HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1978.08.14CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 14, 1978 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs on Monday, August 14, 1978 at 7:33 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Frank Cistulli, Jules L. Francard, Everett K. Kindig, Thomas W. Sine, Ruth E. Jacobs. Absent: Commissioners Charles W. Mink (ill and excused); Thomas C. Taylor (absent and excused). Staff Present: John R. Yost, Assistant City Planner; Jerome Coleman, City Attorney; Ralph E. Kirkup, City Engineer. MTNIITFC The minutes of the July 24, 1978 meeting were approved with the following correction: on page 11, third paragraph, last sentence to read: "Chairman Jacobs noted the final date of appeal." AGENDA Upon motion of Commissioner Kindig, the order of the agenda. was unanimously approved. MEETING ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. APPEAL FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT DETERMINATION THAT A FIRE RETARDANT ROOF BE REQUIRED AT 620 AIRPORT BOULEVARD City Engineer Kirkup reviewed the letter of appeal dated August 9, 1978 from Cyrus McMillan, attorney representing the applicant, and then reviewed his memo of August 11, 1978 addressing the basis of the appeal and Fire Chief Fricke's memo of August 14, 1978. City Attorney Coleman confirmed that four affirmative votes of those Commission members present this evening would be required to uphold the appeal. Attorney McMillan addressed Commission and noted the site plan has been substantially amended to address Commission concerns from the last meeting. The applicant believes those concerns have been met and there would be no fire hazard in not requiring sprinklering and a fire retardant roof. Commission discussed the color of the structure. Commissioner Sine indicated that a structural engineer should design the roof and his seal should be enough; that this structure is entirely different from anything previously considered and "going by the book" was meaningless; and that if wood poles and a tarp were put up it would be legal. Fire Chief Fricke commented that neither Burlingame's Municipal Code nor the Uniform Building Code addresses such a structure. He also pointed out the code reads that all lands in the Anza Pacific area must be sprinklered. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 August 14, 1978 The public hearing was opened at this time; there was no public comment and the hearing was closed. Chairman Jacobs' concerns were 80 mph winds, the colors proposed and she felt the structure should be sprinklered. It was her feeling the present code requirements for this type of structure should be changed. Commissioner Kindig believed exceptions such as this one should be taken care of by Commission, but he would not necessarily change the code. Commissioner Cistulli felt the new plans had been modified satisfactorily and requested the motion state that approval is strictly for the skateboard use. Commissioner Sine moved that the Planning Commission uphold this appeal from the determination of the Building Department and grant the permit to the applicant,- International pplicant,International Skateparks, Inc. at 620 Airport Boulevard, subject to the conditions (1) set forth in the City Engineer's memo dated 8/11/78, (2) in accordance with site plan as amended on 8/10/78, (3) the roof be designed to withstand winds of 80 mph, (4) that the landscaping be a minimum of 15% of the lot area and approved by staff, (5) that the facia be a light brown or beige and the roof be beige, and (6) the approval is only for the skateboard park. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and approved by unanimous vote of those Commissioners present. 2. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP, BEING A RESUBDIVISION OF THE PROPERTY AT 1705 MURCHISON DRIVE/1833 MAGNOLIA AVENUE (CONTINUED FROM JUNE 26, 1978) City Engineer Kirkup noted this map closely relates to Item #3 on tonight's agenda and requested comments from Assistant City Planner Yost. 3. PARKING VARIANCE; PROPERTY AT 1705 MURCHISON DRIVE Mr. Yost explained that Item #3 was continued from the meeting of June 26 to allow CTA time to appeal the Planning Commission denial of their earlier variance application. The variance has subsequently been amended and will require new hearing by the Planning Commission prior to any further review by City Council. A new map is expected in the near future. Penn Foote, Assistant General Counsel for CTA, addressed Commission, advising that the proposed buyer of Parcel B would be joining CTA as co -applicant. Mr. Foote requested the parcel map application be continued to September -11; he then introduced Britt Evans of Homestead Savings and Loan Association. Mr. Evans told Commission his firm had purchased the International Paper building adjacent to CTA in December and intends to move their administrative offices to this location. The parcel in the center of the block owned by CTA interested them as a means to expand their office area. Commissioner Sine expressed his concern with the proposed pattern of compact car spaces shown on the current parcel map. Commissioner Kindig noted that Parcel B would be an interior lot and Commission is very interested in setback lines. He suggested the retention of the eucalyptus trees. Chairman Jacobs continued Items #2 and #3 to the September 11, 1978 meeting. MEETING ITEMS FOR STUDY 4. VARIANCE TO ADD A THIRD BEDROOM TO A HOUSE AT 2329 RAY DRIVE Review by Assistant City Planner Yost concluded with the recommendation this item be set for hearing. It was requested the front setback be shown on the plans, and the application was set for hearing August 28, 1978. Page 3 game Planning Commission Minutes August 14, 1978 VARIANCE TO EXTEND THE EXISTING HOUSE AT 2500 HAYWARD DRIVE TO WITHIN 10'-6" OF THE REAR PROPERTY LINE Mr. Yost reported application is technically complete. Lot coverage was requested and the application was set for hearing August 18. 5A. VARIANCE TO ADD A THIRD AND FOURTH BEDROOMS TO A HOUSE AT 8 DAVIS COURT It was reported the application is complete. The item was set for hearing August 28. 6. SPECIAL PERMIT TO'ALLOW TRUE LEARNING CENTER, INC. TO HOLD CLASSES IN WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Mr. Yost stated the application is to allow classes presently ''being held in Coolidge School to relocate to Washington School. Commission determined the school would be held in a portion of a separate building with its own access from the street. The adequacy of on -street parking was questioned since there is no on-site parking. The item was set for hearing August 28. 7. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A MODELING AND CHARM SCHOOL AT 840 HINCKLEY ROAD Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed this application to operate a school in conjunction with a modeling agency. The application was set for.hearing August 28 and, at the request of Mark Green of California Fashion Models, Inc., approval was received for Judy Hinckle to act as his representative at that meeting. 8. REQUEST BY AZTEC RENT -A -CAR AND LEASING, INC. (LOS ANGELES) TO REASSIGN 1976 SPECIAL PERMIT, PROPERTY AT 808 BURLWAY ROAD AND 855 MAHLER ROAD Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed the history of this application, noting Aztec is asking that the franchise be reassigned to them. Bill Nagel of Aztec, Burlingame told Commission he is already adhering to the conditions of the 1976 special permit. Item set for hearing August 28. 9. SPECIAL PERMIT TO PARK AUTOMOBILES, MOBILE HOMES, RECREATION VEHICLES AND BOATS ON A PORTION OF THE PROPERTY AT 1530 ROLLINS ROAD Item withdrawn from the agenda per request in July 13, 1978 letter from William F. Epsen of Winston Management & Investment Co., Inc. 10. NEW PLANNING COMMISSION PROCEDURES City Engineer Kirkup reviewed his memo to the Planning Commission of August 11, 1978. Suggestions included more lead time on complex projects; more complete staff reports; the handling of minor applications at one meeting instead of two, thus reducing the number of items on the second meeting of the month. Commission consensus was to try the new procedures. The proposed Project Assessment form was also accepted by Commission, with the possibility of change as Commission and staff work with it. The City Manager's memo regarding action minutes for Commission and Council was discussed. City Attorney advised that the minutes of items appealed to City Council could be expanded to provide Council with more detail. City Engineer advised it is planned to discontinue City Planner's report to Council of Planning Commission meetings; action minutes will be sent in the next Council packet. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes CITY PLANNER REPORT 11. PAYLESS CAR RENTAL, 1555 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY Page 4 August 14, 1978 Assistant City Planner reported on this car rental business which has been operating without benefit of a business license or permit from the Planning Commission. 12. HOTEL RENT-A-CAR/AMERICAN RENT-A-CAR/RYDER TRUCK RENTAL, 808 BURLWAY ROAD Mr. Yost also reported on this operation by Daryl and Bryan Nick without benefit of business license or permit from Commission. City Attorney assured staff would follow up. 13. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES. ANAHEIM, SEPTEMBER 24-26. 1978 This conference was announced; no one will be attending. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary