HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1979.07.23CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 23, 1979 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs on Monday, July 23, 1979 at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Francard, Sine, Taylor, Jacobs Absent: Commissioners Harvey, Mink Staff Present: City Planner John R. Yost; City Engineer Ralph E. Kirkup; City Attorney Jerome F. Coleman MINUTES The minutes of the July 9, 1979 meeting were approved as mailed. AGENDA - C. Taylor moved for approval of the order of the agenda. Chm. Jacobs recognized former Planning Commissioner Everett Kindig who was present in the audience. APPLICATIONS FOR ACTION 1. AMENDMENT OF THE 1968 CITY CONDITION THAT AN 18' HEIGHT LIMIT BE ESTABLISHED.FOR MILLS CANYON COURT PROPERTIES, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF' ONE SINGLE FAMILY HOME ON LOT 1, ZONED R-1, BY SHOWKI K. JADALLAH CP Yost reviewed the May 30, 1979 Planning Commission hearing to consider a design for a two story home on this lot, as well as Commission recommendation to City Council and Council's denial of this request July 2, 1979. This new application incorporating an amended design for a one story house was detailed by the CP. Reference staff report dated 7/18/79; revised plans dated 6/30/79; May 30, 1979 Planning Commission minutes; and April 21, 1979 letter from Showki K. Jadallah. Staff had no objection to the new plans subject to three conditions as listed in the staff report. During discussion it was noted that one of the concerns influencing Council's 1968 map condition regarding height was the preservation of views. Fire safety and the Fire Department's requirement for a hydrant were also discussed as well as requirements for proper drainage when the proposed retaining wall is built. Showki K. Jadallah, the applicant and Luciano Stoppa, building designer were present. Mr. Stoppa reviewed his qualifications and discussed the proposed design. Mr. Jadallah discussed his investment in this lot and advised he was not aware of the 18' height limitation when he purchased the property. Chm. Jacobs then opened the public hearing. There were no comments in favor. Those speaking in opposition were: Max Hein, 2823 Arguello Drive; John Chaney, 2827 Arguello Drive; and Marie M. Teixeira, 1601 Granada Drive. Each asked that the 18' height limit be retained. Concerns expressed: preservation of views, aesthetics of the neighborhood; possible soil slippage. The deed restrictions of the area were referenced. Secy. Taylor read a July 18, 1979 letter from Donald M. and Marie M. Teixeira, 1601 Granada Drive listing two points for consideration, and referring Commission to their previous letter dated May 30, 1979. Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes July 23, 1979 The configuration of the lot and the possibility of locating a satisfactory house elsewhere were discussed. With the aid of a diagram, CP Yost illustrated height limits and elevations with relation to adjacent lots. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. After a brief discussion, there was a consensus that Commission was not in a position to recommend the change requested by Mr. Jadallah. C. Taylor then moved to recommend that the City Council not consider an amendment of the 1968 City condition that an 18' height limit be established for Mills Canyon Court properties. Second C. Cistulli and approved 5-0 on roll call vote, Cers Harvey and Mink absent. 2. VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE TO WITHIN 15' OF THE MARTINEZ DRIVE PROPERTY LINE, PROPERTY AT 2727 MARTINEZ DRIVE, BY WILLIAM O'BRIEN CP Yost reviewed this application to construct a 6 bedroom house with 6,250 SF; a variance is required because the average front setback on Martinez Drive is 20'. Reference staff report dated 7/17/79; Applicant's Affidavit for Variance; plans date stamped July 3, 1979; and letter in favor signed by Charles Passalacqua, 2723 Martinez Drive. Staff did not believe the legal requirements for approval of a variance had been met by the applicant, and recommended that the plans be amended to provide the required 20' setback. Edward E. Appenrodt, attorney representing the applicant, was present. He argued that an amended design without the requested variance would not be architecturally pleasing. Ralph Button, building designer and William O'Brien, the applicant were also present. Mr. Button discussed this unusual parcel and the applicant's reasons for wishing to place the house as it was on the lot. Mr. O'Brien wished to amend his application this evening and requested a variance of 22', to allow a 172' front setback on Martinez as opposed to 20'. After further discussion, Chm. Jacobs declared a recess to allow the applicant time to consider a suggestion that the item be withdrawn from the agenda and the plans be amended to code standards. Chm. Jacobs noted that Councilman Martin was present in the audience. The meeting reconvened at 8:55 P.M. Attorney Appenrodt and Mr. Button then advised that the applicant did not wish to amend the design and requested that the 172' front setback on Martinez be allowed. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments in favor. Marie M. Teixeira, 1601 Granada Drive spoke in opposition to any proposal that violated the deed restrictions of the area. Secy. Taylor read letter dated July 18, 1979 from Donald M. and Marie M. Teixeira, 1601 Granada Drive urging denial. Letter in favor dated July 1, 1979 from Charles Passalacqua, 2723 Martinez Drive was also read. There were no further comments and the hearing was closed. The matter of setbacks and code requirements for this property were discussed. Upon a question, CP Yost confirmed that the proposed property will be 11,197 SF with 36.7% lot coverage. C. Taylor found adequate testimony that this corner lot does pose a hardship upon the applicant; that the applicant's request for a 172' setback on Martinez Drive was not unreasonable; that the proposed design meets the requirements of the deed restrictions; that there would be no adverse effect upon the neighbors; and that the application is consistent with the general plan of the city. C. Taylor then moved for approval of this variance in accordance with the plans and specifications date stamped July 3, 1979 with the single change that the front setback on Martinez Drive be 172'. Second C. Francard; motion to approve effectively denied on a 2-3 roll call vote, Cers Cistulli, Sine and Jacobs dissenting, Cers Harvey and Mink absent. Appeal procedures were advised. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 July 23, 1979 3. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP TO RESUBDIVIDE LOT 6, AN EXISTING 10' WIDE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF- WAY AND A PORTION OF LOT 7, BLOCK 34, MILLS ESTATE NO. 11, PROPERTY AT 2727 MARTINEZ DRIVE, BY WILLIAM O'BRIEN AND THE CITY OF BURLINGAME CE Kirkup recommended Commission proceed with this item, a parcel map to combine a piece of City right-of-way and part of another lot with an existing lot to produce more buildable site. With vacation of the "walk" and dedication of a storm drain easement through this site, approval was recommended. Reference July 18, 1979 memo from the Assistant City Engineer. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. Those speaking in favor were: Ralph Button, building designer; and Marie M. Teixeira, 1601 Granada Drive. C. Sine moved for approval of this tentative parcel map in accordance with the July 18, 1979 memo from the Assistant City Engineer. Second C. Cistulli -and approved 5-0 on roll call vote, Cers Harvey and Mink absent. 4. DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, EIR-52P, FOR THE PROPOSED HOLIDAY INN AT 600 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, PREPARED BY EARTH METRICS INCORPORATED FOR CITY OF BURLINGAME CP Yost reviewed this item, noting that a final EIR is required for this project prior to a public hearing on the two special permit applications which have been received. The hearing this evening was being held to review the adequacy and completeness of the EIR; the questions of height and bulk would be considered at separate public hearings August 13. Reference staff report dated 7/20/79 with the following attached correspondence: June 14, 1979 letter to John Yost from David H. Keyston, Anza Share- holders' Liquidating Trust; June 14, 1979 letter to Herb Maricle, State Lands Commission from David H. Keyston; July 12, 1979 letter to C. Michael Hogan from John R. Yost enclosing more detailed plans for the project; July 18, 1979 letter to John Yost from Robert F. Schoeppner, San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement District; July 18, 1979 memo to the City Planner from John E. Hoffman, Park Director; July 20, 1979 memo from Ralph E. Kirkup, Director of Public Works; responses received from Dennis Argyres, Finance Director; Alfred J. Palmer, Police Chief; and Fred Fricke, Fire Chief. C. Michael Hogan, Earth Metrics Incorporated, 859 Cowan Road, Burlingame was present and briefly reviewed specific sections of the EIR, with particular emphasis on traffic, visual/aesthetic and economic impacts as well as mitigation measures. John Raiser, president, Raiser Architectural Group also addressed Commission. He discussed Raiser's attempts to mitigate height, bulk and density of the project and noted the landscaping and public areas to be provided. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. Harry Graham, 1555 Alturas Drive spoke about the reference to height in the EIR. It was his belief the proposed building would have no visual impact on the residents of the hills because of the'distance involved nor on the residents living closer to the site because of intervening trees and other buildings. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. During discussion Commission requested the EIR include: clarification of the visual impact on the city, perhaps a more clear graphic presentation; more detail, perhaps a report from the traffic engineer, with regard to left turns when exiting the site; a suggestion that a traffic signal be installed at this location; a suggestion the report contain more than one alternative, perhaps in graphics, to break up the horizontal expanse of windows. An objection was raised to the recommendation that "earth tone" concrete be used. It was suggested the language could be modified to state "a building other than white"; further elaboration in this regard was requested. There was a Page 4 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes July 23, 1979 question posed as to why the consultant compared the proposed project with the design of the smallest hotel in the city: It was requested that the EIR reflect the architect's 6/30/79 revisions to the proposed design. Item continued to the meeting of August 13, 1979 to allow the consultant time to prepare the Addendum to the EIR, with responses to all written and oral comments received within the 45 day review period which expires July 26, 1979. 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A PRIVATE PRESCHOOL PROGRAM AT WASHINGTON PRIMARY SCHOOL, 801 HOWARD AVENUE, BY NANCI ROTH LAWSON OF A CHILD'S WAY EARLY LEARNING CENTER CP Yost reviewed this application to operate a preschool program in a detached building at Washington School. Reference staff report dated 7/17/79; Project Assessment revised 7/17/79; 25 June 1979 letter from the applicant with site plans and school program; July 13, 1979 letter of approval from the Burlingame School District. There had been no objection from the Fire Department nor the Department of Public Works with regard to traffic. Staff recommended approval withfive conditions as listed in the staff report. Nanci Roth Lawson, the applicant was present. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. There was some discussion regarding traffic. Ms. Lawson advised Commission of her previous teaching experience in Burlingame as Director -Head Teacher at Creative Learning and with United Methodist Cooperative Nursery School. C. Taylor moved for approval of this special permit subject to -the following conditions: (1) that the permit be approved to Nanci Roth Lawson of A Child's Way Early Learning Center, and be nontransferable; (2) that the preschool operate within the times and age limits specified by Ms. Lawson in the materials filed with this application, with a maximum enrollment of 30 children; (3) that preschool staff and parent aides be encouraged to park.on the side of the street adjacent to the school grounds, and parents should be encouraged to discharge their children immediately adjacent to the walkway leading to the annex entrance; (4) that the permit be valid only for the location on the Washington School site identified in the drawings filed with this application; and (5) that A Child's Way Early Learning Center submit evidence of its non-profit status at the time of its application for a Business License and prior to its first preschool program. Second C. Francard and approved 4-1 on roll call vote, C. Sine dissenting (because this is a commercial use in an R-1 district), Cers Mink and Harvey absent. Appeal procedures were advised. A short recess was declared at 10:15 P.M. Reconvene at 10:25 P.M. 6. DYNIQUE OF SAN FRANCISCO'S PROPOSED TRAINING PROGRAMS, SEMINARS AND BUSINESS PRESENTATIONS AT 330 PRIMROSE ROAD: USE DETERMINATION CP Yost reviewed this application by Dynique of San Francisco to hold in-house training programs, seminars and business presentations of Dynique International beauty products in the C-1 District. Reference staff report dated 7/19/79; Project Assessment revised 7/19/79; July 19, 1979 memo from the Director of Public Works; July 9, 1979 memo from the Chief Fire Inspector; July 1, 1979 letters from Michael Harris, San Francisco Area Coordinator of Dynique with details of the business and site drawings; letter from Michael Harris date stamped July 20, 1979 explaining the functions of the retail training institute. Mr. Yost reviewed Code Sec. 25.36.020(22) which allows such a Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 July 23, 1979 use if two findings can be made. Staff found this business was similar in character to those uses specifically allowed in the C-1 District but believed it might be obnoxious or detrimental to the neighborhood unless a solution to the parking for the daytime classes could be found. Dan Silva, dba Dynique of San Francisco and Michael Harris, Area Coordinator were present. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. Dan Silva, 1431 Floribunda Avenue discussed Dynique's business and stated his belief that the firm would not add to the parking problem. There were no comments in opposition and the public hearing was closed. Commission concerns: daytime parking problems in the area; possible future plans for expansion by this company. There was a concern expressed that the people who attended the training classes every two months would rent automobiles and further compound the parking problem. Mr. Silva advised of the firm's plans to maintain a car pool and transport the retail training institute people to 330 Primrose from their airport hotels. Secy. Taylor read July 19, 1979 letters in favor from the following: John Hughes, president of the Burlingame Chamber of Commerce and Loretta Pandolfi of the Dynique staff. At the Secy.'s request, CP Yost read into the record the list of permitted uses in the C-1 District. C. Taylor moved that Commission find the proposed training programs, seminars and business presentations are similar in character to those uses specifically allowed in the C-1 District. Second C. Sine and approved 5-0 on roll cal'! vote, Cers Harvey and Mink absent. C. Sine commented that if Dynique were replaced by another office use at this location a more severe parking problem might ensue. He therefore moved that Commission approve this application, with the finding that the proposed activities will not be obnoxious or detrimental to the neighborhood, subject to the following conditions: (1) that the permit be approved to Dynique of San Francisco, and be nontransferable; (2) that the operation of this business be consistent with the written materials and plans filed with this application; (3) that all weekday classes and programs between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. be limited to a combined total of 5 students with cars; (4) that the building requirements identified in the July 9, 1979 memo from the Chief Fire Inspector be met satisfactorily; and (5) that this permit be reviewed in six months, and be subject to possible modification at that time. Second C. Cistulli and approved 4-1 on roll call vote, C. Francard dissenting, Cers Harvey and Mink absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 7. C. A. SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE'S PROPOSED CLASSES AT 1450 BROADWAY: USE DETERMINATION CP Yost reviewed this application for a real estate training school. He referenced Code Sec. 25.36.020(22) which allows the use if two findings can be made. Reference staff report dated 7/17/79; Project Assessment revised 7/17/79; site plan filed with the application; May 7 and June 5, 1979 letters from Gary Ciampi, administrator of the school. Staff believed the school could be found similar -in character to those uses permitted in the C-1 District. Within certain hours of operation and maximum number of students, staff recommended a finding be made that the use would not be obnoxious or detrimental to the neighborhood. It was then determined that the applicant, Mr. Ciampi, had not been present at the study meeting nor was he present this evening. There was Commission consensus to continue this item to the meeting of August 13, 1979, City Attorney to contact the applicant. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 July 23, 1979 8.. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR CARMEL GARDEN, AN 18 UNIT CONDOMINIUM AT 977 EL CAMINO REAL, BY ZEV BEN-SIMON 9. TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP FOR THE ABOVE PROJECT CP Yost reviewed the history of this application to construct an 18 -unit condominium project. Staff recommended approval with four conditions aslisted in the staff report. Reference staff report dated 7/20/79; Project Assessment revised 7/20/79; July 19, 1979 memo from the Asst. City Engineer; July 5, 1979 memo from the Chief Fire Inspector; July 6, 1979 memo from the Park Director; P.C. Resolution No. 1-79 Recommending Environmental Impact Report, EIR-50P, for the Reclassification to the R-3 District of those R-1 Portions of Property at 911/915/927 E1 Camino Real. Albert E. Polonsky, attorney representing the applicant and Mr. Ben -Simon were present. Chm. Jacobs opened.the public hearing. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. During discussion CP Yost confirmed that the plans for this project were consistent with those described in EIR-50P and as approved by the City Council. C. Sine moved for approval of this condominium permit and tentative subdivision map subject to the following conditions: (1) that the engineering requirements specified in the July 19, 1979 memo from the Asst. City Engineer be met to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works prior to the issuance of a building permit; (2) that the final landscaping and irrigation plans be approved by the Park Department prior to the issuance of a building permit; (3) that the conditions of the July 5, 1979 memo from the Chief Fire Inspector be met satisfactorily; and (4) that the final working drawings for the Carmel Garden Condominiums be consistent with the plans filed with this application. Second C. Cistulli; Items #8 and #9 approved 5-0 on roll call vote, Cers Harvey and Mink absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 10. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR BEACH PARK CONDOMINIUMS, A 7 UNIT CONDOMINIUM AT 747 EL CAMINO REAL, BY WILLIAM F. HEIJN, AIA FOR JACK KAVANAGH OF SLANEY VALLEY CORPORATION 11. TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP FOR THE ABOVE CP Yost reviewed this application to construct a 7 -unit condominium. Reference staff report dated 7/18/79; Project Assessment revised 7/18/79; 7/19/79 memo from the Asst. City Engineer; July 6, 1979 memo from the Park Director. Staff recommended approval with three conditions as listed in the staff report. Jack Kavanagh, the applicant and William J. Heijn, architect were present. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. C. Sine moved for approval of this condominium permit and tentative subdivision map with the following conditions: (1) that the engineering requirements specified in the July 19, 1979 memo from the Asst. City Engineer be met to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works prior to the issuance of a building permit; (2) that the final landscaping and irrigation plans be approved by the Park Department prior to the issuance of a building permit; and (3) that the final working drawings for the Beach Park Condominiums be consistent with the plans filed with this application. Second C. Cistulli; Items #10 and #11 approved 5-0 on roll call vote; Cers Harvey and Mink absent. Appeal procedures were advised. Page 7 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes July 23, 1979 12. AMENDMENT OF JUNE 25, 1979 SPECIAL PERMIT CONDITION REQUIRING ROOF HEIGHT OF PROPOSED OFFICE PROJECT AT 1440 CHAPIN AVENUE BE LOWERED TO 36' ABOVE GRADE ADJACENT TO REAR PROPERTY LINE: REQUEST A 37' HEIGHT BE ALLOWED; BY MARK A. COFFEY OF ANNCO PROPERTIES, INC. CP Yost reviewed this item, noting that the applicant had advised there were several practical difficulties in meeting the 36' roof height requirement. Reference staff report dated 7/18/79; July 5, 1979 letter from Mark A. Coffey with amended design and diagram showing sun angles; and July 17, 1979 letter from Arthur G. Dudley, 1435 Bellevue Associates. Staff recommended approval with two conditions as listed in the staff report. Mark A. Coffey was present. There was some discussion concerning Mr. Dudley's July 17 letter. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. C. Sine moved for approval of the requested amendment of the June 25, 1979 special permit with the following conditions: (1) that the construction drawings filed for a building permit be consistent with the preliminary plans submitted with this request; and (2) that the height of the new building along the back property line not exceed a maximum of 37' above grade. Second C. Cistulli and approved 5-0 on roll call vote, Cers Harvey and Mink absent. Appeal procedures were advised. CITY PLANNER REPORT CP Yost reported the following City Council actions at their July 16, 1979 meeting. 13. Hank Sauer's appeal of Planning Commission denial of his fence exception was upheld by Council with one condition. 14. Council confirmed Planning Commission decision that the proposed Victoria Station sign was a prohibited sign by definition. Council directed staff to prepare a report on locations and construction specifications for a set of directional signs for the shoreline areas. 15. La Baie Restaurant, 800 Airport Boulevard, was approved by Council. An.1niIRNMFNT The meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Charles W. Mink Secretary