HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1978.05.08CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION May 8, 1978 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order Monday, May 8, 1978 at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Frank Cistulli Jules L. Francard Ruth E. Jacobs, Chairman Everett K. Kindig, Secretary Charles W. Mink Thomas W. Sine Thomas C. Taylor Staff Present: Wayne M. Swan, City Planner John R. Yost, Assistant City Planner Jerome F. Coleman, City Attorney Ralph E. Kirkup, City Engineer Quorum present; Ruth E. Jacobs, Chairman presiding. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held April 24, 1978 were approved as mailed with the deletion of the phrase "and were not good for a commission of five" under Item #8, page 9, second paragraph, second line. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:30 P.M. MINUTES of the meeting held May 8, 1978 were approved as mailed. Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 1978 MEETING ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. PLANNING COMMISSION RULES AND PROCEDURES The Commission briefly discussed the draft prepared by the City Attorney. They noted that revisions as per their discussion at the April 24 meeting are included in the final document. The Commission agreed that Section II.A. should read "five or more" and that any reference to "open and notorious" should be deleted. Commissioner Taylor questioned Item VII. regarding the failure of an applicant to appear, asking whether this was appropriate here; he felt it might be included in the fee schedule. City Attorney Coleman agreed that it might be better in the fee schedule; however, he did want the policy in some official document and the fee schedule is not being considered for revision at this time. Commissioner Francard felt there should be a stipulation that all plans presented must show property lines, sidewalks and curbs. City Attorney Coleman advised that this could be pursued as a policy but it would not be appropriate under rules of procedure. Commissioner Kindig moved for adoption of Resolution No. 3-78 Adopting Rules of Procedure of the Planning Commission and the motion was seconded by Commissioner Cistulli. Upon roll call the motion carried unanimously 7-0. City Attorney Coleman stated he would prepare a resolution for the Commission's confirming signatures. 2. RESPONSE TO COMMUNICATION: REQUEST BY JACK FONG WOO FOR AMENDMENT TO DECEMBER, 1973 SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A RESTAURANT IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 819 MITTEN ROAD; HOURS TO BE FROM 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 P.M., WITH SEATING FOR 48 CUSTOMERS Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed the item, referring to the 1973 special permit conditions and the changes in operation being proposed, i.e., later hours, change in type of cooking and take-out service. The details of this item were then discussed with staff and Mr. Woo, the applicant. It was agreed a hearing would be required and some of the concerns included: information from both the Building and Fire Departments regarding change in cooking and upgrading of facilities for that purpose, seating capacity, indoor and outdoor seating plans and a "flow" plan if food is to be taken out, and because of the location of the restaurant, a communication from the Police Department about the extended hours as it would be virtually the only business open in this area in the evening. Chairman Jacobs stated this item would be heard at the next meeting if staff input was complete. She noted that staff would inform the applicant as to the hearing date and time. MEETING ITEMS FOR STUDY 3. VARIANCE FROM CODE SEC. 25.66.010 TO ADD A 10' X 20' BACKYARD DECK, WHICH WILL INCREASE LOT COVERAGE TO 46.6%; PROPERTY AT 2512 POPPY DRIVE (APN 027-171-070), ZONED R-1, BY ALEX F. KENNETT Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed the item,explaining that the lot is substandard (only 4,400 SF). He confirmed the plans show an open deck to be approximately 10' above ground level at the back of the existing house. Mr. Kennett, the applicant, was present and informed the Commission that the house is approximately 50 years old; he presented staff with some photographs for use at the public hearing. Chairman Jacobs set hearing on this item in two weeks, May 22, 1978. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 May 8, 1978 4. VARIANCE FROM CODE SEC. 25.70.030 TO CONSTRUCT A BUILDING WITH 27,600 SF OF OFFICE SPACE AND 16,700 SF OF RESTAURANT SPACE, WITH 17 COMPACT CAR SPACES AND UP TO 85 FULL SIZE PARKING SPACES LESS THAN THE CODE REQUIREMENT; PROPERTY AT 800 AIRPORT BOULEVARD (APN 026-342-190/200), ZONED C-4, BY JOSEPH KENT OF RAI_SER ARCHITECTURAL GROUP FOR STANLEY LO (APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNER) City Planner Swan reviewed the project, stating that mixed land use is proposed on one site (a five story building with two office floors, a third floor restaurant and two parking levels: one just below grade and one just above). He noted the Blayney report indicated this site might be developed with office buildings and explained the uniqueness of the application, noting the restaurant would mainly serve the surrounding office lunch crowd during the day and in the evenings and on weekends it could be considered a specialty restaurant. He listed Charley Brown's, The Velvet Turtle and others as examples of specialty restaurants. Mr. Swan went on to explain the "specialty" restaurant parking ratio (1 parking space:91 SF gross floor area) could be used to review the parking plan for evening and weekend restaurant use. There would be adequate on-site parking and the variance would not be required. However, as- the parking regulation of one standard size parking space for each 200 SF of gross floor area (the regular restaurant ratio) is applied during the day, a variance is required to allow for compact car parking spaces. He stated that on weekends and in the evening the office parking would be available for the restaurant's use. Mr. Swan then discussed possible changes in the landscaping plans which the applicant might consider. He then discussed the requirements of an environmental impact report or negative declaration, noting the applicant had submitted a detailed report with information relevant to the impacts. Upon review, staff had found it to be relatively complete, the principal impact being the traffic generated by the use. The City Planner advised a negative declaration would be prepared and noted the precise amount of landscaping would have to be determined. Also, after more detailed information about parking space dimensions is provided, the negative declaration would be completed and posted 10 days prior to the hearing. There was some question as to whether there was adequate material to complete study of this item and it was felt, before scheduling the hearing, the following should be available to the Commission: either a negative declaration or EIR, complete landscaping plans, dimensional building plans, itemized parking requirements per floor for the proposed uses and complete and accurately dimensioned parking plans. Joseph Kent of Raiser Architectural Group, representing the applicant, assured Commission the parking space dimensions would be up to City standards. There was some question as to whether the parking dimensions were based on the proper square footage and Mr. Kent confirmed that gross square footage was used. Mr. Swan affirmed his intent to prepare a negative declaration with enough details to assure the Commission that the project would meet zoning and General Plan requirements, and that all negative effects could be mitigated. Mr. Kent stated the items requested by Commission could be submitted in two days and landscaping plans would be further clarified, showing their intentions; it was specifically requested they address the suggestions of staff in regard to landscaping. A report from the Traffic Engineer about southbound traffic entering and leaving the area was also requested by Commission. The Commission agreed the hearing could be scheduled if staff receives the necessary materials in time to complete Commission's requests. The hearing was tentatively set for May 22, 1978. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 May 8, 1978 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A BUILDING THAT EXCEEDS 50' IN HEIGHT IN THE C-4 DISTRICT; PROPERTY AT 800 AIRPORT BOULEVARD (APN 026-342-1.90/200), BY JOSEPH KENT OF RAISER ARCHITECTURAL GROUP FOR STANLEY LO (APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNER) City Planner Swan briefly reviewed the application. Chairman Jacobs set this item for hearing May 22, 1978, with Item #4 above; staff advised this would be noticed with the variance. 6. VARIANCE FROM CODE SEC. 25.70.030 TO SUBDIVIDE AN EXISTING LOT INTO TWO PARCELS, ONE OF WHICH WILL HAVE UP TO 60 PARKING SPACES LESS THAN CODE REQUIRES AND 110 PARKING SPACES TO A SUBSTANDARD SIZE; PROPERTY AT 1705 MURCHISON DRIVE (APN 025- 121-220), ZONED C-3, BY STEPHEN H. EDWARDS, PRESIDENT OF THE CALIFORNIA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION (PROPERTY OWNER) 7. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP, BEING A RESUBDIVISION OF THE PROPERTY AT 1705 MURCHISON DRIVE/1833 MAGNOLIA DRIVE (APN 025-121-220) INTO PARCEL A.(4.417 ACRES) AND PARCEL B (1.471 ACRES), BY BRIAN/KANGAS/FOULK AND ASSOCIATES FOR THE CALIFORNIA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed the proposal, noting several concerns: (1) Parcel B could be used for residential development (code states it is a permitted use in C-3, but it would not be in agreement with City policy); (2) Parcel B has no frontage on a public street; (3) minimum building setback lines for Parcel B should be established; (4) the parking variance for Parcel A is very large; some means should be found to insure future additional parking would be provided when needed without litigation by the City; and (5) the timing and location of certain public improvements (fire hydrant on Parcel B. etc.) should be agreed. He stated the application is technically complete but staff has reservations about the concerns expressed and, if Commission determines those concerns to be valid, they might request that the applicant amend the map and then return it for further study. This item was discussed at length with staff and Mr. Penn Foote who was present representing CTA. Commission gave careful consideration to staff's concerns and agreed they were valid, specifically stating they had reservations about future changes in ownership, agreeing that some specific building setback conditions might be attached to the map and expressing concern about frontage for Parcel B. Commissioner Mink stated he felt the policies stipulated in the zoning ordinance and the Open Space Element of the General Plan would allow the Commission to deny a map that proposes a new lot with no street frontage. It was; noted that an easement to Parcel B was provided over Parcel A; however, the Commission felt ownership of the driveway should be transferred from Parcel A to Parcel B. It was also felt the concept of open space required Commission to maintain some specific building setback lines on Parcel B, to be recorded as part of the map. In discussing the need for either an environmental impact report or a negative declaration, City Planner Swan stated that staff has not yet been provided an accurate parking layout for Parcel A and this information should be provided by the applicant; it would then be easier to evaluate the impact from the proposed resubdivision. He further stated that in order to draft a negative declaration some commitments must be gained about parking for future uses. City Attorney Coleman advised that the present proposal is too vague and felt a definite condition or commitment should be agreed upon. Page 5 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 1978 Commission felt each parcel should stand on its own and agreed that a firm proposal is needed so staff can determine if an EIR or negative declaration is required. Chairman Jacobs directed the applicant to contact staff further and the item would be set for study or hearing when the information requested by staff is complete, and the concerns expressed are given consideration and responded to in the amended proposal. 8. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE SIX RACQUETBALL COURTS, SPA AND WEIGHT ROOM IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 1730 ROLLINS ROAD (APN 025-262-270), BY ANN MORI OF THE PENINSULA SPORTS CENTER WITH JAMES C. LOUSTALOT (APPLICANTS) AND JACK BELLEVUE (PROPERTY OWNER) Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed the proposal, referring to a two page information summary sheet prepared by staff. He explained there were concerns regarding the availability of adequate on-site parking in future (additional future tennis and racquetball courts would require additional parking, yet a reduction of 7 parking spaces in the existing lot is proposed), the leasehold is still unclear and the property owner's approval has not been provided. He concluded that the application was not technically complete and therefore could not recommend it be set for hearing. Jim Loustalot was present; he stated they are presently renegotiating the existing lease and asked if a copy of the actual lease was required or whether written consent from the property owner would be adequate. City Attorney Coleman stated he would like a copy of the lease. With regard to parking requirements, Mr. Loustalot stated that mainly children attend the Peninsula Sports Center and they are brought to and from the facility by their parents who leave the premises and return for them. Commissioner Kindig stated he accepted the explanation regarding parking; however, with the 4 future additional tennis and 6 racquetball courts which are not child oriented, he felt more parking should be provided. Mr. Yost rioted that staff used a figure of only two spaces per court and there is still a possible deficiency of 18 parking spaces. It was agreed the applicant should get the information requested so that a negative declaration could be prepared. It was noted the lease and complete plans, including parking layout, are required. A brief recess was called and the meeting reconvened at 9:30 P.M. 9. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A CAR RENTAL AGENCY IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 1755 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY (PORTION OF APN 024-403-270), BY TRANS RENT -A -CAR:, INC. WITH CYRUS MC MILLAN (ATTORNEY FOR APPLICANT) AND FLAGSHIP INTERNATIONAL, INC. (SKY CHEFS) (PROPERTY OWNER) City Planner Swan reviewed the application, noting it is already a licensed, established business in Burlingame which would be moving to new quarters. He recommended that landscaping on the proposed site plan be increased to 15% and that the fences be located near the back of the landscaping. He concluded that the application is complete and ready for hearing. Cyrus McMillan, attorney for the applicant, was present and confirmed that all vehicles serviced on this site would be limited to Trans Rent-A-Car; although he felt 10% landscaping was adequate, he would agree to 15%. He noted that a parcel map was required and said they hoped to have the map for City Engineer's review before the next -meeting. He confirmed that the lease is a short term one (five year period) with possibility of a five year extension. Page 6 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 1978 Mr. Swan noted that if the special permit is considered for approval, such approval should be conditioned on approval of the parcel map prior to issuance of any building permits. He confirmed that he was suggesting three parking spaces be removed from the draft site plan to allow for the 15% landscaping and that the gates be moved to the back of the landscaping. Commissioner Mink expressed concern about vehicles turning across Bayshore Highway and requested information about estimated trip -ends. The applicant stated he would provide this and further stated he would get information about the hours of operation. He confirmed the unloading and loading of cars would be performed on site. Commissioner Sine asked if the necessary Fire Department requirements had been met and City Engineer Kirkup confirmed this. Chairman Jacobs set this item for hearing May 22, 1978. 10. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE AN ENGINE TUNE-UP SERVICE AT THE JIFFY SERVICE STATION, PROPERTY AT #1 PARK ROAD (APN 029-223-160), ZONED R-3, BY J. W. MADOCKS OF TOSCO CORPORATION (LION OIL DIVISION) WITH L. G. ARMSTRONG OF QUALITY TUNE-UP (APPLICANTS) AND ALICE D. KELLER WITH SHIRLEY J. JOHNSON (PROPERTY OWNERS) City Planner Swan reviewed the application, noting the uniqueness of the site as it is a major entrance to the City and has a nonconforming use (established prior to the zoning code) in an R-3 zoning district. He suggested Commission might require renderings showing the building with signing and colors. He concluded that the application is complete and ready to be set for hearing with the exception of a signature of one property owner; it had been confirmed by a family member that this was forthcoming. He noted that Mr. Madocks, Mr. Davis and Mr. Armstrong were present. The City Planner confirmed that Tosco is the applicant although they will not be operating the engine tune-up service nor are they the property owners. Commissioner Taylor was concerned about to whom the permit should be issued. City Attorney Coleman stated this was up to the Commission, adding he felt staff's present approach was appropriate. J. W. Madocks of Tosco Corporation addressed the Commission and explained they had considered doing minor servicing at this gas station with their own employees; while this would not require a special permit, they found they would much rather have a qualified tune-up company operate the business. Responding to Commissioner Sine's concerns, Mr. Davis addressed the Commission explaining that the managers of the various tune-up centers are fully trained; he confirmed there would be one mechanic. The applicant was advised to include parking areas for employees as well as waiting cars in the plans. This item was set for hearing May 22, 1978. 11. CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION PERMIT FOR THE CREEKSIDE CONDOMINIUMS, A 22 UNIT CONDOMINIUM AT 729 EL CAMINO REAL (APN 028-141-070), ZONED R-3, BY TERENCE AND NOREEN O'NEILL (PROPERTY OWNERS) 12. TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP FOR 22 CONDOMINIUM UNITS AT 729 EL CAMINO REAL (APN 028- 141-070), ZONED R-3, BY EDWARD W. BACA FOR TERENCE AND NOREEN O'NEILL Assistant City Planner Yost briefly reviewed the application and concluded there is considerable technical detail missing; he recommended the item not be set for hearing. City Engineer Kirkup confirmed the plans were not yet adequate. Upon a question by the Commission, he noted that the City had recently upgraded the water system in this area. Mr. O'Neill, the applicant, was present. Chairman Jacobs advised him to contact staff as to the necessary data required. Page 7 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 1978 ADVANCE PLANNING 13a. HOUSING ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN - PROGRESS REPORT City Planner Swan stated the second draft is being typed. Commissioner Kindig stated that because of the volume of the document an additional meeting had been scheduled to complete the study. He noted that Mr. Swan had spent a great deal of time on this and there was valuable information which would not be included in the Housing Element itself, but could later be reviewed by the Commission and possibly become a useful tool. City Planner Swan stated the County would provide the service of rehabilitation counseling for which Burlingame qualifies. 13b. BURLINGAME BAYFRONT PLAN STUDIES - PROGRESS REPORT City Planner Swan briefly updated the Commission, noting that two proposals, one including housing as an option (in a very specific location) and one not including housing, were being considered. He noted that both these proposals include the same elements,that C-4 zoning classification continue on the remaining properties with the exception that office buildings become a conditional use requiring a special permit. He explained that if housing is permitted it would build -out quickly. If office buildings are allowed by building permit, there might be a rush to build and traffic congestion after they are occupied. Hotel build -out would be very slow. This would allow the City time to improve traffic circulation in the area but it would not provide the City with funds. 14. SCHOOL SITE ZONING: MEMOS FROM CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY PLANNER The above-mentioned memorandums were discussed and one of the main concerns expressed was the classification of Burlingame High School. It was agreed that although it is not the Commission's policy to leave properties "unclassified," in this case it might be the most desirable status as City Attorney Coleman advised it should be either R-1 or unclassified, and with unclassified any use would require a special permit. The City Attorney was directed to prepare a formal resolution. 15. SCHEDULE HEARING ON DEIR-49P FOR AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL RENT -A -CAR AT 1222 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY (APN 026-142-020/030) City Planner Swan referred to the administrative DEIR and reviewed the proposal, noting it would require BCDC review. Commission briefly discussed the number of car rental agencies in the City; Commissioner Sine reaffirmed his feeling that the City is becoming a dumping ground for this and he felt heavier licensing fees might be effected. City Attorney Coleman stated he knew of no other city in the state that bases its licensing on a per car rate and noted it would take additional employees to police this. City Planner Swan commented that the policing of such agencies is costing the City a great deal of money in staff time; although business license fees were being increased to $300 per year, the amount: still would not cover costs to the City. Chairman Jacobs felt the City Council should be informed as she felt they were unaware of the magnitude of this. Referring to the DEIR, Commissioner Kindig believed that the statements the "owner is prepared to negotiate" are too vague and asked that this be more specific. This item was set for hearing June 26, 1978. Page 8 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 1978 CITY PLANNER REPORT 16. STAFF REPORT: AMERICAR RENTAL SYSTEMS AT 890 MAHLER ROAD (AND 1530 GILBRETH ROAD); SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVED SEPTEMBER 28, 1977 Assistant City Planner Yost updated the Commission on the status of this special permit and advised that this agency is in compliance with all permit conditions. Commissioner Kindig complimented staff on their written report. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary