HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1980.05.12I CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 12, 1980 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Sine on Monday, May 12, 1980 at 7:32 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Francard, Jacobs, Mink, Sine Absent: Commissioners Harvey and Taylor (excused) Staff Present: City Planner John R. Yost; Director of Public Works Ralph E. Kirkup; City Attorney Jerome F. Coleman MINUTES - Upon motion of C. Mink, the minutes of the April 28, 1980 meeting were unanimously approved and adopted. AGENDA - Upon motion of C. Jacobs, the order of the agenda was unanimously approved. APPLICATIONS FOR ACTION 1. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE AN AUTO DETAILING SHOP AT 1244 ROLLINS ROAD (NOW NERLI LANE), ZONED M-1, BY DANIEL E. CARBERRY DBA TIDY CAR ASSOCIATE DEALER CP Yost reviewed this application to operate an auto detailing service, similar to that approved to a previous applicant in April, 1979. Reference staff report dated 5/8/80; Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 4/22/80; aerial photograph of the site; site drawing; letter from Daniel E. Carberry received April 9, 1980; Tidy Car "Guarantee" sheet; Planning Commission Minutes of April 23, 1979; and 4/30/80 memo from the Chief Building Inspector. In the absence of any problems or complaints with the previous operation, staff recommended approval with seven conditions as listed in the staff report. Daniel E. Carberry, the applicant, was present. He noted that four parking spaces had been allocated for his business by the property owner, and his plans for off-site car washing. Staff discussed the number of spaces provided on the original subdivision map for the Dore property and the status of Nerli Lane as a private street with no parking allowed. Chm. Sine opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Discussion included: the number of parking spaces that might be required for this business; a suggestion that the reference to vehicle washing be more specific to state "exterior vehicle washing" and that overnight vehicle storage be limited to two vehicles, both of which should be parked within the building; confirmation that the Fire Department found no unusual fire hazard. The recent improvements to the property were noted. C. Mink moved for approval of this special permit with the following conditions: (1) that the permit be approved to Mr. Daniel E. Carberry dba Tidy Car Associate Dealer, and be nontransferable; (2) that the operation of this business be consistent with the letter from Mr. Carberry filed with this application, date stamped April 9, 1980; (3) that 4 on-site parking spaces be striped and identified for the exclusive use of Tidy Car; (4) that overnight on-site vehicle storage be limited to two vehicles, Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 May 12, 1980 both to be parked within the building; (5) that all exterior vehicle washing be done off site at locations with approved facilities, until such time as a wash area with grease trap is installed to City specifications; (6) that no motor tune-ups, tire rotating or other mechanical work be done at this location; and (7) that this permit be reviewed in one year, and be subject to possible modification at that time. Second C. Cistulli and approved 5-0 on roll call vote, Cers Harvey and Taylor absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A BEAUTY SHOP IN THE C-4 DISTRICT AT 533 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, BY IRAN KARIM DBA HAIR ODYSSEY CP Yost reviewed this application to operate a small beauty shop in the office building at 533 Airport Boulevard, noting the applicable code section which requires Planning Commission approval. Reference staff report dated 5/8/80; Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 4/22/80; aerial photograph of the site; April 2, 1980 letter from Iran Karim; site drawing of the shop area received April 11, 1980; and ground floor site drawing of the 533 Airport Boulevard building received April 11, 1980. Staff noted possible findings and recommended the application be approved with three conditions as listed in the staff report. (The applicant was not present at this time and the item was continued to later in the meeting. In the interests of continuity, the remainder of agenda item #2 follows.) Iran Karim, the applicant, explained her reasons for this request. Chm. Sine opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. It was suggested that the number of customers per day not be a part of the limitation on this special permit, and that a condition be added that the permit be granted to Iran Karim and be nontransferable. After further discussion, C. Jacobs found this to be an acceptable use in the C-4 District, providing a service to those employed in the area. C. Mink found that hotels in the C-4 District frequently include beauty salons for the convenience of clients of the hotel, that this.is the same zone and, from the testimony heard this evening, it is a consistent use. C. Jacobs then moved for approval of this special permit with the following conditions: (1) that the remodeling be consistent with the plans filed with this application; (2) that the operation of the beauty shop be consistent with the April 2, 1980 letter from Iran Karim (excluding any limitation on the number of daily customers); (3) that the permit be subject to review in six months from completion of the alterations and the opening of the beauty shop; and (4) that the permit be approved to Ms. Iran Karim, and be nontransferable. Second C. Cistulli and approved 5-0 on roll call vote, Cers Harvey and Taylor absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. REQUESTED CANCELLATION OF CONDITION #1 OF THE APRIL 23, 1979 SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE AN AUTOMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE FACILITY AT 1007-1015 ROLLINS ROAD AND CONDITION #1 OF THE JUNE 18, 1979 SPECIAL PERMIT FOR 1008 CAROLAN AVENUE CP Yost reviewed this item, noting Michael R. Harvey's request that Condition #1, limiting the permit to Mike Harvey only, be cancelled. Reference April 24, 1980 letter from Michael R. Harvey, president of Mike Harvey Oldsmobile; minutes and application material for the 1007-1015 Rollins Road special permits granted October 25, 1978 and April 23, 1979; and minutes and application material for 1008 Carolan Avenue covering Planning Commission hearing of May 30, 1979, City Council hearing of June 18, 1979 and Council meeting of January 7, 1980. Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 12, 1980 Michael R. Harvey, the applicant, was present and discussed a request by the Bank of America that the permit be made transferable as an auto sales and service facility. He noted his discussions with the bank in detail. Commission policy of granting nontransferable permits was noted and there was some discussion about requiring the Bank of America to present its position. C. Mink then moved that this request be granted, Condition #1 of the April 23, 1979 and June 18, 1979 special permits to read: that the permit be approved to Mike Harvey of Mike Harvey Oldsmobile and any change in ownership shall require a new application and approval by the City. All other conditions of previous approvals shall be a part of this action. Second C. Cistulli and approved 5-0 on roll call vote, Cers Harvey and Taylor absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 4. DETERMINATION WHETHER BURLINGAME'S DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR BAYFRONT DEVELOPMENT APPLY TO BOTH FRONTAGES OF A CORNER LOT CP Yost reviewed this request from David H. Keyston, Anza Shareholders' Liquidating Trust. Reference May 5, 1980 letter to City Council from David H. Keyston; site drawing indicating the proposed new street; Slunk Associates Preliminary Site Plan for Days Inns of America Motel & Restaurant; April 29, 1980 letter from Blunk Associates to Days Inn Motel & Restaurant with analysis of compliance with the Guidelines; and City of Burlingame "Design Guidelines for Bayfront Development". Mr. Yost advised that City Council had requested comments from the Planning Commission and noted the project had been designed prior to development of the Bayfront Guidelines. David H. Keyston, Anza Shareholders' Liquidating Trust was present and discussed his belief that the City never intended the guidelines to apply to one project from two different frontages. He felt this would make corner lots substantially less desirable and the design of any project very restrictive. He described the developers of the proposed hotel, their plans for the site and compliance with the guidelines. Commission/staff discussion included: the expected time frame for completion of the proposed new street; the fact that a hotel is a permitted use in the C-4 District; the present site design and possible changes; compliance with the guidelines and their status with regard to review of a project; the intent of the guidelines in maintaining view corridors to the Bay. Chm. Sine was inclined to agree with Mr. Keyston, but added a recommendation that there be an adequately designed sound barrier, by an accredited acoustical engineer, fronting the entire length of the new street. There was general consensus that the project design did not meet the guidelines. C. Jacobs moved that Commission find the Design Guidelines do apply to both frontages of a project. Second C. Cistulli and approved 4-1 on roll call vote, C. Sine dissenting, Cers Harvey and Taylor absent. Staff will transmit Planning Commission recommendation to City Council. 5. CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISIONS: RECOMMENDED TENANT PROTECTION MEASURES; POSSIBLE CONVERSION LIMITATIONS CP Yost reviewed staff report dated 4/21/80 listing tenant protection measures in use in several California cities: relocation expense reimbursement, aid to locate comparable housing, extended relocation period, rent relief when new housing is more expensive, restricted rent increases after application to convert, restrictions on eviction and right to terminate lease. Staff report dated 4/25/80 on possible conversion limitations was also reviewed. Staff requested Commission consideration of possible tenant protection measures for Burlingame and whether conversion limitation was necessary. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 May 12, 1980 Discussion included: the number of apartments in Burlingame that might qualify for conversion; the need for some tenant protection, especially for senior citizens on fixed incomes; the question of governmental control in such matters; relocation expense reimbursement; relocation period and extended relocation period; restriction of rent increases during relocation period; special provisions for those age 65 or over and the handicapped; restrictions on eviction. Staff was asked to provide a definition of "handicapped". There was general consensus to require the developer provide relocation expense reimbursement equal to two times the monthly rent; a minimum relocation period of six months after approval of the Conversion Permit or filing of the Final Subdivision Map, whichever is later; a one year relocation period for those age 65 or over and the handicapped; restricted rent increases tied to the Consumer Price Index during relocation period. Conversion limitation measures were not considered. Staff will provide a report for the next Commission meeting which summarizes the tenant protection measures to be included in a possible future ordinance. 6. REGULATIONS FOR HOT TUBS, PORTABLE SPAS AND SIMILAR UNITS: RECOMMENDED CODE AMENDMENT Continued to the meeting of May 28, 1980. Recess 9:30 P.M.; reconvene 9:40 P.M. 7. STANDARDS FOR PARKING SPACES IN CONFINED AREAS; DRIVEWAY SLOPE CRITERIA: MAY 12, 1980 STAFF REPORT CP Yost discussed this request by Commission and staff studies. Reference staff report dated 5/6/80 with Exhibit A attached covering General Parking Criteria, 900 Parking, 00-1800 Parking, 450- 600 Parking and Driveway Criteria. Commission review was requested with consideration of a draft code amendment. Discussion included: requirements for columns and parallel parking; a request that parking spaces within the transitional slope of the entrance driveway be prohibited. Chm. Sine requested staff prepare a draft code amendment for consideration at the May 28, 1980 meeting. 8. FIELD SURVEY OF BANKS, SAVINGS AND LOANS, AND REAL ESTATE OFFICES IN BURLINGAME'S THREE COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS: APRIL 12, 1980 COMMISSION REQUEST CP Yost reviewed this request. Reference staff report dated 5/6/80; memo of April 28, 1980 from the Zoning Aide summarizing her field count; and maps of the areas surveyed. It was staff's belief that additional regulations were not necessary at the present time. Discussion included: concern about change in the character of the downtown shopping streets, particularly Broadway; possible balancing of uses to keep these streets retail oriented; the fact that financial institutions do not generate sales tax revenue; a suggestion that it might be time to review permitted uses in commercial districts as well as the M-1 District and look toward transition in some of them. CA suggested that financial institutions might be required to obtain a special permit but it would be difficult to differentiate between real estate offices and any other office use. It was the consensus of the Commission that this matter should be studied further in future. Staff was requested to prepare an additional report on the above concerns. Page 5 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 12, 1980 APPLICATIONS FOR STUDY The following items were set for hearing May 28, 1980: 9. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONDUCT AEROBIC EXERCISE CLASSES AT BURLINGAME INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL, FRANKLIN SCHOOL AND ROOSEVELT SCHOOL The School District is preparing supporting documents. Requests: a street plan of the Roosevelt School area and more details on the type of organization proposing these exercise classes. 10. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A PUBLIC STORAGE WAREHOUSE IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 1761 ADRIAN ROAD Requests: more detailed information on the four special purpose storage buildings including elevations, cross sections and floor plans; a report on the spur track at the rear. CITY PLANNER REPORT City Planner advised of the San Mateo County Community College District program, "Housing Crisis: Strategies for San Mateo County", to be held Friday, May 30, 1980. C. Jacobs will attend. 6 n.101 IRMMGMT The meeting adjourned at 10:27 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Joseph E. Harvey Secretary