HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1980.10.15CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 15, 1980 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Sine on Wednesday, October 15, 1980 at 7:32 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Graham, Harvey, Jacobs, Mink, Taylor, Sine Absent: None Staff Present: City Planner John R. Yost; City Engineer Frank C. Erbacher Chm. Sine welcomed Commissioner Harry S. Graham, newly appointed to the Planning Commission by City Council. MINUTES - Upon motion of C. Jacobs, second C. Harvey, minutes of the September 22, 1980 meeting were approved unanimously with the following correction: page 3, item #2, change address designation to read "1500 Willow Avenue - 1519 Arc Way". AGENDA - Upon motion of C. Jacobs, second C. Cistulli, order of the agenda approved. It was determined by the Chairman that Commissioner Graham was qualified to participate in voting this evening. APPLICATIONS FOR ACTION 1. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW THE CHINESE BIBLE EVANGEL, INC. TO OPERATE A CHURCH AND BIBLE COLLEGE AT HOOVER SCHOOL, 2220 SUMMIT DRIVE IN THE R-1 DISTRICT Reference Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 9/12/80; July 28, 1980 letter from Sen Wong, Director and Pastor, Chinese Bible Evangel; and site plan of the second floor, Hoover School. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW THE HOOVER CHILDREN'S CENTER TO OPERATE A PRESCHOOL PROGRAM AT HOOVER SCHOOL, 2220 SUMMIT DRIVE IN THE R-1 DISTRICT Reference Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 9/16/80; September 15, 1980 letter from Marjorie McCarthy, applicant; Intended use of premises dated 9/9/80; and site plan of the media center at Hoover School. Further references: staff report dated 10/10/80; site location drawings, site plan and aerial photo; October 7, 1980 letter from Dr. James E. Black, Superintendent, Burlingame School District with Exhibits A, B and C; Guidelines for Leasing Hoover School dated 9/9/80; Burlingame School District Hoover School Interior Dimensions dated 3/16/79; September 26, 1980 memo from the Chief Fire Inspector with attached letter, same date, to the Burlingame School District; memo received October 6, 1980 from the Chief Building Inspector; and 10/10/80 memo from the City Engineer (received after preparation of the staff report). CP Yost reviewed these applications: (1) by Sen Wong of the Chinese Bible Evangel for use of the second floor of the main building, and (2) by Marjorie McCarthy of Hoover Children's Center for use of the media center. He discussed Commission concerns Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 October 15, 1980 expressed at the study meeting, parking demand, proposed parking plans and staff comments. Staff had no objection to approval of each application with conditions as listed in the staff report. Sen Wong, Director and Pastor of Chinese Bible Evangel was present. He discussed his organization and how these facilities would meet their needs. Chm. Sine opened the public hearing. There were no comments in favor. The following spoke in opposition. - Doris White, 20 Oak Tree Place, Hillsborough: would oppose these applications if they would be a detriment to obtaining an easement to her property from the School Board (this property was located for Commission by the CP). - Valija Hutnick, 2202 Summit Drive, Burlingame: concern about the parking easement at the north end of the school and use of her private driveway leading from it. - John Crabbe, 2812 Easton Drive, Burlingame: lives across from the school, not opposed to the use but concerned about possible traffic congestion. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Chm. Sine read letter received this date from John Neil Chichizola, as executor of his parents' estate, former residents at 2260 Summit Drive, Hillsborough, proposing the property be sold for residential use and objecting to increased traffic. Discussion: the School Board Guidelines for Leasing Hoover School; the city code section relating to rental or lease of vacant school properties; the status of the Hutnick easement at the north end of the school; expected growth of Chinese Bible Evangel and its plans to house a Grounds Crew on the premises; determination that the Chinese Bible Evangel is a nonprofit organization; hours of operation; number of staff, students and church members; comparison between a usual school use and the present proposal; comparison of this use of Hoover School with use of the Sisters of Mercy facility; a desire to lease the school in order to retain the structure for possible future school use. CE Erbacher commented on his concern about unloading students on Summit Drive; he recommended review in six months. , Concerns: traffic capacity of the neighborhood streets; traffic impacts on rainy days; possible change in character of the neighborhood; student drop-off and pick-up on Summit Drive; use of the playground by children with the proposed staff parking in that area. Suggestions: condition the permit to prohibit regular use of the seven parking spaces in the Hutnick easement; restrict all long term parking to the perimeter of the playground; restrict drop-off/pick-up of students to the playground; review in six months. C. Jacobs then found this application by Sen Wong of the Chinese Bible Evangel meets the Guidelines for Leasing Hoover School and the Zoning Ordinance relating to rental or lease of vacant school properties; and that the cumulative traffic and parking impacts will not exceed the capacities of the adjacent streets and on-site parking. She therefore moved for approval of this special permit subject to the following conditions (with an amendment to Condition #8 suggested by C. Taylor): (1) that the permit be approved to the Chinese Bible Evangel, Inc. and be nontransferable; (2) that that the operation of the church and bible college be consistent with the July 28, 1980 letter from Sen Wong, Director and Pastor; (3) that no parking be allowed on the Hutnick easement on the north side; (4) that all staff and student parking be on-site in parking spaces 1-8/42-64, such spaces to be marked by either pavement striping or signs,the plans for which shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Public Works; (5) that the center of the playground be kept free of vehicles (except for evening parking, Sunday church services or special events); (6) that a system of markers or paving striping be prepared for peak event parking, the plans for which Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes October 15, 1980 shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Public Works; (7) that a 20' fire lane across the playground be kept clear at all times, such f� mrj� eDNv eAgentified on-site to the satisfaction of the Fire Department; (8) that approac road from Summit Drive to the playground be posted with "no parking" and "no stopping at any time" signs, and that a sign be posted on the schoolyard gate: "Fire Lane - no parking at any time" and "no stopping at any time"; (9) that the conditions of the September 26, 1980 letter from the Chief Fire Inspector and October 6, 1980 memo from the Chief Building Inspector be met satisfactorily; and (10) that this permit be reviewed in six months, and be subject to amendment at that time if problems have been observed. Second C. Harvey; motion approved on a 5-2 roll call vote (Cers Cistulli and Graham dissenting). Appeal procedures were advised. CP Yost again briefly reviewed the special permit for Hoover Children's Center. Marjorie McCarthy, the applicant was present. She noted the need in San Mateo County for daycare centers, discussed her plans for a quality school and consideration of the neighborhood. She stated that drop-off and pick-up of students would not be allowed on Summit Drive. Chm. Sine opened the public hearing. The following spoke. - Wilbert Petersen, 12 Belvedere Court, Burlingame: lives in back of Hoover School; if the amphitheater and wild territory are maintained, would be in favor. - Ray Salvoni, 2265 Summit Drive, Hillsborough: lives across the street; approves keeping the school in use; concerned about traffic congestion and entry -exit from his property. - John Crabbe, 2812 Easton Drive, Burlingame: concerned about traffic, parking, and use of the playground by children when automobiles are regularly parked on the perimeter; wishes to see the school kept in use. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Discussion: anticipated enrollment; hours of pick-up/drop-off, particularly peak times; traffic circulation pattern; possible improvements to the school driveway; need for six months review. Concerns: traffic impacts, especially on rainy days. Dr. James Black, Superintendent of the Burlingame School District, was present. He discussed the matter of possible improvements to the driveway and the cost for same; the problem of vandalism; and the School Board's desire to keep the school site occupied and available to neighborhood children. C. Taylor then found this application meets the Guidelines for Leasing Hoover School and the Zoning Ordinance relating to rental or lease of vacant school properties; and that the cumulative traffic and parking impacts will not exceed the capacities of the adjacent streets and on-site parking. Based on these findings, C. Taylor moved for approval of this special permit with the following conditions: (1) that the permit be approved to Marjorie A. McCarthy dba Hoover Children's Center, and be nontransferable; (2) that the operationof the preschool program be consistent with the September 15, 1980 letter from Mrs. McCarthy filed with this application; (3) that no parking be allowed on the Hutnick easement on the north side; (4) that the Project Application be amended to exclude drop-off/pick-up of students on Summit Drive; (5) that all staff parking be on-site in parking spaces 1-8/42-64, such spaces to be marked by either pavement striping or signs, the plans for which shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Public Works; (6) that the center of the playground be kept free of vehicles; (7) that a 20' fire lane across the playground be kept clear at all times, such fire IAN tt AeVd j%tified on-site to the satisfaction of the Fire Department; (8) that the approach road from Summit Drive to the playground be posted with "no parking" and "no stopping at any time" signs, and that a sign be posted on the Page 4 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes October 15, 1980 schoolyard gate: "Fire Lane - no parking at any time" and "no stopping at any time"; (9) that the conditions of the September 26, 1980 letter from the Chief Fire Inspector and October 6, 1980 memo from the Chief Building Inspector be met satisfactorily; and (10) that this permit be reviewed in six months, and be subject to amendment at that time if problems have been observed. Second C. Mink. Motion approved on a 6-1 roll call vote (C. Cistulli dissenting: concern about traffic hazards) (C. Graham's 'yes' vote in support of a five day operation and requirement of on-site pick-up of children). Appeal procedures were advised. Recess 9:12 P.M.; reconvene 9:27 P.M. 3. VARIANCE TO REPLACE A 670 SF GARAGE AND PATIO SHELTER WITH A 684 SF CARPORT AND STORAGE ROOM AT 125 CHANNING ROAD, ZONED R-1, BY MIGUEL POLCHOWSKI CP Yost reviewed this application to demolish an older garage and patio shelter and replace them at approximately the same location with a carport and attached storage room. Reference staff report dated 10/8/80; Project Application & CEQA Assessment accepted by staff 10/6/80; aerial photograph of the site; 9/30/80 letter from Miguel and Helena Polchowski; existing and proposed site drawings. CP discussed several issues raised by the application and possible alternatives to the proposed project. Staff did not believe the legal requirements for a variance had been met; denial was recommended. If approved, three conditions were suggested as listed in the staff report. Miguel Polchowski, the applicant was present. He discussed his desire to improve his home and the neighborhood as well as his need for more storage space and room to accommodate the hobbies and equipment of a family of six. It was determined the applicant purchased the house in 1968, and that he had read the staff report. Commission discussed various alternatives with him. Chm. Sine opened the public hearing. Russell Moir, 138 Channing Road spoke in favor, noting the applicant's need for additional space. There were no further comments and the hearing was closed. Concerns: allowing a new carport rather than a garage (suggest incorporating a garage with storage at one end); the combined code deficiencies and impact on the neighborhood; "too much building for the space"; the hardship requirement for approval of a variance had not been met. There was further discussion about redesign and disposition of the present application. Applicant then requested a continuance to allow time for preparation of new plans. C. Mink moved that this item be continued to the meeting of October 29, 1980 at the request of the applicant. Second C. Cistulli. Motion approved 7-0 on roll call vote. Mr. Polchowski was urged to confer with staff. OTHER BUSINESS 4. , AMENDMENT OF OCTOBER 2, 1978 SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW TRUE LEARNING CENTER, INC. TO INCREASE ITS PRESENT ENROLLMENT TO 65 STUDENTS; PROPERTY AT 801 HOWARD AVENUE CP Yost reviewed True Learning Center's 1978 special permit and 1979 amendment for use of Washington School. Reference staff report dated 10/8/80; September 26, 1980 letter from Larry Krusemark, Director of True Learning Center; memo received October 7, 1980 from the Chief Fire Inspector; 10/7/80 memo from the City Engineer; and September 30, 1980 letter from the Burlingame School District. In the absence of neighborhood complaints during the past year, staff recommended approval of this request with amended conditions as listed in the staff report. Page 5 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes October 15, 1980 It was determined notices had been sent to all property owners within a 300 foot radius of the site and that no telephone or written communications had been received by staff from any neighbors. Larry Krusemark, the applicant was present. He advised he had a waiting list at present and requested approval of this amendment. Chm. Sine opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. C. Jacobs moved for approval of this amendment subject to the following: (1) that Condition #2 of the 1978 permit be increased to a maximum enrollment of 65 students; and (2) that this increase be limited to the current school year with a review and possible amendment or cancellation of this change at that time, if problems are observed. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved 7-0 on roll call vote. 5. AMENDMENT OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1980 VARIANCE REQUIREMENT FOR THE ADDITION OF A SECOND FLOOR BEDROOM AND BATHROOM; PROPERTY AT 1380 ALVARADO AVENUE, BY PHIL TAURIAN Reference staff report dated 10/8/80; Exhibit A - elevation of northeast side of house; Exhibit B - original window design, approved design and requested change. October 6, 1980 letter from Mrs. F. M. Taurian with drawing of requested change to the bedroom windows; and September 8, 1980 Planning Commission minutes. CP Yost reviewed the 9/8/80 public hearing and subsequent action by the city and applicant. Staff had no objection to this request for a larger window size. CP presented a letter dated October 15, 1980 received this evening from Alexandra Nicholson, the adjacent neighbor who had objected to the original design. This letter stated she was no longer concerned with the construction of the new addition. Concerns and Commission findings at the previous hearing were reviewed. After discussion, C. Taylor found that the four legal requirements for granting a variance had been met, and moved the requested amendment to the two bedroom windows described in Exhibit B (3) dated 10/8/80 be approved. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved on a 6-0 roll call vote (C. Graham abstaining as he was not present for the discussion at the previous meeting). 6. REVIEW OF MARCH 10, 1980 SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW DHL CORPORATION TO OPERATE A COURIER SERVICE IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 865 HINCKLEY ROAD CP Yost reviewed special permit approved in March this year and staff inspections in August and September, 1980. Reference staff report dated 10/10/80; October 9, 1980 memo from the Park Director; and landscape plan by Brandeau Associates received October 9, 1980. It was staff's recommendation that the matter be continued for two months to allow DHL to install the new landscaping. October 15, 1980 letter from DHL Corporation was distributed this evening. Letter made a commitment to install the new landscaping as per the plan submitted within a two month period. There being no Commission objections, the Chairman continued this item to the meeting of December 8, 1980. APPLICATIONS FOR STUDY 7. DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, EIR-53P, FOR THE PROPOSED INTERTELEPHON OFFICE DEVELOPMENT AT 700 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, PREPARED BY TORREY & TORREY INC. CP explained proposed timing for public hearings on this Draft EIR and the two special permits and variance for the project. Staff has requested an additional traffic survey prior to the October 29, 1980 meeting in order to incorporate this data in the EIR. Item set for hearing October 29, 1980. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 October 15, 1980 8. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 130,000 SF OFFICE BUILDING IN THE C-4 DISTRICT AT 700 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, FOR INTERTELEPHON N.V. Set for hearing November 10, 1980 if the additional traffic data is received by the October 29 public hearing on the EIR. 9. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AN OFFICE BUILDING WHICH ENCROACHES 20' INTO A DESIGN GUIDELINE SETBACK, PROPERTY AT 700 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, FOR INTERTELEPHON N.V. Set for hearing November 10, 1980 if the additional traffic data is received by the October 29 public hearing on the EIR. 10. VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A 130,000 SF OFFICE BUILDING WITH 347 ON-SITE PARKING SPACES (RATHER THAN THE 433 SPACES REQUIRED BY CODE), AT 700 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, FOR INTERTELEPHON N.V. Set for hearing November 10, 1980 if the additional traffic data is received by the October 29 public hearing on the EIR. The following items were set for hearing October 29, 1980. 11. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ESTABLISH A 1200 SF SAVINGS AND LOAN OFFICE AT 1801 EL CAMINO REAL, IN THE C-1 DISTRICT, BY PAN AMERICAN SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Survey of all businesses at Burlingame Plaza will be provided for the public hearing. The recent code amendment designating banks and savings and loan associations as a conditional use requiring a special permit in the C-1 District was noted. 12. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A RESTAURANT IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 819 MITTEN ROAD, BY SARKIS KULLUKIAN OF "CAFE EXPRESS" ACKNOWLEDGMENT Copy of City Council minutes, September 15, 1980: hearing on Ordinance No. 1186 "Ordinance Limiting Storage of Trailers, Boats and Campers in Setbacks and Yards of Residential Zones". CITY PLANNER REPORT CP noted Specific Area Plan - The Burlingame Bayfront prepared for City of Burlingame by Torrey & Torrey Inc. which was distributed this evening. University of California Extension course "The Job of the Planning Commissioner", December 3-4, 1980 at Berkeley was noted. Commissioner Graham will attend. Chm. Sine urged staff complete work on modification of the code to protect the city against such remodeling as has occurred recently at 109 Channing Road. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Joseph E. Harvey Secretary