HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1979.11.12CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 12, 1979 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs on Monday, November 12, 1979 at 7:36 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Francard, Harvey, Mink, Sine, Taylor, Jacobs Absent: None Staff Present: John R. Yost, City Planner; Ralph E. Kirkup, City Engineer MINUTES - The minutes of the October 10, 1979 meeting were approved as mailed. AGENDA - Approved with the addition of item 8a, comments by C. Sine APPLICATIONS FOR ACTION 1. CONDOMINIUM PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 14 UNIT CONDOMINIUM AT 1056 EL CAMINO REAL, ZONED R-3, BY LELAND ASHBY & ASSOCIATES FOR JOSEPH W. BRONZINI (CONTINUED FROM 9/24/79) 2. TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP FOR 14 CONDOMINIUM UNITS AT 1056 EL CAMINO REAL, BY LOUIS ARATA FOR JOSEPH W. BRONZINI (CONTINUED FROM 9/24/79) CP Yost reviewed this application to construct a 3 story, 14 unit condominium, noting P.C. Resolutions No. 16-75 and No. 4-79 with project review guidelines and requirements. Reference staff report dated 11/8/79; Project Assessment revised 11/8/79; air photo of the site; November 5, 1979 memo from the Director of Public Works; September 26, 1979 memo from the Traffic Engineer to the Director of Public Works; Study for Possible Driveway Change by Louis Arata dated 9/13/79; October 29, 1979 letter to the City Engineer from Louis Arata; drawing by Louis Arata showing Existing Unrecorded Utilities Easements; September 13, 1979 memo from the Chief Fire Inspector; copy of P.C. Res. No. 4-79 Establishing Open Space Standards for Condominiums. Staff suggested three conditions of approval, as listed in the staff report, should Commission find the project consistent with Resolutions 16-75 and 4-79. Richard Reisman, architect and Louis Arata, civil engineer were present representing the applicant. Mr. Reisman discussed the roof garden which is proposed to meet the general open space requirement. Commission, staff and these representatives discussed the configuration of the lots and their history; setback requirements; landscaping; plans to provide the required open space; lot coverage, curbs. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Commission concerns: over -density, a too intensive use of the land; the plans do not meet the spirit of Res. No. 4-79 nor the requirement for contiguous and directly accessible private open space. Possible changes to the project were discussed with the applicant. CE advised that the Engineering Department's previous concerns have been satisfied. C. Mink then moved Items 1 and 2 be withdrawn from the agenda at the request of the applicant. Second Cers. Taylor and Cistulli, and all aye voice vote. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 November 12, 1979 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO PAVE AND STORE RENTAL CARS ON A 0.69 ACRE SITE IMMEDIATELY WEST 1 OF TRANS RENT -A -CAR PROPERTY AT 1755 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY, ZONED M-1, BY BARRY RAFTER, ARCHITECT WITH TRANS RENT -A -CAR, APPLICANTS (CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 10, 1979) 4. REVIEW OF JUNE 19, 1978 SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW TRANS RENT -A -CAR TO OPERATE A CAR RENTAL AGENCY IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 1755 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY (CONTINUED FROM 10/10/79) CP Yost reviewed these items and noted the specific landscaping issues which were raised by the Commission at their August 27, 1979 meeting. Reference staff report dated 11/6/79; October 22, 1979 letter from Seymour Furman, Secretary/Treasurer of Trans Rent-A-Car, San Diego, CA.; photographs of the site; October 23, 1979 memo from the Park Director; September 21, 1979 memo from the Traffic Engineer with photographs of a similar installation; Site Plan received June 5, 1978; minutes of the August 27, 1979 Planning Commission meeting; letter dated August 27, 1979 from the adjoining property owner at 1799 Bayshore Highway; and staff report dated 8/22/79 with attachments. Mr. Yost discussed Trans Rent -A -Car's suggested solutions to the landscaping issues. Staff recommended the amended special permit application be approved with three conditions as listed in the staff report, and that Trans Rent-A-Car be found to be in compliance with the June 19, 1978 special permit conditions subject to two further stipulations as listed in the staff report. Cyrus McMillan, attorney representing Trans Rent-A-Car, was present. He discussed his recent inspection of the property and the existing "no left turn" sign which was one of the conditions of the 1978 special permit approval. He advised all landscaping would be installed in accordance with Trans Rent -A -Car's October 22, 1979 letter and the Park Director's recommendations. Discussion noted: no mound is proposed for the central third of the frontage to avoid screening the rental office; this central frontage will be landscaped; ivy will be planted on the entire frontage and along the north and west sides as ground cover. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was closed. C. Taylor moved that the special permit to pave and store rental cars on a 0.69 acre site immediately west of Trans Rent-A-Car property at 1755 Bayshore Highway be approved with the following conditions: (1) that the permit be approved to Trans Rent-A-Car and be nontransferable; (2) that the permit shall be valid only during the period Trans Rent-A-Car maintains a current lease on both this site (APN 024-403-430) and the adjacent property at 1755 Bayshore Highway (APN 024-403-440); and (3) that landscaping and irrigation improvements be made consistent with the October 15, 1979 site plan, such improvements to be completed within 60 days and to be subject to inspection and approval by the Park Director. Second C. Cistulli and approved 7-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. C. Mink then found Trans Rent-A-Car to be in compliance with the June 19, 1978 special permit conditions subject to the following stipulations: (1) additional landscaping and earth mounds to be installed adjacent to Bayshore Highway, consistent with Mr. Seymour Furman's October 22, 1979 letter and the October 15, 1979 plans prepared by Barry Rafter; and (2) all landscaping and irrigation improvements to be completed within 60 days, and to be subject to inspection and approval by the Park Director. Second C. Cistulli and approved 7-0 on roll call vote. 5. SIGN EXCEPTION FOR TWO WALL SIGNS AND A POLE SIGN, AT 800 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, IN THE C-4 DISTRICT, BY STANLEY LO OF FOUR SEAS CENTER FOR LA BAIE RESTAURANT (CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 10, 1979) CP Yost reviewed this amended application to allow two wall signs (one per frontage), each with 238 SF of signage at the fifth floor level of the Four Seas Center, and a 12' high pole sign with 88 SF of signage adjacent to the Airport Boulevard driveway. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 November 12, 1979 Colored renderings of the signs were displayed. Reference staff report dated 11/5/79; October 1, 1979 letter from Stanley Lo of the Four Seas Center; Sign Exception appli- cation filed 10/1/79; Site Plan received 10/1/79; and Planning Commission minutes of October 10, 1979. Staff had no objection to approval of the two wall signs if Commission found the two legal requirements necessary for a Sign Exception were satisfied. The height and bulk of the pole sign were still a concern; however, staff had no objection if Commission found that the 12' height was necessary to provide project identity to motorists on Airport Boulevard. Verne Burgess of Ad -Art Sign Company and Kenneth A. Fortenberry, Projects Manager, Dyna -Trek Inc. (the architects for the restaurant) were present representing the applicant, Stanley Lo. C. Taylor determined there was no objection from Commission or staff to his participating in this public hearing, noting he had read the October 10, 1979 minutes and examined all documentation. Mr. Burgess advised the signage had been reduced somewhat more than 2/3 of the previous design and, with Mr. Fortenberry, suggested that if there was a problem with the pole sign it should be deleted from this application and resubmitted at a later date. The architect added it would be helpful, with construction now in progress, to have approval of the two wall signs now. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Commission agreed to partition this application into two parts: (1) Signs A and B (the wall signs); and (2) Sign C (the pole sign). C. Mink moved for approval of the Sign Exception for Signs A and B as submitted in the drawings and documents for this application. Second C. Francard. C. Mink's motion to approve passed 6-1 on roll call vote, C. Taylor dissenting. Appeal procedures were advised. Sign C was withdrawn from the agenda, to be resubmitted at a later date, with agreement of the applicants. At the request of the Chairman, CP Yost reviewed permitted signage and the status of City Council's deliberations with regard to directional signs for the bayfront area. Considerable Commission discussion ensued. There was concern expressed about the Sign Code in the bayfront area, the possible directional sign program now under consideration by the City Council, the principles upon which the Sign Code had been based, and the role of the Planning Commission in any changes. Several Commissioners stated they would abstain from voting on Items 6 and 7. There was a reluctance to deal with these items in view of a possible change in City policy. C. Taylor moved that Items 6 and 7 be removed from the agenda. Second C. Mink; motion approved on a 4-2-1 roll call vote, Cers Mink and Jacobs dissenting, C. Harvey abstaining. During further discussion it was pointed out the applications had been legally noticed and it was felt the applicants should receive a hearing this evening. C. Taylor then moved for reconsideration of his motion to drop these items from the agenda. Second C. Mink and approved 7-0 on roll call vote. C. Taylor then asked for unanimous consent that his first motion be withdrawn. All aye voice vote. 6. SIGN EXCEPTION FOR ONE WALL SIGN AT THE ANZA CORPORATE CENTER, 533 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, IN THE C-4 DISTRICT, BY AD -ART ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS CORPORATION FOR ANZA INVESTORS (PROPERTY OWNER) CP Yost reviewed this application to allow the new owners of 533 Airport Boulevard to erect one wall sign with 195 SF of signage above the fifth floor level. Reference staff report dated 11/5/79; Sign Exception application; and site plan of 533 and 433 Airport Boulevard. Staff believed a distinction should be made between identity for an office project and identity needs of restaurants and hotels. It was recommended that office projects be limited to the C-4 District regulations of the Sign Code, and that this application be denied. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 November 12, 1979 Lorne Corbett, Ad -Art Electrical Products Corporation was present representing the applicants, Anza Investors. He .discussed the colored rendering of the proposed sign and comparisons with a nearby sign. At Commission's request, CP Yost read the definition of a roof sign, Sec. 22.04.390 of the Sign Code. Chm. Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Staff discussed the manner of determining roof height of a building; and consensus of Commission was that the mechanical penthouse of this building was above the parapet (or roof line). C. Mink, in light of previous report by staff defining building height, moved that the Commission find this sign is a roof sign because it does exceed the parapet height of the building; therefore, it is a prohibited sign under Sec. 22.48.090 of Title 22 Signs and cannot be considered by the Commission. Second C. Taylor and approved 7-0 on roll call vote. Appeal procedures were advised. 7. SIGN EXCEPTION FOR ONE 16 SF LOGO AND A CONTINUANCE OF THE 382 SF KEE JOON'S SIGN, 433 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, IN THE C-4 DISTRICT, BY AD -ART ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS CORPORATION FOR ANZA INVESTORS (PROPERTY OWNER) CP Yost advised, in view of Commission's determination for Item #6 this evening, a a sign exception at 533 Airport Boulevard, he could not recommend approval of this application. C. Mink then moved that this item be continued to such time as the City Council completes it study of directional signs in the C-4 district. Second C. Cistulli. The Chair recognized David H. Keyston, Anza Shareholders' Liquidating Trust who discussed the Kee Joon signage, the need for identification of businesses in the bayfront area, and spoke in favor of some type of directional signage. Motion to continue this item approved 7-0 on roll call vote. OTHER BUSINESS 8. OCTOBER 2, 1979 LETTER FROM ROBERT BROWN AND THOMAS TIMBERLAKE SUGGESTING A 10' SIDE YARD REQUIREMENT BE ESTABLISHED FOR PROPERTIES IN THE M-1 DISTRICT: CITY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR COMMISSION REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION CP Yost referenced this request for amendment of the zoning code in view of expiration of the deed restrictions in the near future. Robert H. Brown, property owner in the M-1 District, was present and discussed his request that a 10' side yard requirement be added to the zoning code in all Millsdale and East Millsdale Industrial Park Units. David H. Keyston, Anza Shareholders' Liquidating Trust spoke in support but cautioned against applying these regulations to all areas of the M-1 District, some lots being too narrow to allow proper development with this restriction. There was consensus this proposal was consistent with the Commission's general policies for the area. Staff was requested to prepare a report to be considered by Commission at a future meeting. 8a. C. Sine noted the defeat of the rent control ordinance at the November 6, 1979 election. He expressed his feeling that it would be appropriate at this time for the Planning Commission and staff to consider setting aside certain areas of the City for future apartment development. During discussion it was suggested that this could be considered within the context of the Housing Element. Staff was requested to make a study, perhaps contact other cities, and report back. r Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 November 12, 1979 ITEMS FOR STUDY were considered next to accommodate the applicants. 10. FOUR VARIANCES TO ALLOW A 6 -UNIT ADDITION THAT WILL JOIN TWO SEPARATE, ADJACENT APARTMENT BUILDINGS INTO ONE STRUCTURE, AT 1104/1106 AND 1110/1112 EL CAMINO REAL, ZONED R-3, BY BARRY L. RAFTER FOR JULIAN GIUNTOLI Egress from the site to Carmelita Avenue via an alley was discussed. Item set for hearing November 26, 1979. 11. AMENDMENT OF 10/2/78 SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW TRUE LEARNING CENTER, INC. TO INCREASE ITS PRESENT ENROLLMENT BY 15 STUDENTS TO A TOTAL ENROLLMENT OF 55; PROPERTY AT 801 HOWARD AVENUE, ZONED R-1 AND R-3, BY LARRY KRUSEMARK Set for hearing November 26, 1979. OTHER BUSINESS 9. AMENDMENT OF CURRENT REGULATIONS, BURLINGAME AVENUE OFF-STREET PARKING DISTRICT: OCTOBER 15, 1979 CITY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR COMMISSION REVIEW AND COMMENT CP Yost reviewed this item, noting the Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission had also been asked for review and comment. General concern has been expressed about increasing parking congestion. Ref. October 24, 1979 memo to the City Manager from City Planner; City Attorney's October 10, 1979 memo to City Council with attached October 5, 1979 letter from the City's bond counsel. Commission discussed amendment of the 15,000 SF exemption given to new projects in the district; on-site parking versus off-site parking; in -lieu fees for off-site parking; downtown parking charges; leasing of existing City parking lots to allow the private development of public parking structures; low density versus high density redevelopment. Some suggestions were: reduce the present square footage exemption to 5,000 SF and increase the in -lieu fee to 67% (or 50%); don't discourage redevelopment by too stringent changes in the code; raise parking meter charges; provide readily available short term parking near the stores at a higher fee; provide long term parking at a modest rate a block or two away; establish a sound financial basis for the expansion of parking in the City, especially downtown, and then find a way to provide it; explore the leasing of some City parking lots to private parties for development of parking structures; and maintain the character of downtown. Following discussion staff was requested to draft a report on Commission's recommendations for review at the November 26, 1979 meeting. CITY PLANNER REPORT 12. Dbsign Guidelines for Bayfront Development: October 23, 1979 draft report - distributed for information. CP reported on City Council's approval of the Montessori School at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension, 2720 Mariposa Drive. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Charles W. Mink Secretary