HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1981.02.23CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 23, 1981 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Mink on Monday, February 23, 1981 at 7:31 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Graham, Harvey, Jacobs, Mink, Taylor Absent: Commissioner Sine (excused) Staff Present: City Planner John R. Yost; City Attorney Jerome F. Coleman; City Engineer Frank C. Erbacher MINUTES - Upon motion of C. Jacobs, second C. Cistulli, minutes of the February 9, 1981 meeting were approved and adopted. AGENDA - Upon motion of C. Jacobs, second C. Cistulli, order of the agenda approved. MEETING ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. SPECIAL PERMIT TO INSTALL 5 SOLAR PANELS ON THE ROOF OF THE DETACHED GARAGE AT 1133 CABRILLO AVENUE, BY DR. AND MRS. ROSENTHAL WITH FAFCO SOLAR SYSTEMS CP Yost reviewed this application to install five solar panels with a maximum height of 19'-6". Reference staff report dated 2/19/81; Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 1/29/81; aerial photograph; site plan and photographs; February 2, 1981 letter from Narong Plangsiri, Fafco Solar Systems; Fafco "Component Identification" sheet; and memos from the City Engineer, Chief Building Inspector and Chief Fire Inspector indicating "no comments", "no problems" and "no requirements". CP discussed code requirements and issues raised by the application. Staff recommended approval with one condition as listed in the staff report. The applicants were present. Chm. Mink opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Discussion: other solar systems installed in the city; visual impact on the neighborhood; special permit is required because this solar installation exceeds the 14' code maximum for accessory structures. It was determined that opaque, black solar panels would be used. Incorporating the comments in the City Planner's staff report: as findings of fact, C. Taylor moved to approve this special permit subject to the condition that the installation of the panels and supporting rack be identical to the plans filed with this application and date stamped January 26, 1981. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved 6-0 on roll call vote, C. Sine absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 2. VARIANCES TO ALLOW ADDITION OF A 336 SF FAMILY ROOM TO THE EXISTING NONCONFORMING HOME AT 2105 ADELINE DRIVE, BY DONALD AND PALMA RIDDIOUGH CP Yost reviewed this application to add a family room to the existing 3 -bedroom home. Reference staff report dated 2/20/81; Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 2/2/81; aerial photograph of the site; January 23, 1981 letter from Donald and Palma Riddiough; floor plan of the existing structure; letter received February 20, 1981 from Palma Riddiough; February 4, 1981 letter from Paul J. Gumbinger, AIA; Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 February 23, 1981 petition in support signed by six neighbors; February 13, 1981 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; and memos from the City Engineer and Chief Fire Inspector indicating "no comment" and "no requirements". CP discussed the nonconformities of this single family home, variances required by the application, issues involved and staff comments. Staff had no objection to approval with two conditions as listed in the staff report. The applicants were present and confirmed they would remove the laundry room on the side of the house; they requested permission to leave the existing fence at 8'. Procedure for hearing these two variances was discussed. Chm. Mink opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was closed. For the record, a petition in support of the application from six neighbors was noted. CP read the four legal requirements for variance approval. He also confirmed plans for the addition conformed to current code requirements. Commission discussed findings in support of the application. C. Jacobs found that there were exceptional circumstances in the placement of the house on this unusual lot; that there is a hardship because of a physical disability of the applicant and the family's need for more space; that it will improve the housing stock of the community; that it would not be detrimental to the neighborhood; and that approval would not adversely affect the General Plan of the city. C. Jacobs then moved for approval of these two variances with the following conditions: (1) the final working drawings shall be consistent with the plans filed with this application, date stamped January 29, 1981; (2) requirements 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 of the February 13, 1981 memo from the Chief Building Inspector shall be met to the satisfaction of the Building Division prior to the final inspection of the family room; and (3) the side property line fence shall be allowed to remain at 8'. Second C. Graham; motion approved 6-0 on roll call vote, C. Sine absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. THE READING GAME, 1200 HOWARD AVENUE: USE DETERMINATION CP Yost reviewed this application to determine whether the "clinical reading service" is similar to those uses permitted in the C-1 District and unlikely to be obnoxious or detrimental to its immediate neighborhood. Reference staff report dated 2/18/81; Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 2/9/81; aerial photograph of the site; December 16, 1980 letter from Don Hendricks, Vice President, American Learning Corporation; February 3, 1981 letter from Thomas Hanson, Regional Manager, The Reading Game; site plan dated 7/11/80; The Reading Game brochure; and memos from the Chief Building Inspector, Chief Fire Inspector and City Engineer indicating "no objections", "no requirements" and "no comments". CP discussed operating details of this business and possible expansion, issues raised, and supporting facts indicating this service is not a problem at present. There was no staff objection to approval of the use at present staff and student levels; if approved, three conditions were suggested as listed in the staff report. Thomas Hanson, Regional Manager for The Reading Game in Northern California requested that Condition #2 be changed to "12 students" and "4 staff". Discussion: the findings necessary for approval of this use; possible parking impact; hours of operation; and existing schools in the downtown area. CP read the list of permitted uses in the C-1 District. Chm. Mink opened the public hearing. Randy Fehlhaber spoke in favor and suggested that a reading school would be beneficial to the community. There were no further comments and the hearing was closed. Further discussion: parking in the downtown Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 February 23, 1981 area is less congested after 3:00 P.M.; books are not sold on the premises; square footage of the school site; the -company's plans for speed reading instruction. Findings: this reading service is similar to the permitted use of a dancing academy, bringing young people into a teaching environment to learn a skill; it is a remedial activity which might be similar to a doctor's practice. Based on these findings, C. Jacobs found that the "clinical reading service" is similar to those uses permitted in the C-1 District and unlikely to be obnoxious or detrimental to its immediate neighborhood. She then moved the use be approved subject to the following conditions: (1) that the instruction program and its hours of operation be consistent with the December 16, 1980 letter from Don Hendricks, American Learning Corporation; (2) that there be not more than 12 students and 4 staff on-site weekdays between 3:00 and 9:00 P.M.; and (3) that enrollment, class hours, and student/parent parking be subject to review in one year. Second C. Taylor; motion approved 6-0 on roll call vote, C. Sine absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A SECOND CAR RENTAL AGENCY AT 1755 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY IN THE M-1 DISTRICT, BY JOHN BUSSANICK, DISTRICT MANAGER OF ALAMO RENT -A -CAR CP Yost reviewed this application to allow a combined Alamo Rent-A-Car/Trans Rent-A-Car operation on this site. Reference staff report dated 2/18/81; Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 2/1/81; aerial photograph and site plan; December 11, 1980 letter from Linda A. King, House Counsel, Alamo Rent-A-Car; September 18, 1980 letter from'William B. Kurtz, General Manager, Trans Rent-A-Car; memo received February 17, 1981 from the City Engineer; February 13, 1981 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; 2/6/81 memo from the Chief Fire Inspector; staff report and minutes of the November 12, 1979 special permit hearing for Trans Rent-A-Car at this address; and November 26, 1979 letter of action from the City Planner to Seymour Furman, Trans Rent-A-Car. CP discussed the applicant's comments on this proposal, reasons for requiring the special permit, staff comments, and Trans Rent -A -Car's compliance with the terms of its 1978 and 1979 permits. Staff had no objection to approval with four conditions as listed in the staff report. John Bussanick, the applicant was present. It was determined the two car rental agencies are separate, legal entities. Chm. Mink opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Discussion: the amount of vehicle maintenance to be allowed on the premises; trimming of the existing shrubbery to allow visibility for exiting vehicles. C. Graham moved for approval of this special permit with the following conditions: (1) that this permit be approved to Alamo Rent-A-Car and be nontransferable; (2) that the operation of this agency be consistent with the December 11, 1980 letter from Linda A. King, House Counsel for Alamo Rent-A-Car; (3) that the site improvements recommended by the February 17, 1981 memo from the City Engineer and February 13, 1981 memo from the Chief Building Inspector be completed to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department; and (4) that this permit be subject to an annual review, the first to occur May, 1982. Second C. Taylor; motion approved 6-0 on roll call vote, C. Sine absent. Appeal procedures were advised. CA Coleman left the meeting at 8:25*P.M. OTHER BUSINESS 5. REVIEW OF AUGUST 11, 1980 SPECIAL PERMIT: FAIRWAY RENT -A -CAR, 1484 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY CP Yost reviewed this special permit to allow operation of an "off -airport" car rental agency. Reference staff report dated 2/19/81. He discussed conditions of the permit Page 4 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes February 23, 1981 and staff inspections. A final inspection indicated the landscaping had been completed to a satisfactory standard; no further action is necessary at this time. Commission concurred. A further report will be made in August, 1981. 6. AMENDMENT OF CURRENT REGULATIONS, BURLINGAME AVENUE OFF-STREET PARKING DISTRICT Reference February 9, 1981 memo from the Director of Public Works to the City Manager, subject: Public Hearing on Parking Changes in Section II of the Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission Report; City Manager's Notice of the February 17, 1981 City Council public hearing on these recommendations; and drawing indicating Proposed New Burlingame Avenue Area Long Term Parking dated 1/30/81. CP Yost reported these recommendations for changes were agreeable to City Council with one exception, further changes are expected in the next month and, in the near future, Council will consider changes to parking rates in the downtown area. Considerable discussion followed: the Commission's role in studying, formulating and presenting specific recommendations to Council for action; the present 15,000 SF code exemption for new development, and possible changes; an extreme concern about the increase in downtown parking, particularly the recent office buildings approved in the Parking District; need to define the city's commercial area; possibility of a moratorium on new office buildings in the District, for some specific length of time, to allow a detailed study of the present zoning regulations. C. Jacobs moved that the Chairman of the Planning Commission correspond with the City Council expressing the Commission's concern about parking congestion in the downtown area and recommending that Council place a moratorium on new office buildings in the Parking District for a period of six months. During this time the Commission will conduct a detailed study of the problem and forward recommendations to the Council. Second C. Graham; all aye voice vote. CITY PLANNER REPORT At the invitation of Chairman Mink, Apprentice Commissioner Bill Garcia joined Commission on the podium for this section of the meeting. 7. ORDINANCE NO. 1198 - ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RENTAL HOUSING REPLACEMENT STANDARDS AND TENANT PROTECTION MEASURES ON CONDOMINIUM CONVERSIONS: MARCH 2, 1981 COUNCIL HEARING Reference draft Ordinance No. 1198 distributed with Commission's packet. CP Yost reported on Council action regarding condominium conversions at its February 17, 1981 meeting. Ordinance No. 1198 is scheduled for public hearing at Council's March 2 meeting. 8. PLANNING COMMISSIONERS INSTITUTE, SACRAMENTO, FEBRUARY 11-13, 1981 Reference program for the Institute distributed with Commission's packet. C. Garcia and CP Yost reported on their attendance at this meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:11 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Joseph E. Harvey Secretary