HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1979.10.10CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 10, 1979 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs on Wednesday, October 10, 1979 at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Harvey, Mink, Sine, Jacobs Absent: Commissioners Francard (excused) and Taylor (excused) Staff Present: John R. Yost, City Planner; Ralph E. Kirkup, City Engineer; Jerome F. Coleman, City Attorney MINUTES The minutes of the September 24, 1979 meeting were approved as mailed. AGENDA - Approved with the addition of Item 5a, Final Condominium Map, 1220 Paloma Avenue. APPLICATIONS FOR ACTION 1. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A MONTESSORI PRE-SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN 2.9 TO 6 YEARS OF AGE AT THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, 2720 MARIPOSA DRIVE, ZONED R-1, BY ADRIANA LONZARICH AND JUNE WISECARVER (CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 24, 1979) CP Yost reviewed this item, giving a brief outline of the code requirements in the R-1 District and reports from the Chief Fire Inspector and Traffic Engineer. Reference Planning Commission minutes of September 24, 1979. Further reference: October 2, 1979 letter from Frank C. Vorsatz, 1838 El Camino Real, Burlingame, attorney for the applicants, advising of proceedings to incorporate Morning Glory Montessori School as a non-profit organization; letters in support from Norma Verducci, 2997 Mariposa Drive and Pat Hardy, 2935 Fleetwood, San Bruno; letter in opposition from Alfred F. Federico, 2817 Mariposa Drive. Staff recommended approval with seven conditions as listed in the 9/24/79 staff report. The applicants, June Wisecarver and Adriana Lonzarich, discussed their September 14, 1979 letter to the Commission addressing the concerns of the neighbors and their plans for mitigation of these concerns. It was determined the applicants were aware of the conditions of approval suggested by staff and the State requirements for establishment of such a school. During discussion CA Coleman advised that the term "non-profit" as used in the Burlingame Municipal Code refers to a non-profit operation under the laws of the State of California. Chm. Jacobs reopened the public hearing. Eileen Mills, Director of the Montessori school in San Mateo at which both applicants had previously worked, testified to their competence, sensitivity to the needs of other people and stated her belief they would keep the noise level of school activities to a minimum. There were no further comments in favor. r Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes October 10, 1979 Those speaking in opposition were: Earle Erickson, 2805 Las Piedras Drive; Harold Cooper, 2809 Las Piedras Drive; William Kiriakis, 2700 Mariposa Drive; Renaldo Pepi, 2812 Las Piedras Drive; James Koras, 2853 Mariposa Drive; and Karl Schneider, 2811 Frontera Way. Concerns were: noise and disturbance of the neighborhood; increased traffic activity; establishment of a commercial enterprise in an R-1 district which may downgrade the neighborhood; possible expansion once the permit is approved. Comments: all neighbors in the immediate vicinity oppose the proposal; none of the church members live in the area; there are no children in the immediate vicinity who would benefit from the school; have the applicants proven a need to bring this operation into the neighborhood?; does the school technically fulfill the IRS criteria for non-profit?; schools should be located closer to those using them. Suggestions: rental of space in existing public school buildings that are no longer full; maintain the quality of the present residential areas in Burlingame; do not set a precedent for this type of use in residential neighborhoods. For the record, Secy. Mink referenced letters and petitions received in favor and in opposition which had been attached to the 9/24/79 staff report to Commission; Attorney Frank C. Vorsatz' letter dated October 2, 1979; three letters previously noted which were recieved after the September 24 meeting; September 14, 1979 letter from Earle Erickson to all Commission members; and September 8, 1979 petition in favor signed by five Burlingame households. During discussion Commissioners Sine, Harvey and Cistulli expressed support of the concept of the school and noted the sincerity of the applicants, but felt strongly that Commission responsibility was to the neighbors. Chm. Jacobs noted the need for child care operations and stated her support if the applicants would agree to relocate the playground area to the opposite side of the church. She determined the applicants were agreeable to an alternative playground area and to review in one year. C. Mink noted the city had worked to establish a balanced community accommodating all of the residents. He found that schools and churches are compatible in residential areas and that this well documented proposal was a compatible use which meets the needs of the community and the planning criteria of the city. He also supported Chm. Jacobs' position that the playground be relocated. C. Sine moved to deny this special permit. Second C. Cistulli; motion to deny failed on a 3-2 roll call vote, Cers Jacobs and Mink dissenting. CA Coleman advised that in the absence. of four votes to approve the application it was denied as a matter of law. Appeal procedures were advised. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO PAVE AND STORE RENTAL CARS ON A 0.69 ACRE SITE IMMEDIATELY WEST OF TRANS RENT -A -CAR PROPERTY AT 1755 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY; IN THE M-1 DISTRICT, BY BARRY RAFTER, ARCHITECT WITH TRANS RENT -A -CAR (CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 24, 1979) 3. REVIEW OF JUNE 19, 1978 SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW TRANS RENT -A -CAR TO OPERATE A CAR RENTAL AGENCY IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 1755 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY (CONTINUED FROM 9/24/79) Items continued to the meeting of October 24, 1979 at the request of the applicant. Reference October 1, 1979 letter from Seymour Furman, Secretary/Treasurer of Trans Rent-A-Car. Staff was requested to advise the applicants of the hearing date. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 October 10, 1979 4. REVOCATION OF SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVED JANUARY 27, 1975 TO ALLOW AZTEC RENT -A -CAR TO OPERATE A CAR RENTAL AGENCY AT 808 BURLWAY ROAD AND STORE RENTAL VEHICLES AT 855 MAHLER ROAD, IN THE M-1 DISTRICT (CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 24, 1979) CP Yost reviewed the history of Aztec Rent -A -Car's operations since 1975, noting conditions of the permit approved in January, 1975; the changes in local managers for the business, and the recent sale of 855 Mahler Road and 808 Burlway Road which has produced a need for a new fleet storage area. CP reviewed the applicant's proposal for fleet storage at 826/840 Burlway Road. (Ref. 10/3/79 memo from Nicholas Crisafi, property owner and October 2, 1979 letter from Giltspur Exhibits, the principal tenant at 826 Burlway Road.) Given this new information, staff had no objection to continuance of the present special permit and recommended five amended conditions. Reference staff report dated 9/19/79; Special Permit application form dated 11/13/74; November 13, 1974 letter from Dale J. Miller, Director -Sales and Operations, Aztec Rent-A-Car; January 6, 1975 letter from Dominic J. Accetta, Director, Frank Coletto Ford dba Aztec Rent-A-Car; drawings date stamped November 18, 1974 indicating parking at 808 Burlway Road; January 27, 1975 minutes of the Planning Commission hearing; August 22,. 1977 Planning Commission minutes covering hearing on a request to add truck rentals to this operation; August 7, 1978 letter from Vincent N. Poleo requesting conditional use permit be reassigned in the name of Aztec Rent-A-Car & Leasing, Inc. (Los Angeles); August 28, 1978 Planning Commission hearing minutes on this request; staff report dated 8/24/79; Notice of Revocation Hearing sent via registered mail to Vincent N. Poleo, Aztec, Los Angeles on August 29, 1979; August 24, 1979 letter from Joe Knight, Aztec, Los Angeles; letter date stamped September 18, 1979 from W. R. Humphrey, Operations Manager, Aztec, Los Angeles; September 17, 1979 letter from Nicholas A. Crisafi, the new owner of 808 Burlway Road, to William Humphrey, Aztec Rent-A-Car; rough sketch and air photo indicating proposed parking. William R. Humphrey, Operations Manager, Aztec, Los Angeles was present and discussed present and future plans of the company. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. A concern was expressed about granting a continuance of special permit to a firm with which the city has had problems in the past. CP explained the sequence of events which led to the revocation hearing, the new information just received, and the recent changes in management of this company. It was determined the parking provided at 826/840 Burlway Road now meets code requirements. At Commission's request, CP Yost re -read the suggested conditions of approval. A sixth condition was requested: that in the event Giltspur Exhibits should vacate the property at 826 Burlway Road, the permit immediately be brought to Commission for review. C. Mink then moved that this special permit be confirmed with the following amended conditions: (1) that the permit be approved to Aztec Rent-A-Car & Leasing, Inc. (Los Angeles), and be nontransferable; (2) that there be a single lease agreement with the property owner of 808 Burlway Road and 826-840 Burlway Road which includes no less than eight parking spaces at 808 Burlway and a storage area for 25 vehicles at 826-840 Burlway, for the exclusive use of Aztec Rent-A-Car; (3) that the eight parking spaces at 808 Burlway Road, and the fleet storage area at 826-840 Burlway Road, be properly striped and marked; (4) that no servicing or washing of vehicles take place at either location; (5) that the vehicle parking be subject to an annual review and report; and (6) that in the event Giltspur Exhibits should vacate the property at 826 Burlway Road, the permit immediately be brought to Commission for review. Second C. Harvey and approved on a 4-1 roll call vote, C. Sine dissenting. Appeal procedures were advised. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 October 10, 1979 5. SIGN EXCEPTION FOR TWO WALL SIGNS AND A POLE SIGN; PROPERTY AT 800 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, ZONED C-4; BY STANLEY LO OF FOUR SEAS CENTER FOR LA BAIE RESTAURANT CP Yost reviewed the history of City approvals for the Four Seas Center project and the proposed signage. Reference staff report dated 10/3/79; October 1, 1979 letter from Stanley Lo, the applicant; Sign Exception application filed 10/1/79; site drawing date stamped October 1, 1979; Planning Commission minutes of August 27, 1973 concerning signage for Kee Joon's restaurant, 433 Airport Boulevard, with photo copy of Kee Joon's sign. Staff recommended a Sign Exception be approved to allow signs to be installed at the fifth floor level of the Four Seas Center, but recommended the size of each sign be reduced. Vern Burgess of Ad -Art Signs was present representing the applicant, Stanley Lo and discussed the proposed signs in detail. Commission discussed the design, lighting, distance from the freeway, the need for identification, comparisons with signage for Kee Joon's restaurant at 433 Airport Boulevard and noted the proposed bayfront directional signs now being discussed by Council. There appeared to be approval of the design and location of the signage but there was consensus that the applicant redesign all three signs on a smaller scale and with a much lower profile for the pole sign. Applicant to confer with staff; item to appear again on the agenda when new material has been received. 5a. FINAL CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR 4 CONDOMINIUM UNITS AT 1220 PALOMA AVENUE CE Kirkup advised all conditions of the tentative map have been met, namely the drainage plan be approved by the city and all units to have automatic shut-off valves on the utilities. The map is in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and Municipal Code. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. C. Sine moved for approval and recommendation to City Council of this final condominium map. Second C. Cistulli and all aye voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS 6. PRIVATE SCHOOLS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS: RECOMMENDED TITLE 25 CODE AMENDMENT CP Yost reviewed his staff report dated 10/2/79. He noted the five conditional uses which require a special permit in the R-1 District, particularly the sections relating to types of schools, and the requirement that a private school be non-profit. Staff believed the code procedure for review of schools in residential districts provided sufficient safeguards, and that the prohibition against a profit making private school appeared to be excessive. Code changes were recommended. After some discussion Commission agreed the non-profit requirement could be omitted and requested staff prepare the necessary code amendment for transmittal to City Council. 7. MINIMUM GARAGE WIDTH IN THE R-1 DISTRICT: RECOMMENDED TITLE 25 CODE AMENDMENT CP Yost reviewed his staff report dated 10/3/79. He noted parking space requirements for all districts, and the code requirements for additions to older homes which have resulted in time consuming processing of variances. Staff recommended that additions and enlargements to older homes with garages not less than 18' wide be allowed with a building permit, providing all other zoning ordinance requirements are met. Additions and enlargements to homes with garages less than 18' wide would continue to require a variance from the Planning Commission. The present requirement that all new single family homes with three or more bedrooms shall have two covered parking spaces 20'x2O' would remain unchanged. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 October 10, 1979 Following discussion, Commission requested staff prepare a code amendment for transmittal to City Council recommending the above changes. ITY PLANNER REPORT B. HOUSING ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT CP reported City Council had agreed to hire a consultant to prepare Burlingame's Housing Element; expected time frame for the public hearings was noted. CP also reported on Council's selection of a consultant to prepare the City's Waterfront Element. Copy of communication to. City Council from City Attorney regarding the Burlingame Avenue Off -Street Parking District was received. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:34 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Charles W. Mink Secretary AGENDA CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. MINUTES IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPLICATIONS FOR ACTION OCTOBER 10, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. September 24, 1979 1. Special Permit to operate a Montessori Pre -School for children 2.9 to 6 years of age at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension, 2720 Mariposa Drive (APN 025- 071-290), zoned R-1, by Adriana Lonzarich and June Wisecarver (applicants) with the Church of the Ascension (property owner) (ND -217P posted August 15, 1979) (continued from September 24, 1979). 2. Special Permit to pave and store rental cars on a 0.69 acre site immediately west of Trans Rent-A-Car property at 1755 Bayshore Highway; proposed site is an unsubdivided portion of the Sky Chefs' property at 810 Malcolm Road (portion of APN 024-403-270), zoned M-1, by Barry Rafter, architect with Trans Rent-A-Car (applicants) with Sky Chefs, Inc. (property owner) (ND -219P posted August 15, 1979) (continued from September 24, 1979). 3. Review of June 19, 1978 Special Permit to allow Trans Rent-A-Car to operate a car rental agency in the M-1 District at 1755 Bayshore Highway (continued from September 24, 1979). 4. Revocation of Special Permit approved January. 27, 1975 to allow Aztec Rent-A-Car to operate a car rental agency at 808 Burlway Road (APN 026-111-120) and store rental vehicles at'855 Mahler Road (APN 026-322-190), properties zoned M-1 (continued from September 24, 1979). 5. Sign Exception for two wall signs (one per frontage), each with 455 SF of signage at the fourth floor level of the Four Seas Center, and a 20' high pole sign with 124 SF of signage adjacent to the Airport Boulevard driveway; property at 800 Airport Boulevard (APN 026-342-190/200), zoned C-4, by Stanley Lo of Four Seas Center for La Baie restaurant. 5a. Final Condominium Map for 4 condominium units at 1220 Paloma Avenue. VI. OTHER BUSINESS 6. Private schools in residential districts: recommended Title 25 code amendment. 7. Minimum garage width in the R-1 District: recommended Title 25 code amendment. VII. CITY PLANNER REPORT 8. Housing Element progress report. IIII. ADJOURNMENT