HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1979.02.26CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 26, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs on Monday, February 26, 1979 at 7:32 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Francard, Jacobs, Kindig, Mink, Sine, Taylor Absent: None Staff Present: John R. Yost, Assistant City Planner; Ralph E. Kirkup, City Engineer; Jerome F. Coleman, City Attorney MINUTES The minutes of the February 8, 1979 meeting were approved as mailed. AGENDA Order of the agenda approved, with the addition of Final Subdivision Map, 1210 Bellevue Avenue and a report by Commissioner Taylor on League of California Cities Planning Commissioners Institute, Monterey. MEETING ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, EIR-51E, FOR THE WASTEWATER RECLAMATION PROJECT, PREPARED BY EARTH METRICS INCORPORATED FOR THE CITY OF BURLINGAME CE Kirkup introduced James A. Wyse, project engineer, Resources Engineering & Management, consulting engineers who prepared the Project Report. Mr. Wyse briefly reviewed the "Project Report for Wastewater Reclamation Project, September 1978". His discussion included: low contact uses (landscape irrigation of golf course and irrigation of freeways); high contact uses (which require much higher effluent according to State health guidelines); cost effectiveness of the project; and reclamation alternatives. Mr. Wyse concluded that the project is cost effective and would benefit the residents of Burlingame, San Mateo County and State of California. David H. Crimp, project manager, Earth Metrics Incorporated, discussed Environmental Impact Report, EIR-51E, for the Proposed City of Burlingame Wastewater Reclamation Project, January 1, 1979. He noted possible environmental impacts and mitigating factors. It was felt the impacts would be mitigated by stringent State health standards. Commission comments and staff/consultant replies follow. Commissioner Francard: Has a chemical analysis been made of the wastewater? Mr. Wyse advised a complete chemical analysis had been made with the determination it would have no effect on the soil or plant life. Chairman Jacobs inquired about the criteria for safeness of the water. Mr. Crimp advised that State Health Department guidelines had been used. Mr. Wyse said there was enough residual chlorine to prevent any future viruses. Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes February 26, 1979 Commissioner Francard: Why not transport this water to the south? Robert Eppler of Resources Engineering & Management was of the opinion high energy costs prohibit transporting reclaimed water long distances; it is more cost effective to keep it here than to transport it and bring in more fresh water. Chairman Jacobs opened the public hearing; there were no audience comments and the public hearing was closed. Further comments follow. Chairman Jacobs: Does the State believe it is cost effective to have such projects implemented by the cities? Bill CampbE!ll of the State Water Resources Control Board noted the State's goal is to promote wastewater reclamation wherever possible as there is a forecast of water shortage state-wide. This project is cost effective and compatible with Department of Health guidelines; however, it is still the City's decision as to the cost effectiveness to the City. Commissioner Taylor: Regarding project payout, when does it begin to become cost effective? The consultant advised the users cost would be amortized over 20 years; the City's cost would be only 122% of the total cost. Commissioner Cistulli: How important is this project for a city of this size? Where will the water be stored? Who is going to pay for it? CE Kirkup replied the project is important to the City, particularly for the golf course. Ile advised the County and City will be short of water by 1990 unless something like this is done. Regarding funding, the 122% City cost would come from the city sewer fund which has funds available for this purpose. The CE also discussed present effluent transmission lines and joint powers agreement requirements with the City of Millbrae. It was confirmed that Millbrae is aware of the project and received copies of the Project Report and EIR. Commissioner Sine objected to the statement that the Federal and State 872% is free since in reality it is the tax money of the residents of Burlingame. He referred to Table 9, pages 62 and 63 of the EIR, and questioned the small increase in projected potable water costs, as well as whether maintenance and replacement costs had been included. CE Kirkup and the consultant agreed the basis of escalation might be too optimistic; the amortized cost in the Project Report did include operations and maintenance costs. The consultant also commented with regard to the projected water costs; they are conservative for purposes of comparing them to the costs of reclaimed wastewater. If project water rates should be higher in the year 1990, it would make use of reclaimed wastewater much more cost effective. Commissioner Mink requested clarification in the addendum with regard to Commissioner Sine's questions, as well as other Commission requests, and asked that a statement with regard to power costs also be included. CE Kirkup advised written replies had been received from several local agencies and these would be incorporated in the addendum together with consultant's responses to comments this evening. CA Coleman advised the EIR is legally sufficient. Addendum to be prepared in 30 days from this date. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ADD 1,482 SF OF OFFICE AND PARTS STORAGE SPACE TO THE BUILDING AT 200 CALIFORNIA DRIVE, ZONED C-2, BY ARATA PONTIAC ACP Yost reviewed this application to add 1,482 SF of floor area to the existing building at 200 California Drive, property in the Burlingame Avenue Area Off -Street Parking District. Reference staff report dated 2/21/79; Project Assessment form revised 2/21/79; plans date stamped January 22, 1979; January 24, 1979 letter from David James Arata; February 10, 1979 memo from the Assistant City Engineer regarding parking district costs; January 31, 1979 memo from the Chief Fire Inspector. Staff recommended approval with conditions as listed in the staff report. Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes February 26, 1979 David James Arata addressed Commission, noting his letter of February 20, 1979 to the City Council appealing the code requirement to supply additional parking places. He outlined his attempts during the past year to alleviate the parking problem. The Parking District requirement was discussed. CA Coleman noted that the City Council had adopted Commission's resolution with regard to the Burlingame Avenue Area Off -Street Parking District; it was his opinion that Commission could recommend to the City Council but had no right to change this adopted policy. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the public hearing was closed. C. Sine commended Mr. Arata on his efforts to alleviate traffic congestion, felt the Parking District payment would penalize the applicant unnecessarily, and did not want the cost of the parking to be included in any motion. C. Cistulli agreed. C.ers Mink, Kindig and Jacobs felt the Parking District policy should be adhered to consistently to protect the City in future. C. Taylor did not believe Commission could ignore the Parking District formula and it should be included in the motion. CA Coleman commented this inclusion would give the applicant something to appeal to the City Council. C. Mink moved for approval of the special permit with the following conditions: (1) that all alterations to the building be done with a Building Permit and consistent with the plans date stamped January 22, 1979; and (2) that three additional on-site parking spaces be provided at 200 California Drive, or a fee of $9,447 be paid to the City of Burlingame prior to the approval of a Building Permit. Second C. Kindig and approved 7-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. SIGN EXCEPTION FOR ONE 20' HIGH ILLUMINATED POLE SIGN WITH 98 SF PER FACE FOR THE FROG POND HOT TUB AND SAUNA CLUB AND PAIGE RENT-A=CAR AT 1300/1302 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY ACP Yost reviewed this application which proposes to add 196 SF of signage to the 396 SF of existing signage on this property. Reference staff report dated 2/21/79 which includes an abstract of the sign permit application as well as a statement of the findings necessary for a sign exception. Staff did not recommend approval and it was hoped a comprehensive signage program could be implemented by the property owner. Bill Biscoe, Paige Rent-A-Car, addressed Commission and stressed his need for company identification. Commission was in sympathy but concerned that the property already was oversigned. It was felt the property owner should come to Commission for a master sign permit. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. David Keyston, Anza Shareholders' Liquidating. Trust, the previous property owner, spoke in favor of granting the sign exception. He pointed out that both applicants hold special permits from the Commission to operate their businesses at this location and stated his belief the request was a reasonable one. There were no further audience comments and the public hearing was closed. During discussion it was noted the sign ordinance had been adopted to eliminate oversignage in the City. Possible procedures and options of Commission and the applicants were discussed. Commissioner Kindig then moved that this sign exception be denied. Second C. Sine; motion to deny approved 7-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. Staff was requested to contact the property owner and advise him of the circumstances surrounding the denial of this application. A recess was called at 9:22 P.M.; reconvene 9:32 P.M. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 February 26, 1979 4. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP, 1530 ROLLINS ROAD, ZONED M-1, FOR WINSTON MANAGEMENT AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, INC. CE Kirkup reviewed this map application to divide three lots that run perpendicular to Rollins Road into two lots that run perpendicular to David Road. There is an existing building on Parcel A and driveway access over Parcel B to the rear parking on Parcel A; parking is to code standards. Approval was recommended subject to one condition (reference ACE'S memo of February 22, 1979). Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. Louis G. Harding of Winston Management confirmed his company's agreement with the recommendation of staff. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. C. Taylor moved for approval of this tentative and final parcel map with the condition that driveway access to Rollins Road be prohibited after Parcel B is improved and developed. Second C. Mink and approved 7-0 on roll call vote. 5. FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP FOR THE REDWOOD CREST, 27 CONDOMINIUM UNITS AT 1435 BELLEVUE AVENUE CE Kirkup advised this condominium map conforms with the tentative map previously approved and has been constructed in accordance with code. Final map approval was recommended after receipt by the City of a $5,000 guarantee to be held until flood protection improvements and landscaping are completed. Chairman Jacobs opened the public hearing. Arthur Dudley, 1009 California Drive confirmed that the applicants are agreeable to posting a $5,000 guarantee. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Commission and staff discussed the need for and the procedures in requesting a guarantee. C. Mink moved for approval of this final subdivision map with the condition that a $5,000 guarantee be provided to the City to be held until landscaping and flood protection improvements are completed. Second Commissioner Cistulli and approved 7-0 on roll call vote. 6. HOME SAVINGS AND LOAN, 1188 EL CAMINO REAL; REVIEW OF PLANTS FOR TEMPORARY MODULAR BUILDING ACP Yost discussed this item, a review of plans filed in compliance with 11/27/78 Special Permit Condition #9. Staff recommended approval of the modular temporary building this evening. Robert Compton, representing Home Savings and Loan, was present. A discrepancy in the vicinity map was pointed out by C. Sine. He also had a concern the temporary building would become a permanent building. Mr. Compton assured Commission the modular building would be moved to Burlingame from Santa Cruz; then moved to another location as soon as the permanent office is open or in one year's time from its installation, whichever occurs first. C. Mink moved for approval of the plans submitted by Home Savings and Loan for the temporary modular building to be placed on the property at 1188 E1 Camino Real. Second C. Cistulli and approved 7-0 on roll call vote. 7. LITTLE LAMBS DAY CARE CENTER, 100 LORTON AVENUE; 2/27/78 SPECIAL PERMIT CONDITION THAT THE USE BE REVIEWED IN ONE YEAR ACP Yost advised the first two conditions of the 2/27/78 special permit had been satisfactorily met. No complaints have been received by the City since the opening of the day care center. Staff recommended the special permit be confirmed. C. Taylor moved confirmation; second C. Mink and all aye voice vote. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 . February 26, 1979 7a. FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP, BELLEVUE CONDOMINIUMS AT,1210 BELLEVUE AVENUE CE Kirkup advised some conditions of tentative map approval have not been completed. Staff recommended approval with a $12,000 guarantee until this work is completed. Reference ACE's memo of 2/22/79. Lou Arata, representing the applicants, was present. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. C. Mink moved for approval of this final subdivision map with the stipulation that a $12,000 guarantee be provided to the City until the satisfactory completion of the following: (1) sidewalk and driveway approaches; (2) flood protection, including earth landscaping fill and driveway reconstruction; and (3) complete landscape planting. Second C. Cistulli and approved 7-0 on roll call vote. OTHER BUSINESS 8. SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMITS FOR ANZA AREA: PROGRESS REPORT, FEBRUARY 14, 1978 ACP Yost discussed the Anza Area progress reports, noting Plain 4 had been chosen by City Council with certain modifications. This third report sets out a framework for implementation and will be discussed by Council March 14, 1979. 8a. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES PLANNING COMMISSIONERS INSTITUTE, MONTEREY, FEBRUARY 21-23, 1979 C. Taylor reported on the subjects discussed at this recent meeting. CITY PLANNER REPORT Staff reported City Council approved the appeal of Commission's denial of 24 hour operation, 7-11 Store, 975 Rollins Road, subject to review in six months. Planning Commission approval of special permit for the Crown Coffee Shop, 875 Mahler Road was sustained. an.l(NIRNMPNT The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary