HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1978.11.13CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 13, 1978 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Planning Commission, City of Burlingame was called to order by Chairman Jacobs on Monday, November 13, 1978 at 7:32 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cistulli, Kindig, Mink, Sine, Taylor, Jacobs Absent: Commissioner Francard Staff Present: John R. Yost, Assistant City Planner; Jerome F. Coleman, City Attorney; Ralph E. Kirkup, City Engineer MINUTES The minutes of the October 25, 1978 meeting were approved as mailed. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Sine moved for approval of the order of the agenda. MEETING ITEMS FOR ACTION 1. SPECIAL PERMIT TO SELL GROCERIES, BEVERAGES AND SUNDRIES AT THE ARCO SERVICE STATION, 3 CALIFORNIA DRIVE Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed this application by Atlantic Richfield Company to convert the present mechanics bay at this service station to a convenience market. Th*e gasoline facility would become self-service with customers paying a combined bill at the central cashier's area. He referenced Project Assessment form dated 10/18/78; October 5, 1978 memo from the Chief Fire Inspector; October 17, 1978 memo from the Traffic Engineer; October 3, 1978 comments from the Park Director; and September 25, 1978 letter from Mr. T. T. Clausen, representing the applicant. Staff did not recommend approval; however, if the permit were approved, five conditions were suggested in the staff report. T. T. Clausen addressed Commission, noting the success Atlantic Richfield Company has had with this type of operation throughout the State. He said their objective has been to run a clean station with an upgraded appearance and with better income for their dealers. Colored slides were shown of the present California Drive station and of a converted station. It was determined that Atlantic Richfield owns this property, that they attempt to schedule tank truck deliveries in off hours and that the parking provided is the minimum required by code. Chairman Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was closed. Secretary Kindig read a letter dated October 20, 1978 from a nearby property owner, Ray Kliewer, P. 0. Box 530, Burlingame, CA. expressing opposition to this application. Commission concerns included: a feeling this was not an appropriate use and a desire to keep gasoline stations out of the retail food business; the small size of the site; on-site circulation at this difficult corner with limited parking. Commissioner Sine then moved to deny this special permit. Second Commissioner Cistulli and motion to deny approved 5-1, Commissioner Taylor dissenting, Commissioner Francard absent. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 November 1.3, 1978 2. REVOCATION OF SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVED MARCH 23, 1970, 1859 BROADWAY This item was delayed pending the arrival of John S. Gottsche, permittee and property owner. 3. HEALTH SPA, 1105 BURLINGAME AVENUE, PROPOSAL BY HOWARD ATKINS Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed this proposal to operate a health spa on the second floor of the building at 1105 Burlingame Avenue. He noted the plans filed November 2, 1978 for remodeling of the existing rooms, Mr. Atkins' October 10 and November 9, 1978 letters describing the proposed business and the Chief Fire Inspector's memo of October 30, 1978 requiring a second legal exit as a condition of approval. A health spa is not specifically identified in the. C-1 District Regulations and therefore would come under Code Sec. 25.36.020(22), if Commission determines the use is similar to those uses permitted in the C-1 District and unlikely to be obnoxious or detrimental to the neighborhood. There was considerable discussion between the applicant and Commission and a short recess was called to allow the applicant time to read the applicable sections of the code. Mr. Atkins then told Commission he felt Sec. 25.36.020(10) Dancing academy would be the most applicable. Chairman Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments and the hearing was closed. Mr. Yost advised that surrounding property owners within a 300 foot radius of the site had been noticed. Commissioner Mink expressed his view that various features of this proposal are similar to Sec. 25.36.020, specifically (10) Dancing academy, (6) Barbershop, and (19) store or shop for the conduct of any retail business . . . (i.e., sale of food under the direction of a nutritionist as well as T-shirts and other items). He felt an earlier closing hour might be advisable; Commissioner Cistulli agreed. Commissioner Sine did not consider this an appropriate use at this location. Commissioner Kindig agreed and expressed concern about the age of the building and the amount of remodeling required. Commissioner Sine moved for denial of the application for a health spa at 1105 Burlingame Avenue, with the determination that the proposed health spa is not similar in character to those uses specifically allowed in the C-1 zone. Second Commissioner Cistulli; motion for denial approved 4-2, Commissioners Mink and Taylor dissenting, Commissioner Francard absent. The applicant was advised this matter is appealable to the City Council and appeal date noted. 4. APPEAL OF A DECISION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR: PROPERTY AT 516 MARIN DRIVE City Engineer Kirkup reviewed the history of this appeal by Joseph P. Pennese (reference his November 10, 1978 memo to Commission). In October 1978, during a final inspection of a new electrical panel, it was found that the panel had been reinstalled at the original location, in violation of the Electrical Code which requires the new work meet current standards (bottom of the panel to be 30" above grade). He noted that in the past Commission has upheld the Building Department in determinations of this type, and requested the same finding in this case. Photographs provided by the applicant were referenced. Mrs. Pennese was present and advised Commission the main reason they had recessed the panel in the original opening was for appearance. The appellants propose the panel be protected by a self-closing and locking steel mesh door (reference letter from J. P. Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes November 13, 1978 Pennese received November 7, 1978). Mrs. Pennese advised that her husband who is an electrical technician had done the necessary work. It was pointed out by Commissioner Sine that a licensed electrical contractor would have done the work to present code standards. City Attorney Coleman noted Code Section 18.08.050 whereby an appeal of a Building Department decision may be taken to the Planning Commission. Commission then is the final authority on whether an alternate type of construction would be suitable. During discussion City Engineer Kirkup stated the main reason for the 30" height was for the safety of small children; the Fire Department prefers this height for ease of emergency disconnect and standard location on every building; the utility company also requests an approximate 4' height for ease of reading. Chairman Jacobs opened the public hearing. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Commissioner Taylor stated his belief that the appellants had considered the objectives of the ordinance and had provided a reasonable alternative. Commissioner Sine moved that the determination of the Building Inspector be sustained and the application for variance at 516 Marin Drive be denied. Second Commissioner Kindig; motion approved 4-2, Commissioners Taylor and Mink dissenting, Commissioner Francard absent. It was confirmed that this decision of the Planning Commission is not appealable. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 6-78 GRANTING PARKING VARIANCE TO CALIFORNIA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROPERTY AT 1705 MURCHISON DRIVE Staff commented that this resolution incorporates Commission findings at its October 25, 1978 meeting. Commissioners Cistulli and Kindig who were not present at the public hearing were advised by the City Attorney to abstain. Commissioner Mink moved for adoption of Resolution 6-78; second Commissioner Taylor and approved 4-0-2, Commissioners Cistulli and Kindig abstaining, Commissioner Francard absent. 6. FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP FOR 15 CONDOMINIUM UNITS, 1209 OAK GROVE AVENUE City Engineer Kirkup advised the three conditions of tentative map approval have been met, this condominium is nearing completion and staff recommends final map approval. Commissioner Taylor moved for approval of this final subdivision map. Second Commissioner Sine and approved 5-1, Chairman Jacobs dissenting, Commissioner Francard absent. 6B. FINAL CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISION MAP, 1421 EL CAMINO REAL City Engineer Kirkup advised that conditions of tentative map approval have been met. He recommended approval. Commissioner Taylor moved for approval of this final condominium subdivision map; second Commissioner Mink and approved 6-0, Commissioner Francard absent. COMMUNICATIONS 7. CENTURY 21 REAL ESTATE ACADEMY, 1799 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY: LETTER DATED 11/7/78 FROM RICHARD J. LOUGHLIN Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed the special permit granted Century 21 on October 27, 1976 for a period of two years. He referenced November 7, 1978 letter from Richard J. Loughlin requesting an extension of this special permit. Staff recommended approval for a further two years with review at the end of that period. During discussion Mr. Yost advised the City had no knowledge of any parking problems at that location. Bob Hoyt was present to represent Century 21. He told Commission that the company plans no change in its present operations. Page 4 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes November 13, 1978 Commissioner Taylor moved that the special permit granted Century 21 to conduct real estate license and sales training classes (approved by Commission October 27, 1976 and effective November 2, 1976) be extended for a period of two years. Second Commissioner Mink and approved 6-0, Commissioner Francard absent. 8. DOLLAR RENT -A -CAR SYSTEMS, 1815 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY: LETTER DATED 11/6/78 FROM WILLIAM WRISTEN Assistant City Planner Yost referenced November 6, 1978 letter from William Wristen, Regional Manager, Dollar Rent-A-Car Systems, Inc., requesting a 12 month deferment for conditions 4, 5 and 7 of the special permit granted January 23, 1978. Staff suggested a three month deferment with report back to Commission the first meeting in February, 1979. Commissioner Cistulli stated his concern that the business had been operating since February this year without complying with all conditions imposed by Commission. Mr. Wristen was present and explained why certain conditions had not been met. He also advised of the purchase of 21 acres on Cowan Road where they plan to build a new car rental service center. When this is accomplished they will take care of the earlier condition requiring a car wash system to recycle wash water as well as employee parking on-site; however, the auto transport unloading problem may still exist. Commissioner Taylor moved that the special permit granted on January 23, 1978 be amended to defer for 90 days from this date (November 13, 1978) Conditions #4, #5 and #7• Second Commissioner Mink and approved 6-0, Commissioner Francard absent. Staff was directed to report back to Commission in early February. A recess was called at 9:40 P.M.; meeting reconvened at 9:50 P.M. MEETING ITEMS FOR STUDY 9. AUDIO/VISUAL RECORDING STUDIO WITH LIVE PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT SEVERAL EVENINGS EACH WEEK, 1157 CALIFORNIA DRIVE: DETERMINATION BY COMMISSION WHETHER THESE USES ARE SIMILAR TO THOSE USES PERMITTED IN EITHER C-1 OR C-2 DISTRICTS 10. VARIANCE TO REESTABLISH A USE IN A NON -CONFORMING BUILDING WHICH HAS 98 PARKING SPACES FEWER THAN REQUIRED BY CODE, 1157 CALIFORNIA DRIVE, BY TERRY MERRITT OF ENCORE PRODUCTIONS Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed this proposal to use the old Encore Theater for an audio/visual recording studio with some live public entertainment. Reference was made to Project Assessment form dated 11/2/78 and November 13, 1978 letter from Charles M. Salter Associates, acoustical consultants. Commission requested the following: zoning district boundaries to be shown on Sheet 9 of the plans; statement by the applicant showing compatibility of this use with permitted uses in the C-1 and C-2 zones. Items set for hearing November 27, 1978• ACTION ITEM 2. REVOCATION OF SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVED MARCH 23, 1970, 18.59 BROADWAY; JOHN S. GOTTSCHE (PERMITTEE AND PROPERTY OWNER) Assistant City Planner Yost referred to the October 25, 1978 Commission minutes at which time the 1970 special permit to use a detached building as a family room was revoked; Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 5November 13, 1978 he noted that the matter of possible physical changes to this accessory building was continued to this evening's hearing. City Attorney confirmed that Commissioners Cistulli and Kindig (absent at the October 25 hearing) could vote on this item since they had read the minutes of that meeting. Commissioner Mink felt the improvements should be limited to those which would be allowed with a building permit only. Chairman Jacobs believed the present building could be used for storage and should not be completely removed. Commissioner Sine favored complete removal. Commissioner.Taylor stated his agreement with Commissioner Sine and thought the property should be restored to its condition at the time the special permit application was made. Commissioner Kindig determined, in discussion with staff, that a recorded resolution would put a future buyer on notice as to the permitted use of this accessory building. Commissioner Taylor moved that this property be restored to its condition at the time of the 1970 application for a special permit. Second Commissioner Sine. Motion failed to pass on the following roll call vote: Ayes - Commissioners Cistulli, Sine and Taylor; Nayes - Commissioners Kindig, Mink and Jacobs; Absent - Commissioner Francard. City Attorney noted that this vote allows the accessory building to remain with its present bathroom and clothes cupboard. Commissioner Mink then moved for adoption of Resolution No. 7-78 Revoking Special Permit to Allow a Family Room in an Accessory Building at 1859 Broadway (as per draft submitted this evening with renumbering of the last two paragraphs). Second Commissioner Cistulli and approved 5-1, Commissioner Sine dissenting, Commissioner Francard absent. STUDY ITEMS 11. VARIANCE TO REMODEL 2,850 SF OF WAREHOUSE SPACE INTO OFFICE SPACE IN A BUILDING WITH SUBSTANDARD PARKING, 860 STANTON ROAD BY CURLEY-BATES COMPANY Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed this application for variance from parking requirements and the two alternative plans submitted. He referenced Project Assessment form dated 11/2/78 and October 26, 1978 letter from the applicant. Item set for hearing November 27, 1978. 12. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AN OFFICE BUILDING, 1440 CHAPIN AVENUE BY ANNCO PROPERTIES Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed this application which would involve demolition of a dry cleaning establishment and the house next door in order to construct a 47,400 SF office building 42'-6" high in the Burlingame Avenue Off -Street Parking District. Applicant confirmed that test borings had been made. Item set for hearing November 27, 1978. 13. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE AN AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SHOP IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 1049 BROADWAY, BY GARBIS S. BEZDJIAN OF THE DIP STICK Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed this application for an automotive repair shop in a location previously approved by Commission for a lubrication shop only. The Project Assessment form dated 11/3/78 identifies concerns of staff. Commission requested comments from the Traffic Engineer. Item set for hearing November 27, 1978• Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 November 13, 1978 14. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE GYMNASTICS AND FITNESS CLASSES IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 1249 ROLLINS ROAD, BY ANN MORI- AND C. J. REID OF PENINSULA SPORTS CENTER Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed the details of :this application to relocate the Peninsula Sports Center as contained in Project Assessment form dated 11/3/78. It was suggested the applicant be asked where staff would park. Item set for hearing November 27, 1978. OTHER BUSINESS 15• RPC'S BAYFRONT PLANNING POLICIES: COMMISSION REVIEW/ACTION REQUESTED BY COUNCIL Staff advised of Council request that Commission review RPC Resolution 19/8-4, Bayfront Planning Policies, and determine whether it is in accord with Burlingame's plans and policies. David Keyston, Anza Shareholders' Liquidating Trust, addressed Commission, asking that the City not encourage a duplication of what Burlingame has already done in its extensive studies of the Bayfront. Commissioner Sine agreed and noted the pioneering of Burlingame in this regard. Commissioner Mink supported the spirit of the proposal but not the proposal itself and suggested the County be encouraged to utilize plans and studies that are currently available in the cities. Commission concurred with Commissioner Mink's statements. 16. POLICY ON PARCEL MAP AND SUBDIVISION MAP PROCEDURES City Engineer Kirkup suggested an ordinance change to simplify parcel map procedure, i.e., after Planning Commission has taken action on the tentative map, all future action be handled at staff level except for City Council approval of the final map. Engineering staff could ensure that the conditions imposed by Commission were met before the final map is put on the Council agenda. It was also suggested Planning Commission signatures on the final map be omitted. Commission agreed to support this proposed ordinance change. 17. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 4 STORY OFFICE BUILDING, 35 BAYVIEW PLACE Assistant City Planner Yost referenced the Project Assessment form dated 11/3/78 and other material circulated to Commission for this 106,000 SF office building proposed by Raiser Architectural Group. The CEQA procedures required for this project were also explained. 18. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT CHARGE. BAYFRONT AREA City Engineer Kirkup reported that draft charges are being worked on and could possibly be presented to Commission at its next meeting. He also advised that the City Council had directed staff and Planning Commission to develop a procedure so that the traffic capacity would not be exceeded in the Bayfront area. This study is expected to consume a great deal of staff's time for the balance of 1978, and it was recommended that the following items on tonight's agenda be tabled to give priority to Council's directive: (19) Draft Housing Element of the General Plan; (20) Accessory buildings in residential districts; (21) Code standards for hot tubs. It was Commission consensus the Bayfront study should take top priority. 22. RESOLUTION COMMENDING JOHN CALWELL UPON HIS RETIREMENT This resolution was approved and signed by all Commissioners, and will be sent to Mr. Calwell. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 November 13, 1978 23. FAIR SHARE HOUSING ALLOCATION PLAN FOR THE BAY AREA: OCTOBER 19, 1978 LETTER FROM DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING -AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT This letter which deals with plans to discuss basic plan components of a Fair Share Housing Allocation Plan for the Bay Area was acknowledged. PETITION RECEIVED FROM THE BURLINGAME GATE IMPROVEMENT CLUB Chairman Jacobs acknowledged this petition with 66 signatures from the residents on Oxford, Cambridge and Highway Roads requesting the City amend the Zoning Code to make a 40 foot setback mandatory in this area, as stated in their deed restrictions. There was Commission consensus this request would require that the Zoning Ordinance be reviewed in light of the General Plan's policies; until such review can be made, the responsibility for the deed restrictions rests with the property owners. Staff was requested to respond to the Burlingame Gate Improvement Club. an_InIIRNMFNT The meeting adjourned at 11:37 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary