HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1981.08.10CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 10, 1981 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs on Monday, August 10, 1981 at 7:31 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Garcia, Graham, Harvey, Leahy, Jacobs Absent: Mink (on vacation, excused) Staff Present: Acting City Planner Margaret Monroe; City Attorney Jerome F. Coleman; City Engineer Frank C. Erbacher MINUTES - The minutes of the July 27, 1981 meeting were unanimously approved and adopted. AGENDA - Order of the agenda approved unanimously. MEETING ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A DRIVE-THROUGH CARPORT AT 1416 EDGEHILL DRIVE, BY GAIL AND ROBERT MOLINA ACP Monroe reivewed this application to build a 12'-8" wide drive-through carport within 0'-1" of the side property line. Reference staff report. dated 8/5/81; Project Application & CEQA Assessment; aerial photograph; drawings date stamped July 23, 1981; photographs of the site; 8/5/81 memo from the City Engineer; 7/30/81 memo from the Fire Inspector; July 31, 1981 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; July 22, 1981 letter in support from Pam Nicholas, 1420 Edgehill Drive; and July 22, 1981 letter from Gail and Robert Molina. ACP discussed details of the application, code require- ments, staff comments and the applicants' justification for variance. Staff recommended approval. Fernando Villanueva, 829 Fairfield Road, was present representing the applicants. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments. Secy. Harvey noted letter in support from Pam Nicholas, 1420 Edgehill Drive, the adjacent neighbor. The encroachment permit granted for the front fence on this site was discussed. C. Harvey found that the applicants' letter presented justification for approval of this variance: that there were exceptional circumstances in that the applicants must cross their nieghbor's property to reach their garage; that the variance was necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a property right, i.e. to be allowed to reach their garage on their own property; that it would not be detrimental to the neighbor- hood nor affect the comprehensive zoning plan of the city. C. Harvey then moved that this variance be granted with the following conditions as listed in the Chief Building Inspector's memo of July 31, 1981: (1) that a one hour fire wall with no openings be placed on the side of the carport along the property line, and (2) that drainage from the roof be collected and taken to an approved location. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved unanimously on roll call vote, C. Mink absent. Appeal procedures were advised. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 August 10, 1981 2. VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A HOME WHICH RISES 1'-9" ABOVE THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT PERMITTED BY CODE, AT 1857 LOYOLA DRIVE, BY JOHN C. LEE FOR PETER GONG ACP Monroe reviewed this application to construct a 3,651 SF single family dwelling on a vacant lot at the above address. Reference staff report dated 8/5/81; Project Application & CEQA Assessment; aerial photograph; July 3, 1981 letter from John C. Lee, architect for the project; 7/30/81 memo from the Fire Marshal; July 31, 1981 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; August 5, 1981 memo from the City Engineer; and plans date stamped July 13, 1981. ACP discussed details of the proposed structure, code requirements, staff comments and justification for this variance. Staff recommended approval, all development to conform to the code requirements of the City Engineer and Building Department. John Lee, architect for the project, was present. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. Clare McCann, 2601 Frontera Way spoke in opposition. Concerns: loss of privacy and view. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Discussion: the steep slope of the lot, possibility of redesigning the roof, maintaining adequate light and egress to the first floor bedrooms. One Commissioner did not believe the applicant had shown hardship and was not in favor of granting this variance. C. Harvey found that there were exceptional circumstances because of the contour of this lot, one of the few undeveloped lots in.the Mills Estate; that the structure had been designed as close to code standards as possible except for a minor encroachment of the ridge line, and denial would deprive the applicant of his property rights; that granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare inasmuch as the window heights and any other openings out of the building would remain constant irregardless of the adjustment of the roof height; and that this single family house on a R-1 zoned lot would not change the master zoning plan of the city. C. Harvey -then moved for approval of this variance. Second C. Graham; motion approved 5-1 on roll call vote, C. Cistulli dissenting, C. Mink absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 330 SF STORAGE/CABANA STRUCTURE AT 1441 DRAKE AVENUE, BY BOB LIEDTKE FOR SAIT KILKI ACP Monroe reviewed this application to build a storage/cabana structure at the rear of this single family home. Reference staff report dated 8/5/81; Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 8/5/81; aerial photograph; site drawings and photograph; 7/21/81 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; 7/22/81 memo from the Fire Inspector; 7/21/81 memo from the City Engineer; and July 17, 1981 letter from Sait Kilki. Further reference: letter in opposition received the afternoon of the meeting from Elmer R. and Marjorie A. Bean, 1445 Drake Avenue. ACP discussed this project and code requirements, staff comments, applicant's justification for variance and Planning staff concerns. Staff recommended approval. Sait Kilki, the applicant, was present. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. Mrs. Robert Jeide, 1457 Drake Avenue spoke in favor, noted the applicant's need for storage space and felt the project would improve this property. Mrs. Marjorie Bean, 1445 Drake Avenue, read her letter of August 7, 1981 (referenced above). Her concern: the structure would cause an excessive shadow pattern on her property due to the short distance from the common property line and the height of the peak roof. She suggested the structure be moved a more reasonable distance from the property line. Samuel Merchant, 1436 Bernal Avenue expressed concern about drainage. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes August 10, 1981 Discussion and concerns: is a continuous foundation required by the city? (the proposed plans show the structure on piers); height of the structure and code require- ments for height of accessory buildings; possibility of moving the structure a few more feet from the property line; on-site parking meets code requirements; the applicant's need for storage space; possible future conversion; allowing maximum lot coverage for a property without an existing enclosed garage. In view of Commission concerns, CA stated options for a motion. On the basis of Commission concerns and to allow city staff time to answer the questions raised this evening, C. Harvey moved that this application be continued for two weeks to the meeting of August -24 ,1981. -Second C.. Graham; motion -approved unanimously on voice vote, C. Mink absent. The applicant was directed to confer with staff. 4. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT'A 15 UNIT CONDOMINIUM AT 30 LORTON AVENUE 5. TENTATIVE CONDOMINIUM AND PARCEL MAP FOR THE ABOVE Reference City Engineer's August 5, 1981 memo. Revised plans and tentative map do not meet staff requirements. Staff recommended these items be continued to the meeting of August 24, 1981. The Chair so ordered. 6. SIGN EXCEPTION TO ERECT A 40' HIGH POLE SIGN TO REPLACE THE EXISTING POLE SIGN AT 1640 GILBRETH ROAD, BY DAVID HANSON OF ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS CORPORATION FOR BUD'S ICE CREAM OF SAN FRANCISCO ACP Monroe reviewed this application to install a 40' high sign with a double sided face 13'-4" x 10'-2" to be located on .a corner at 1640 Gilbreth.Road. Reference staff report dated 8/5/81; photograph of the existing sign; aerial photograph of the site; Sign Exception application; Sign Permit form giving details of the proposed sign; and Ad -Co sign drawings date stamped July 24, 1981. ACP discussed details of the proposal, existing signage in the area, code requirements and applicant's justification. There was no staff objection to approval if a determination could be made that the require- ments for a sign exception had been satisfied. Carlos Aguilar, representing Bud's Ice Cream and Tony Consul, representing Electrical Products Corporation were present. Mr. Aguilar stated his company would like to take advantage of the existing pole structure and pointed out the proposed sign would be smaller in size than the existing sign. Mr. Consul discussed the design of the sign with Commission. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. Victor Carboni, 410 Pullman Road, Hillsborough (owner of 1668 Gilbreth Road) spoke in opposition. He felt a precedent should not be established, that the code maximum of 20' should be maintained and the aesthetics of the area protected. There were no further comments and public hearing was closed. Visibility from the freeway and adjacent streets was discussed. Concern was expressed about the height and square footage of the proposed sign. C. Graham then moved to deny this sign exception. Second C. Garcia; motion approved 6-0 on roll call vote, C. Mink absent. Appeal procedures were advised. Recess 8:50 P.M.; reconvene 9:05 P.M. Chm. Jacobs welcomed Councilmen Amstrup and Barton to the meeting. Page 4 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes August 10, 1981 ITEMS FOR STUDY The following items were set for public hearing August 24, 1981. 7. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A TWO CAR GARAGE - 2129 POPPY DRIVE Request: are there any special problems identified by the Fire Department regarding the proposed service pit which will be used for working on antique and classic cars? 8. SPECIAL PERMIT - TROPICAL RENT -A -CAR - 1328 MARSTEN ROAD 9. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 1,033 SF GARAGE/STORAGE STRUCTURE AT THE REAR OF THE LOT AT 728-730 LAUREL AVENUE ACP Monroe reported City Council's action at the appeal hearing for a 1,637 SF garage/ workshop at this address. The Planning Commission had denied without prejudice; Council directed the applicant to return to the Comission with his proposed plan changes and waived the permit fee. This new application details the revised plans. CITY PLANNER REPORT SPECIAL PERMIT REVIEW: FAIRWAY RENT -A -CAR, 1484 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY AND PAYLESS CAR RENTAL, 1555 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY ACP Monroe reported staff site inspections; no complaints have been received about either operation and they appear to be in compliance with their special permit conditions. REGULATION OF SECOND STORY ADDITIONS ACP advised of Council's request that the Planning Commission look at ways to regulate second story additions. Staff is researching and will report to the Commission at a subsequent meeting. COMMENT ON HOUSING INVENTORY Reference staff report dated August 10, 1981 with attached July 9, 1980 letter from the Department of Housing and Community Development re: "Review of Burlingame's Adopted Housing Element." ACP Monroe discussed the County Housing Task Force's request for funding of a Housing Inventory, City Council's negative response, the 1977 Housing Guidelines and new legislation, AB 2853, which clarifies the advisory/mandatory issues of the 1977 Housing Guidelines. She outlined five revisions to the Housing Element which the city might take to respond to HCD's comments. Staff will draft these revisions and present them to the Commission for their consideration in September. BURLINGAME AVENUE USE REGULATIONS: MEMO FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY CA Coleman discussed classification questions which had arisen in preparing a draft ordinance for the Burlingame Avenue Parking District area. During discussion Commission clarified its consideration of uses (permitted, conditional and/or prohibited), zone boundaries and definitions of some uses. Further discussion: grandfathering in Zone A, parking requirements. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 August 10, 1981 August 7, 1981 memo from the Chamber of Commerce detailed recommendations from its Parking District Committee regarding Exhibit A, Findings of Planning Commission Resolution No. 2-81. The Chamber indicated a desire that the present moratorium be allowed to expire on October 5, 1981; if a new ordinance were not adopted at that time, it was suggested an intermediate solution be implemented, i.e. applicants for new construction in the downtown area be processed through the City's special permit procedures. I:1IIfIINI' kTUT LY1 The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. Respecfully submitted, Joseph E. Harvey Secretary