HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1976.10.13THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION October 13, 1976 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Cistulli Mink Francard Jacobs Kindig Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER City Planner Swan Asst. City Planner Yost A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Taylor at 7:33 P.M. Rnl 1 M I The above named members were present; C. Mink was necessarily absent and excused. MINUTES Expanded Minutes - Items 6 and 7 - September 13, 1976 C. Sine requested an addition to his remarks under Item 6, page 2, second paragraph to include, "C. Sine commented it was questionable to penalize a property owner and require garages when there is no enforcement of the overnight parking code." The minutes of September 13, 1976 were then approved as expanded, mailed and revised. Minutes of September 27, 1976 C. Sine wished to amend the record to show in the first paragraph of the September 27, 1976 minutes that C. Sine and C. Cistulli stated they read their remarks in the newspaper, but not in the minutes. C. Sine told Commission his comments regarding the foundation of the existing church were a result of his personal examination of the original building plans. He wished to add: "It was the statement of C. Sine that the foundation of the existing church was designed only to carry the existing structure." C. Jacobs requested the minutes include her inquiry as to why the whole package, including a subdivision application, had not been brought in at the same time as the special permit, and Mr. Hardy's reply that there was not enough time. She also wished to clarify in the second paragraph, page 7, the reference to the need for a geologic report. Add before the last sentence, paragraph 2, page 7: "C. Jacobs asked about the need for a geologic report for the lot behind the church." The minutes of September 27, 1976 were then approved as mailed and with the above amendments. C. Sine stated he appreciated staff's problem in recording of the minutes; however, as secretary of the Commission he felt his responsibility, and remarked that upon the advice of his attorney he was considering resigning as secretary unless the minutes are improved and more complete. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes MEETING ITEM FOR ACTION Page 2 October 13, 1976 1. RESOLUTION NO. 4-76 RECOMMENDING THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE RECLASSIFYING ONE LOT ON HOWARD AVENUE FROM R-1 DISTRICT TO R-3 DISTRICT. Asst. C. P. Yost reviewed this item, stating that at the September 27 meeting of the P.C. the reclassification of one lot from R-1 to R-3 at 1500 Howard Avenue had been approved unanimously. The City Attorney had advised that this was a "bookkeeping" matter and would recognize the technical change already init:itated with the Commission's approval of the tentative map which combined Lots 2 and 3, Block 4, Burlingame Park No. 2. Negative Declaration, ND -89P, was prepared and posted for this reclassification. The Asst. C. P. noted that Res. No. 4-76 incorporates the findings determined by the Commission at its September 27 hearing, and could be adopted this evening. C. Kindig moved adoption of Resolution No. 4-76; second C. C:istulli and approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CISTULLI, FRANCARD, JACOBS, KINDIG, SINE, TAYLOR NAYES: COMMISSIONERS.: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MINK MEETING ITEMS FOR STUDY 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A RESTAURANT ON UNCLASSIFIED LAND AT 1190 CALIFORNIA DRIVE, BY ROBERT AND CLAUDETTE MERLET (LESSEES) WITH SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPOR- TATION COMPANY (PROPERTY OWNER). Asst. C. P. Yost reviewed for Commission the history of this unclassified property which has involved four applications for restaurant use in the last six years. He advised the present proposal is for a French restaurant and that the Merlets are experienced and knowledgeable in the restaurant business. They are proposing to remodel the interior and install two new windows on the California Drive elevation, and also have submitted two alternative sign programs. A new negative declaration is in process and the application is complete except for the new lease from Southern Pacific. With clarification of whether or not "take out" food would be a part of the operation, staff believed the application could be set for hearing. Commission discussion with the applicants determined Mr. and Mrs. Merlet do not plan any carry -out service at all and hope to have dining room service only. They previously owned a carry -out French Deli in San Mateo; Mr. Merlet is an experienced executive chef, trained in Europe. The Asst. C. P. distributed drawings of the two sign alternatives, noting there might be difficulties with the placement of a pole sign. Chm. Taylor reminded the applicants of the matter of execution of the lease, and set this application for hearing October 27. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONDUCT REAL ESTATE LICENSE AND SALES TRAINING CLASSES AT 1799 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY (APN 024-403-390), ZONED M-1, BY CENTURY 21 REAL ESTATE ACADEMY (APPLICANT) WITH DOHEMANN MANAGEMENT COMPANY (PROPERTY OWNER). It was determined a representative of the applicant, Robert E. McBride, Director of Education for Century 21's Regional Office in San Francisco, was present in the audience. Mr. McBride stated that Century 21 Real Estate Academy is a corporation with its headquarters in Irvine. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 October 13, 1976 Asst. C. P. Yost reviewed this,application, noting a first floor office with 1,377 square feet has been leased from Dohemann Management Company, the property owner. Century 21 proposes two types of use: an evening real estate license class two evenings per week to train prospective staff from San Mateo County and a daytime training program twice a week for licensed Century 21 salespeople. The office which has been leased qualifies for five parking spaces; the training classes may generate a peak daytime need for up to 25 spaces. A negative declaration has been drafted for this project with the determination that no EIR is required; the application is technically complete and could be set for public hearing. Asst. C. P. Yost advised Commission it has been policy to require a use permit for any tenant of an office building in the M-1 District if the proposed use were something other than normal office use; two recent examples were mentioned. During discussion concern was expressed with regard to available parking, especially during the daytime. Mr. Yost noted there appeared to be street parking for eight cars adjacent to the property on Mitten Road. Mr. McBride told Commission the regional office will not use this space for any corporate use other than the proposed classes. Dohemann & Co. have advised they intend to make an informal -survey of surplus daytime parking spaces in their lot. Chm. Taylor then set this application for hearing October 27. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE A MINI STORAGE WAREHOUSE AT 1241 WHITETHORN WAY (PORTION OF APN 026-131-020 and -090), ZONED M-1, BY NICHOLAS CRISAFI (BUYER) WITH INDUSTRIAL REALTY COMPANY (SELLER) (AUGUST 23, 1976 HEARING CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 27, 1976). Asst. C. P. Yost reviewed this application. During review of preliminary plans at a public hearing on August 23, Commission asked for more detail. The hearing was continued to September 27, continued again to October 27, and was put on the agenda this evening to familiarize the P.C. with new plans submitted by the applicant. These plans include: a ground floor plan with 72 storage units; a second floor plan with 112 storage units, for a total of 184 units; a site plan showing all buildings on the property Mr. Crisafi proposes to acquire; and a parking layout with 38 parking spaces to code dimensions (the applicant proposes to provide one parking space per 3,000 square feet of gross floor area in the self storage warehouse). The fourth page of drawings shows the proposed exterior remodeling. Mr.. Yost suggested Commission might wish to review the proposed parking standard of 1:3,000 with Mr.'Crisafi and review these new plans to determine if any additional information is necessary for the October 27 hearing. In discussion Mr. Crisafi told Commission he had observed several other mini storage operations, and had based his proposed design on these other facilities. On Whitethorn Way vehicle loading and unloading would take place immediately in front of the two roll -up doors, with customers using dollies to move items to cubicles. C. Francard questioned the safety of goods being carried up stairs to the second floor. Mr. Crisafi explained this was common practice; he had explored the idea of an elevator, but its cost was prohibitive. He suggested his customers could use a small, portable electric hoist to raise heavier boxes to the second floor level. After discussion, he was advised by several Commissioners to reconsider a small freight elevator. There was Commission concern with regard to traffic congestion on Whitethorn Way, parking problems and the necessity for good housekeeping in this type of operation. Some Commissioners felt two floors could create fire and safety hazards, and that Page 4 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes October 13, 1976 any open doors on the storage units could block the narrow corridors in case of a fire. Mr. Crisafi noted his plans to clean up the street, reface the buildings, put in landscaping and improve the properties. He stated that all the buildings are sprinklered at the present time; that this building will have permanent stairs; each cubicle will be sprinklered to meet requirements of the Fire and Building Departments. His plan would be to use the second floor for small household goods and records, with heavy merchandise on the ground floor. Mr. Crisafi indicated that as soon as he owns the property he intends to post signs on Whitethorn Way and unauthorized parking will not be permitted. C. P. Swan commented that some consideration should be given to the off-street parking problem, e.g., replacement parking spaces for employees' cars now parked on.Whitethorn Way. Chm. Taylor set this item for hearing on October 27. In reply to a question from the Commission, Asst. Planner Yost referenced Off -Street Parking Regulations Sec. 25.70.030(j) "Other Uses" to explain why no parking variance is required for this application. 5. AMENDMENT OF MUNICIPAL CODE SEC. 25.12.020. Chm. Taylor announced this item for discussion and noted that Commission had received a copy of the C.A.'s October 7 memo regarding amendment of this section of the code. C. P. Swan discussed this item. The C.A.'s memo had suggested other changes in this section in addition to eliminating automatic rezoning upon resubdivision of property, and he requested Commission consider which changes it wished to make so that staff could then prepare the appropriate ordinance. The C.P. noted this matter had come up in discussion of the Gittelsohn property at 1500 Howard Avenue and rezoning to the least restrictive zoning district. He said it will not be easy to write a code amendment which will take care of every situation that presently exists. The official zoning map .which was adopted only a few years ago still has many odd shaped pieces of property divided by zoning district boundaries. Commission could agree that whenever one of these situations comes up -it would be an ambiguity to be considered in detail before making a decision as to where the zoning boundary should be. C.P. Swan advised that Asst. C.P. Yost had started identifying some of these properties and asked Mr. Yost for a review of these examples; drawings were distributed to Commission. The Asst. C.P. discussed the 10 illustrations. Ambiguities included subdivision lot lines which had not been erased prior to development over them, zoning district boundaries which run down the middle of older apartment buildings on E1 Camino Real, and several other examples. C. Kindig commented that undoubtedly in the past the P.C. had approved use variances for apartment buildings in an R-2 District, intending to change the zoning upon application by the property owner, but no applications were received and this was never done. Asst. C.P. Yost displayed the official zoning man and noted that Burlingame does not identify lot by lot where zoning district boundaries lie. He pointed out there is no record of the zoning for Peninsula Hospital nor for most of the schools. Burlingame High School does not have a designation and neither does the tennis club behind the school. These examples are presumably unclassified land. Discussion continued, and it was noted that R -3A zoning and other code alternatives and/or changes could be considered also. C. Jacobs was concerned about the magnitude of this task, but felt the C.A.'s resolution would be a beginning. C. Sine remarked concerning Capuchino Avenue rezoning, stating the initial idea had been to handle each lot by variance and then rezone the entire block at some future time. Chm. Taylor concluded this discussion by directing staff to go ahead with its study of lots in Burlingame which are presently divided by zoning district boundaries. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes CITY PLANNER REPORT Page 5 October 13, 1976 The C.P. reported that Dr. George Derugin, 1521 Cabrillo Avenue had appealed the P.C. decision on his application and it was scheduled for public hearing by Council on November 15. In addition, Councilman Martin had called up the special permit granted the Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses for property at 2828 Trousdale Drive; this appeal is scheduled for hearing December 6. Council has also scheduled for citizen participation and hearing on November 1: the formula for determining the contribution for off-street parking in the downtown Parking -Assessment District, and allocation of the Housing and Community Development Block Grant funds for the year beginning July, 1977. Mr. Swan reported recent success; in code enforcement. He noted the C.A. has sent letters to Dore property lessees; he had just been advised that R&R Auto is going out of business at their location there. C. Sine stated he had talked to the C.A. recently regarding his concern for the City to protect itself against the possibility of mobile home/trailer courts. He said that mobile homes are now going condominium, and the cost of the land doesn't enter into it in such cases as an operator could move in and'. buy the land. He advised this is being tried in several areas of the United States successfully; operators sell the land and the land is the condo. The Commissioner noted that about two years ago he had suggested the City check into the possibility of offices going condo; he did not think the City is fully protected in this case. Asst. C.P. Yost advised Commission that the William Kirchen, 1520 Vancouver, appeal to Council has been withdrawn, and that the C.A. will be preparing a resolution confirming P.C. denial of this special permit. Regarding the Home Occupation problem with D. C. Miley Trucking and Excavating at 2531 Poppy Drive, Mr. Yost noted three articles had appeared in The Leader and that the situation appeared to have improved. C. Francard asked if Commission was in the position to write Council asking why so many garages have been turned into other uses and cars have been permitted to park on the street. Chm. Taylor felt this was not the business of the Planning Commission. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:32 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Thomas W. Sine Secretary