HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1981.11.23CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 23, 1981 _ CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs on Monday, November 23, 1981 at 7:32 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Garcia, Graham, Harvey, Jacobs, Leahy Absent: Commissioner Mink (ill/excused) Staff Present: City Planner Margaret Monroe; City Engineer Frank C. Erbacher MINUTES - The minutes of the November 9, 1981 meeting were unanimously approved and adopted. AGENDA - Order of the agenda approved with additions and changes as follows: - Item #4 - Condominium Permit and Tentative Map Extension - 1277 E1 Camino Real - Item #5 - Permit for Temporary Building - 777 Airport Boulevard - Item #6 - Scheduling General Plan Amendments - Item #7 - Report on City Council meetings PUBLIC FORUM - SEWER SYSTEM SURVEY Reference City Planner memo dated 11/17/81 and press release for this public forum discussing the EPA Clean Water Grant received by the city for a sanitary sewer system evaluation study. CE Erbacher discussed this study which will monitor sewer flows in various areas of the city and study the effects of rainstorms on sewer system flows. The city has selected consultants to conduct the study. Subsequently a report will be prepared to indicate areas which receive substantial rain -related flow increases and what sewer system improvements, repairs or further investigations should be made to decrease or control these increases. Discussion: flooding in certain areas of the city, improvements to correct this, this study is limited to sewers within Burlingame. Chm. Jacobs.opened the public hearing. Ardith Erickson, 221 Arundel Road asked how the monitors would help the city and questioned if new development would not cause more water flow, problems in the future. CE replied it is a study, not a solution; and is only dealing with the existing system. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A BAR/RESTAURANT FACILITY IN AN EXISTING BUILDING AT 1450 ROLLINS ROAD, BY RICHARD O'ROURKE Continued to the meeting of December 14, 1981 at the request of the applicant. Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes November 23, 1981 2. REVIEW OF THE PROPOSED BCDC BAYFRONT GUIDELINES Reference City Planner staff memo dated 11/18/81 with revised BCDC public access guidelines for the Anza Area, Burlingame received November 16, 1981. CP Monroe discussed changes from the original set of guidelines and staff comments. Changes in response to the City's request include: addition of an introduction indicating the degree of flexibility intended; minor amendment of the General Guideline section; amendment of the Bayfront Proper, Bayfront Channel and Sanchez: Creek Lagoon sections; and the addition of a new section, Bridge Connection from Highway 101, which addresses general circumstances and specific criteria for this connection. CP reviewed these in detail with the use of a map of the area. Staff requested the BCDC Guidelines be recommended to City Council with seven conditions as listed in the staff report. Discussion: location of bicycle/pedestrian pathways; differences between the city's and BCDC's guidelines; effect on procedures for city review of a project and on BCDC's actions; BCDC design review for the area under its jurisdiction; State Lands parcels and how guidelines apply; the access to the marsh area:; building setbacks and measurement of building height; effect of guidelines on development of the narrow lots; the bridge connection from Highway 101. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. At the request of Ardith Erickson, 221 Arundel Road, CP explained the map of the area, view corridors and the bridge connection. There were no further audience comments and the public hearing was closed. C. Harvey moved that the Planning Commission forward the BCDC Guidelines to the City Council for their review with the seven staff recommendations as a part of that document. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved unanimously on voice vote, C. Mink absent. 3. REVIEW OF SPECIAL PERMITS FOR THE HOOVER SCHOOL AND ROOSEVELT SCHOOL SITES Reference staff report dated 11/19/81; November 18, 1981 memo from the City Engineer; November 17, 1981 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; November 10, 1981 memo from the Fire Marshal; November 3, 1981 memo from the Zoning Aide requesting staff review and comment; letters of action for the permits granted Chinese Bible Evangel, Inc., Hoover Children's Center, Dance Movement and Excursions in Learning. Further reference: November 23, 1981 letter from Marjorie McCarthy, Hoover Cildren's Center. C.P. Monroe discussed staff comments, particularly those bf the City Engineer. She then recommended the following which differed somewhat from the recommendations in the staff report: (1) that the three tenants at Hoover School and the School District be sent a letter indicating the conditions which have not been complied with, and (2) requesting that they.write to the city within 30 days indicating that all students and employees have been made aware that no parking is allowed on Summit Drive; (3) that each use commit to providing personnel to implement the peak event parking plan in case of a major event; (4) that the School District install "no parking at any time" and "no stopping at any time" signs on the downslope portion of the fire lane; (5) that the uses at Hoover School be reviewed in October, 1982 for continued compliance with the conditions of their approvals; and (6) that Excursions in Learning at Roosevelt School be notified they have been found to comply with all of the conditions of their approval and will not be reviewed again until February, 1983. Chm. Jacobs asked for audience comments. Marjorie McCarthyi. Hoover Children's Center requested Commission postpone review for 30 days to allow for compliance, and not require further reviews. In the following discussion, there was Commission consensus to delay review of the three uses now sharing Hoover School facilities until its January 11, 1982 meeting, with the hope that the City Engineer's three items of concern could be resolved prior to that meeting. Further, that the three tenants be encouraged Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 November 23, 1981 to write the city a letter indicating they have notified all employees and users of their facilities that no parking on Summit Drive is allowed, and that each organization will be responsible, on the occasion of a large event, for providing adequate personnel to implement the peak event parking plan on file in the Planning Department. In addition the city would like a letter from the School District, confirming installation of appropriate signs and pavement marking on the downslope of the fire lane. At the January 11 meeting Commission will discuss the time frame for future reviews of Hoover School uses. C. Harvey then moved that the use permit for Excursions in Learning at Roosevelt School be extended without review until February, 1983. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved unanimously on voice vote, C. Mink absent. 4. REQUEST FOR AN EXTENSION OF CONDOMINIUM PERMIT AND TENTATIVE MAP FOR A 6 UNIT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT AT 1277 EL CAMINO REAL CP Monroe reviewed this request for an extension due to delay in finalizing architectural and engineering plans. Reference staff report dated 11/23/81; November 20, 1981 letter from D. J. Management Services Co.; December 16, 1980 letter of action to the applicant; and City Engineer's memo of December 3, 1980. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. C. Harvey moved that this condominium permit and tentative map be extended for a period of one year. Second C. Graham; motion approved unanimously on voice vote, C. Mink absent. Recess 8:40 P.M.; reconvene 8:50 P.M. 5. PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY BUILDING AT 777 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, DAYS INN MOTEL AND RESTAURANT Reference staff report dated 11/23/81; November 23, 1981 letter from Charlie Martin, Project Superintendent, Cunningham Construction Co.; site plan received November 23, 1981; and copy of Code Sec. 25.20.040, Permit for temporary tract sales office or other temporary buildings. CP Monroe reviewed this request and recommended approval with five conditions which reflect staff comments (listed in the staff report), In the following discussion it was determined the trailer would be used for the purpose of 24 hour security at this site; the Police Chief felt it would not be a problem. C. Graham moved to grant a permit for this temporary building with the following conditions: (1) that the trailer put in place has met or exceeds all California requirements for mobile homes and has been inspected and found in compliance by the Fire Department; (2) that -the appropriate permits are obtained from the Building Department including electrical and sanitation; (3) that the Police Department is notified when occupancy occurs; (4) that the trailer is located on the Days Inn construction site within a fenced area; and (5) that the trailer be removed by April 10, 1982. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved unanimously on voice vote, C. Mink absent. CITY PLANNER REPORT 6. SCHEDULING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS CP Monroe noted California Government Code regulations for amendment of mandatory general plan elements. Reference staff report dated 11/17/81. CP noted the possibility Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 November 23, 1981 of several plan amendments during the next year and that presently the city does not have an established time each year for such consideration. She requested Commission recommend to the City Council that general plan amendments be heard three times a year - March, August and November. Commission agreed with this suggested schedule and staff was asked to forward the recommendation to Council. 7. CP Monroe reported on City Council study session November 12, 1981 and regular Council meeting November 16, 1981, including the following actions. 330 SF storeroom/cabana at 1441 Drake Avenue: Council denied without prejudice and recommended the applicant return to the Planning Commission with a new design. - Lot 1, Mills Canyon Court (Jadallah): Council approved a modification of the subdivision map condition to exceed the 18' height limit on this one lot, with all Planning Commission and Council conditions. CP also discussed peak hour capacity in the Anza area as reported to City Council and the City Manager in her memo of November 19, 1981. ACKNOWLEDGMENT November 18, 1981 letter from Ardith Erickson to the Planning Commission; subject: Stanley Lo's request for parking variance at 800 Airport Boulevard. An.ini IPHMFNT The meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Joseph E. Harvey Secretary