HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1976.01.26THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION January 26, 1976 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Francard Taylor (excused - out City Planner Swan Jacobs of town on business) Asst. City Planner Yost Kindig City Engineer Davidson Mink City Attorney Coleman Norberg Sine unr.r. rnr.r. The above named members were present. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Sine on the above date at 7:35 P.M. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of January 12, 1976 were approved as written after correction of sentence, last paragraph, page 3, ". . .it has a freeway exposure . ." instead of ". . .it has a three way exposure . ." INTRODUCTION Chairman Sine introduced Mr. Clarence Rusch, candidate for City Clerk, who was in the audience. 1. FINAL PARCEL MAP, BEING A RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 1,2,3 & 4, BLOCK NO. 8, ANZA AIRPORT PARK UNIT NO. 6 (RSM VOL. 70/33) AT 433 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, ZONED M-1, BY H. G. HICKEY FOR ANZA PACIFIC CORPORATION Chairman Sine announced this application for hearing and requested staff report. City Engineer Davidson stated this parcel map is for the purpose of eliminating interior lot lines for the Kee Joon parcel. There are no conditions, and he recommended it for Commission approval. Commissioner Mink moved the adoption of this final map. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion and it carried on unanimous roll call vote. 2. FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP, PORTION OF LANDS OF KATHLEEN DORE AT MARSTEN AND ROLLINS ROAD (APN 026-134-100) ZONED M-1 BY W. M. WRIGHT FOR BANK OF AMERICA, NT&SA (TRUSTEE) AND KATHLEEN DORE (OWNER.) After Chairman Sine presented this application for hearing, City Engineer Davidson reported that insufficient information had been received, and recommended that this application be removed from the agenda and the application resubmitted when the proper information was available. Commissioner Jacobs was concerned with the people who lease property on this site. She moved to have this item removed from the agenda. City Planner Swan pointed out that the R & R Garage, granted a special permit in September of 1975, seemed to have many vehicles stored on - 2 - this site. One of the concerns of the permit hearing was that there be no dead storage. He suggested the possibility of review of their special permit, granted for one year. This suggestion was in the light of the delay of the parcel map. In response to question from Commissioner Jacobs, City Attorney Coleman remarked he would continue pushing the Dore trust for finalization of this map. Commissioners agreed to take this application off the agenda, and indicated that staff should prepare a report on the activities of the R & R Garage. Chairman Sine so directed staff. 3. FINAL PARCEL MAP, BEING A RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 12, 13 & 14, BLOCK NO. 21, TOWN OF BURLINGAME AT 250 MYRTLE ROAD, ZONED R-3, FOR CASA AMIGO-BURLINGAME City Engineer Davidson told Commissioners this map is technically correct and ready for their consideration. He noted the applicant desired to handle the conditions of the map through escrow, and questioned if the City had received an agreement. City Attorney Coleman verified that a signed agreement had been received, and handling the conditions through escrow presented no problem. He noted that the $10,000 to be contributed to the sewer fund and the $2,000 bond for demolition of one of the buildings would come out of escrow when financing is completed. Commissioner Kindig moved this parcel map be approved. Commissioner Mink seconded the motion. Chairman Sine remarked he had previously voted against this project, which he considered not good for the City, and would do so again. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FRANCARD,JACOBS,KINDIG,MINK,NORBERG NAYES: COMMISSIONERS: SINE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: TAYLOR 4. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR TRUCKING ESTABLISHMENT AT 1660 ROLLINS ROAD (APN 025-262-250) ZONED M-1, BY H. JOHN WINTSCH OF TRAFFIC INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION (REF.ND-70) POSTED JANUARY 16, 1976) Chairman Sine announced this application for hearing. Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed the proposal for this freight forwarding firm which has been housed at 1216 Rollins Road since June, 1974. He stated they have recently purchased the property at 1660 Rollins Road and have a building permit to install four new truck ramps at the rear of the existing building. On-site parking will conform to code. Site coverage and vehicle circulation will be better than average. He referenced letter of application and site plan circulated to Commissioners and stated there were no staff problems with this appliestion. He noted it seemed unlikely to cause a problem with neighboring properties, and that a negative declaration had been filed on January 16, 1976. Mr. John Wintsch, president of the corporation, appeared before the Commission. In response to a question from Commissioner Francard, he stated trucks used would be 20' bobtails or semis with a 27' trailer. - 3 - He noted the facility could accommodate a 40' rig. Commissioner Francard remarked he had been in the area this date and there seemed to be a shortage of street parking. Chairman Sine considered this company would have more than adequate parking in the rear, and questioned the applicant if the ramps were for loading and unloading. Mr. Wintsch affirmed they were. This would eliminate blocking traffic on the street. There was no response to the Chair's request for audience comment, and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Jacobs questioned how many deliveries would be made per day. Mr. Wintsch considered there might be one or two and they would all be in the back. In response to a question from Commissioner Kindig, Mr. Wintsch stated the existing loading platform would be retained and used occasionally. Commissioner Jacobs moved this special permit be approved, Commissioner Mink seconded the motion, and it carried on unanimous roll call vote. 5. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR BEAUTY CULTURE TRAINING FACILITY AT BAYPORT OFFICE CENTER, 1575 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY (APN 026-321-520) ZONED M-1, BY BOMAR INVESTMENT COMPANY AND THE GLEMBY COMPANY, INCORPORATED (ND -71) POSTED JANUARY 16, 1976) Chairman Sine introduced this application and requested staff report. Assistant City Planner Yost told Commissioners this proposal was judged to be a trade school, which is a conditional use in an M-1 area. He noted a problem with the application had been to arrive at a figure for the expected occupant load. The letter of application refers to four staff members plus ten trainees, the majority of whom will be from out of town. However, each trainee will need a model. Questions are: Where will these models come from? How many models will there be per day? Will any fee be charged? Will they be arriving by car and need parking space? The Assistant City Planner also raised the question of how the new facility will function. He referred Commissioners to building plans which -indicate large areas for reception, director's office, conference areas, and classroom. The Assistant City Planner stated that according to building plans the company would be entitled to seven spaces in the lot. With a possible occupant load of 25, parking could be a problem. Mr. Daniel J. Olian, 744 Foothill Drive, San Mateo, Senior Vice President of Glemby International, was accorded the floor. He confirmed that there would be only four employees most of the time and noted that one of the "offices" was basically a visitors' office. In response to Commission questions he stated that there would be no temporary workers, average class of trainees would be 10 and not likely to be larger; basic training is in haircutting; most trainees would be from out of town, ranging from Los Angeles to Seattle. Occasionally people would come from as far away as Denver. He estimated that out of ten trainees 3-4 might be driving. Models would be advertised for in the local papers, notices would be posted at the airport, they would be recruited from school teachers, nurses, etc. Mr. Olian referred Commissioners to Mr. Boone for questions on parking and stated that trainees would be already licensed, and.this is an inhouse training program. Similar programs have been conducted in Toronto, London, and New York. The peak load for models for one day would be 20. - 4 - Charles Boone, Bomar Investment Company, addressed the problem of parking at the site. He told Commissioners he had never seen the lot full; that the rear two rows were nearly always vacant. The percentage of occupancy of the lot was approximately 75%. With this use, the lot might be 90% full. Mr. Boone stated they do not give exclusive parking rights to any tenant. Other tenants in the building are standard office uses, and he did not consider them very high density. Commissioner Mink suggested allocating certain spaces for visitors for the entire building. The Assistant City Planner questioned if this could be enforced, and suggested that only time would determine whether it is a lot that is above capacity. He established that the lot had 64 parking spaces. Commissioner Kindig was wary of designating parking areas, and Chairman Sine suggested the permit be conditioned by a time limit which would give an opportunity for review of the parking situation. He asked the applicant to consider this option. There was no response to the Chairman's request for audience comment. The public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Francard suggested putting up signs with tow -away provisions for control of parking. Chairman Sine did not consider this was within control of the Commission. He questioned the applicant's opinion of the time limit. Mr. Olian told the Commissioners that after conference with another company official present, he had decided the time limit would not be feasible because of the investment in fixtures, amounting to some $70,000, which is non-recoverable. In response to a request from Commissioner Jacobs for a clearer picture of the parking, Mr. Boone stated he had observed that the average daily parking would not be more than 2/3 of the lot. There are approximately 60 spaces. He estimated that 40 are being used. Commissioner Kindig moved this special permit be approved in compliance with letter of application and proposed plan. Commissioner Francard seconded the motion and it carried on unanimous roll call vote. Chairman Sine reminded the applicant that any signage must come before the Commission for a special permit. 6. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR RETAIL SALE OF BOATS AND BOAT ACCESSORIES AT 1331 ROLLINS ROAD (APN 026-132-050/060) ZONED M-1 BY RICH DIODATI (OWNER) FOR FRAHS PERFORMANCE BOATS (LESSEE.) (ND -72P POSTED JANUARY 16, 1976) Chairman Sine introduced this item for hearing. At his request Secretary Jacobs read correspondence in the file. This included letter of 1/19/76 from the City Planner to Frahs Performance Boats advising of the impropriety in displaying boats for sale before special permit has been granted, and installation of a sign without a building permit. Also read was letter of 1/23/76 from Rich Diodati, in reply to the City Planner's letter, advising of temporary coincidence and their intention to cooperate with the City; and a communication dated 1/20/76 from - 5 - from Jack A. Burt, property owner at 1347 North Carolan which stated he had no objection to the use if it did not cause traffic congestion. City Planner Swan reviewed that the previous special permit for this property, granted 7/28/75, was for ". .vehicles of not more than two axles and subject to the restriction that the entire building be limited to auto service . . .and any other related uses must come in for variance or amendment of this use permit." He reported that the present application is to allow a use other than automotive. It is sale of boats and accessories. He noted environmental assessment report filed on the previous special permit which declared no environmental impact and stated there would be no additional impact by this use. The plot plan shows show room space for about ten boats. The City Planner stated he had visited the site and there was no activity but the boats were already there. None of the interior remodeling was commenced. The City Planner questioned if Commissioners wished to grant this temporary use for two years. He noted the present tenants already have a lease for a two year period and this application is after the fact. Mr. Rich Diodati, 3140 Canyon Road, Burlingame, was given permission to address the Commission. He stated they were issued a permit on the improvements inside the building, and 90% had been completed when they were informed there was problem with the permit. Mr. Diodati thought that service on boats and their equipment would be considered just as much automotive as cars. He stated they did not realize that having retail sales was against the code, and no attempt had been made to conceal facts. Commissioner Jacobs remarked she remembered from the July hearing she had specifically asked what Mr. Ostertag intended to put in the two vacant bays, and the answer had been automotive uses. Mr. Diodati answered his recollection was that the statement had been they would like to make it automotive. Mr. Willy Ostertag, 1315 Rollins Road, was granted permission to address the Commission. He stated that his intent was for the remaining two stalls to be automotive. However, he thought he had made it clear at the time of the July meeting that stalls 4 and 5 were vacant because he did not yet have the right specialists. He stated it made sense to him that if he did not have the right people for the eventual use that someone could be put in temporarily to aid in the financial aspect. Commissioner Kindig added that it was his impression Mr. Ostertag had stated he hoped to get automotive uses in the two stalls, and the Commission had commented that if he wished to put something else in he would have to come back for approval. Mr. Ostertag confirmed that a lease had been signed with Frahs Boats and they had been permitted to come in the building becuase of a misunderstanding. Mr. John Ross, realtor, was present as representative of Frahs. Mr. Butch Barnes, of Frahs Performance Boats announced his availability for questions. Commissioner Francard established that no motors would be repaired. In reply to questions from Commissioner Mink, Mr. Barnes stated that their intention is to sell boats and accessories and that they intended to have no more than 10 boats on display at one time. Commissioner Mink wished to go_ on record as informing the applicant that if this permit was granted, it would be conditioned upon the proposal being followed exactly. The Commissioner asked how many customers - 6 - were anticipated in a given period of time. Mr. Barnes replied that five customers a day would be an average. He noted they have been in business for six months with a gross sales of $300,000 which he anticipated is 60-70% of the potential. He said that most of the accessory sales were for boats. He indicated customers stay an average of half an hour and it would be unusual for more than two people to be there at the same time. Chairman Sine requested audience comment. There was no response and the public meeting was declared closed. Discussion on parking followed. Mr. Diodati stated there were 35 parking places in the whole complex. Commissioner Mink summarized that the applicant is leasing 5,400 SF and there would be approximately 6 spaces for this particular rented space. Commissioner Kindig questioned if Mr. Barnes had any comments on the two year time limitation. Mr. Barnes replied that if the business goes as expected, the quarters will be too small in two years. Mr. Diodati interjected that Frahs had asked for a five-year lease but were told they could have only two years becau3e of the intention to rent the space to an automotive service establishment. Commissioner Sine was concerned with the increasing number of special permits granted in the M-1 district and called this one a "special permit on a special permit." He stated he had voted against the original permit and would vote against this one. Commissioner Mink moved that this special permit be approved with the conditions that this permit will be for two years from the effective date and that the activity related to boat sales be restricted exactly to the 5,400 SF floor area as specified by Mr. Diodati. Commissioner Kindig seconded the motion and it carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FRANCARD,KINDIG,MINK,NORBERG NAYES: COMMISSIONERS: JACOBS,SINE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: TAYLOR 7. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW A BUILDING THAT WILL EXCEED 75% LOT COVERAGE AT 261 PARK ROAD (APN 029-203-020) ZONED C-1, BY A. EBNER OF RORKE'S (LESSEE) AND WELLS FARGO BANK (OWNER). (ND -73P POSTED JANUARY 16, 1976) Chairman Sine introduced this application for consideration. City Planner Swan told Commissioners that this parcel is within the Burlingame Avenue Assessment District and comes under zoning regulations as a building exceeding 75% lot coverage and requiring a special permit. This application is for a building addition. The existing building covers about 64.4% of the lot. With the addition, -total lot coverage will be 81.7%. This will be a two story addition locating an office and additional storage space at the rear of the existing building. Behind the building the vacant unimproved area which is presently used for off- street parking will be reduced. There will still be the possibility - 7 - of parking five vehicles and a delivery truck could be unloaded as well. Mr. Albert Ebner, 660 West Santa Inez, Hillsborough, appeared the Commission and announced his a-Alability for questioning. to questions from Commissioner Kindig he said that the height addition would be the same as the back of the building is now. outlined spaces for the five cars at the back of the building there would be room for a delivery truck to unload. before In reply of the He and confirmed In response to question from Commissioner Mink the City Planner affirmed that Rorke's has been assessed and is paying into the parking assessment district. Rorke's does not claim credit for the parking it has provided and there is no difficulty in removing some of the parking. Chairman Sine requested audience comment. Mrs. Evelyn Herman, owner of the property at 251 Park Road told Commissioners she was opposed to the addition because it would mean loss of parking from Rorke's lot. She also questioned if the addition was going to cut off light and access to the windows on the north side of her building. Mr. Ebner noted the areaway between his building and that of Mrs. Herman. This is 4' wide, and he considered that with it the structure could not affect her light. At the direction of the chair he showed Mrs. Herman the details of the plan. Chairman Sine suggested Mrs. Herman contact staff if she had further questions. The Chairman noted that Mr. Ebner was in the parking district and had not taken credit for his parking. Consequently, the parking he does have is voluntary on his part. Mrs. Herman repeated that parking would be affected. Rorke's people would be parking in public parking, and she objected. Bruce Herman, son of Mrs. Evelyn Herman, raised structural questions about the present building. The Chairman informed him that had nothing to do with the permit at hand and that Mr. Ebner's request was legal. He added a structural engineer would have to research the building to determine if the foundations were capable of carrying the load of an addition. Commissioner Jacobs commented that Mr. Ebner is paying into the parking district the same as the Hermans. Bruce Herman again protested the lack of parking. Mr. Harry Graham, 1224 Burlingame Avenue, spoke in favor of the special permit. He considered Mr. Ebner should be commended because he could have taken credit against the parking district, and actually would be allowed to have no parking on the lot. There were no further comments and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Mink questioned if this addition would necessitate that windows be closed in the Herman building. City Engineer Davidson replied that the addition will affect any neighboring building in no way. Commissioner Jacobs moved that the special permit be granted in accor- dance with all information received. Commissioner Mink seconded the motion and it carried on unanimous roll call vote. Commissioner Mink then commended Mr. Ebner for doing everything he could to aid the parking district. Chairman Sine added he approved of this enlargement of a Burlingame institution. - 8 - RECESS The meeting reconvened after a short recess at 9:15 P.M. 8. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR EXPANSION OF ANZA AIRPORT PARKING SERVICE AT 615 AIRPORT BOULEVARD FROM LOTS 3-13, BLOCK 7 TO LOTS 8-12 OF BLOCK 5; LOTS 1,2,14,15 AND PARCEL B OF BLOCK 7; AND PARCEL C OF BLOCK 10, ALL OF ANZA AIRPORT PARK UNIT NO. 6, ZONED C-4, UNTIL AUGUST 3, 1977 BY ANZA PACIFIC CORPORATION (REF.ND-74P POSTED JANUARY 16, 1976) Chairman Sine introduced this application for Commission hearing. Upon his request, City Planner Swan commented on what he acknowledged as a complicated application. He told Commissioners the area under consideration is presently subject to several special permits. Referring to exhibits, he pointed out the Airport Parking Service area, Lots 3 - 13, Block 7, Airport Park No. 6. Special permit for this area had been approve6 on 7/26/71, and he quoted minutes from this meeting. This permit expires in August, 1976. He noted former City Planner Mann's comments a few years previous with regard to Anza's "interim" and "temporary" uses which tend to set precedents. The City Planner went on to say that on April 14, 1975 the Planning Commission had approved a special permit to allow automobile parking on practically all of the undeveloped land south of Airport Boulevard, which would include_ the previous special permit. He referenced Exhibit A, which shows area proposed for this present special permit which includes area approved in 1971 and most of area approved in 1975. He suggested this permit be granted until August 2, 1977, and considered the following conditions could be imposed: 1. Continue the waiver of liability. This protects the city from damage occurring from flooding or a seismic event. 2. Project plans should show the location and type of surfacing, fencing, landscaping. 3. Cars are not to be parked in the front setback, 30' from the property line. 4. Cars should be parked a reasonable distance from existing buildings and major structures. 5. There should be no new signs. 6. No on -street unloading or loading of vehicles 7. Special permit should be revoked for a lot or parcel should a building permit be issued for that parcel. Permanent uses will be coming along, but the parking permit should become invalid if a building permit is issued. He made the final point that parking is not a permitted use in the Waterfront Commercial District, but the Commission may permit it under the section which states ". . .other uses which, after public hearing have been found compatible ." - 9 - Mr. David Keyston addressed the Commission. He confirmed that the permit application covers only the Airport Parking operation and not the long term storage north of Airport Boulevard which Anza proposes. He specified the area outlined on Exhibit A. With regard to the conditions proposed by the City Planner, Mr. Keyston stated he believed Anza's hold harmless agreement is openended, and extends indefinitely. How- ever, Anza will be glad to extend it if the City Attorney finds this necessary. Mr. Keyston went on to state that they do not propose to put on any new surfacing by this permit, since this is an extension to cover the area presently being used. He noted that the parking covered by this permit comes to approximately 50' from the end of the concrete structure at 433 Airport Boulevard. Installation of new signs is not anti- cipated. There will be no unloading on any public street, and Anza is willing to accept the condition that the permit will be revoked for parcels receiving a building permit. Commissioner Mink questioned if Anza intends to follow through on landscaping and lighting. Mr. Keyston considered that lighting had been done on both areas and some landscaping. In reply to further questions from the Commissioner he stated that the entire area is graded and there are sump pump catch basins. He specified types of surfacing for different areas and confirmed that the entire area is fenced with 2 gates. There will be one egress -ingress area. Commissioner Mink was concerned with the tracking of dirt from the parking areas to the public streets, but City Engineer Davidson did not think there would be much problem. There was no response to the Chair's request for audience comment. The public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Mink raised the question of fire safety, pointing out the many vehicles parked there and the danger of gas igniting. Mr. Keyston affirmed he would be glad to work with the Fire Department on this problem. In response to a question from Commissioner Jacobs, he stated the Fire Department did have access for their vehicles in this area. Chairman Sine observed that with the efficiency of the fire department, any hazards would have already been noted by them. City Planner Swan suggested the Commission might like the area of the permit to be more clearly defined. Commissioner Mink suggested the use of Parcel 10 be limited to that portion which is paved. Mr. Keyston agreed to send an addendum to the application, possibly an aerial photograph, which could be attached to the minutes of this meeting and would clearly define the area involved. Commissioner Mink moved that the special permit for expansion of Anza Airport Parking Service at 615 Airport Boulevard for Lots 3-13, Block 7 to Lots 8-12 of Block 5; Lots 1,2,14,15 and Parcel B of Block 7, and that portion of Parcel C, Block 10 which is currently paved, Anza Airport Park Unit No. 6, zoned C-4, be approved until August 3, 1977 for Anza Pacific Corporation with conditions that there be a continuance of the waiver of liability, there be no parking in front setbacks, there be no new signs added, this special permit be voided for those lots for which a building permit has been granted, and that no cars be parked within 35' of structures either completed or under - 10 - construction. A further condition is that the applicant is to submit drawing to the satisfaction of the City Engineer which defines this area. Commissioner Kindig seconded the motion and it carried on unanimous roll call vote. 9. SIGN PERMIT FOR SIX NON -ILLUMINATED WALL SIGNS WITH 190 SF TOTAL AREA AND ONE GROUND SIGN OF 75 SF ON EACH FACE FOR AUTOHAUS BURLINGAME AT 1315 ROLLINS ROAD, BY WILLY OSTERTAG. Chairman Sine introduced this application for sign permit for hearing. Assistant City Planner Yost reported to Commissioners that drawings had come in for the signs and they are somewhat different from the signs dimensioned on the original application. He reviewed signs as follows: Sign A, "Goodyear", reported on application as 18" x 22'. Drawing scales 18" x 19'. Sign B "Mercedes Benz" reported on application as 18" x 25'. Drawing shows 18" x 22'. Sign C, "Bosch Fuel Injection Service", application reports top line of copy as 18" x 9'; second line to be 8" x 141. On the drawing, the top line is only 6' long and the second line is increased: Sign D, "imported cars" is 20' wide on applica- tion; 22' wide on drawing. Signs E and F are both blank with copy to be added later. The area for each is 33 SF. The six wall signs as shown on the application total 190 SF, as opposed to 165 SF per the drawings. The Assistant City Planner suggested that if these signs were approved, it should be specified whether it is according to application or drawings. He went on to say that in addition to the wall signs the application made request for a ground sign, Sign G. This sign, "Autohaus Burlingame" is to be in an existing sign cabinet and is 75 SF on each of its two faces. Since the time of application, a new drawing has been submitted changing this ground sign into a pole sign 18' high. Sign cabinet would be the same. The Assistant City Planner noted Mr. Ostertag's property has a frontage of 300'.' Signs total 340 SF, a little over 1 SF per 1' linear frontage. Mr. Willy Ostertag was accorded the floor by Chairman Sine. He apologized for the drawings, explaining that he had to change sign companies. He said that signs should be as proposed on the application and offered to furnish amended drawings. Mr. Ostertag said he would not put up the pole sign at present since there is some question if he can use the name "Autohaus Burlingame", and asked that the Commission consider the total signage area he could use for signs with application for the pole sign to be made later. Chairman Sine asked Mr. Ostertag's intentions toward the non -conforming illegal sign that is now up on the site. Mr. Ostertag replied he had been informed he could put up a temporary sign. However, it would be removed. Commissioner Jacobs questioned if the size of lettering could be reduced so that the entire signage package would conform to M-1 guidelines. Mr. Ostertag replied that he had compared sizes, and the 18" letter was in proportion to the size of the building. Commissioner Kindig was concerned that the signs be well separated from one another and questioned why the ground sign had been changed to a pole sign. Mr. Ostertag indicated this was the result of a misunderstanding by the new sign company. Commissioner Francard received confirmation that the total signage included the signs for the boat sales. In response to questions from Commissioner Jacobs, the Assistant City Planner stated the review line for signs in M-1 has been set at 200 SF and while there is now a setback regulation in M-1, Title 25 specifically exempts signs from its application. Commissioner Mink suggested Mr. Ostertag reduce the total signage on the front to conform with 1 SF signage per 1 linear foot. He would be able to have additional signage on the secondary frontage. The Commissioner indicated willingness to consider Signs A through F with reconsideration of the pole sign at a later date. Commissioner Kindig agreed, and Commissioner Jacobs questioned Mr. Ostertag what he could do so that there was less signage. Upon being informed that 300 SF would be allowed for the entire property, Mr. Ostertag suggested the Commission consider the existing signs applied for since he had to wait on the pole sign. Commissioner Mink added he would be more satisfied if the staff reviewedthe copy for the two blank signs when it was determined. If staff had concerns then, they should come back to the Commission. Commissioner Kindig questioned if the two blank signs would be of the same material as the others, and was informed they would be. There was no response to Chairman Sine's request for audience comment, and the public hearing was delcared closed. Commissioner Jacobs noted that additional signage would be allowed on the second frontage, and questioned how this would be handled. Assistant City Planner Yost stated his impression that the present signage application would be the master permit for the whole project. City Attorney Coleman suggested the motion include the removal of present illegal signs. Commissioner Mink moved that the sign permit for the specific property known as 1315 through 1331 Rollins Road, be granted; that it be considered a master signage plan and that it be limited to Signs A through F on the sign permit presented 1/26/76; that when the copy for Signs E and F is determined by the applicant it be reviewed by staff for general consistency with the overall sign plan, and if there is a difference of opinion, these signs will be referred to the Commission. Also, that all signs are to be constructed in general conformance with the application; that they be plastic signs, blue letters with gold trim, non -illuminated; and that all illegal signs on the property be removed forthwith. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion and it carried on unanimous roll call vote. Commissioner Mink questioned if the applicant understood the motion and if he was in agreement: Mr. Ostertag protested he would like to leave the present sign up for identification until he had some wall signs up. The Assistant City Planner remarked that the sign ordinance had a provision for temporary signs, provided such signs were erected after a building permit was obtained. To his knowledge, no building permit had been obtained for this sign. In response to.a question from Chairman Sine, Mr. Ostertag estimated - 12 it would be between the 10th and 20.th. of February before,any wall signs could be up. The Chairman commented that Mr. Ostertag had put up the signs illegally with. no building permit and it was not reasonable to expect the Commission to continue the useage. Commissioner Mink pointed out that Pair. Ostertag should come in for a building permit for a temporary sign. Chairman Sine suggested the illegal signs be taken down the morning of January 27. 10. SIGN PERMIT FOR ONE ILLUMINATED,WALL SIGN OF 44 SF FOR FOUNDERS TITLE COMPANY AT 1300 HOWARD AVENUE, BY SAN FRANCISCO NEON Chairman Sine announced that this application would be heard, and requested report from staff. Assistant City Planner Yost told Commissioners this company had recently moved into new quarters at this address. They had received a building permit to install new copy in an existing projecting sign cabinet with interior illumination, with two faces, 16 SF on each face, for a total of 32 SF. The permit before the Commission is to install new copy in the cabinet of an existingwall sign of 22' x 2'. The cabinet has interior illumination. The total signage for this property would be 76 SF; it has 75 linear feet frontage. He remarked that this is the type of application which, under the new sign code, the staff could approve without a hearing before the Commission. Ms. Marie Weckerle, branch manager of Founders Title, was present as applicant's representative. Commissioner Kindig questioned whyihe sign would be illuminated since the firm does not do business at night, and if the permit were approved, what are the hours of illumination proposed. Ms. Weckerle replied that the present sign is illuminated from 4:45 P. M. until 1:00 A. M., and she presumed the wall sign would be on the same schedule. Commissioner Francard raised the point that no owner's permission is shown for this sign. Chairman Sine agreed this was necessary, noting that at one time when tenants had changed, the corner sign had been painted out rather than removed. Commissioner Mink stated he had no problem with the size of the signage since it meets new guidelines, but he was concerned about the hours of illumination and thought they should be rescheduled. . Commissioner Francard considered the owner's permission should be obtained before the sign permit was heard. City Attorney Coleman suggested that this could be a condition of approval. Commissioner Mink moved that this sign permit for one illuminated wall sign be approved contingent upon getting approval of the owner of the building. Hours of illumination are to be 1/2 hour before sunset to 11:00 P. M. Commissioner Kindig seconded the motion and it carried on unanimous roll call vote. 11. AZTEC RENT -A -CAR: REVIEW OF JANUARY 27, 1975 SPECIAL PERMIT CONDITIONS Chairman Sine declared this special permit up for review. Assistant City Planner Yost quoted motion made by Commissioner Taylor at planning - 13 - commission meeting of January 27, 1975 which provided that this special permit be reviewed at the end of one year. He noted that the year had expired, and it could be reported that Aztec had abided by the conditions of the permit. He told Commissioners that Aztec is in the process of looking for new offices in Burlingame and is proposing a move within the next few months.- At that time they will come in with a new special permit application. The Assistant City Planner introduced Mr. Dennis Russell, the local manager of Aztec. Mr. Russell confirmed that Aztec is in the process of looking for a new office in Burlingame. He stated they have nearly closed negotiations for a new site, and will keep in touch with the planning department. He affirmed they had kept the conditions of the special permit granted them. Commissioner Mink questioned if there were a fee for this review procedure. The City Planner explained there would be a fee for an amendment to a special permit but none for review. The Commissioner then indicated he was satisfied with the staff report stating they had complied with conditions. Commissioner Kindig cautioned that if this special permit were extended it could be only to Aztec, and not to any future occupant. City Attorney Coleman pointed out this should be emphasized since some special permits go with the land and not with the tenant. Commissioner Mink moved that the special permit be continued for Aztec Rent-A-Car at this.location. Commissioner Kindig seconded the motion and it carried on voice vote. CITY PLANNER REPORT The City Planner reported that the appeal on 1525 Cypress, Adolpho Lopez, had gone to Council, and they had sustained the Planning Commission decision. Discussion of the Lopez application followed. City Planner Swan told Commissioners an inquiry had been received from a tenant in an accessory building as to its legality. The Planning Department is investigating the site and history of the construction. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting regularly adjourned at 11:00 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Ruth E. Jacobs Secretary