HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1979.05.14CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 14 1979 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs on Monday, May 14, 1979 at 7:34 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Francard, Jacobs, Mink, Sine, Taylor Absent: None Staff Present: John R. Yost, Assistant City Planner; Ralph E. Kirkup, City Engineer; Jerome F. Coleman, City Attorney MINUTES The minutes of the April 23, 1979 meeting were approved as mailed. AGENDA - Order of the agenda approved. APPLICATIONS FOR ACTION 1. VARIANCE TO ADD A FOURTH BEDROOM TO THE HOUSE AT 1921 DEVEREAUX DRIVE, ZONED R-1, BY MR. AND MRS. TONY SITTNER ACP Yost reviewed this application to remodel the existing 3 bedroom 2 bath house by converting a ground floor bedroom into an office area with stairway leading to a new second floor. The variance is necessary because the existing garage is smaller than code requirements. Reference staff report dated 5/4/79; applicant's Affidavit; and plans date stamped May 2, 1979. In view of the availability of two additional parking spaces on the driveway behind the front setback, staff had no objection to approval. Tony Sittner, the applicant, was present. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing; there were no audience comments and the hearing was closed. C. Mink found exceptional circumstances in that the house is already situated on the lot and to enlarge the garage to legal requirements would be a hardship; that there would be a hardship on the family without an additional bedroom; that the proposed addition will not adversely affect the aesthetics of the neighborhood; and it is not in violation of the comprehensive zoning plan of the city. C. Mink then moved for approval; second C. Cistulli and approved 6-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 2. SWIMMING LESSONS AS A HOME OCCUPATION AT 2344 POPPY DRIVE, IN THE R-1 DISTRICT CA Coleman reviewed the history of this Home Occupation first approved in 1975, noting complaints received from neighbors over the years concerning parking/traffic problems and noise. He cited Code Sec. 25.08.350 which lists the conditions necessary for approval of a Home Occupation business license. Reference May 8, 1979 memo to the Commission from City Attorney; 4/27/79 letter from Helen E. Lazzari; letter from a Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 14, 1979 Mrs. Lazzari with 18 signatures of mothers of students; 5/8/79 letter in opposition from Mr. and Mrs. E. Patsel, 2310 Poppy Drive; July 13, 1978 letter of complaint from William E. and Donna M. Parke, 2348 Poppy Drive; Chief of Police July 17, 1978 letter to Mr. and Mrs. Parke; July 23, 1978 letter from Mr. and Mrs. Parke to the City Manager-, City Planner and Chief of Police; September 1, 1978 letter to Mrs. Lazzari from Jerome F. Coleman, City Attorney; July 27, 1978 memo to City Manager and City Attorney from the City Planner; and letter of application for Home Occupation license from Helen E. Lazzari to the City Planner date stamped April 24, 1975. Mrs. Lazzari addressed Commission and presented two letters supporting her swimming lessons from: Kathy Rogers•, 2305 Poppy Drive and Mrs. Robert Anderson, 2 Hillview Court. She explained her teaching technique and efforts made to mitigate the concerns of the neighbors. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. The following spoke in favor: David Diamond, 2104 Hale Drive; Louise Nelson, 142 Newton Drive; Liz Dossa, 103 Bella Vista Drive, Hillsborough; Lynn Kelly, 1524 Alturas Drive. The following spoke in opposition: Mrs. Donna M. Parke, 2348 Poppy Drive who presented a petition in opposition with 18 signatures of residents on Adeline and Poppy Drives; William E. Parke, 2348 Poppy Drive; Mrs. Gertrude Lunsmann, 2340 Poppy Drive and Walter A. Lunsmann, 2340 Poppy Drive. Concerns were: excessive noise which disturbs the quiet neighborhood and is harmful to those neighbors in poor health; and parking problems. Commission did not question the benefit of the service performed by Mrs. Lazzari but there was consensus her Home Occupation business did not meet the requirements of the code. C. Taylor moved to deny this Home Occupation business license. Second C. Sine and motion to deny approved 6-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO USE 3.4 ACRES OF LAND UNDER THE PG&E LINES BEHIND 1576-1700 ROLLINS ROAD FOR THE STORAGE OF CARS, RECREATIONAL VEHICLES AND BOATS, IN THE M-1 DISTRICT BY MUNKDALE BROTHERS. INC. ACP Yost reviewed this item which was continued from the meeting of April 23, 1979 with a request that the applicant provide more detailed information. Reference previous staff report dated 4/18/79; new plan date stamped May 7, 1979; Director of Public Work's memo dated May 11, 1979; May 7, 1979 letter from Steve Munkdale; May 3, 1979 letter from Folke Ohlsson, a nearby property owner. Steve Munkdale was present. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the public hearing was closed. CE Kirkup discussed the additional details which had been received since the previous meeting. Commission discussed: parking being provided on-site for the existing Munkdale building; the need for an access easement to Lot 40 through Lot 20 and the advisability of the city being named as an owner of the easement; the necessity of written authority from Southern Pacific for the railway crossing; the difficulty of assessing the traffic impact with the variables involved; the present ownership of the Munkdale site; storm drainage; concern about the minimum of 6" grading material; concern about what might happen in future should the properties be sold and separated. C. Taylor moved for approval of this special permit with the following conditions: (1) that the permit be approved to Munkdale Brothers, Inc. and be nontransferable; (2) that the operation of this vehicle storage area be generally consistent with the February 14, 1979 letter from Steve Munkdale filed with this application; (3) that Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 14, 1979 all site improvements be submitted to and approved by the Department of Public Works and be consistent with the plans date stamped May 7, 1979; (4) that written authority from Southern Pacific for the railway crossing be submitted to the City Attorney prior to the approval of a Building Permit for any site improvements; (5) that a 20 foot easement be granted to Lot 40 for access through Lot 20; (6) that all vehicle transports delivering or removing vehicles from this site load and unload off-street and, more particularly, on Lot 40; (7) that the new channel be maintained, free of vegetation, by the -applicant; (8) that the lot lines between Lots 19 and 20 be eliminated; and (9) that this permit be reviewed in two years, and be subject to possible modification at that time. Second C. Sine and approved 6-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 4. VARIANCE TO DEVELOP THE ABOVE 3.4 ACRES WITH PAVING AND FENCING BUT.NO LANDSCAPING ACP Yost reviewed this variance request; reference May 7, 1979 letter from Steve Munkdale addressing the legal requirements for approval of a variance. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Based on the findings as detailed in Steve Munkdale's May 7, 1979 letter, C. Taylor moved for approval of this variance. Second C. Mink and approved 6-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 5. AMENDED APPLICATION FOR HOMESTEAD SAVINGS SIGN AND LOGO IN THE C-3 DISTRICT AT 1777 MURCHISON DRIVE ACP Yost reviewed the previous request by this applicant which resulted in approval of one sign and a denial of the second sign. This amended application reduces the proposed signage and staff had no objection to approval. Reference staff report dated 5/3/79; May 3, 1979 letter from Britt Evans of Homestead Savings; new drawings date stamped May 3, 1979; and colored rendering of the proposed signage. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Commission consensus was -that the amended proposal met the intent of the sign ordinance in the C-3 District. C. Sine moved to approve the amended sign exception to allow 38 SF total signage as detailed in the staff report dated 5/3/79. Second C. Cistulli and approved 6-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. Recess 9:20 P.M.; reconvene 9:35 P.M. OTHER ITEMS FOR ACTION 6. EXTENSION OF APRIL 22, 1974 SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW OPEN STORAGE OF VEHICLES IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 960 DAVID ROAD ACP Yost reviewed this request for extension of special permit which was granted in April 1974 subject to a portion of the property being.landscaped. Reference May 2, 1979 letter from Paul W. Jackson; May 10, 1979 memo from John Hoffman, Park Director; Landscape Plan dated stamped May 7, 1979; Planning Commission minutes of April 22, 1974; August 13, 1974 letter to Paul Jackson from Wayne M. Swan; 5 year lease between Frank Edwards Co., Inc. and Paul W. Jackson executed 16 April, 1979. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Mrs. Jackson was present. Commission expressed concern that the landscaping had not been installed and maintained, and discussed possible conditions for approval of an extension. Page 4 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 14, 1979 C. Mink moved to extend the April, 1974 special permit granted to Paul W. Jackson, Frank Edwards Co., Inc., property owner, with the following conditions: (1) that landscaping be installed in accordance with plans date stamped May 7, 1979; (2) that the permit be automatically revoked if the new landscaping is not installed to the satisfaction of the Park Director within 90 days; and (3) the permit is subject to review in one year. `Second C. Sine and approved 5-1 on roll call vote, C. Francard dissenting. Appeal procedures were advised. 7. REVIEW OF APRIL 24, 1978 SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE PAIGE RENT -A -CAR AT 1300 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY IN THE C-4 DISTRICT ACP Yost reviewed this special permit granted in April of 1978 for a period of two years with review in one year. Staff had received no complaints. Reference May 7, 1979 letter from Carl Martin, Vice President, Operations, Paige Rent-A-Car; May 8, 1979 letter from Robert W. McKenna, Property Manager; Planning Commission minutes of April 24, 1978; April 17, 1978 letter to the City Planner from Bill Biscoe, President, Paige Rent-A-Car. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. There was Commission consensus that the permit conditions had been observed; the continuation of the permit was approved. 8. AMENDMENT OF JULY 24, 1978 SPECIAL PERMIT FOR THE ROYAL RACQUET CLUB, INC., 1718 ROLLINS ROAD ACP Yost reviewed this request by Joseph Lanam, general manager, Royal Racquet Club for more extensive food and drink service in the lounge area than approved by the Planning Commission in 1978. Reference Joseph Lanam's May 8, 1979 letter; May 4, 1979 letter from John R. Yost to Arthur Zanello, Royal Racquet Club; George R. Corey's July 12, 1978 letter to the Planning Department; recent advertisement in the Boutique & Villager for the Royal Racquet Club; 4/30/79 Application for Alcoholic Beverage License by Arthur Zanello; July 24, 1978 Planning.Commission minutes. Joseph Lanam was present and further explained his plans for food and drink service. During discussion it was determined Mr. Lanam was employed by the principals of the racquet club and did have a financial interest in the business; it was planned to open the lounge to the public; hours would be 11:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M.; the snack bar would require one additional employee; additional items requested were mainly salads, sandwiches, hot soup and wine. The public hearing was opened. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Commission concerns were: littering; on-site parking; the sale of beer and wine on the premises, particularly in the Rollins Road area after 8:00 P.M.; and the possible need for more police protection. Based on the testimony presented, C. Sine moved to deny the amendment to the special permit. Second C. Cistulli; motion failed on a roll call vote of 3-3, Commissioners Mink, Taylor and Jacobs dissenting. C. Mink then moved to grant the amendment submitted by Royal Racquet Club with the condition that all alcoholic beverage sales cease at 8:00 P.M. in the evening. Second C. Taylor; motion failed on a roll call vote of 3-3, Commissioners Cistulli, Francard and Sine dissenting. Request for amendment of special permit effectively denied. Appeal procedures were advised. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 May 14, 1979 9. RECOMMENDED TITLE 25 CODE AMENDMENTS: CODE SEC. 25.70.020 PROVISION FOR COMPACT CAR STALLS IN COMMERCIAL AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL AREAS: CODE SEC. 25.41.080 DELETION OF PRESENT 10% COMPACT CE Kirkup discussed this item, noting the code amendments had been prepared in accordance with the Commission's recommendations at their last meeting. C. Sine moved that Commission approve these code amendments as drafted and recommend them to City Council. Second C. Cistulli and all aye voice vote. APPLICATIONS FOR STUDY 10. VARIANCE FROM THE 1968 CITY CONDITION THAT AN 18' HEIGHT LIMIT BE ESTABLISHED FOR MILLS CANYON COURT PROPERTIES, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE SINGLE FAMILY HOME ON LOT 1 Staff reported that City Council had requested this matter be referred to Commission for recommendation. Item set for hearing May 30, 1979. 11. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 52' HIGH RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AT 1500 WILLOW AVENUE, IN THE R-3 DISTRICT, BY JEAN GOROSTIAGUE, ET AL 12. VARIANCE TO ALLOW THE LOWER PARKING GARAGE FOR THE ABOVE PROJECT TO PROJECT 12' INTO THE 20' EL CAMINO REAL SETBACK Staff concerns: height, intensity of development. Commission concerns: traffic problems; protection of trees on site; the height and bulk of the proposed project and the need for much more information in order to evaluate it:. A modification of the design was suggested, and Commission requested on environmental impact report be required. 13. AUDIO/VISUAL RECORDING STUDIO WITH LIVE PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT SEVERAL EVENINGS EACH WEEK, 1157 CALIFORNIA DRFVE 14. VARIANCE TO REESTABLISH A USE IN THE NONCONFORMING BUILDING WHICH HAS BEEN VACANT FOR MORE THAN 6 MONTHS, 1157 CALIFORNIA DRIVE Previous application in November, 1978 was not approved by Commission; it was appealed to City Council but not heard, and subsequently withdrawn. New plans and additional details have been received. Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission has reviewed the plans and unanimously endorsed them. Commission concerns: need for a more specific letter from Metropolitan Parking Corporation authorizing parking for Encore patrons; the amount of Police help needed for traffic control (a report. from the Police Department was requested); the possibility of patrons parking in the nearby R-2, R-3 and R-4 neighborhoods. At the request of the applicant this item was set for hearing June 11, 1979. 15. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE AN AUTOMOBILE SHOWROOM WITH SERVICE AND PARTS FACILITY IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 1016 CAROLAN AVENUE Set for hearing May 30, 1979. 16. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE AN AUTOMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE FACILITY IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 1008 CAROLAN AVENUE Set for hearing May 30, 1979 subject to receipt of amended plans and final application. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 May 14, 1979 17. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP TO RE$UBDIVIDE 1008 CAROLAN AVENUE AND 1016 CAROLAN AVENUE INTO LOTS WITH EQUAL FRONTAGE, FOR ARATA HONDA AND MIKE HARVEY OLDSMOBILE Set for hearing May 30, 1979. 18. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR CAMINO GABLES, A 21 UNIT CONDOMINIUM AT 735 EL CAr4INO REAL Engineering Department has requested some additional information (Ref. ACE's memo of May 10, 1979). Item set for hearing May 30, 1979. 19. TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP for the above. Set for hearing May 30, 1979. 20. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AN OFFICE PROJECT IN THE BURLINGAME AVENUE OFF-STREET PARKING DISTRICT AT 1440 CHAPIN AVENUE 20a. VARIANCE TO ALLOW LESS THAN CODE MINIMUM PARKING STALLS AND AISLE FOR ABOVE PROJECT C. Sine objected to the architectural design of the project. Commission was advised of applicant's intention, if approved, to apply for a condominium permit. Set for hearing May 30, 1979. OTHER ITEMS FOR STUDY 21. OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS FOR MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS ACP Yost reviewed his 5/3/79 memorandum with table summarizing open space requirements for apartments and residential condominiums in 10 local cities. Nine issues were suggested for consideration, and guidance was requested from Commission. Commission suggestions: establish a policy for visual impact on the community; consider front setback and landscaping requirements rather than open space per apartment unit; softness and use of shrubbery, not wall to -wall concrete; open space areas to exclude driveways, walkways, pathways unless specifically designed through a garden or similar area. The problem of meeting these requirements in condominium conversions of older apartment houses was noted. Staff was requested to draft an ordinance for Commission consideration. 22. PRIVATE GAS STATIONS CA Coleman reviewed his memorandum of April 13, 1979, noting staff has received several inquiries regarding the establishment of private gas facilities in commercial areas. The Fire Code allows private gas storage tanks in residential districts. CA suggested they be banned in residential areas and be subject to a special permit from Commission in commercial districts; he recommended that they be allowed (as they are now) in industrial districts. Ref. suggestions in 5/11/79 memorandum from the Chief Fire Inspector. Staff was requested to draft an ordinance generally consistent with the CFI's memo. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Charles W. Mink Secretary