HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1979.08.13t CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION August 13, 1979 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs on Monday, August 13, 1979 at 7:33 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Francard, Harvey, Sine, Taylor, Jacobs Absent: Commissioner Mink Staff Present: John R. Yost, City Planner; Ralph E. Kirkup, City Engineer; (City Attorney Coleman absent, on vacation) MINUTES The minutes of the July 23, 1979 meeting were approved as mailed. AGENDA,- C. Cistulli moved to approve the order of the agenda., with removal of Item #8 at the request of the applicant., Kenn Edwards; of Burlingame Racquetball Club, Inc. In the absence of Secretary Mink, Chm. Jacobs appointed C. Taylor acting secretary. APPLICATIONS FOR ACTION 1. RESOLUTION NO. 5-79 RECOMMENDING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT EIR-52P FOR THE PROPOSED 676 ROOM HOLIDAY INN AT 600 AIRPORT BOULEVARD CP Yost reviewed this item, noting the public hearing held July 23, 1979 and the expiration of the 45 day public review period specified by the State Clearinghouse which occurred on July 26, 1979. Consultant, Earth Metrics Incorporated, had responded to all verbal and written comments in the Addendum to the EIR. This Addendum together with the Draft EIR constitutes the Final EIR. Reference Exhibit A attached to Resolution No. 5-79 which identifies Project Impacts and suggests Mitigations and Findings. Staff recommended Resolution No. 5-79 be adopted. Jim Kellner, Earth Metrics Incorporated was present. Commission discussion included a concern about the weakness of the EIR with regard to visual impact. The addition of photographs to depict visual impact upon the City was requested. It was also requested that a statement with regard to FAA jurisdiction be included in Exhibit A. Staff advised that any requirements necessary for traffic control during construction would be taken care of at the time the building permit is issued. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Staff reported the City Attorney had reviewed Exhibit. A and expressed his opinion that the EIR was legally adequate. C. Sine moved for adoption of Planning Commission Resolution No. 5-79 Recommending Environmental Impact Report EIR-52P for the Holiday Inn Project, the three photographs filed by the applicant in support of Agenda Items 2 and 3, showing visual impact, to be included in the Addendum to the EIR, as well as a statement added to Exhibit A with regard to FAA height limits. Second C. Cistulli; Resolution No. 5-79 adopted 6-0 on roll call vote, C. Mink absent. Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes August 13, 1979 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW THE PARAPET HEIGHT OF THE HOLIDAY INN TO REACH 161'-7" ABOVE CURB GRADE; PROPERTY AT 600 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, BY RAISER ARCHITECTURAL GROUP 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW A FLOOR AREA RATIO OF 1.93 FOR THE: NEW HOLIDAY INN AT 600 AIRPORT BOULEVARD; BY RAISER ARCHITECTURAL GROUP CP Yost reviewed these items, noting background data had been presented in EIR-52P. He advised that no specific maximum height limits for new buildings along the shoreline had been established although building bulk is limited. Reference staff report for Items 2 and 3 dated 8/8/79; EIR-52P; Planning Commission Resolution No. 5-79 with Exhibit A attached; Burlingame's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance with regard to the waterfront areas. Staff had no objection to the special permit for the proposed height and recommended for Commission review conditions 1 through 6(c) as listed in the staff report. CP Yost discussed the City's FAR code and floor area ratios of existing and approved buildings. There was no staff objection to approval of the special permit for the proposed FAR of 1.93 and two conditions for approval were recommended as listed in the staff report. At the request of Secy. Taylor, Mr. Yost reviewed code requirements with respect to FAR. John Raiser and Joseph Kent of Raiser Architectural Group were present. Mr. Raiser addressed Commission with the aid of slides. He discussed the design of the building; Raiser's attempts to meet the requirements of the code and the! policies of the City in this area; the visual impact upon the City; the view corridiors, landscaping, public amenities, open space and parking being provided; the reasons for the particular design which necessitated the proposed height. He also advised an application for the proposed signage would be brought to Commission at a later date. Some Commission discussion ensued regarding the parking levels and view corridors. Chm. Jacobs then opened the public hearing and requested comments in favor. David Keyston, Anza Shareholders' Liquidating Trust, 770 Airport Boulevard referred to the benefits this project would provide for the City; that it was the type of project City Council had indicated it wanted in the waterfront area and was in conformance with the general plan for the area; that parking requirements had been met in a more architecturally pleasing manner using two levels; that landscaping was well in excess of code requirement for the waterfront area; that open space and public amenities had been provided in the design of the project. He urged that both special permits be approved. Leonard Waldo of the William J. Purdy Company, 770 Airport Boulevard advised his company had reviewed the plans and approved of them. Harry Graham, 1555 Alturas Drive requested approval and advised the slides presented this evening confirmed his belief that the visual impact on the City would not be great. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. The majority of Commissioners had no concern regarding height, bulk, density or parking of the proposed project. There was a minority concern expressed about the height of the building, the two levels of parking and the large amount of concrete. Commission comments and suggestions: this project meets the parameters (and objectives) determined by the City Council for the waterfront commercial areas; additional revenues to the City and the jobs this project would provide were noted; a conclusion was expressed that this building will not in any way obstruct the shoreline views from the City's residential areas. C. Sine moved for approval of this special permit with the following conditions: (1) that the permit be approved to Holiday Inns, Inc. and be nontransferable; (2) that all construction and site improvements be generally consistent with the plans and project description contained in EIR-52P; (3) that the mitigation measures identified Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes August 13, 1979 in Exhibit A of Planning Commission Resolution No. 5-79 be implemented by the project sponsor; (4) that a development fee consistent with Ordinance No. 1151 be paid; such fee is presently estimated to be $37,180; (5) that the final drawings for this project show a parapet height above curb grade of not more than 162'; (6) that prior to the issuance of a building permit by the City of Burlingame the following requirements be met: (a) all permits required from other responsible agencies be obtained, such permits to include (but not be limited to) the Bay Conservation and Development Commission and the State Lands Commission (for use of the improvements on adjacent State owned parcels); (b) a design for the modification of the center island of the Airport Boulevard median strip be approved by the City; construction to be at the expense of the project sponsor; (c) all landscaping and irrigation systems be approved by the City, and be so designed that the maximum feasible on-site parking spaces are screened from adjacent State lands; and (7) that the proposed signs for this project are specifically excluded from this approval, and will require a separate application. Second C. Cistulli and approved 5-1 on roll call vote, C. Jacobs dissenting, C. Mink absent. Appeal procedures were advised. Secretary Taylor read Agenda Item #3 and Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing on this special permit. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. C. Sine moved for approval of this special' permit with the following conditions: (1) that the permit be approved to Holiday Inns, Inc. and be nontransferable; and (2) that all other conditions attached to the special permit approved for this project, to allow the proposed Holiday Inn Hotel to exceed a maximum height of 50', be met satisfactorily by the project sponsor. Second C. Cistulli and approved 5-1 on roll call vote, C. Jacobs dissenting, C. Mink absent. Appeal procedures were advised. Recess 8:40 P.M.; reconvene 8:55 P.M. 4. VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT AN 8'-6" by 30'-0" STORAGE SHED ON THE SIDE PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT TO 2325 RAY DRIVE; PROPERTY AT 2329 RAY DRIVE, BY SERGIO BRUNI CP Yost reviewed this application to add a storage building on the side property line. A variance is required because the proposed building will not have the 4' side yard required by code. Reference staff report dated 8/6/79; letter to Planning Commission from Sergio G. Bruni dated July 5, 1979; Applicant's Affidavit: for Variance; plans date stamped July 16, 1979 and photographs of the site. Staff had no objection to approval but felt there were other ways that additional storage could be provided within code. Mr. Yost confirmed there were no water or sewer connections shown on the plans for this building. Sergio Bruni was present and discussed his need for a storage room and the difficulties encountered with this unusual property. Later in the meeting the applicant's daughter stated her belief this storage shed would not detract: from the aesthetics of the neighborhood. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. During Commission discussion it was determined Mr. Bruni had purchased this home last year, that notices of the hearing had been mailed to all property owners within 300 feet of the site, and that the Planning Department had received no comments from the public. Commission concerns: the large size of the proposed building and the possibility of this structure being converted at some future (late to a mother-in-law apartment. It was suggested a loft over the garage could be built to provide the required storage space. Commission consensus was that there were alternatives to provide storage space; and it was noted the applicant could construct this building 5 feet from the property line with only a building permit. C. Taylor moved that this variance be denied. Second C. Sine; variance denied 6-0 on roll call vote, C. Mink absent. Appeal procedures were advised. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 August 13, 1979 5. VARIANCE TO EXTEND THE EXISTING GARAGE AT 1920 DEVEREUX DRIVE 3 FEET FORWARD TO WITHIN 12'-7" OF THE FRONT PROPERTY LINE, BY GREGORY AND LYNDA GOMES CP Yost reviewed this application to enlarge the existing garage at the front of the home by extending it 3' forward, thus providing an effective parking area in the garage of 19'-6". A variance is required because the front setback would be less than the minimum required by code. Reference staff report dated 8/7/79; applicants' 19 July 1979 letter; drawings received with the application; and Applicant's Affidavit for Variance. Staff had no objection to approval if findings could be made in support of three issues as listed in the staff report. Two conditions for approval were also recommended in the staff report. Mr. and Mrs. Gomes were present. Mr. Gomes discussed their unsuccessful attempts to find a location for the washer and dryer other than in the garage, as well as their purchase of a larger car to replace one of their smaller foreign cars as family size increased. He also noted that none of the neighbors had voiced an objection to this application. It was his feeling that being able to park the two cars in the garage was much more acceptable than parking on -street. A stackable washer and dryer was suggested; applicant advised these units were too small for the present size of his family. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. One Commissioner stated his home and garage were the same size as the applicant's but that he was able to park two cars in the garage; he was also opposed to changing the visual aspect of homes in the area. There was a concern expressed that approval of this request would set a precedent, and Commission's policy of protecting setbacks was noted. A suggestion was made that the applicant be requested to explore other possibilities. C. Sine then moved to deny this variance. Second C. Cistulli; motion to deny approved 5-1 on roll call vote, C. Francard dissenting, C. Mink absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 6. VARIANCE TO ADD A THIRD BEDROOM AND BATHROOM TO WITHIN 7' OF THE REAR PROPERTY LINE, ALONG THE SAME PLANE AS THE TWO ORIGINAL BEDROOMS; PROPERTY AT 900 LINDEN AVENUE, BY STAN AND CINDY MACKEWICZ C. Francard did not participate in the discussion because of a possible conflict of interest. CP Yost reviewed this application and the history of this unusual property, noting a nonconforming situation had been created from the beginning. Reference staff report dated 8/7/79 with location plan attached; Applicaint's Affidavit for Variance; and plans filed with the application. Mr. Yost explained the two variances required to allow the addition. Staff recommended approval in view of findings supporting the legal requirements for a variance, as listed in the staff report. Mr. and Mrs. Mackewicz were present. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Commission discussed the history of this property and the unusual features of the lot. C. Taylor then moved for approval of this application for variance, incorporating by reference the findings enumerated in the staff report. Second C. Cistulli, and approved 5-0 on roll call vote, C. Francard abstaining, C. Mink absent. Appeal procedures were advised. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 August 13, 1979 7. C. A. SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE'S PROPOSED CLASSES AT 1450 BROADWAY IN THE C-1 DISTRICT: USE DETERMINATION_ CP Yost reviewed this item and noted the applicant, Gary Ciampi, was present. He referenced Code Sec. 25.36.020(22) which would allow the proposed use if two findings could be made. Reference staff report dated 7/17/79; Project Assessment revised 7/17/79; site plan; May 7 and June 5, 1979 letters from Gary Ciampi; and copy of the school brochure. Staff recommended approval of this use in accordance with findings listed in the staff report. At the request of Commission, Mr. Yost reviewed the list of permitted uses in the C-1 District. Gary Ciampi discussed his credentials and found the proposed use similar to the following: sales room; dancing academy; business offices in general; and banks. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. Gilmore O'Neill, 2022 TroVsdale Drive and administrator of the real estate school, spoke in favor of approving this use. There were no further audience comments and the public hearing was closed. The sequence of events during the last six months which led to this application was discussed at.length by the applicant, Commission and staff. There was consensus that this was not the matter before Commission tonight and that a use determination was the issue under consideration. After further discussion C. Sine moved that Commission find the real estate training school is similar in character to those uses specifically allowed in the C-1 District; and that, within the hours of operation specified in the application and with a maximum enrollment of 20 students during any 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. period, the school would not be obnoxious or detrimental to the neighborhood. Second C. Cistulli; motion approved 6-0 on roll call vote, C. Mink absent. Appeal procedures were advised. 8. SIGN EXCEPTION, BY KENN EDWARDS OF BURLINGAME RACQUETBALL CLUB, INC. CP Yost read August 13, 1979 letter from the applicant requesting a continuance to the next Commission meeting. Item continued to the meeting of August 27, 1979. APPLICATIONS FOR STUDY The following items were reviewed by CP Yost and set for public hearing August 27, 1979. 9. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW A RUMPUS ROOM IN A DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDING; AT 792 WILLBOROUGH PLACE, BY JOHN M. WARD A copy of the May 25, 1977 Commission minutes with regard to a parcel map for this property was requested prior to the public hearing. 10. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A MONTESSORI PRE-SCHOOL AT THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, 2720 MARIPOSA DRIVE, BY ADRIANA LONZARICH AND JUNE WISECARVER 11. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE AN EQUIPMENT AND TRUCK RENTAL BUSINESS AT 1337 MARSTEN ROAD, BY PATRICK SMITH OF MILLBRAE RENTS 12. SPECIAL PERMIT TO PAVE AND STORE RENTAL CARS rMMEDIATELY 'WEST OF TRANS RENT -A -CAR PROPERTY AT 1755 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY, BY BARRY RAFTER, ARCHITECT FOR TRANS RENT -A -CAR A more complete profile of Trans Rent -A -Car's operation was requested prior to the public hearing. Page 6 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes August 13, 1979 CITY PLANNER REPORT CP Yost reported on the status of the following: 13. Primrose Plaza, 360 Primrose Road. 14. Continental Western Car Rental, 1290 Bayshore Highway. An. ni IPNM1=NT The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Thomas C. Taylor Acting Secretary