HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1979.04.23CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 23, 1979 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs on Monday, April 23, 1979 at 7:34 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Francard, Jacobs, Mink, Sine, Taylor Absent: None Staff Present: John R. Yost, Assistant City Planner; Ralph E. Kirkup, City Engineer; Jerome F. Coleman, City Attorney MINUTES Chm. Jacobs requested a change on page 2, paragraph 2 to read: "Commission discussion included: a precedent would be set it this variance were approved; boats in the front yard are not an improvement and are not consistent with the intent of the Open Space Element of the General Plan". Joseph Dees' letter of April 14, 1979 to the ACP was noted in which he requested the minutes show that since 1970 the boat could not be parked behind the front setback (reference page 2, paragraph 2, last sentence). It was agreed this was the intent of Mr. Dees' statements. C. Mink moved for approval of the minutes as amended; minutes of the April 9, 1979 meeting approved as mailed and amended. AGENDA - C. Cistulli moved for approval of tonight's agenda. ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR RETAIL SALES OF RELIGIOUS BOOKS AND CHURCH MATERIALS AT 1635 ADRIAN ROAD, ZONED M-1, BY BERT HOLCOMB OF COKESBURY, A DIVISION OF UNITED METHODIST PUBLISHING HOUSE ACP Yost reviewed this application to lease approximately 12,000 SF in an existing office/warehouse building and use these quarters for the retail/mail order sales division of United Methodist Publishing House. Reference staff report dated 4/18/79; Project Assessment revised 4/18/79; Cokesbury letter dated March 26, 1979; and site plans date stamped April 2, 1979. No code problems have been identified. Staff recommended approval with six conditions as listed in the staff report. Martin Zankel, attorney for the applicant, requested clarification of the condition that the permit be reviewed in two years and be subject to possible modification. It was explained that staff's concern was that adequate on-site parking would be available should the present tenants or their business operations change. It was noted that the provision of additional parking by restriping the existing parking area, or the possible paving of a large unimproved area behind the warehouse, would be the responsibility of the property owner. The provisions of Code Sec. 25.16.140 Revocation or suspension of use permit or variance, Title 25 Zoning, were also reviewed. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Folke Ohlsson, the property owner, was present space that could be used to increase available public hearing. There were no comments and the Page 2 April 23, 1979 and confirmed the large amount of parking. Chairman Jacobs opened the hearing was closed. C. Mink moved for approval of this special permit with the following conditions: (1) that the permit be approved to Cokesbury, and be nontransferable; (2) that the operation of this office be substantially consistent with the March 26, 1979 letter from Mr. Ernest Chandler filed with this application; (3) that five parking spaces be reserved for Cokesbury's exclusive use at the location shown on the site plan filed with this application, and be marked "Cokesbury - Customer Parking"; and (4) that on-site parking be reviewed in two years if the use of -the building changes, and be subject to possible modification at that time. Second C. Taylor and approved 6-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE AN AUTO DETAILING SHOP AT 1244 ROLLINS ROAD (NOW NERLI LANE), ZONED M-1, BY MR. ROBERT LA BONAR OF BURLINGAME AUTO DETAILING ACP Yost reviewed this application to operate an auto detailing service on Nerli Lane. Reference staff report dated 4/18/79; Project Assessment revised 4/18/79; xerox copy of "paving *and parking plan" of the Dore Tract (these improvements have been largely completed); applicant's letter of April 3, 1979; and April 9, 1979 letter from the Trust Office, Bank of America. There are no code problems; Fire Inspector reports no hazardous materials are used by the applicant. Staff recommended approval with seven conditions as listed in the staff report. Robert LaBonar, the applicant, was present. Chairman Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. It was determined steam cleaning was not feasible on site and that no materials would be stored between the building and Bayshore Freeway. C. Sine moved for approval of this special permit with the following conditions: (1) that the permit be approved to Mr. Robert LaBonar dba Burlingame Auto Detailing, and be nontransferable; (2) that the operation of this business be consistent with the April 3, 1979 letter from Mr. LaBonar filed with this application; (3) that 8 on-site parking spaces be striped and identified for the exclusive use of Burlingame Auto Detailing; (4) that overnight on-site vehicle storage be limited to two vehicles; (5) that all vehicle washing be done off site at locations with approved facilities, until such time as a wash area with grease trap is installed to City specifications; (6) that no motor tune-ups, tire rotating or other mechanical work be done at this location; and (7) that this permit be reviewed in one year, and be subject to possible modification at that time. Second C. Cistulli and approved 6-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR A 6 -UNIT TOWNHOUSE PROJECT AT 1008 EL CAMINO REAL FOR JOHN AND THERESA BROSNAN 4. TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP FOR 6 CONDOMINIUM UNITS AT 1008 EL CAMINO R CE Kirkup reviewed these items, noting that the condominium plans and tentative subdivision map had been reviewed by the Engineering Department. The ramp down into the garage is very steep with a maximum slope of 26%; there is no on-site parking other than the underground garage. Staff recommended approval with two conditions as listed in the April 20, 1979 memo from the Director of Public Works. Reference Project Assessment revised 4/20/79; Negative Declaration ND -203P with the determination the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes April 23, 1979 Robert Onorato, Onorato Associates, Inc., was present representing the applicants. Commission expressed concern about the steepness of the ramp down into the garage; a modification in the design of the project was suggested to permit a maximum slope of 20%. Other concerns: landscaping; provision of open space; too much concrete. It was determined the project plans meet all zoning requirements. After further discussion Mr. Onorato agreed to a modified design, raising the floor slab elevation on Units 1 and 2 an additional.12'. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. C. Mink moved for approval of Items 3 and 4 with the following conditions: (1) that an adjustment be made in the design by raising the floor slab elevation an additional 12" on Units 1 and 2; (2) that the project be built substantially in conformance with the plans submitted; (3) that the underground parking be left open and not have a security gate; and (4) that a special encroachment permit be obtained for the storm drain line in the easement to Sanchez Creek. Second C. Cistul1i and approved 6-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. Chairman Jacobs requested the concerns and suggested changes to the condominium guidelines discussed this evening be placed on the May 14, 1979 agenda for Commission study. 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO USE 3.4 ACRES OF LAND UNDER THE PG&E LINES BEHIND 1576-1700 ROLLINS ROAD FOR THE STORAGE OF CARS, RECREATIONAL VEHICLES AND BOATS, IN THE M-1 DISTRICT, BY MUNKDALE BROTHERS, INC. 6. VARIANCE TO DEVELOP THE ABOVE 3.4 ACRES WITH PAVING AND FENCING BUT NO LANDSCAPING ACP Yost reviewed these applications to fill, pave and fence 3.4 acres of land under the PG&E lines and use the improved area for the storage of cars, recreational vehicles and boats, and to allow this development without landscaping. He also reviewed a previous application by the applicant approved in April 1975.for 1614/1616 Rollins Road. Reference staff report dated 4/.18/79; Project Assessment revised 4/18/79; Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan dated 4/4/79; February 14, 1979 letter from Steve Munkdale; April 5, 1979 memo from the Assistant City Engineer; and February 28, 1979 memo from the Park.Director. Applicant's April 20, 1979 letter addressing parking facilities was circulated to Commission at the meeting. Staff advised this application is a request to approve the vehicle storage use in principle; more specific details are not available at this time. Staff had no objection to zero landscaping in this storage area. Six conditions for the special permit were recommended For Commission consideration as listed in the staff report. A seventh condition was suggested by ACP Yost to require perhaps 10 parking spaces be paved and made conveniently available for Munkdale Brothers' employees and equipment on the land under the PG&E wires; these would replace the on-site parking lost at 1614/1616 Rollins Road because of the proposed 20' wide driveway over this site leading to the new vehicle storage area. Steve Munkdale, the applicant, was present. He advised Munkdale did not intend to reduce the number of parking spaces available to employees at/614/1616 Rollins Road, and planned to relocate five of the present parking stalls to the newly developed area to the east of the -railroad tracks. During Commission discussion it was suggested condition #4 be amended to require a trade-off of all spaces lost at 1614/1616 Rollins Road. A concern was expressed about zero landscaping and drainage problems. City Engineer advised his department wished to keep the proposed parking area at a low level so that water could be ponded there, should the pumping station not be able to handle above normal rainfall. Page 4 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes April 23, 1979 Chairman Jacobs opened the public hearing. Dr. Harold L. Ross stated he and his partner, Jerry Moskovitz, own the property just south of the site. He noted there has been common egress in a 30' area between the properties for the last 10 years. He had a mild objection to the amount of additional traffic that could occur during the work day; his primary concern was that the good relationship which exists between Munkdale and his tenant (next door) is maintained. Mr. Edward Roberts who owns several properties in the 1500 block of Rollins Road was concerned about possible traffic and parking problems in the Rollins Road area. Mr. Richard Lavenstein, Lavenstein & Co., 1499 Bayshore Highway (representing Munkdale Brothers and Waikiki Development Co.) spoke in favor. Mr. Jerry Moskovitz who, with Dr. Ross, owns property at 1606 and 1610 Rollins Road, said he had no objection to this application, however, he requested a 30 day delay which would allow him time to analyze the proposal more thoroughly. Mike Harvey, Mike Harvey Oldsmobile, Burlingame spoke in favor and stressed the need for such off-street vehicle storage space. There were no further audience comments and the public hearing was closed. During discussion many concerns were expressed: quantity and transportation of the fill; adequacy of the single dirveway for ingress and egress; need for a more detailed plot plan with an indication of where the vehicles would be stored; more complete information regarding storm drainage, lighting, layout plan; the problem of exiting the site should flood conditions threaten; loss of on-site parking on the Rollins Road property now occupied by Munkdale. It was noted the lot line between Lots 19 and 20 had never been eliminated and the building is located over this line. The need for a permanent easement across the 1614/1616 Rollins Road property was also discussed. There was Commission consensus that more detailed information should be provided by the applicant before action could be taken. The applicant was also cautioned about the four legal requirements for approval of the proposed landscaping variance (Item #6). C. Mink moved to continue Items 5 and 6 to May 14, 1979. Second C. Sine and all aye voice vote. Applicant was advised to contact staff regarding information needed. 7. FINAL PARCEL MAP, BEING A MERGER OF LOTS 23 AND 24 AND A PORTION OF LOTS 1, 2 AND 3, FOR ZEV AND NAVA BEN-SIMON CE Kirkup reviewed this item, noting the tentative map had been approved by City Council ApriT 2, 1979 with seven conditions, all of which are shown on the final map. The map is technically complete except for the improvements; developer will be required to post bond of $21,000 to guarantee the installation of the improvements. Staff recommended approval. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. It was determined the conditions had been accepted by the developer. C. Mink moved for approval and recommendation to City Council of this final parcel map, with submittal of a $21,000 bond by the developer to guarantee installation of the required` improvements. Second C. Taylor and approved 6-0 on roll call vote. OTHER BUSINESS 8. SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVED 10/25/78 TO MIKE HARVEY OLDSMOBILE FOR THE SERVICING AND STORAGE OF CARS IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 1007-1015 ROLLINS ROAD: REVIEW OF NEW SITE PLANS ACP Yost reviewed this item. Reference staff report dated 4/19/79; special permit approved October 25, 1978 with seven conditions; Michael Harvey's April 10, 1979 letter; and site plan date stamped April 11, 1979. Staff recommended approval of these final development plans with five conditions. Page 5 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes April 23, 1979 Michael Harvey was present. It_was determined 10% landscaping has been provided. C. Taylor moved to amend and update the previous special permit with the following conditions: (1) that the permit be approved to Mike Harvey of Mike Harvey Oldsmobile and be nontransferable; (2) that the improvements to the property be consistent with the site plan filed with the City and date stamped April 11, 1:979; (3) that the operation of the service facility, lease outlet and new car showroom be consistent with the April 10, 1979 letter from Michael R. Harvey; (4) that a landscape and irrigation plan for this property be approved by the City prior to the issuance of a building permit; and.(5) that 25 parking spaces be striped on the property and designated for employee parking. Second C. Mink and approved 6-0 on roll call vote. Recess called 9:32 P.M.; reconvene 9:55 P.M. 11: ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1979-1980 Chm. Jacobs opened the nominations. C. Cistulli moved for re-election of Chairman Jacobs and Vice Chairman Sine, nominating Commissioner Mink as secretary. Second C. Taylor and all aye voice vote. 9. RECOMMENDED TITLE 25 CODE AMENDMENTS: a. Code Section 25.08.160 Definition of building height b. Code Section 25.28.020 Storage of trailers in the R-1 District CA Coleman reviewed these two proposed'ordinances: (1) amending the definition of building height; and (2) amendment of the permitted uses in the R-1 zone regarding storage and parking of trailers. Suggested amendments to the second item were: "6. Storage or parking of any boat, trailer or detached camper within a building or in the rear yard, but not upon any part of the rear yard of any lot or parcel of land upon which the construction of buildings is prohibited; ." C. Mink moved that the proposed. ordinance redefining building height and the ordinance limiting storage of any boat, trailer or detached camper be approved and recommended to City Council, with the modifications suggested this evening. Second C. Cistulli and all aye voice vote. 10. SALE OF PERSHING SCHOOL: APRIL 9, 1979 MEMO FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY CA Coleman noted April -5, 1979 letter from the Burlingame School District notifying of its intent to sell Pershing School. The Government Code requires that the school district may not dispose of property until it has been determined by the city's Planning Commission that disposal conforms to the General Plan.. Reference City Attorney's memo dated April 9, 1979. ACP Yost noted sections of the General Plan: the Land Use Element recommends Pershing School be converted to a neighborhood center and neighborhood park; the Conservation Element says the site its a desirable place for a neighborhood park; the Open Space Element, under Implementation, suggests estab.lishing a public lands zoning district. ACP pointed out a possible finding that Heritage Park on Occidental Avenue has substantially met the community need for a neighborhood park in the Pershing School area. It was noted some of the schools in newer areas of the city are on unclassified land; Pershing, in an older area, is zoned R-1. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 April 23, 1979 C. Sine moved that Commission determine Pershing School to be in the R-1 zoning district and that the disposition of this site for those purposes permitted in the R-1 District would be in conformance with the General Plan. C. Taylor suggested an amendment to the motion: that it is the consensus of the Planning Commission that six single family homes on this site would not be the best use of the land; it was his feeling an imaginative planned unit development would be far better for the city. After further discussion C. Sine left his motion as stated. Second C. Cistulli and approved 6-0 on roll call vote. 12. COMPACT CAR PARKING: APRIL 20, 1979 MEMO FROM THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS CE Kirkup reviewed his memo of April 20, 1979 including current regulations, recent parking variances granted by the city to provide for compact stalls, current trends in the popularity of compact cars; comparisons with other cities; and the size of stalls in various locations or for special circumstances. Staff recommended the code be revised to provide for compact spaces in the commercial and industrial districts. A sliding scale was recommended: 1 through 10 - no compact spaces allowed; 11 through 19 - two compact spaces allowed; 20 and above - 20% of the additional spaces allowed as compact stalls, with the provision that the compact stalls be clearly marked and grouped together. The desirability of including this regulation in the R-3 and R-4 districts was discussed, consensus being to postpone this to a later time for further study. 13. "ANZA BAYLANDS MASTER PLAN": SHORELINE PUBLIC ACCESS AND LANDSCAPING PLAN PREPARED FOR THE ANZA AREA BY CALLANDER*ASSOCIATES, APRIL 16-1979 ACP Yost referenced the plans which had been.circulated to Commission. David Keyston, Anza Shareholders' Liquidating Trust was present and requested comments from Commission before the public access Master Plan.is presented to the BCDC. Peter Callander, Callander Associates, discussed the Plan with the aid of several drawings posted in the Council Chambers. He noted the location of existing buildings and proposed buildings, linear parks, pedestrian plazas, pedestrian/bicycle paths, provision for public parking, the variety incorporated in the design for the whole area. Work with the Fire Department to'provide emergency access was reported. Staff advised that the BCDC would require some comment from City of Burlingame with regard to this Plan. Following discussion C. Mink moved that based on the drawings seen this evening and testimony given,_ Commission finds the Anza Baylands Master Plan consistent with the General Plan and moving toward the implementation of its Waterfront Element. Second C. Taylor and all aye voice vote. CITY PLANNER REPORT ACP Yost reported on the following: (14.) Ordinance No. 1146, adopted by City Council April 16, 1979: Zev Ben -Simon reclassification, 911/915/927 E1 Camino Real; (15.) American International Rent-A-Car, 1555 Mahler Road: City Council sustained Planning Commission approval; (16.) Variance application, 2909 Arguello Drive: Council hearing scheduled for May 7, 1979 on Joseph Dees' appeal. ADJOt1RNMFNT The meeting adjourned at 11:04 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Charles W. Mink Secretary