HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1981.10.26CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 26, 1981 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs on Monday, October 26, 1981 at 7:33 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Garcia, Graham, Harvey, Jacobs, Leahy, Mink Absent: None Staff Present: City Planner Margaret Monroe; City Attorney Jerome F. Coleman; City Engineer Frank C. Erbacher MINUTES - The minutes of the October 14, 1981 meeting were unanimously approved and adopted. AGENDA - Order of the agenda approved. ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. FENCE EXCEPTION TO CONSTRUCT A 4'-6". FENCE WITH 5'-0" COLUMNS ON A CORNER LOT AT 500 HOWARD AVENUE, BY BENEDICTO RETAMOZO CP Monroe reviewed this application for a fence which would exceed the 3'-0" maximum height permitted for that portion of the fence within 15 feet of the external corner of a corner lot. Reference staff report dated 10/22/81; aerial photograph; 10/19/81 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; 10/19/81 memo from the Fire Marshal; October 21, 1981 memo from the City Engineer; October 13, 1981. letter from the applicant; and plans date stamped October 15, 1981. CP discussed staff comments, applicant's justification for this request, code requirements and alternatives to the present plans. If approved, staff recommended four conditions for Commission review as listed in the staff report. Benedicto Retamozo, the applicant, discussed his request for a. fence which would provide more security and improve the appearance of his property. It was determined the fence material would be wrought iron and the proposed height would blend with the neighbor's existing fence. Chm. Jacobs opened the public: hearing. Joseph Baisa, 504 Howard Avenue spoke in favor of this improvement to the neighborhood. There were no comments in opposition and the public hearing was closed. Commissioners noted they had visited the property and did not believe there would be sight difficulties at this corner. It was felt that cars parked along the curb and bushes growing along the street would be more hazardous. Commission found there were exceptional circumstances: the house is set back on the lot from the street, there is a four way stop sign and a 12 foot parking strip between the inner side of the sidewalk and the street. C. Mink moved for approval of this fence exception with the following conditions: (1) that no plants, shrubs or trailing vines be allowed to grow on the fence; (2) that the fence columns be allowed at 4'-6", the fence at 4'-0"; and (3) that the spacing between the vertical rungs of the fence be spaced at a minimum of 6" apart to allow adequate visibility through the fence. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved unanimously on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 October 26, 1981 2. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 4 UNIT PROJECT AT 620 PENINSULA AVENUE, BY BAHMAN BEHRAVESH FOR MKP COMPANY 3. VARIANCE TO ALLOW STAIRS AT THE FIRST FLOOR LEVEL TO EXTE14D 2'-6" INTO THE REQUIRED 5'-0" SIDE YARD AREA AT 620 PENINSULA AVENUE CP Monroe reviewed this application to construct a 4 unit condominium. Reference staff report dated 10/20/81; Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 10/5/81; aerial photograph; October 6, 1981 memo from the City Engineer; 10/8/81 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; 8/18 and 10/5/81 memos from the Fire Marshal; 10/1/81 memo from the Park Director; October 7, 1981 letter with attached ,Floor area calculations on the revised floor plan from Ben Behravesh, Aratta Collaborative, Inc.; and plans date stamped September 21, 1981. CP discussed details of the project; compliance with zoning ordinance requirements -and the condominium guidelines; staff comments; findings necessary for variance approval. If approved, three conditions were recommended as listed in the staff report. City Attorney advised procedure should be to act first on the variance and then on the condominium permit. Bahman Behravesh, the applicant, advised the encroachment of the stairs was only at the ground level and stated, if curbside parking were available, he would prefer to delete the parking space at the rear thus adding to the common area. It was determined staff had requested the second means of egress after the original plans were presented, and that the parking plan (including 7 spaces) meets code requirements. Lot size and lot coverage were noted. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. Mr. Russell, a San Mateo developer, spoke in favor. The following spoke in opposition: Susan Grivakis, 1601 Ralston Avenue, owner of the apartment house next door; the daughter of the owner of 10 Bloomfield Road; and -the resident at 15 Bloomfield Road. Concerns: on -street parking congestion; preservation of the existing trees on-site; height of the building relative to the next door apartment building; desire for a quality project that would blend with the neighborhood. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. The desirability of requiring on-site parking to code in this congested area was discussed. C. Harvey found exceptional circumstances for the variance because after the plans for the project were presented a requirement had been added by the Fire Department for two means of egress, and the only practical solution was to encroach into the required side yard; the variance was necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of the property rights of the owner, that he be allowed to develop his property; that it would not be injurious to the neighbors and would not adversely affect the comprehensive zoning plan of the city since it meets all but one of the zoning ordinance requirements and is located in the proper district for such a project. C. Harvey then moved for approval of the variance. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved unanimously on roll call vote. Further discussion: a fully sprinklered building will be required; the Fire Department's requirement for a dry standpipe if the structure is a 4 story building. C. Mink then moved for approval of the condominium permit with the following conditions: (1) that the final working drawings for this condominium project be consistent with the plans filed with this application and date stamped September 21, 1981; (2) that the conditions recommended by the October 6, 1981 memo from the City Engineer, October 8, 1981 memo from the Chief Building Inspector, August 18 and October 5, 1981 memos from the Fire Marshal and October 1, 1981 memo from the Park Director be met to the satisfaction of each department; (3) that the final landscaping and irrigation plans be approved by the Park Department prior to the issuance of a building permit; and (4) that clarification of the requirements or lack of requirements for a dry standpipe be determined by the City Engineer, Fire Department and applicant. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved on a 7-0 roll call vote, Appeal procedures were advised. Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes October 26, 1981 4. TENTATIVE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR A 4 UNIT PROJECT AT 620 PENINSULA AVENUE Reference October 6, 1981 memo from the City Engineer. CE Erbacher recommended approval and recommendation to City Council. C. Mink moved for approval and recommendation to City Council of this tentative condominium map. Second C. Cistulli; all aye voice vote. 5. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 4 UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT AT 1219 PALOMA AVENUE, BY A. Y. HASSID FOR ALBERY INC. CP Monroe reviewed this application to construct a 4 unit, 2 story project. Reference staff report dated 10/21/81; Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 10/5/81; aerial photograph; October 20, 1981 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; 10/19/81 memo from the Fire Marshal; 10/1/81 memo from the Park Director; October 20, 1981 memo from the City Engineer; and plans date stamped October 21, 1981. CP discussed details of the project and the revised garage design; staff comments; compliance with zoning ordinance requirements and the condominium guidelines. Staff recommended approval with three conditions as listed in the staff report. A. Y. Hassid, the applicant, advised that the parking stall closest to the front has a minimum clearance of 6'-6" and the remaining stalls range from 6'-9" to 7'-0". Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Staff confirmed the redesign of the garage was acceptable. C. Harvey noted the developer had been mindful of Commission comments at the study meeting and made a definite effort to meet the codes of the city. He then moved for approval of this condominium permit with the following conditions: (1) that the final working drawings for this.condominium project be consistent with the plans filed with this application date stamped October 21, 1981; (2) that the conditions recommended by the October 20, 1981 memo of the Chief Building Inspector, October 19, 1981 memo of the Fire Marshal, October 1, 1981 memo of the Park Director and October 20, 1981 memo of the City Engineer be met; and (3) that the final landscaping and irrigation plans be approved by the Park Department prior to the issuance of -a building permit. Second C. Mink; motion approved on a 7-0 roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 6. TENTATIVE CONDOMINIUM MAP TO;CONSTRUCT A 4 UNIT CONDOMINIUM AT 1219 PALOMA AVENUE Reference CE's October 21, 1981 memo. CE Erbacher recommended approval with one condition as listed in his memo. C. Mink moved for approval and recommendation to City Council of this tentative condominium map with the following condition: that a 5' P.U.E. be granted to the City over the rearmost portion of the lot, said easement to be granted at final map stage or before the release of any unit occupancy. Second C. Cistulli; all aye voice vote. 7. FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP FOR 18 CONDOMINIUM UNITS AT 1500 WILLOW AVENUE, FOR GILCO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Reference October 21, 1981 memo from the City Engineer. CE Erbacher noted some differences from the tentative map but indicated there was no staff concern and recommended approval. Zev Ben -Simon of Gilco Construction Company was present. It was determined the structure is essentially complete and substantially in accordance with the original plans. C. Mink moved for approval and recommendation to City Council of this final subdivision map. Second C. Graham; all aye voice vote. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes STUDY ITEMS Page 4 October 26, 1981 8. SIGN EXCEPTION TO ERECT SIGNS AT 777 AIRPORT BOULEVARD WHICH EXCEED THE LIMITATIONS OF THE SIGN CODE FOR NUMBER, HEIGHT AND TOTAL SQUARE FEET, BY QRS CORPORATION FOR C. B. DAY REALTY OF CALIFORNIA CP Monroe discussed the several exceptions required by this application. Reference memo from the Zoning Aide dated October 26, 1981. Item set for public hearing November 9, 1981. 9. PARKING VARIANCE TO CONVERT A SECOND FLOOR PARKING AREA INTO OFFICE SPACE AT 800 AIRPORT BOULEVARD. BY DE WOLF AND ASSOCIATES FOR STANLEY LO Set for hearing November 9, 1981. 9a. C. Garcia reported briefly on his attendance at the recent League of California Cities Conference held in San Francisco. Reference materials circulated to Commission in the packet. CITY PLANNER REPORT 10. GENERAL PLAN POLICIES REGARDING SECOND STORY ADDITIONS Reference staff memo dated 10/20/81. CP Monroe referred to her memo listing goals, objectives and/or principles in the General Plan which support regulation of second story development in single family areas. Commission comment was requested. Following discussion, C. Mink moved that Planning staff forward a code amendment to City Council which would establish a review line, or daylight plane regulation, for all two story single family units, additions and new construction. This would require a special permit be obtained from the Planning Commission on all such construction which exceeds the review line. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved on a 5-2 roll call vote, Cers Graham and Harvey dissenting. 10a. CP reported on a proposed addition to the Peninsula Memorial Blood Bank. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Burlingame Chamber of Commerce resolution regarding the proposed Burlingame Avenue Commercial Area ordinance. AMOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Joseph E. Harvey Secretary