hardship upon the applicant; that the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a property right of the owner in order to expand his home to take care of the needs of a growing family; that it would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare and would not change the zoning or adversely affect the comprehensive zoning plan of the city.* Second C. Giomi. Chm. Mink wished to include in the record *C. Leahy moved for approval of this variance. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes a further finding of fact: that this plan has Program which is for the purpose of meeting on city, to upgrade the housing stock; that this enlarge and increase its housing stock without property owner. This finding was incorporated by C. Giomi in her second. Motion approved on Appeal procedures were advised. Page 3 August 23, 1982 beeen reviewed by the County Rehabilitation e of the General Plan objectives of this is the best alternative the city has to undue financial stress on the individual into his motion by C. Leahy and accepted a 6-0 roll call vote, C. Harvey absent. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT AMENDMENT FOR A CHILD'S WAY AT WASHINGTON SCHOOL, 801 HOWARD AVENUE, BY NANCI LAWSON CP Monroe reviewed this request to extend the operating hours of the preschool program to three afternoons a week. Reference staff report dated 8/17/82; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 7/27/82; aerial photograph; August 4, 1982 letter from James E. Black, Superintendent, Burlingame School District; School District Bid Proposal Form, 6/3/82; 8/16/82 memo from the City Engineer; letter and traffic map from the applicant received July 27, 1982. CP discussed details of this request, staff review, School Board approval, applicant's explanation of the request. Staff recommended approval of this amendment with one condition as listed in the staff report. Nanci Lawson, the applicant, clarified enrollment figures: the present program was approved for 30 students; total enrollment is now 45, but these students are not all there at the same time; her State of California Social -Services license limits her to 27 students on the premises at one time; in actual practice there is a maximum of 24 students at one time. The present request is for a maximum of 15 students on the premises at one time in the afternoon. It was determined the Board of Education had given its approval and that Notices of Hearing had been sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the school. Chm. Mink opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. C. Graham moved to approve this special permit amendment to extend the operating hours of A Child's Way to three afternoons a week with a maximum of 15 students, and with review of this amendment in June, 1983. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved on a 6-0 roll call vote, C. Harvey absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 4. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP, TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR A 15 UNIT RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM PROJECT AT 30 LORTON AVENUE CE Erbacher recommended a one year extension be August 4, 1982 memo from the Director of Public Brian Cassidy Construction Inc. C. Graham moved the condominium permit and to recommend to City tentative parcel map and tentative subdivision vote. STUDY ITEMS recommended to City Council. Reference Works and August 2, 1982 letter from to approve a one year extension of Council a one ;year extension of the map. Second C. Cistulli; all aye voice 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW OPERATION OF A DELI, 216 CALIFORNIA DRIVE Commission requests: a plan of the total property (212/214/216/218 California Drive) drawn to scale with all appropriate openings and sanitary facilities noted as well as a seating plan for the deli, and staff comments on these new plans. Item set for hearing September 13, 1982 if staff finds the application complete. Page 4 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes August 23, 1982 5a. 477 AIRPORT BOULEVARD Redesign of parking for this project is in process. The Chair requested, for the hearing, a statement from staff that the modifications to the plans are substantially in agreement with the EIR or mitigations recommended in the EIR.. CITY PLANNER REPORT 6. CP Monroe reviewed City Council actions at its August 16, 1982 meeting. Appeal hearings set for September 7, 1982: 1669 Bayshore Highway; 1441 Drake Avenue; and 1449 Bellevue Avenue. Council adopted the following ordinances: Ordinance 1230 Making Technical Corrections in Burlingame Avenue Commercial Area Regulations; Ordinance 1231 Amending Height Restrictions on Awning Signs. CP reported: Days Inn construction is completed and they have received an occupancy permit from the Building Department; Holiday Inn is still under construction. Council discussion of bayfront signage has been continued to a study session. 7. REVIEW OF DRAFT POLICY FOR OFFICE AND RETAIL USES IN THE M-1 ZONE Reference staff memo dated 8/17/82 and City Attorney's comment dated 8/18/82. CA's comment noted that the CP's policy would essentially prohibit independent retail businesses such as delis, print shops and other similar support businesses and would require code modification. Discussion: staff concern about expansion of offices within existing warehouses and additional traffic generation; the ability of the present ordinance to maintain a balance of warehouse and office uses; the current ordinance allows independent support retail and service businesses with a special permit; the desirability of continuing to allow establishments which provide direct services to the people who work in the area; separation of support businesses such as delis throughout the area in order to reduce traffic movement; avoid advertising of businesses which would attract customers from outside the area; reduce retail sales in the M-1 zone which might compete with the main business districts; retain services such as mini medical operations which specifically serve the people in the area; present code does not limit the type of retail uses that could be considered for a special permit or how many of any one type; possibility of a code requirement for deli uses in M-1 similar to that for gasoline service stations which requires a fixed distance between each station; look further at the balance of uses in the zone. The Chair requested staff continue study of this matter, work on the policy and, if it would require code amendment, draft such suggested amendment. An.ini1RNMFNT The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Harry S. Graham Secretary