HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1978.09.11CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 11, 1978 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs at 7:38 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Francard, Kindig, Mink, Jacobs Absent: Commissioners Sine (ill) and Taylor (excused) Staff Present: Wayne M. Swan, City Planner; John R. Yost, Assistant City Planner; Ralph E. Kirkup, City Engineer; Jerome Coleman, City Attorney (present for a short time at beginning of meeting) MINUTES Alternates A (brief minutes) and B (action minutes) were discussed. There was a concern with regard to continued items; it was pointed out that tapes would be available and Commissioners could arrange to listen to the previous meeting. Several Commissioners were in favor of Alternate B except in cases of continued items. Assistant City Planner Yost determined there would be no objection to Alternate A. The minutes of the August 28, 1978 meeting were then approved as mailed. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Order of agenda unanimously approved. MEETING ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW TRUE LEARNING CENTER, INC. TO HOLD CLASSES IN WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, 801 HOWARD AVENUE Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed this application to operate a private school in a detached one-story building at Washington School. He referenced details of the operation contained in the staff report, project assessment form, 8/14/78 memo from the Chief Building Inspector, 8/15/78 memo from the Chief Fire Inspector, Traffic Engineer's memo received 8/17/78. Staff recommended approval with five conditions as listed in the staff report. Larry Krusemark, the applicant, had nothing to add. City Engineer advised the loading zone on the westerly side of the school has been dropped and is now available for an additional three or four parking spaces. Chairman Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Mr. Krusemark acknowledged he was aware of the Traffic Engineer's recommendations that his employees should park adjacent to the school grounds and parents should be encouraged to drop off their children on the school side of the street. Commissioner Kindig found the proposed school a good use for this detached building and moved for approval of the special permit, with five conditions: (1) the permit be approved to Larry Krusemark of True Learning Center, Inc. and be nontransferable; (2) the school to operate within the times and age limits specified by Mr. Krusemark Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 September 11, 1978 in his August 4, 1978 letter to the Commission, with a maximum enrollment of 40 students; (3) all alterations to the building to be done with a building permit and consistent with the August -15, 1978 memo from the Chief Fire Inspector; (4) staff parking and parent/pupil bussing to be consistent with the recommendations of the memo received from the Traffic Engineer August 17, 1978; and (5) the permit to be valid only for the location on the Washington School site identified in the drawings filed with this application. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and approved 4-0, Commissioner Mink abstaining, Commissioners Sine and Taylor absent. 2. VARIANCE TO ADD A SECOND STORY TO THE HOUSE AT 736 NEUCHATEL AVENUE Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed this application to add a second story to this house with 2'-2" side yard, noting his staff report, site plans, applicant's affidavit and 9/1/78 memo from the Chief Fire Inspector. He described several unusual features to this property and said he believed the proposed design would have no adverse effect on the neighbors; if approved, he recommended two conditions for Commission consideration: (1) that the exterior wall of the second floor bathroom be redesigned to be not less than 3'-0" from the adjacent side property line, and (2) that the second floor addition be generally consistent with plans and elevations filed with the City August 28, 1978. In conclusion, he described the existing detached garage, and the applicant's intent to also remodel it. At this point in the meeting the applicant, Malcolm Ohl, submitted detailed plans to Commission for the garage remodeling. Chairman Jacobs opened the public hearing. Comments in opposition were received. Werner Musielak, 732 Neuchatel Avenue, expressed concern with parking problems on the street and drainage problems in the garage area. Gay O'Brien, 737 Neuchatel Avenue, questioned the proposed design of the garage roof; Mr. Yost explained that the new plans show a sloping roof with no windows at any point on the second floor level. Barbara Keck, 733 Neuchatel Avenue, was concerned about the ugly front yard fence and also on -street parking in the area. A letter in opposition from LeRoy F. Keiser, 721 Neuchatel Avenue was read for the record by Secretary Kindig. There were no further comments at this time and the public hearing was closed. Regarding the neighbors' concern about on -street parking, Mr. Ohl said he would be willing to enlarge the present 10' wide garage door to a two car size. He also advised there is electrical service to the garage at the present time, but no water or sewer. Commissioner Mink found this to be an outstanding remodeling design for the house which would improve the residential environment; that the applicant's hardship was the small lot size and high lot coverage of existing house and garage; and that the applicant's offer to put in a double door to make a two car garage meets the concerns of the neighbors. After further discussion, Commissioner Mink moved this item be continued to September 25, 1978 to allow the applicant to redesign the upstairs bathroom window to meet Building Code requirements and to redesign the garage door. Second Commissioner Kindig and all aye voice vote. 3. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP FOR PROPERTY AT 18 AND 20 CLARENDON ROAD City Engineer Kirkup advised that the revised map shows the required 5' side yard for each house. The city has received a cash deposit from the applicant to guarantee utility connections and the proper disposition of the existing well. Approval of both tentative and final map was recommended. Chairman Jacobs opened the public hearing; there were no comments and the hearing was closed. Commissioner Kindig moved for approval of this tentative and final map. Second Commissioner Cistulli and approved 5-0, Commissioners Sine and Taylor absent. Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes September 11, 1978 MEETING ITEMS FOR STUDY 4. DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN City Planner Swan, Commissioner Kindig (Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee to Recommend a Housing Element) and Chairman Jacobs (a member of that Committee) reported on the recent deliberations of the Committee. After several revisions a final draft of the element has been prepared by staff and will be sent to the Committee September 13 for review and comments. This draft will then be forwarded to the Planning Commission for study. Commissioner Kindig thanked City Planner Swan for his efforts in preparing this document. 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO DEVELOP A PARKING LOT AT 1188 EL CAMINO REAL Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed this application by Home Savings and Loan to redevelop the ex -gas station property at the corner of E1 Camino and Broadway and construct a 6,364 SF savings and loan office. A 10` wide highway dedication is proposed to allow a new bus stop and merging lanes to be constructed along the E1 Camino frontage. Concerns were the proposed location of the 2 -story building on the C-1 portion of this property; the traffic problems at this intersection; the fact that the city has worked for years to reduce ingress and egress on E1 Camino Real; and the possible future relationship between this parking lot and the city lot adjacent to the Post Office on Capuchino. Staff suggested the proposal was not ready for public hearing on the 25th of September; Commission concurred. 6. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A REAL ESTATE SCHOOL AT 875 MAHLER ROAD Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed this application by Anthony Schools to move its present classes from 833 Mahler to 875 Mahler. He advised the application is complete and it was set for hearing September 25, 1978. 7. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A CAR RENTAL AGENCY AT 1555 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY This application was reviewed by Assistant City Planner Yost; the leasing office would be located at 1555 Bayshore Highway with fleet service and storage at the Union 76 station, 1876 E1 Camino Real. Commissioner Mink questioned the use of the Union 76 station and suggested the applicant should review the city code with regard to the permitted uses of gasoline service stations. Item set for hearing September 25, 1978. OTHER BUSINESS 8. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT CHARGE, BAYFRONT AREA City Engineer Kirkup discussed this City Council request for Planning Commission study and recommendation of possible project development charges for the Bayfront area. He reviewed his memo and advised the legality of such a charge has been upheld by the courts. The City Attorney was requested to research the court rulings in such cases. Mr. Kirkup advised this matter will be brought back to the Commission for further study in October. i Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes 9. CODE STANDARDS FOR HOT TUBS Page 4 September 11, 1978 Assistant City Planner Yost commented on the number of applications for hot tubs that have been -received by the city recently. He noted that there are no code regulations for hot tubs and problems have developed as to the location of the tubs and their equipment. Staff will prepare a draft code .amendment for -Commission review; any Commission suggestions would be appreciated. CITY PLANNER REPORT 10. It was reported that Bryan and Daryl Nick have moved their rent -a -car business to Millbrae, and their company is no longer a Burlingame problem. 11. Assistant City Planner Yost advised that Mr. and Mrs. Boyle, 8 Davis Court have redesigned their house plans as suggested by Commission at their August 28, 1978 meeting; the application will be scheduled for a new hearing September 25,1978 and the neighbors will be renoticed. He also advised two other homeowner variances will be set for hearing September 25: one at 1241 Bernal Avenue and the other at 1506 La Mesa Drive. Commissioner Kindig advised he would be away the month of October. an.1ni 1PNMGNT The meeting adjourned at 10:32 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary