HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1979.08.27CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 27, 1979 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs on Monday, August 27, 1979 at 7:33 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Francard, Harvey, Jacobs, Mink, Sine, Taylor (arrived at 7:40 P.M.) Absent: None Staff Present: John R. Yost, City Planner; Ralph E. Kirkup, City Engineer; Jerome F. Coleman, City Attorney MINUTES The minutes of the August 13, 1979 meeting were approved as mailed. AGENDA - Agenda approved with removal of Item #8 at the request of the applicant. ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A MONTESSORI PRE-SCHOOL AT THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION. 2720 MARIPOSA DRIVE. ZONED R-1. BY ADRIANA LONZARICH AND JUNE WISECARVER Chm. Jacobs announced the applicant had submitted a written request that this item be continued to the meeting of September 24, 1979. There was some discussion regarding procedures between staff, Chm. Jacobs and those members of the public opposed to the application. CA Coleman advised it was the legal right of the applicant to ask for a continuance and that it would be inappropriate to commence a public hearing this evening since Commission was not in possession of all the facts relative to the application. Item continued to the meeting of September 24, 1979. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW A RUMPUS ROOM IN A DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDING, AT 792 WILLBOROUGH PLACE. ZONED R-1. BY JOHN M. WARD CP Yost reviewed this application to remodel a detached storage building in the backyard into a recreation room with refrigerator, sink and fireplace. Reference staff report dated 8/21/79; Project Assessment revised 8/21/79; 8/5/79 letter from John M. Ward; plans date stamped August 6, 1979 and Planning Commission minutes of May 9 and May 25, 1977 covering a previous parcel map application at this location. Three conditions for Commission review were listed in the staff report including the suggestion that a resolution be adopted which would identify the limited permitted uses for this accessory building. John M. Ward, the applicant was present. Chm. Jacobs noted it had been her impression the 1977 parcel map was requested in order to allow this accessory building to be used for storage of garden tools. Mr. Ward explained that this former garage had been used for storage since May, 1977 and that his long term objective had been to convert its use to an activity room. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was closed. Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes August 27, 1979 Commission concerns: possible use of the accessory building as a mother-in-law apartment by a subsequent owner; and the number of people who might use the proposed recreational room at any one time. Some Commissioners felt a recorded resolution would provide the necessary restrictions on this property. Secy. Mink read a letter from Richard D. McFarland, 1117 Palm Drive in support of the application and a "no objection" note from Thomas J. and Cordelia Hodge, 789 Willborough Road. C. Taylor moved to approve this special permit with the following conditions: (1) that the proposed improvements be consistent with those shown on the plans for an "activity room" filed with this application and date stamped August 6, 1979; (2) that the use of this accessory building be consistent with the August 5, 1979 letter from John M. Ward; and (3) that a resolution which identifies the limited permitted uses of this building be prepared for adoption by the Commission and recording by the County Recorder. Second C. Mink; motion to approve effectively denied on a 3-4 roll call vote, Cers Cistulli, Francard, Sine and Jacobs dissenting. Appeal procedures were advised. 3. VARIANCE TO ADD A THIRD BEDROOM TO THE EXISTING HOUSE AT 761 WILLBOROUGH PLACE, ZONED R-1, BY EDWARD AND LEAH LEAVY CP Yost reviewed this application to remodel the existing two bedroom one bath house by adding a third bedroom and attached bath at the second floor level. A variance is required because the existing garage is less than code dimensions. Reference staff report dated 8/20/79; applicant's affidavit for variance; August 9, 1979 letter from Edward R. Leavy; and plans date stamped August 14, 1979. Staff recommended approval if the requirements of Code Chapter 25.54 were met. Edward R. Leavy, the applicant was present. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Secy. Mink noted "no objection" note from Thomas J. and Cordelia A. Hodge, 789 Willborough Road. C. Mink then reviewed the findings necessary for approval of this variance with the applicant. Commission established the following findings: that the lot was unusual because of its proportions; that the variance was necessary for the preservation of a property right of the owner; that there was a hardship in that the applicant needed more space for a larger family; that the aesthetics of the neighborhood would not be changed; and that approval would not adversely affect the general plan of the city. C. Mink moved for approval of this variance; second C. Francard and approved 7-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. C. Sine introduced his son, Tom Sine, Jr. and grandson who were present in the audience. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT TO PAVE AND STORE RENTAL CARS ON A 0.69 ACRE SITE IMMEDIATELY WEST OF TRANS RENT -A -CAR PROPERTY AT 1755 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY; ZONED M-1, BY BARRY RAFTER, ARCHITECT WITH TRANS RENT -A -CAR, APPLICANTS 5. REVIEW OF JUNE 19, 1978 SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW TRANS RENT -A -CAR TO OPERATE A CAR RENTAL AGENCY IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 1755 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY CP Yost reviewed Item #4 to pave and fence an area at the back of the present Trans Rent-A-Car property and use this area for storage of their fleet vehicles, which have increased from previous estimates. Reference staff report dated 8/22/79; Project Assessment revised 8/22/79; July 10 and August 2, 1979 letters from Barry L. Rafter, architect; August 21, 1979 memo from the Park Director; Planning Commission minutes of May 22, 1978; aerial photo of the site; and plans filed with the application. Staff recommended this new application be approved with two conditions as listed in the staff report. In reviewing Item #5, CP Yost noted Condition #9 of the 1978 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 August 27, 1979 special permit (that a landscaped mound along the front property line be not less than 4' high) has.not yet been met and recommended this second item be continued to September 24, 1979 to allow the applicant to complete the landscaping. Seymour Furman, secretary/treasurer of Trans Rent-A-Car and Barry Rafter, architect were present. Mr. Furman advised that the 4' mounding had been installed but was subsequently removed at his direction because of a safety hazard for exiting traffic. During discussion it was noted the company had been in business at this location for only a short time; the present average mound height was determined to be approximately 12" - 18". The code requirement for 10% landscaping in this district was noted. A concern was expressed about granting more storage space (Item #4) to an applicant who has not complied with all the conditions of a previous permit. Site and grading plans were discussed as well as drainage. There was consensus: to continue both items. The applicant was asked to make,a serious attempt to screen the storage area from the adjacent properties to the north and west, and present a new landscaping plan. Commission requested written comments from the Park Director regarding the landscaping plan and a report from the Traffic Engineer at the time of the hearing. The items were then continued to September 24, 1979. Recess 8:40 P.M.; reconvene 8:55 P.M. 6. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE AN EQUIPMENT AND TRUCK RENTAL BUSINESS AT 1337 MARSTEN ROAD, ZONED M-1, BY PATRICK SMITH OF MILLBRAE RENTS, INC. CP Yost reviewed this application to relocate an equipment and truck rental agency from Millbrae to Burlingame. Reference staff report dated 8/23/79; Project Assessment revised 8/23/79; August 6, 1979 letter from Patrick T. Smith; site drawing filed with the application; aerial photo of the site; and August 22, 1979 memo from the Director of Public Works. There was no objection to approval with seven conditions as.listed in the staff report. Robert Smith, president of the company and brother of the applicant, Patrick Smith, was present and discussed staff concerns with regard to this application. He requested the second alternative suggested by the Traffic Engineer and DPW be allowed: that access be permitted from Rollins Road but all traffic exiting the site be required to use Marsten Road. He was agreeable to all other City conditions. Commission concerns: the use of the metal building; the adequacy and timing of the proposed paving. The various types of homeowner rental equipment offered by this business were discussed. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. There was Commission consensus this was a good use for this area and that it would fill a community need. C. Sine then moved to approve this special permit with the following conditions: (1) that the permit be approved to Patrick T. Smith, presently doing business as Millbrae Rents, Inc., and be nontransferable; (2) that the use of 1337 Marsten Road be consistent with Mr. Smith's August 6, 1979 letter filed with this application; (3) that the two conditions recommended by the Director of Public Works in his August 22, 1979 memo be satisfied; (4) that the entire site be paved and striped for equipment storage and customer parking to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works; (5) that a wash area be designed and installed to City specifications if equipment and motor vehicles are regularly cleaned on-site; (6) that all outdoor equipment and material storage areas be screened from view along Rollins Road; (7) that this permit be subject to review and possible amendment in six months; and (8) that landscaping and irrigation plans be approved by the Park Director. Second C. Cistulli and approved 7-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 August 27, 1979 7. AMENDMENT OF OCTOBER 2, 1978 SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW TRUE LEARNING CENTER, INC. TO INCREASE THEIR PRESENT ENROLLMENT BY 10 STUDENTS TO A MAXIMUM TOTAL ENROLLMENT OF 50; PROPERTY AT 801 HOWARD AVENUE, ZONED R-1 AND R-3, BY LARRY KRUSEMARK CP Yost reviewed this request to increase school enrollment by 10 students and noted conditions of the permit approved in 1978. Staff had no objection to this change on a trial basis but did have some concern in view of another private school opening at the site this fall. Reference staff report dated 8/22/79; August 20, 1979 letter from Larry Krusemark; July 13, 1979 letter from the Burlingame School District to True Learning Center; and City Council minutes of appeal hearing held October 2, 1978. Larry Krusemark, the applicant was present. Fire safety requirements were discussed as well as how long a period of time might be allowed on a trial basis. One Commissioner suggested the application be rejected at this time and reconsidered in six months after experience with two private schools operating at the site. It was determined that no complaints had been received by staff since True Learning Center began operations there. All neighbors within 300 feet had been notified of the hearing. At least three Commissioners did not feel a traffic problem would result and it was pointed out that arrival and departure hours of the private schools did not conflict with those of the public school. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. C. Sine stated he would make a positive motion on this application with theunderstanding he would vote against his motion (because of an objection to a commercial enterprise in an R-1 district). C. Sine then moved for approval of this amendment to the October 2, 1978 special permit. Second C. Harvey; motion to approve effectively denied on a 4-3 roll call vote, Cers Cistulli, Mink, Sine and Taylor dissenting. On unanimous voice vote this denial was made without prejudice. Appeal procedures were advised. 8. SIGN EXCEPTION TO CONSTRUCT A 38' HIGH POLE SIGN WITH 120 SF PER FACE AT THE CORNER OF HINCKLEY AND GILBRETH ROAD; PROPERTY ZONED M-1, 13Y KENN EDWARDS OF BURLINGAME RACQUETBALL CLUB, INC., 888 HINCKLEY ROAD Item removed from the agenda at the request of the applicant in his August 23, 1979 letter. 9. SIGN EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A CHANGE OF COPY ON AN EXISTING 47' HIGH POLE SIGN AT 1565 ADRIAN ROAD, ZONED M-1, BY ROBERT F. EDWARDS, JR. OF PACIFIC POWER EQUIPMENT COMPANY CP Yost reviewed this item and noted the three code exceptions required by the application. Reference staff report dated 8/21/79; August 15, 1979 letter from Robert F. Edwards, Jr.; Sign Exception application; drawings date stamped August 16, 1979; photographs of the existing FIAT pole sign; and August 27, 1979 letter from the applicant (distributed this evening) in response to the City Planner's staff report. Staff recommended the application be denied. Robert F. Edwards, Jr., the applicant was present. He discussed his company's activities in Burlingame since 1956 and contended that Bayshore Freeway frontage is unique and an asset to both business and the City. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Page 5 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes August 27, 1979 During discussion one Commissioner stated his feeling the arguments advanced by Mr. Edwards were the reason the sign ordinance was adopted, and that one of the main objectives had been to reduce size of signs in the City. Several other Commissioners agreed with his statements. It was noted the sign code allows freeway signs for purposes of identification of a company, but not for advertising. C. Sine moved to deny this sign exception. Second C. Taylor; application denied 7-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 10. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP TO COMBINE LOTS 3, 4 AND PORTION OF 5, BLOCK 1, EASTON ADDITION NO. 1; PROPERTY AT 1155-1159 CALIFORNIA DRIVE, BY WILLIAM WRIGHT FOR TERRY MERRITT OF ENCORE PRODUCTIONS CE Kirkup reviewed this item, noting that the parcel map was a condition of the variance application approved by the Planning Commission June 11, 1979. This map erases the lot line under the theater building. Staff recommended approval of both tentative and final map. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. C. Mink moved -for approval and recommendation to City Council of this tentative and final parcel map. Second C. Taylor; all aye voice vote. 11. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP TO COMBINE LOTS 19 AND 20„ BLOCK 9, MILLSDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 5; PROPERTY AT 1616 ROLLINS ROAD, ZONED M-1, BY LOUIS ARATA FOR MUNKDALE BROTHERS CE Kirkup reviewed this item, noting the parcel map was a condition of the special permit and variance applications approved by the Planning Commission May 14, 1979. This map would erase the lot line under the existing building. Staff recommended approval of both tentative and final map. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments: and the hearing was closed. C. Mink moved for approval and recommendation to City Council of this tentative and final parcel ma!p. Second C. Taylor; all aye voice vote. 12. REVIEW OF AUGUST 28, 1978 SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW AZTEC RENT -A -CAR AND LEASING, INC. (LOS ANGELES) TO OPERATE A CAR RENTAL AGENCY IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 808 BURLWAY ROAD CP Yost reviewed Aztec Rent -A -Car's August, 1978 special permit which had been approved with six conditions, and noted changes which have occurred with the properties and the company since that time. Reference staff report dated 8/24/79; August 28, 1978 Planning Commission minutes; letter from Vincent N. Poleo, Operations Manager, Aztec, Los Angeles; and 8/28/78 staff report. The company is presently operating in violation of the 1978 permit conditions and staff recommended a public hearing be set to consider revocation of the special permit. Commission concurred; public hearing to consider revocation of this special permit set for September 24, 1979. CITY PLANNER REPORT CP Yost reviewed August 20, 1979 City Council actions on the following: 13. William O'Brien variance application, 2727 Martinez Drive: variance approved with conditions. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 August 27, 1979 14. Dynique of San Francisco, 330 Primrose Road: use determination sustained. 15. Holiday Inn, 600 Airport Boulevard: Planning Commission approval has been appealed and public hearing by Council scheduled for September 4, 1979. CE Kirkup reported on complaints received about Ajax Rent-A-Car operations and staff actions in this regard. a I1. oiIONMI=NT The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Charles W. Mink Secretary