HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1980.03.10CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 10, 1980 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs on Monday, March 10, 1980 at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Francard, Jacobs, Mink, Sine, Taylor Absent: Commissioner Harvey (excused) Staff Present: City Planner John R. Yost; City Engineer Ralph E. Kirkup; City Attorney Jerome F. Coleman MINUTES - The minutes of the February 25, 1980 meeting were approved as sent. AGENDA - C. Mink moved for approval of the agenda. ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. AMENDMENT OF MAY 14, 1979 SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW MUNKDALE BROS., INC. TO STORE AND GROW PLANT MATERIALS ON THE 3.4 ACRES OF LAND UNDER THE PG&E LINES BEHIND 1576-1700 ROLLINS ROAD, IN THE M-1 DISTRICT CP Yost reviewed this request to allow the storage and growing of landscape materials on 3.4 acres of land under the PG&E lines, much of the plant material to be used by Munkdale Bros. itself with the surplus to be sold at wholesale. The terms of the special permit granted May 14, 1979 were noted. Reference staff report dated 3/4/80; Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 2/25/80; February 8 and 15, 1980 letters from Steve Munkdale; site drawing; aerial photograph of the site; February 28, 1980 memo from the Director of Public Works; and January 11, 1980 letter to Munkdale Bros. from the Director of Public Works and Traffic Engineer. Staff recommended this amendment be approved with four conditions as listed in the staff report. Steve Munkdale, the applicant, was present. During discussion it was determined the maximum height of the plant material would be 20' measured from the ground up and the largest would be 15 gallon plants. There was a concern expressed about cleaning of vehicles on-site. The applicant agreed to an additional condition that would prohibit this. It was noted an irrigation and drainage plan would be required for approval of the Public Works Department. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was closed. C. Mink moved to approve this amendment to the special permit granted May 14, 1979 with the following conditions: (1) that the six conditions of the May 14, 1979 special permit continue to be observed, with all site improvements completed to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department prior to the storage of plant materials on this property; (2) that all future loading and unloading of plant materials be done on-site; (3) that any future sales of surplus plant materials from this location be at wholesale, not retail; (4) that both the 1979 special permit and this amendment be reviewed in one year, and be subject to possible modification at that time; and Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 March 10, 1980 (5) that in the event vehicles other than those owned by Munkdale Bros. are stored on the property, no washing of automobiles take place on the site. Second C. Taylor and approved 6-0 on roll call vote, C. Harvey absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A COURIER SERVICE IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 865 HINCKLEY ROAD, BY BRIAN C. REED OF DHL COURIER SERVICES CP Yost reviewed this application to allow operation of a document courier service. He noted its previous operation at 826 Cowan Road and the recent growth of this company which prompted its relocation to larger quarters at 865 Hinckley Road. Reference staff report dated 3/5/80; Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 2/25/80; aerial photograph of the site; site plan indicating on-site parking; DHL warehouse floor plan; February 21, 1980 letter from Brian C. Reed; and February 28, 1980 memo from the Traffic Engineer. Staff recommended approval with five conditions as listed in the staff report. Brian C. Reed, the applicant, was present. He stated that the 50% estimated growth in five years was a revenue projection rather than one involving numbers of personnel or vehicles. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Commission noted the improved site conditions compared with the previous location. Staff confirmed that screening of the fuel pumps would be assured when the landscape and irrigation plan is submitted for City approval. C. Sine moved for approval of this special permit with the following conditions: (1) that this permit be approved to DHL Corporation, and be nontransferable; (2) that the document courier service be operated in a manner generally consistent with the February 21, 1980 letter from Mr. Brian Reed of DHL; (3) that all vehicles be serviced and cleaned off-site, unless appropriate site improvements are made to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works; (4) that a landscape and irrigation plan for this property be submitted for Park Department approval, with improvements to be completed within 6 months; and (5) that the permit be subject to review in two years, and possible amendment or limitation at that time. Second C. Cistulli and approved 6-0 on roll call vote, C. Harvey absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. AMENDMENT OF JANUARY 23, 1978 SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW THE SALES OF USED RENTAL CARS IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 1815 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY, BY DOLLAR RENT -A -CAR CP Yost reviewed this request by Dollar Rent-A-Car to amend its special permit for a car rental agency and allow the sale of used rental cars at this site. He also noted previous permits granted this company and changes in the organization since that time. Reference staff report dated 3/4/80; Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 2/25/80; February 19, 1980 letter from James E. Saunders, general manager; site plan; aerial photograph of the site; photographs of proposed "Dollar Used Cars" signage; January 28, 1980 letter to Jack Ryan, Dollar Rent-A-Car from Helen Towber, Zoning Aide; and copy of Planning Commission minutes of January 23, 1978. Staff recommended denial; if approved, five conditions were suggested as listed in the staff report. James Saunders, general manager and Jack Ryan, fleet manager, Dollar Rent-A-Car were present. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was closed. Discussion included: the volume of the proposed retail sales; the period of heaviest retail sales activity; retail sale of automobiles by other car rental agencies; sales tax benefits to the City. Other Commission comments: the use is consistent with Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes March 10, 1980 permits previously granted to Dollar; retail sales are an integral part of the car rental business; since a body shop has been approved by the City Council in this area, why not car sales?; when car rental agencies first went into this area, they were referred to as short term uses. Concerns: the proposed use is inconsistent with the zone, regardless of large or small volume of sales; setting a precedent which would open the door to every car rental agency in the City; the possibility of this use taking business away from existing car dealers on Auto Row; objection to this choice land being used for car rental agencies. C. Sine moved for denial of this special permit amendment. Second C. Francard; motion to deny failed to pass on a 3-3 roll call vote, Cers Cistulli, Taylor and Jacobs dissenting, C. Harvey absent. C. Taylor then moved to approve this special permit amendment with the following conditions: (1) that the permit to sell used vehicles be approved to Dollar Rent-A-Car and be nontransferable; (2) that a used auto dealer's license be obtained from the City prior to this display or sale of any vehicles; (3) that the number of vehicles to be sold and sales operation be consistent with the February 19, 1980 letter from James E. Saunders; (4) that all vehicle sales be limited to the area shown on the site plan filed with this application; and (5) that this special permit amendment be reviewed in one year, and be subject to possible amendment at that time. Second C. Cistulli. Motion failed to pass on a 3-3 roll call vote, Cers Francard, Mink and Sine dissenting, C. Harvey absent, and the application was therefore denied. Appeal procedures were advised. Recess 8:35 P.M.; reconvene 8:45 P.M. 4. SIGN EXCEPTION FOR A 23' HIGH POLE SIGN WITH 203 SF OF COPY AT 1016 CAROLAN AVENUE, ZONED M-1. FOR ARATA HONDA CP Yost reviewed a recent request for a 30' pole sign at this location which had been denied by the Commission and, upon appeal, approved by City Council at a 20' height. Applicant is now requesting a 23' height. Reference staff report dated 3/6/80; Sign Exception application; Sign Permit form giving details of the pole sign request; drawings prepared by Bell Electrical Signs; and material marked "Appendix" including February 19, 1980 City Council appeal hearing minutes and staff report for that meeting with attachments. In staff's opinion, findings could be made to support a denial of this second application. Charles Pierpoint, attorney representing David James Arata of Arata Honda, was present. He discussed this new application for a 3' exception from the sign ordinance, noting the architect had designed the new building with a 23' height and that construction was nearing completion. He contended there would be an imbalance if the sign were kept at 20'; that the aesthetics of the total design would be diminished; that this is a Honda automobile dealership and the signage is necessary to properly advertise the product and service at this location; that to reduce the space between the phrases would significantly diminish the overall impact of the sign. He discussed sight and light pollution, adjacent properties in relation to the sign, and what he believed were minimal impacts to the area. The advertising impact of this sign to automobiles on California Drive was stressed. It was his belief the 3' exception would not impair the nearby residential areas and that the policy of the ordinance would not be diminished by raising this sign 3'. Considerable discussion ensued among Commission, the applicant's representatives and staff. Forrest Lee of Bell Electrical Signs was present and discussed the design, the Honda modules available for the sign, the size of all letters, and the matter of reducing the signage. Discussion noted: this is a fringe area, part residential and Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 March 10, 1980 part commercial; if a 23' sign was desired, it should have been taken into consideration in the design of the building. Commission suggestions: reduce the height to 20'; a proportional reduction in the overall bulk of the sign which might improve the aesthetics at the 23' height. The possibilities of this last suggestion were discussed at length. There appeared to be consensus, if the 203 SF of copy were reduced, the 23' height might be acceptable. Attorney Pierpoint requested Commission rule on the 23' height this evening. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments in favor. Joseph Gosende, 736 Linden Avenue spoke in opposition, urging Commission not to approve the 23' sign. There were no further audience comments and the hearing was closed. Following further discussion, C. Mink found insufficient testimony to support exceptional circumstances applicable to this property. He therefore moved that the sign exception be denied. Second C. Sine; motion to deny approved on a 6-0 roll call vote, C. Harvey absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 5. SIGN EXCEPTION FOR ONE LOGO WITH 16 SF OF SIGNAGE AT THE FOURTH FLOOR LEVEL OF THE ANZA CORPORATE CENTER, PROPERTY AT 533 AIRPORT BOULEVARD CP Yost reviewed this application to install a logo at the fourth floor level of the building at 533 Airport Boulevard and noted pertinent sections of the Sign Code. Reference staff report dated 3/6/80; Sign Exception application filed 2/27/80; sign permit form giving details of the proposed logo; and Ad/Art drawing dated 8/31/79, revised 2/5/80. Staff had no objection to the proposed location or the size of the sign, and recommended approval. Lorne Corbett, Ad Art/ Electrical Products Corporation was present representing the applicant. He noted the reduction in square footage from their previous application last November, and that Anza Investors, the property owner, believed it was important to have at least a minimum logo identification on its buildings. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Discussion with the applicant determined the sign would be located with the top of the logo at the level of the fourth floor, and that this location would make the 16 SF sign more visible from the freeway. Code requirements for freeway signs were discussed. C. Mink found no testimony supporting exceptional circumstances applicable to this property. He therefore moved for denial of this sign exception. Second C. Taylor. Motion to deny approved 5-1 on roll call vote, C. Cistull'i dissenting, C. Harvey absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 6. SIGN EXCEPTION FOR ONE LOGO WITH 16 SF OF SIGNAGE AT THE FOURTH FLOOR LEVEL OF THE "KEE JOON'S" BUILDING, PROPERTY AT 433 AIRPORT BOULEVARD CP Yost reviewed this application to install a logo at the fourth floor level of the building at 433 Airport Boulevard, approximately 12' below the lowest portion of the existing Kee Joon's sign. Reference staff report dated 3/6/80; Sign Exception application filed 2/27/80; details of the sign as reported on the sign permit form; and Ad/Art drawing dated 8/31/79, revised 12/12/79. Staff had no objection to the logo, but recommended the legal requirements for a code exception be reviewed with the applicant. Lorne Corbett, Ad Art/Electrical Products Corporation was present. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. C. Mink commented that in discussions with the former owner of this building Commission was advised the existing ground signs plus Kee Joon's sign would complete the signage for this building. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 March 10, 1980 C. Mink found no testimony supporting exceptional circumstances applicable to this property, and therefore moved for denial of this sign exception. Second C. Taylor; motion to deny approved 5-1 on roll call vote, C. Cistulli dissenting, C. Harvey absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 7. SIGN EXCEPTION FOR A 1'-4" x 4'-1" "EXPRESS STOP" SIGN TO BE SUSPENDED BELOW THE SIDEWALK CANOPY OF THE BANK AT 1145 BROADWAY, FOR WELLS FARGO BANK CP Yost reviewed this application for Wells Fargo Bank to provide better identification of a new automatic teller service. He noted the code exceptions required and existing signage at the site. Reference staff report dated 3/6/80; Sign Exception application filed 2/27/80; location drawing; sign permit form giving details of existing and proposed signs; Ad/Art drawing dated 1/4/80; and colored rendering circulated this evening. Staff had no objection to approval of this minor exception. Ray Olson, representing Ad/Art and Wells Fargo Bank, was present. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Height of the proposed sign was discussed. The applicant advised it does not project over public property, that the bank would like to keep it 9' above grade, and that light is projected from the bottom of the sign. Staff advised the plans for lighting are within code and believed the height was safe as proposed. C. Taylor moved for approval of this sign exception in accordance with the specifications shown on the drawing dated 1/4/80. Second C. Mink and approved 6-0 on roll call vote, C. Harvey absent. Appeal procedures were advised. COMMUNICATION 8. TWO STORY GARAGE AT 1547 LOS MONTES DRIVE: LETTER FROM MRS. MURIEL VINT, 1530 LOS ALTOS DRIVE Reference March 4, 1980 letter from Mrs. Muriel Vint; and xerox copies of the plans for the new garage at 1547 Los Montes Drive. CP Yost briefly discussed Mrs. Vint's letter, the problems encountered by this new construction and the possibility of studying amendments to the code standards for accessory buildings. Mrs. Vint was present and discussed her concerns, noting the new construction would obstruct her view. She requested some consideration be given to making provision for protection of the surrounding properties when a new owner decides to rebuild. Commission recalled its previous discussions regarding accessory buildings and the Chm. suggested perhaps this matter could be included on the Commission priority list. ITEMS FOR STUDY 9. PECKS GOURMET COOKWARE, 275/277 PRIMROSE ROAD: USE DETERMINATION Set for hearing March 24, 1980. 10. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A CAR RENTAL AGENCY IN THE C-4 DISTRICT AT 1470 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. BY CALL -A -CAR RENTAL COMPANY Set for hearing March 24, 1980. Page 6 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes March 10, 1980 CITY PLANNER REPORT 11. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES PLANNING COMMISSIONERS INSTITUTE, SAN DIEGO, FEBRUARY 27-29, 1980 C. Taylor and CP Yost reported on their attendance at this Institute. 11a. 1828 EL CAMINO REAL, PENINSULA PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CP advised of current information on medical tenants received from Mr. Podesta. Further detail has been requested from the property owner. Staff was requested to research possible code changes covering parking requirements for medical/dental buildings and bring a report to Commission at its next meeting. 12. BREAKFAST MEETING AND FIELD TRIP TO REVIEW 1979 PROJECTS AND DISCUSS 1980 PRIORITIES Breakfast meeting was rescheduled tentatively for Saturday, April 12, 1980. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Charles W. Mink Secretary