HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1982.11.22CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 22, 1982 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Mink on Monday, November 22, 1982 at 7:37 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Garcia, Giomi, Graham, Harvey, Leahy, Mink Absent: None Staff Present: City Planner. Margaret Monroe; City Attorney Jerome F. Coleman; City Engineer Frank C. Erbacher MINUTES - The minutes of the November 8, 1982 meeting were unanimously approved and adopted. AGENDA - Order of the agenda unanimously approved. ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. RECOMMENDATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT EIR-57P FOR THE PROPOSED 350 ROOM GRANADA ROYALE HOMETEL PROJECT AT 150 ANZA BOULEVARD CP Monroe referred to the Response to Comments document for Draft EIR-57P and Planning Commission Resolution No. 8-82 with Findings recommending the Final EIR to Council for review and action. Reference staff report for this item with attached resolution and Exhibit A, Significant Effects, Mitigations and Findings. CP Monroe and Commission discussed the effect of using underground parking to reduce the FAR; clarified that Response to Comments to EIR-57P calls for an improvement to the existing sewer system by the city, not an expansion to the system; reducing the height of the hotel by one floor and/or eliminating the parking structure would eliminate the need for a Special Permit to exceed 1.0 FAR and would reduce view obstructions; Chm. Mink noted that Item #9 of Exhibit A "Significant Effects" should be changed to read "increase in jobs would result in increased need for housing in San Mateo County." The Commission acknowledged John Raiser who wished to speak on this item. He noted that this project will reduce or eliminate views from adjacent buildings and wanted this point more emphatically stated; SeaBreeze office building views of the bay will be eliminated. Chm. Mink acknowledged that the Final EIR does identify and discuss the impacts on views from adjacent structures. C. Giomi moved to recommend that Planning Commission Resolution No. 8-82 be approved and EIR-57P be forwarded to the City Council. Second by C. Harvey; motion approved 7-0 on roll call vote. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A BATH HOUSE AND CABANA BEHIND THE EXISTING HOME AT 2614 SUMMIT DRIVE, BY CHARLES MAHNKEN CP Monroe reviewed this application to build a 119 SF recreational structure and 71 SF cabana at the rear of this property adjacent to the swimming pool. Reference staff Pa ge 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes November 22, 1982 report for Item #2; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 10/13/82; aerial :photograph; photos of the site; site drawing; "no comments" memos from the Chief Building Inspector (11/3/82), Fire Marshal (10/25/82) and City Engineer (10/29/82); letter from Charles Mahnken, the applicant, dated October 13, 1982; letter in support from John and Jacqueline Moran, 2616 Summit Drive; November 8, 1982 study meeting minutes; and site plan date stamped November 12, 1982. CP Monroe discussed details of the proposal; staff review; applicant's justification for his request; answers to questions raised at the study session. Planning staff noted conversion of the proposed structures to living space would be extremely difficult, and recommended approval with one condition as listed in the staff report. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mahnken (applicants) were present. Chm. Mink opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the Chair declared the hearing closed. Commission discussed overall lot coverage with the proposed addition; acknowledged that the proposal preserves views and maintains the setback requirements of the code. C. Harvey made a motion to approve the Special Permit based on the structure's compliance with zoning requirements and minor impact on affected lots; second C. Cistulli. Chm. Mink conditioned the motion that construction shall be as shown in plans submitted with this application and conform to the Uniform Building Code as amended by the City of Burlingame. Motion approved unanimously on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A DETACHED GARAGE AT 2160 TROUSDALE DRIVE, BY SPAULDING CONSTRUCTION FOR MR. AND MRS. EDWARD FRANKE CP Monroe reviewed this request for three special permits (to exceed height, plate line and floor area) to construct a 741 SF detached garage replacing the existing garage on this site. Reference staff report for Item #3; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 10/14/82; aerial photograph; November 3, 1982 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; "no comments" memos from the Fire Marshal (10/25/82) and City Engineer (10/29/82); October 1, 1982 letter from Spaulding Contruction Co., signed by Mrs. L. Durham, 2158 Trousdale indicating "no objections" to the proposal; October 14, 1982 letter from Spaulding Construction Co. presenting the project; November 8, 1982 study session minutes; and plans date stamped October 14, 1982. CP Monroe discussed details of the proposal; code requirements; staff review; applicant's reasons for the request; answers to study session questions; Planning staff observations. One condition, as listed in the staff report, was suggested for Commission consideration. Edward Franke (applicant) and John Spaulding (contractor) were present. Chm. Mink opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the public hearing was closed. Commission discussion included: clarification by C. Harvey that the overall height of the proposed design could be maintained at 15'-0" (based on a 9"-6" garage door, a 14" header and 4'-4" rise for the 4/12 roof slope); existing carport: next to the present garage should be removed if the application is approved; proposed roof line is compatible with other nearby structures; a hip roof would reduce the visual impact from the street. C. Harvey made a motion to approve the three Special Permits with the following conditions: (1) that overall height shall not exceed 15'-0", (2) the plate line shall not exceed 10'-8", (3) the maximum area of the garage shall not exceed 741 SF, (4) that the conditions of the Chief Building Inspector's memo of November 3, 1982 be met; and (5) that the existing carport,in the side yard be removed. Second by C. Graham; motion approved unanimously on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes November 22, 1982 4. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF A PROPOSED METAL ROOF ADDITION TO THE HOME AT 1816 CASTENADA DRIVE, BY BEN GOLAND FOR HANS PHILIPPI CP Monroe reviewed this request for architectural review of a proposed metal roof. Reference staff report for Item #4; Project Application & CEQA Assessment received 11/8/82; aerial photograph; details of the re -roofing proposal from Ben Goland, Westland Builders, Inc. dated November 8, 1982; photographs of the site and the home across the street; November 15, 1982 memo from the Chief Building Inspector with attached Research Committee Report No. 3147P; 11/15/82 memo from the Fire Marshal; November 17, 1982 memo from the Planner listing local area residences using aluminum roofing as proposed; and brochure material provided by the applicant. CP Monroe discussed details of the proposal and noted the municipal code section which requires architectural review by the Planning Commission; staff review; -the brochure material provided; criteria recommended for consideration. One condition of approval was suggested by staff in the staff report. Chm. Mink explained that this is not a public hearing. CP Monroe explained that this review is similar to the recent architectural review of the Park Shed but that this is for only a roof rather than entire structure; several methods of installation are possible but the method presented to the Commission is the method preferred by the Fire and Building Departments; a sample of the roof material was presented to the Commissioners. Commission discussion included: wind resistance of the material; method of installation of metal similar to installing shingles; proposed color is dark brown; every such proposal would require separate review by the Commission under present code restrictions, approval of this proposal is not a 'carte blanche' for future metal roof proposals; the metal roof will not change the present pitch of the roof; brown color is fused to the metal and not just painted on; current ICBO status of the material is up for State review this month; Commission did not desire to continue this item to the next meeting for further discussion. CA Coleman advised using the brand name in Commission action. Chm. Mink noted that the proposal will not substantially affect the height of the structure, building visibility will not be increased by glare, the texture and the brown color will be compatible with the setting and the material is suitable for roofing. C. Giomi made a motion to approve the application for metal roofing to the home at 1816 Castenada with three provisions: (1) that the roof be installed to standards required by the Chief Building Inspector and Fire Marshal., (2) the material be Alcoa Aluminum Country Cedar Shake, (3) the color be Bedford Brown. Second by C. Leahy; motion unanimously approved on roll call vote. Chm. Mink noted that this action is not appealable to the City Council. ITEMS FOR STUDY 5. REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT OF 2/20/79 SPECIAL PERMIT, SNACK BAR, 875 MAHLER ROAD Staff will include a list of the hours of the existing coffee shops in the M-1 District in the staff report. Item set for hearing December 13, 1982. 6. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW A PHOTO -PROCESSING SERVICE AT 214 CALIFORNIA DRIVE Commission requested staff address time limits on curbside parking and availability of access and toilet facilities accessible to the handicapped. Staff will obtain a statement from the applicant that the use of this site will be limited to a quick -stop photo processing shop and will not expand in the future to include retail sales of related material or equipment. Item set for hearing December 13, 1982. Page 4 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes November 22, 1982 7. MASTER SIGN PERMIT, 212-218 CALIFORNIA DRIVE Staff to confirm the overall amount of signage proposed on California Drive; staff to review other sites granted a Master Sign Permit in the past. Item set for hearing December 13, 1982. 8. SPECIAL PERMIT, AUTO AND HOME ALARM INSTALLATION SERVICE, 810 BURLWAY ROAD Staff to check the ownership of the strip of land running along the drainage easement and whether project parking is being provided on it; how much retail and seminar use will occur on this site; Fire and Building Departments to assure that the building is appropriate for these uses; a statement from the applicant explaining his choice of this site for this multiple classroom, retail, service use; proposed sign location and size to be reviewed by staff; check if parking is adequate on this site. Item set for hearing December 13, 1982. CITY PLANNER REPORT CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP, HOLIDAY RENT -A -CAR, 1470 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY Reference November 16, 1982 letter from P. Terry Anderlini, Monaco, Anderlini & Finkelstein, requesting a business permit transfer for this rent -a -car agency and auto servicing and detailing company (letter also signed by James S. Tennant, President, JMT Leasing, Inc., dba Holiday Rent-A-Car System). Included for Commissioners' information. REVIEW OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING, NOVEMBER 15, 1982 CP Monroe reviewed the Council's actions. OTHER BUSINESS Commission cancelled the meeting of December 27 due to lack of a quorum. ACKNOWLEDGMENT ABAG announcement of Second Units Workshop, December 8, 1982 at Oakland Main Library, West Auditorium. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Harry S. Graham Secretary AGENDA CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 22, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. MINUTES November 8, 1982 IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. Recommendation of EIR-57P to the City Council for the proposed 350 room Granada Royale Hometel project at 150 Anza Boulevard, by Environmental Science Associates, Inc. (consultant) for Hometels Development Corp. (applicant) with the State of California (property owner). 2. Special Permit to construct a 119 SF bath house and a 71 SF cabana behind the existing house at 2614 Summit Drive (APN 027-271-230), zoned R-1, by Charles Mahnken (property owner and applicant). 3. Special Permit to construct a 741 SF detached garage at 2160 Trousdale Drive that exceeds code standards for height, plate line and floor area (APN 025- 094-080), zoned R-1, by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Franke (property owners and applicants). 4. Architectural Review of a proposed metal roof addition to the home at 1816 Castenada Drive (APN 025-091-210), zoned R-1, by Ben Goland (applicant) for Hans Philippi (property owner). VI. ITEMS FOR STUDY 5. Request for amendment of the February 20, 1979 Special Permit to allow a snack bar in the M-1 District at 875 Mahler Road, by S. T. Teng (applicant and snack bar owner). 6. Special Permit to allow a photo -processing service at 214 California Drive in Sub -Area D of the Burlingame Avenue Commercial Area (APN 029-213-030), zoned C-2, by William Mullin and Cortlandt Bender for In Fine Print, Inc. (applicant) with David Kimmel (property owner). 7. Master Sign Permit to establish a sign program for the building at 212-218 California Drive (APN 029-213-030), zoned C-2, by Nancy Woods of Woods Signs (applicant) for David Kimmel (property owner). 8. Special Permit to allow an auto and home alarm installation service in the M-1 District at 810 Burlway Road (APN 026-111-120), by Jim Bergren of Identi- Guard Systems (applicant) with Peninsula Properties (property owner). VII. CITY PLANNER REPORT - Change of ownership, Holiday Rent-A-Car, 1470 Bayshore Highway. - Review of City Council meeting, November 15, 1982. VIII. ADJOURNMENT