HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1980.09.08CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 8, 1980 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Sine on Monday, September 8, 1980 at 7.:38 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Jacobs, Mink, Sine and Taylor Absent: Commissioner Harvey (excused) Staff Present: City Planner John R. Yost; City Attorney Jerome F. Coleman; City Engineer Frank C. Erbacher MINUTES - Upon motion of C. Jacobs, second C. Mink, the minutes of the August 11, 1980 meeting were approved and adopted. AGENDA - Upon motion of C. Mink, second C. Cistulli, the order of the agenda was approved. Chm. Sine introduced former Planning Commissioner John Brauner, who was in the audience. C. Taylor was appointed Acting Secretary pro -tem in the absence of C. Harvey. APPLICATIONS FOR ACTION 1. TWO VARIANCES TO ADD A 718 SF SECOND FLOOR BEDROOM AND BATHROOM TO THE EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY HOME AT 1380 ALVARADO AVENUE CP Yost reviewed this request to allow a bedroom and bathroom addition at the second floor level; the required variances were noted. Reference staff report dated 9/3/80; Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 8/27/80; aerial photograph of the site; site plans dated 8/22/80; garage detail site plan dated 8/27/80; and cover letter from F.M. Taurian dated August 22, 1980. Staff had no objection to the granting of the variance if the Commission determined that the legal requirements for a variance had been met satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Taurian, applicants, were present. Mr. Taurian stated that the pro- posed addition was being built to accommodate his mother, who was coming to live with him. When asked by C. Jacobs about the parking of his personal autos, Mr. Taurian explained that he kept one of his vehicles, a truck, parked on the street due to the difficulty of getting it into his garage. Chm. Sine opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments in favor. Alexandra Nicholson, owner of the adjacent hone at 2.715 Hillside Drive, spoke against the application, stating that the windows in the new second floor bedroom would result in a loss of privacy and the 28' height would reduce afternoon sunlight. Acting secre- tary Taylor then read letters in opposition from Mrs. Emma Gorman, 1308 Alvarado Avenue, Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Gullett, 1312 Alvarado Avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Aldo H. Fontana, 1381 Hillside Drive; their concerns were that an additional bedroom would allow another person to live in the home, which could increase on -street parking on a narrow street and be an inconvenience to nearby residents. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. .. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 September 8, 1980 Commissioner discussion included: the nature of the non -conformities involved and how the proposed structure might be modified to protect the privacy of the neighbors; that except for the existing non -conforming side setback and garage dimensions, the proposed addition met all zoning requirements; modification of the size or location of the windows facing Ms. Nicholson's home. After further discussion, C. Mink found that Mr. Taurian had shown hardship and excep- tional circumstances, and the addition itself is consistent with code requirements; he then moved to approve the application. There was no second and the motion died. There was a five minute recess, while the applicant and staff discussed a modification of the plans which would be consistent with the concerns expressed during the public hearing. A revised window design was then presented to the Commission which reduced the size of the two easterly bedroom windows to less than half that shown on the applicant's plans, and raised the sill level to 4'3" above the floor line (rather than the proposed 2'0"). C. Mink then moved that the variance be granted to Mr. Phil Taurian based on the modified plans and the findings that the application now met the legal requirements for a variance as specified by Code Chapter 25.54. C. Taylor seconded the motion; motion approved 5-0 on roll call vote, C. Harvey absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 2. VARIANCE APPLICATION TO INSTALL A HOT TUB WITHIN AN EXISTING LANAI AT 1440 COLUMBUS AVENUE CP Yost reviewed this request to install a hot tub within a lanai that was recently remodeled without a Building Permit and which violates the 4' separation requirement between house and garage specified by Code Sec. 25.60.010/5; other zoning and Building Code violations were noted. Reference staff report dated 9/4/80; Project Application and CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 8/20/80; aerial photograph of the site; a location map of the site taken from the Sanborn Map; letter from Frank Holub dated August 19, 1980; site plans received 8/19/80; copy of the Assessor's Office Appraisal Report, dated 11/13/55; memo from the City Attorney received August 25, 1980; memos from the Building Inspector dated September 3, 1980 and August 28, 1980. Staff believed the legal requirements for variance approval had not been met and recommended denial. The Commissioners questioned CP Yost on the technical aspects of the variance and how the structure might be modified either to conform to current zoning requirements or to allow the addition of the hot tub; the date of the lanai addition was discussed; possible addition of a fire wall was discussed as well as other Building Code problems. Mr. Frank Holub, applicant, was present. He stated that he had been at this location for 24 years and that the lanai had been attached to the house at that time. He explained that the hot tub was needed for therapeutic reasons. He wished to correct the site plan as it refers to a "recreation room", rather than the "workshop" that it really is. He stated that the lanai gives needed storage area and cited various..other property improve- ments he has made. He also cited the 6' easement existing behind the garage, giving ad- ditional building separation from his neighbor. Chm. Sine then opened the public hearing. Mr. John Brauner, 1434 Columbus, spoke in favor of the application stating that the variance had been discussed with several neigh- bors. The concensus of opinion, he stated, is that the neighbors do not object to the granting of the variance. No one spoke in opposition and the public hearing was closed. Commission discussion included: zoning requirements as they relate to this structure; Building Code requirements if the lanai were to remain as is; the addition of the spa would not add to the non -conformities involved; the spa would be a medical benefit to both Mr. Holub and his wife; the difficulty of establishing the date of construction of the lanai was noted. Burl-ingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 September 8, 1980 C. Mink moved that the Variance be granted to Mr. Frank Holub based on the findings that the four legal requirements for a variance had been proven. Second C. Taylor; motion approved 5-0 by roll call vote, C. Harvey absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. FINAL PARCEL MAP FOR A 9 UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT AT 1133 DOUGLAS AVENUE BY MICHAEL D. ASHLEY FOR FAR WESTERN CAPITAL CORPORATION. Reference September 3, 1980 memo from the City Engineer. CE Erbacher recommended approval of this map which would combine two existing lots into a single parcel on condition that (])before the Final Map is recorded at least one of the existing structures be demolished, and (2)that before the Final Map is recorded the owner enter into an agreement with the City to participate in the costs to design and construct a replacement water main to serve this site. Chairman Sine opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was declared closed. C. Jacobs then moved for approval and recommendation to the City Council of this Final Parcel Map with the two conditions of the City Engineer. Second C. Cistulli; approved 5-0 by all aye voice vote, C. Harvey absent. 4. FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP FOR CAMINO GABLES, A 21 UNIT CONDIMINIUM PROJECT AT 735 EL CAMINO REAL Reference September 3, 1980 memo from the City Engineer. CE Erbacher advised the Com- mission that the conditions of approval attached to the tentative map would be completed prior to the final inspection and therefore recommended approval of the map. Chairman Sine opened the public hearing; there were no comments and the hearing was closed. Motion was then made by C. Jacobs for approval and recommendation to the City Council of this Final Subdivision Map. Second C. Mink; approved 5-0 by all aye voice vote,C. Harvey absent. 5. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP TO COMBINE LOT 10, BLOCK 7, BURLINGHOME SUBDIVISION WITH A 10' WIDE STRIP OF LAND ADJACENT TO ITS SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY; PROPERTY AT 1411 VANCOUVER AVENUE, FOR MARGARET W. MUIRHEAD. Reference September 3, 1980 memo from the City Engineer. CE Erbacher requested that this item be continued to the next regular Commission meeting to allow the applicant's surveyor time to make several minor corrections to the map. Motion was made by C. Taylor to continue this item to the September 22, 1980 Commission meeting; second C. Mink; approved 5-0 by all aye voice vote, C. Harvey absent. APPLICATIONS FOR STUDY The following applications were set for public hearing September 22, 1980: 6. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 214 ROOM MOTEL WHICH ENCROACHES 59' INTO A DESIGN GUIDELINE SETBACK; PROPERTY AT 777 AIRPORT BOULEVARD BY BOB BLUNK WITH MAX F. JAMES FOR DAYS INN OF AMERICA. 7. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR A 4 UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT AT 27 EL CMAINO REAL FOR QUALITY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. 8. TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP FOR THE ABOVE. 9. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A VEHICLE REPAIR SHOP IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 1745 ADRIAN ROAD BY STEVE G. GARDNER FOR GARDNER'S 4 WHEEL DRIVE. OTHER BUSINESS 10. REVIEW OF A RECENT TWO STORY ADDITION AT 109 CHANNING ROAD. Staff and Commission noted that present zoning regulations did not require single family Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes raye + September 8, 1980 home additions to conform to the style, size or materials of the original construction; the possible advantages of design review in some instances were discussed. Ways of preventing construction which is architecturally or technically deficient in its con- struction were briefly reviewed; alternatives to a design review board were discussed. Staff was requested to survey other local cities faced with this problem, and prepare a report for further study at the September 22 meeting. 11. REVIEW OF APRIL 21, 1980 SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A CAR RENTAL AGENCY AND AUTO SERVICING/.DETAILING COMPANY AT 1470 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY BY DAVID M. KING OF CALL -A -CAR RENTAL COMPANY. CP Yost cited the various improvements which have been made to this property. It was noted that several of the Council's conditions have not been met yet and the applicant, Mr. David King, was not present to describe his plans to complete the missing items. After further discussion, the Commission instructed staff to schedule a revocation hearing at the next meeting, September 22, 1980, and notify Mr. King by certified mail. 12. REVIEW OF AUGUST 27, 1979 SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE AN EQUIPMENT AND TRUCK RENTAL BUSINESS AT 1337 MARSTEN ROAD BY PATRICK T. SMITH OF MILLBRAE RENTS, INC. CP Yost cited the various improvements which have been made to the site in the past months. Concerning the landscaping, the applicant had today obtained the signature of the Park Director on a proposed landscaping plan which is to be installed in the next two months. Mr. Smith, the applicant, was present and stated that the remainder of the work will be completed shortly. C. Mink said that he had been to the site recently and had noted significant improvements. Chairman Sine then moved to approve a four month extension to the applicant. Second C. Mink; all aye voice vote. CITY PLANNER REPORT 13. COUNCIL ACTION ON THE BIARRITZ CONDOMINIUM PROJECT, 1299 EL CAMINO REAL CP Yost reported that the Condominium Permit for the Biarritz Condominium Project was denied by a vote of 4-0 at the September 2, 1980 meeting of the City Council. After public hearing, the parking layout was found to be unacceptable. An.ini1RNMFNT The meeting adjourned at 10:14 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Thomas C. Taylor Acting Secretary