HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1979.04.09CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 9, 1979 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs on Monday, April 9, 1979 at 7:32 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Francard, Jacobs, Mink, Sine Absent: Commissioner Taylor Staff Present: John R. Yost, Assistant City Planner; Ralph E. Kirkup, City Engineer; Jerome F. Coleman, City Attorney MINUTES The March 26, 1979 minutes were approved as mailed with the following correction: on page 2, second paragraph, change the name of "Ned Benecici"' to "Ned Benedict". Chm. Jacobs appointed C. Mink to serve out C. Kindig's unexpired term as secretary of the Commission. The order of the agenda was approved. MEETING ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. VARIANCE TO PARK A BOAT AND TRAILER IN THE FRONT SETBACK AT 2909 ARGUELLO DRIVE IN THE R-1 DISTRICT, BY JOSEPH C. DEES ACP Yost reviewed this item, noting code restrictions for the storage of trailers and the chronology of this application. Reference staff report dated 4/2/79; applicant's Affidavit for Variance; drawing dated 3/28/79; petition containing 56 signatures of nearby residents in support of the variance; January 15, 1979 abatement notice to Joseph C. Dees from John R. Yost, Assistant City Planner; and January 21, 1979 reply from Joseph Dees to John Yost attaching diagrams of Proposals #1 (removal of a portion of the brick planter adjacent to the front of the house to allow the trailer to be pushed farther back, and only encroach approximately 4' into -the front setback) and #2 (to rotate the boat and trailer 900 and park them parallel to the street adjacent to the front of the house, and technically behind the front setback). Mr. Yost reviewed the legal requirements necessary for approval of a variance and noted a third alternative, removal of the boat and trailer to an off-site location. There was no staff recommendation on this application. Joseph Dees, the applicant, was present. Photographs of the site were circulated to Commission. Mr. Dees discussed his efforts over the past eight years to provide landscaping which would screen the site: He told Commission he was unable to find available off-site storage space in Burlingame. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. The following spoke in favor of granting this variance: Horst van Wauden, 2901 Arguello Drive; H. W. Prewett, 2973 Arguello Drive; and Jim Mears, 2917 Arguello Drive. They expressed the feeling that the boat was well hidden by the landscaping, that this was accomplished attractively, and that Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 April 9, 1979 the legal alternative would be much worse. Chm. Jacobs determined from Mr. Mears that he had recently sold his house. There were no further audience comments and the public hearing was closed. During Commission discussion Mr. Dees noted his preference for Alternate #1; he felt Alternate #2 would be much more of an eyesore. It was noted the magnolia tree in front is a street tree; the city maintains it and the resident cannot remove it. Commission discussion included: a precedent would be set if this variance were approved; boats in a front yard are not an improvement; there was a feeling expressed a variance should be concerned with the land or the house and riot merely with a luxury such as a boat; it was suggested that the applicant find an off-site location to park the boat and trailer. For the record, C. Mink advised that he and the applicant have worked together for many years; he determined that some of the boats Mr. Dees has owned since 1970 could have been parked behind the front setback. C. Sine moved to deny this variance, with the finding that paragraphs (a), (c) and (d) of Sec. 25.54.020 were not.satisfied. Second C. Cistulli and motion to deny approved 5-0, C. Taylor absent. Appeal procedures were advised.. The possibility of recommending an ordinance to City Council to prohibit parking of boats in the area between the residence and the street was discussed. Chm. Jacobs accepted this item for study later in the meeting. Applicant was advised to contact the ACP for.a report of this discussion. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE TRAINING PROGRAMS AND "BUSINESS PRESENTATIONS" OF DYNIQUE INTERNATIONAL COSMETIC PRODUCTS AT 875 MAHLER ROAD IN THE M-1 DISTRICT, BY DAN AND NORMA SILVA DBA DYNIQUE OF SAN FRANCISCO Dan Silva, the applicant, requested a continuance. ACP Yost advised that the higher occupant densities requested by Dynique will require further improvements since the Crown Building corridors were not designed for public assemblage. He was of the opinion that the question of improvements to the building would not preclude a public hearing this evening. City Attorney concurred. After discussion there was a consensus to hold the public hearing. ACP Yost reviewed the application to use two classrooms in the Crown Building for training programs and business presentations. Reference Staff Report Rev. 4/5/79; Project Assessment Rev. 4/4/79; February 28, 1979 letter from the applicants with activity summaries; Harvard Investment Company, Inc. letter dated March 13, 1979 with copy of current tenant list; Chief Fire Inspector's memo of March 9, 1979; and Building Inspector's letter to Mrs. Silva dated March 30, 1979 which lists improvements necessary for an occupancy load over 50 persons. Staff had no objection to approval if specific limitations were imposed for attendance at future classes and business presentations during the normal 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM work week. Mrs. Silva advised that some classes have now been moved to a hotel if the occupant load exceeded 50 persons; the 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM classes are being kept to 35 persons. It was noted the special permit was necessary in order to hold classes in the M-1 District. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the public hearing was closed. During Commission discussion it was determined that use of this building for instructional purposes would constitute a change in occupancy if there were more than 50 persons and would require two legal exits with panic hardware. The recommended conditions in the staff report would, in effect, limit the occupant load to 50 persons in the evening (until two legal exits were provided) and 35 persons during the daytime. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 April 9, 1979 C. Mink moved for approval of this special permit with the following conditions: (1) that the permit be approved to Dan and Norma Silva dba Dynique of San Francisco, and be nontransferable; (2) that the operation of this business be consistent with the written materials and plans filed with this application; (3) that all weekday classes and programs between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM be limited to a combined total of 35 people, including Dynique staff; (4) that the requirements of the March 30, 1979 letter from the Building Inspector be met satisfactorily; (5) that this permit be reviewed in two years, and be subject to possible modification at that time; this review to include a record of attendance during daytime and evening activities at this site. Second C. Sine and approved 5-0, C. Taylor absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. SIGNEXCEPTIONTO ALLOW A 5' X 20' GROUND SIGN TO BE INSTALLED AT THE EL CAMINO REAL AND PLAZA LANE ENTRANCE TO THE BURLINGAME PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER ACP Yost reviewed this request to replace the old ground sign at the shopping center, the new sign to be placed in the 6' wide median strip of Plaza Lane to serve the interests of all the Plaza merchants. Staff recommended approval. Steve Musich, representing the merchants, was present. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the public hearing was closed. It was noted the sign is needed for identification; the problems with location for best visibility were discussed; hours of illumination would be 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM. C. Sine.moved for approval of this sign exception; second C. Cistulli and approved 5-0, C. Taylor absent. Appeal procedures were advised. MEETING ITEMS FOR STUDY 4. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR RETAIL SALES OF RELIGIOUS BOOKS AND CHURCH MATERIALS AT 1635 ADRIAN ROAD, IN THE M-1 DISTRICT ACP Yost reviewed this application to lease approximately 12,000 SF in an existing office/warehouse building and use these quarters for the western retail/mail order sales division of United Methodist Publishing House. Application technically complete; set for hearing April 23, 1979. 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE AN AUTO DETAILING SHOP AT 1244 ROLLINS ROAD (NOW NERLI LANE), IN THE M-1 DISTRICT, BY ROBERT LA BONAR ACP Yost reviewed this application to operate an auto detailing service, cleaning the exterior and interior of approximately 4 cars per day. Application technically complete. A report on the cleaning agent to be used was requested from the Fire Department. Item set for hearing April 23, 1979. 6. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR A 6 -UNIT TOWNHOUSE PROJECT AT 1008 E=L CAMINO REAL, ZONED R-3. FOR JOHN AND THERESA BROSNAN 7. TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP FOR 6 CONDOMINIUM UNITS AT 1008 EL CAMINO REAL CE Kirkup reviewed these items. He noted Engineering Department concerns yet to be resolved and recommended the items be set for hearing. Set for hearing April 23, 1979. Page 4 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes April 9, 1979 8. SPECIAL PERMIT TO USE 3.4 ACRES OF LAND UNDER THE PG&E LINES BEHIND 1576-1700 ROLLINS ROAD FOR THE STORAGE OF CARS, RECREATIONAL VEHICLES AND BOATS, IN THE M-1 DISTRICT, BY MUNKDALE BROTHERS INC. 9. VARIANCE TO DEVELOP THE ABOVE 3.4 ACRES WITH PAVING AND FENCING BUT NO LANDSCAPING ACP Yost reviewed this application to pave and fence all or a portion of 3.4 acres and use the improved area for the storage of cars, recreational vehicles and boats. A variance is requested to develop this area without the 10% landscaping required by code. Some Engineering Department concerns are yet to be resolved. ACP recommended the items be set for public hearing. Set for hearing April 23, 1979. OTHER BUSINESS 10. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS RE COMPACT CAR PARKING CE Kirkup advised that the Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission discussed this matter at their March 8, 1979 meeting. The majority recommended no change be made in the ordinance; that if a variance is proposed, an 8' x 16' size for compact car stalls be considered; and that the number of compact stalls be determined on an individual basis. It is staff's feeling compact cars should be provided for within the existing ordinance rather than going through the lengthy procedure of processing a variance. Commission discussed the percentages recommended; staff had recommended to the TS&P Commission that 20% out of 100 cars be compact with a stall size of 82' x 16'. Commission suggestions: that the compact spaces be segregated; that consideration be given to multi -family residences as well as commercial. Staff was requested to draft an ordinance amendment to cover compact cars. A possible ordinance recommendation prohibiting storage between the residence and the street was again discussed; the variety of items this might include and the exact area. Staff was requested to draft an ordinance amendment to cover Commission concerns. C. Sine also requested staff consider an amendment to the definition of building height. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The following communications had been circulated to Commission; little discussion ensued. 11. 1977-78 Progress Report of the Regional Planning Committee and Airport Land Use Commission; March 16, 1979 letter from George C. Feliz. 12. California State University, Sacramento; March 7, 1979 letter from Cortus T. Koehler. An.IOIIRNMFNT The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Charles W. Mink Acting Secretary