HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1980.01.28CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 28, 1980 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs on Monday, January 28, 1980 at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Francard, Harvey, Jacobs, Mink, Sine, Taylor Absent: Commissioner Cistulli (excused) Staff Present: City Planner John R. Yost; City Engineer Ralph E. Kirkup; City Attorney Jerome F. Coleman MINUTES The minutes of the January 14, 1980 meeting were approved as mailed. Chm. Jacobs acknowledged the presence in the audience of Councilwoman Gloria Barton. AGENDA - Order of the agenda was approved. MEETING ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE AN AUTO SERVICE CENTER WITH BODY SHOP AND RELATED AUTO RENTAL AND LEASING AT 824-826 COWAN ROAD IN THE M-1 DISTRICT, BY ALCALA CHEVROLET CP Yost reviewed this application to operate an auto service center in the two existing warehouses at 824-826 Cowan Road. Reference staff report dated 1/24/80; Project Assessment revised 1/24/80; site plan revised 1/18/80; aerial photograph of the site; January 18, 1980 letter from Gilbert Alcala, president of Alcala Chevrolet; January 17, 1980 memo from the Chief Fire Inspector; January 14, 1980 memo from the Chief Building Inspector; January 15, 1980 letter in support from the Executive Vice President of the Burlingame Chamber of Commerce. Also reference executed Lease Agreement (copy received this evening ) between Alcala Chevrolet Company and Dollar Rent-A-Car of San Francisco, Inc. covering 30 vehicle parking spaces. Paul J. Gumbinger, architect for the project and Gilbert Alcala, president of Alcala Chevrolet were present. Mr. Gumbinger explained the proposed operation at this new site and advised that an automatic fire sprinkler system would be installed to meet the conditions of the Chief Fire Inspector. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments in favor. C. Michael Hogan, president, Earth Metrics Incorporated, 859 Cowan Road spoke in opposition. He determined from the CP that the Agreement for parking spaces with Dollar Rent-A-Car was a month-to-month arrangement. He felt the East Millsdale development was an exemplary form of land planning and requested that the City continue this high quality airport related development, retaining the aesthetics of the area. Other concerns: on -street parking; noise; that introduction of this business might influence tenants of his building to move. Eric de Reynier, owner of 819-845 Cowan Road objected to the proposed use in this quiet office area. There were no further audience comments and the hearing was closed. Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes January 28, 1980 Discussion included: the proposed parking and code requirements; the noise factor involved and possible mitigation measures. Gilbert Alcala responded to some of the concerns, noting his business would be airport related and a support to the area; some of the body work would be for car rental agencies; the working bays would be located in the middle of the two buildings; that his company had several other sites for storage of vehicles and thus storage could be balanced. The applicants advised that the majority of the body repair work would be moved to Cowan Road and that cars being brought there would be stored inside the buildings. Mr. Alcala also discussed his attempts to find property elsewhere and noted several companies doing some type of repair work in this area at present. (Commission pointed out that most of the cases cited were ancillary services to the primary business.) Commission concerns: increased traffic; the noise factor; the desirability of this use at this location in light of past Council/Commission discussions and decisions. One Commissioner expressed his approval of the move and objected to limiting the number of personnel for this project to the available parking. C. Taylor commented that he could not, at this time, support a major policy decision on the proposed use. He, therefore, moved to deny this application. Second C. Mink; motion to deny approved 5-1 on roll call vote, C. Sine dissenting. Appeal procedures were advised. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A SANDWICH DELI IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 1530 ROLLINS ROAD IN THE M-1 DISTRICT, BY TED D. AJLUNI CP Yost reviewed this application to allow a new owner to operate the existing sandwich deli at 1530 Rollins Road. Reference staff report dated 1/22/80; December 16, 1979 letter from Ted David Ajluni; letter in support from R. P. Lopes, vice president, Coen Company, Inc., 1510 Rollins Road; Project Assessment for the previous application no change proposed; site drawing of Dino's Deli; and March 26, 1979 Planning Commission minutes approving special permit at this location to Constantine Tsavalas. Staff recommended approval with five conditions as listed in the staff report. Ted David Ajluni, the applicant was present and confirmed there would be no major changes in the operation and that he would comply with the City's conditions of approval. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. C. Mink moved for approval of this special permit with the following conditions: (1) that the permit be approved to Mr. Ted David Ajluni, and be nontransferable; (2) that the size and location of the sandwich deli be consistent with that approved in March, 1979; (3) that not more than 7 tables/44 seats be available for customer use; (4) that the hours of operation not exceed 7:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.; and (5) that on-site parking available for the deli's customers be reviewed in one year, and this permit be subject to possible modifications at that time. Second C. Harvey and approved 6-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. SIGN EXCEPTIONS FOR A 30' HIGH POLE SIGN AND 32' HIGH GROUND SIGN WITH 209 SF OF COPY AT 1016 CAROLAN AVENUE, BY BELL ELECTRICAL SIGNS FOR ARATA HONDA CP Yost reviewed this application for two signs at the Honda showroom and service shops now being constructed at 1016 Carolan Avenue. Reference staff report dated 1/24/80; Sign Exception application filed 1/10/80; drawings depicting the signs and their locations. It was staff's opinion a 20' high pole sign at this site would provide reasonable advertising exposure and that applying auto row signage standards in this area would be inconsistent. Denial was recommended. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 January 28, 1980 David James Arata of Arata Honda was present and discussed his need for this advertising. It was his contention, given the nature of his business and his new 23' high building, that he would require a sign higher than 20'. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. Forrest Lee of Bell Electrical Signs spoke in favor. He stated the proposed 30' sign would give better visibility, discussed Honda's signage guidelines and compared this sign with nearby signage. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Considerable discussion ensued among Commission, staff, Mr. Arata and Mr. Lee including: the technicalities involved in reducing the proposed signage; the need for visibility. Concerns: the 30' height of the pole sign; the effect of this sign on the nearby residential area; and a difficulty in making the findings necessary for sign exception approval. Mr. Arata advised this signage was the only signage proposed for the building, that the sign would be internally lighted and discussed hours of illumination with Commission. He,then proposed that he be allowed a 23' sign. After further discussion, C. Harvey moved that the sign exception application for a 30' high pole sign be denied. Second C. Sine and approved 6-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 4. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP TO AMEND THE ORIGINAL BOUNDARY BETWEEN LOTS 5 AND 6, BLOCK 29, TOWN OF BURLINGAME AT 117/119 AND 125 CLARENDON ROAD, IN THE R-1 DISTRICT, BY ROY W. BYERS AND ROLAND A. RAVENS CE Kirkup reviewed this application to redivide two lots which were developed with three houses, the third house located over the property line. The proposal would create a new property line, leaving two buildings on one lot and one building on the other lot. If approved, staff recommended two conditions as listed in the Assistant City Engineer's January 24, 1980 memo which was circulated to Commission. Roy W. Byers, 1109 Southdown Road, Hillsborough, one of the applicants, was present. He advised there were two owners and that they wished to sell one of the original lots. Chm. Jacabs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. A concern was expressed regarding Fire Department access to the house at the rear. C. Sine reported on his visit to the site that afternoon and suggested that by approving this map Commission would be making a nonconforming structure legal. It was recommended that the applicant remove the house at the rear. After further discussion the applicant agreed to this suggestion. C. Sine moved to deny this tentative parcel map. Second C. Mink. The Chair recognized C. Taylor who urged his fellow Commissioners to vote against the motion in view of the housing shortage at the present time. Motion to deny approved 5-1 on roll call vote, C. Taylor dissenting. Recess 9:25 P.M.; reconvene 9:30 P.M. OTHER BUSINESS 5. REVIEW OF 1/22/79 SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE THE BURLINGAME EXECUTIVE SNACK BAR AT 1818 GILBRETH ROAD, IN THE M-1 DISTRICT, BY LLOYD RUSSELL OF HAVA SNAK FOOD SERVICE,INC. CP Yost reviewed this special permit granted in January, 1979, Commission actions and a recent site inspection by staff. Reference staff report dated 1/22/80; January 21, 1980 letter from Lloyd Russell, vice-president, Hava Snak Food Service; Project Assessment for this project revised 1/17/79; site drawing received December 29, 1978; Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 January 28, 1980 First Floor Plan for this building received December 15, 1979; January 22, 1979 Planning Commission minutes; and March 12, 1979 Planning Commission minutes. Staff recommended the original permit conditions be confirmed. There was little Commission discussion. C. Taylor expressed his opinion that such permits should be granted to the sublessee. C. Mink moved that the original permit conditions be confirmed, staff to monitor new business licenses at this address to insure that future changes in sublessees are noted. Second C. Harvey. Motion approved on a 4-2 voice vote, Cers Sine and Taylor dissenting. 6. REVIEW OF 1/22/79 SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE THE BURLINGAME LUNCH COMPANY AT 833 MAHLER ROAD CP Yost reviewed this special permit granted in January, 1979 and a recent site inspection. Reference staff report dated 1/22/80; Project Assessment for the original permit, revised 1/17/79; drawing of the 'Eating Facility'; and January 22, 1979 Planning Commission minutes. Staff recommended the original permit conditions be confirmed. C. Taylor moved that the original permit conditions be confirmed. Second C. Mink and all aye voice vote. CITY PLANNER REPORT 7. NEIGHBORHOOD STATISTICS PROGRAM: JANUARY 9, 1980 LETTER FROM UNITED STATES BUREAU OF THE CENSUS CP Yost discussed this communication from the Bureau of the Census which would allow the City to obtain a finer degree of detail at the local neighborhood level, if three criteria were met. There was Commission consensus that City Council should be made aware of this program as well as community groups. 8. BROADWAY SHOPPING MALL: JANUARY 14. 1980 LETTER FROM M. L. PERLMAN CE Kirkup discussed this suggestion received from Michael L. Perlman, 1143 Paloma Avenue. Reference January 25, 1980 memos from the Director of Public Works and Traffic Engineer. Because of the social and economic impacts involved in implementation of such a plan and its effects on city-wide traffic, staff did not believe the City would wish to consider it at this time. Commission concurred. 9. MISSION TRAILS CHARTER SERVICE, INC.: EXPIRATION OF 1/23/78 SPECIAL PERMIT CP. Yost reviewed this permit which had allowed the servicing and storage of up to 10 buses at 390 Lang Road on an interim basis. Staff reported the buses are no longer at this location and no further action is required. 10. CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 9, 1980: THREE VARIANCES 1104/1106 EL CAMINO REAL; AND PUBLIC USE OF ALLEYS IN THE EASTON ADDITION Reference City Council Study and Adjourned Regular Meeting minutes of January 9, 1980. CP Yost reported Council action at their January 9 meeting at which time the Planning Commission approval of the project was sustained with two additional conditions. He also advised of Council concern and discussion regarding alleys. Page 5 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes January 28, 1980 OTHER January 23, 1980 letter from Chris Collins regarding the future of the Burlingame refuse site was acknowledged. Staff was directed to explore the possibility of limiting fence heights along E1 Camino Real to 3', and report to Commission in February. An.ini IRNMF NT The meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Charles W. Mink Secretary