HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1981.09.14CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 14, 1981 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs on Monday, September 14, 1981 at 7:33 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Garcia, Graham, Jacobs, Leahy, Mink Absent: Commissioner Harvey (excused) Staff Present: Acting City Planner Margaret Monroe; City Attorney Jerome F. Coleman; City Engineer Frank C. Erbacher MINUTES - The minutes of the August 24, 1981 meeting were unanimously approved and adopted. AGENDA - Order of the agenda approved with the addition of it resolution proposed by C. Graham. ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 330 SF STORAGE/CABANA STRUCTURE AT 1441 DRAKE AVENUE ACP Monroe reviewed this revised application for a storage/cabana structure at the rear of the lot at 1441 Drake Avenue. Reference staff report for Item No. 1; Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 8/5/81; July 17, 1981 letter from Sait Kilki, the applicant; August 10, 1981 Planning Commission minutes; aerial photograph of the site; July 21 and August 27, 1981 memos from the Chief Building Inspector; July 22, 1981 memo from the Chief Fire Inspector; July 21, 1981 memo from the City Engineer; and revised plans for this project. ACP discussed code requirements, Commission's discussion of the original application, the revised plans and staff comments. Approval was recommended with three conditions as listed in the staff report. Bob Liedtke, contractor representing the applicant, was present. Staff advised the revised plans met code requirements for plate line, maximum height and foundation, and the proposed structure had been moved an additional two feet away from the side property line. Commission again expressed concern about allowing maximum lot coverage for a property without an existing enclosed garage. C. Graham moved to deny this special permit. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved on a 4-1 roll call vote, C. Leahy dissenting, C. Mink abstaining, C. Harvey absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 627 SF TWO CAR GARAGE AT 21.29 POPPY DRIVE ACP Monroe reviewed this revised application to replace an existing garage. Reference staff report for Item No. 2; Project Application & CEQA Assessment detailing the revised plans; September 8, 1981 memo from the City Engineer;, July 31 and September 3, 1981 memos from the Chief Building Inspector; August 5, 1981 memo from the City Engineer; 9/3/81 "approval" from the Fire Marshal; July 29, ]1981 memo from the Deputy Fire Marshal; July 23, 1981 letter from Patrick E. Kelley, the applicant; Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 September 14, 1981 photograph of the site; aerial photo; and plans date stamped :September 2, 1981. ACP discussed the revised plans, code requirements, applicant's justification for variance and staff comments. Approval was recommended with one condition as listed in the staff report. Patrick E. Kelley, the applicant, was present. Discussion noted the revised plans met Commission's previous concerns; acceptable covering for the service pit would be required at the time the building permit is issued. One Commissioner expressed his concern about allowing a.service pit in the new structure. C. Graham moved for approval of this special permit in accordance with the revised plans date stamped September 2, 1981 with the condition that the concerns of the Building and Fire Departments and the City Engineer regarding the service pit, drainage and other aspects of construction be met. Second C. Leahy; motion approved on a 4-1 roll call vote, C. Cistulli dissenting, C. Mink abstaining, C. Harvey absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. VARIANCE TO PERMIT A 1420 SF TWO STORY ADDITION TO THE HOME AT 1422 PALOMA AVENUE ACP Monroe reviewed this request for a variance from the off-street pat -,king requirement. Reference staff report for Item No. 3; Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted as complete 8/24/81; aerial photograph of the site; August 26„ 1981 memo from the Fire Marshal; September 1, 1981 memo from the City Engineer; September 3, 1981 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; August 17, 1981 letter from Philip J. Bona, the applicant; and plans date stamped August 14, 1981. ACP discussed code requirements, staff comments and the applicant's justification for variance. Approval was recommended. Philip J. Bona, applicant and architect, was present. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. C. Mink discussed findings for variance approval with the applicant: that there were exceptional circumstances in the placement of the house on the site and that expansion of the garage would be difficult and economically infeasible; that an increase in the living area of the house would be necessary for the enjoyment of a property right of the applicant; that it would not be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the neighbors; and that the granting of the variance would not adversely affect the comprehensive zoning plan of the city. Mr. Bona submitted a petition in support signed by nine people in the neighborhood and a statement in support from the owner of 1418 Paloma Avenue. Windows were discussed, and one Commissioner commended the applicant on his, proposed plans. Based on the finding of fact established in testimony this evening, C. Mink moved for approval of this variance application. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved 6-0 on roll call vote, C. Harvey absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 4. VARIANCE TO PERMIT A 60 SF ADDITION TO THE HOME AT 1624 GRANADA DRIVE ACP Monroe reviewed this request to allow an addition which would extend 18" into the required rear yard. Reference staff report for Item No. 4; Project Application & CEQA Assessment for this project; aerial photograph; August 6, 1981 letter from Bob Britto, Brittos Remodeling & Additions; "no comments" memos from the City Engineer and Chief Building Inspector; August 24, 1981 memo from the Fire Marshal; and plans date stamped August 18, 1981. ACP discussed code requirements, staff comments and applicant's justification for variance. Staff recommended approval. Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 1981 Bob Britto, contractor representing the applicant, was present. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. It was noted ` this property is located at the top of a hill and there are no homes on adjacent properties to the rear. C. Mink discussed findings for variance approval with Mr. Britto: that there are exceptional circumstances in the shape of the lot and placement of the house; that a variance is necessary for the property owner to enjoy his home, with a Bay view and more useable open space; that because of the slope of the lot this structure would not affect the neighbors' health, safety or welfare; and that granting of the variance would not adversely affect the comprehensive zoning plan of the city. Acting Secy. Mink read note from the neighbor at 1660 Granada Drive recommending the variance be approved. Based on the finding of fact previously established, C. Mink moved for approval of this variance application as submitted. Second C. Cistulli; all aye voice vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 5. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 16 UNIT PROJECT AT 35-51 EL CAMINO REAL ACP Monroe reviewed this application to construct a 16 unit, three story project. Reference staff report for Item No. 5; Project Application & CEQA Assessment; aerial photograph of the site; August 17, 1981 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; August 10 and 26, 1981 memos from the Fire Marshal; August 12, 1981 memo from the Park Director; August 14 and September 8, 1981 memos from the City Engineer; September 10, 1981 memo from the City Engineer addressing concerns with regard to guest parking; and plans date stamped September.8, 1981. ACP discussed code requirements, compliance with the Condominium Guidelines, staff comments and concerns. Approval was recommended with three conditions as listed.in the staff report. CE Erbacher discussed guest parking alternatives presented by the applicant and staff concern regarding access to guest parking and numbers of guest parking spaces provided. Leonard Michaels, architect, was present and also discussed the guest parking alternatives. During discussion it was pointed out that the city does not allow rooftop areas as required common open space. The applicant was requested to remove all reference to "rooftop area," replacing this language with "third floor area." Commission indicated that this revision to "third floor area" could be made by a memorandum properly recorded with the plans. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. Jack Willoughby, 1519 Carol Avenue expressed concern about traffic and visual impact on Carol. ACP discussed the plans with him. Sheldon Ramsay and Nixon Elliott, general partners in this project, were present. Mr. Ramsay agreed to the language change suggested previously. Mr. Nixon stressed security for this high quality development and requested Commission consider a0proving the two additional front setback parking spaces. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Commission discussion included: the alternate parking plans, height of the building including the equipment penthouse, and concern about setting a precedent by allowing parking in the front setback on El Camino Real because of its appearance from adjacent existing development. This parking -.could be requested by the homeowners in future if the need arose. A concern was also expressed about the on -street parking on Carol which a 16 unit project might generate. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 September 14, 1981 C. Mink moved for approval of this condominium permit with acceptance of the parking plan as shown on page lA of the plans (in lieu of page 1), with deletion of the two guest parking spaces in the front setback and their screening, and with the following conditions: (1) that the final working drawings for this condominium projoct be consistent with the plans filed with this application and date stamped September 8, 1981; (2) that the conditions recommended by the August 17, 3.981 memo from the Chief Building Inspector, August 10 and 26, 1981 memos from the Fire Marshal, August 12, 1981 memo from the Park Director and August 14 and September 8, 1981 memos from the City Engineer be met to the satisfaction of each department; and (3) that the final landscaping and irrigation plans be approved by the Park Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved 6-0 on roll call vote, C. Harvey absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 6. TENTATIVE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR A 16 UNIT PROJECT AT 35-51 EL CAMINO REAL Reference September 10, 1981 memo from the City Engineer. CE Erbacher recommended approval. C. Mink moved for approval and recommendation to City Council of this tentative map. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved unanimously on voice vote. 7. AMENDMENT OF SPECIAL PERMIT GRANTED NOVEMBER 8, 1980 TO ALLOW CHINESE BIBLE EVANGEL, INC. TO HAVE 5 ON-SITE RESIDENT STUDENTS RATHER THAN THE 3 PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED AND APPROVED; PROPERTY AT 2220 SUMMIT DRIVE (HOOVER SCHOOL) ACP Monroe reviewed this request to increase the number of on-site resident students at Hoover School. Reference staff report for Item No. 7; Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted as complete 8/10/81; July 2, 1981 letter from Sen Wong, Director of Chinese Bible Evangel; July 15, 1981 letter from the Acting City Planner to Pastor Sen Wong; .July 27, 1981 letter from James E. Black, Superintendent, Burlingame School District; November 4, 1980 letter of action to Pastor Sen Wong; September 3, 1981 memo from the Chief Building Inspector with his listing of items to be corrected following inspection in October, 1980; August 18 and 21, 1981 memos from the Fire Marshal; and aerial photograph of the site. ACP discussed the conditions of the permit granted in 1980, staff inspections, comments and concerns. If approved, Planning staff recommended two conditions as listed in the staff report. Pastor Sen Wong, the applicant, was present. He submitted a letter dated August 14, 1981 addressing actions that would be taken by the School District to correct the concerns of the Fire and Building Inspectors, and discussed these in detail. He also pointed out that since the students have been living at the school vandalism on school property has decreased. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. Paul Fong, board member of the college and church facility, spoke in favor of increasing the number of on-site students to five and discussed security provided. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Commission discussion: other tenants on the site, neighborhood school guidelines, concern about this becoming a dormitory, space for neighborhood use of the school is still available, a feeling the Chinese Bible Evangel has shown they are good neighbors and have provided a service to the city, review period for uses at this site, requirements of the Fire and Building Departments. C. Mink moved that the amendment to this special permit be granted with the following conditions: (1) that all code requirements of the Building and Fire Departments be met to the respective department's satisfaction on the site prior to occupancy by the two additional students; and (2) that the residency increase be reviewed with the next six month review (November, 1981) to ensure a continuation of compliance with Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 September 14, 1981 codes, particularly as they affect the safety and welfare of the resident students and other tenants. Second C. C.istulli; motion approved on a 5-1 roll call vote, C. Graham dissenting, C. Harvey absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 8. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP TO COMBINE AN EXISTING PARCEL WITH THE 10' STRIP OF LAND ADJACENT TO IT INTO ONE LEGAL LOT; PARCEL AT 1411 VANCOUVER AVENUE Reference CE Erbacher's memo dated September 10, 1981. CE noted the history of this matter and the court action which placed the 10' area under the control of Mrs. Muirhead, owner of 1411 Vancouver Avenue. A city sanitary sewer easement has been granted to the city. C. Graham moved for approval and recommendation to.City Council of this tentative and final parcel map. Second C. Mink; motion approved unanimously on voice vote. Recess; 9:10 P.M.; reconvene 9:25 P.M. ITEMS FOR STUDY 9. SPECIAL PERMIT AND VARIANCE - 1221 CORTEZ AVENUE Set for hearing September 28, 1981. 10. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 6 UNIT PROJECT AT 1008 EL CAMINO REAL 11. TENTATIVE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR THE ABOVE Set for hearing September 28, 1981. 12. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 4 UNIT PROJECT AT 620 PENINSULA AVENUE 13. TENTATIVE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR THE ABOVE Continued for study at the September 28 meeting. CITY PLANNER REPORTS 14. COUNCIL REQUEST THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY REGULATIONS FOR SECOND STORY ADDITIONS ACP Monroe reviewed staff recommendations on second story additions. Discussion included clarification of the daylight plane concept and possible front setback alternatives. Staff was requested to put the daylight plane recommendations into code language for Commission review and further discussion. 14a. Staff requested Commission direction regarding amendments to special permits granted for uses on school properties. It was suggested these could be considered without fee at the time of periodic review of these properties. However, if a request were received in the interim period, the applicant would be required to come to Commission and pay the usual fee for a special permit amendment. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes OTHER BUSINESS Page 6 September 14, 1981 14b. September 10, 1981 letter from Michael R. Harvey, Mike Harvey Oldsmobile to Ralph Kirkup, Director of Public Works was acknowledged. It was noted that Mr. Harvey opted to accept the proposal forwarded by City Council that he provide 25 parking spaces on site at 1007 Rollins Road. 14c. League of California Cities Preliminary Conference Program was acknowledged (October 17-20, 1981). Commission members are to notify Planning staff if they wish to attend. 14d. C. Graham read a, proposed resolution addressing the immediate parking problems in the downtown area and a possible parking structure. Consensus was that this is not a matter to be generated by the Planning Commission; Commission's role is to review proposals and make recommendations. AnaniMMM The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Charles W. Mink. Acting Secretary