HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1976.11.08COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Cistulli Francard Jacobs Mink Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION November 8, 1976 COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Kindig City Planner Swan Asst. City Planner Yost City Attorney Coleman City Engineer Kirkup A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Taylor at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL The above named members were present; C. Kindig necessarily absent. MINUTES Referring to Item 4 for a self storage warehouse at 1241 Whitethorn Way, C. Jacobs wished the record to show that she was not supportive of the Fire Department recommenda- tion for access to the individual compartments. The minutes of October 27, 1976 were then approved as mailed and amended. ADVANCE PLANNING C. P. Swan told Commission that the items under Advance Planning had been placed first on the agenda because they had been given priority by Council. 1. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The C. P. reported that at the November 1 Council meeting he had presented a proposed Housing and Community Development program for block grant funds which the City might obtain, with San Mateo County acting as lead agency. With more than 200,000 population, San Mateo County has urban county status and will prepare the application for funds. Each city may suggest its own program for these funds and Council at its study meeting indicated it wanted all of Burlingame's allocation to go to rehabilitation loans. The allocation to Burlingame by the Board of Supervisors is $45,339 and, in addition, $137,000 was established as a supplementary fund for cities with rehab programs. In view of this supplementary fund, Council had also approved a request by Burlingame for $30,000, which would total approximately $75,000 in rehabilitation loans. The purpose of this program would be to improve housing in need of repair, particularly for the elderly in owner occupied houses. Mr. Swan explained that in order to obtain these funds there is need for a Housing Element since Burlingame's General Plan has only a Preliminary Examination. This was communicated to Council and they directed staff prepare a Housing Element. The C. P. said that the Association of Bay Area Page 2 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes November 8, 1976 Governments (ABAG) had made it obvious that Burlingame would need to show measurable progress in preparation of a Housing Element in order to be eligible for block grant funds. The Board of Supervisors will act on the third year application on March 8, 1977. Staff has estimated a target program in the next four months, with an adopted element before June 30, 1977. The C. P. distributed a Draft Housing Element Work Program to, Commission, noting that very little had been accomplished toward a Housing Element to date. He estimated 400 manhours of staff time to prepare a Housing Element, and stressed that in order to reflect the needs and desires of people in Burlingame there is need for more people to be involved, particularly people providing housing, not just the users. He recommended the formation of an ad hoc committee under the guidance of the Planning Commission. He noted that without a committee and/or citizen approval the proposed schedule was meaningless. In reply to C. Cistulli, regarding how the rehabilitation program would work, C. P. Swan advised it would be private enterprise, a program and policies to assist people who already live in Burlingame. C. Jacobs offered to serve on the ad hoc committee. Chm. Taylor believed the chairman of the ad hoc committee should be a Planning Commissioner. C. Francard pointed out that only about eight houses could be involved in the program in view of the amount of money allocated. Chm. Taylor agreed the money would not go very far but noted Council had required adoption of a Housing Element in order to get any money at all from the County. The C. P. stated that the approach to administer the program would be to hire a consultant to receive applications, process the loans and follow it through. C. Sine was concerned about the need to spend part of this small amount of money available for an expert to implement the program. He also questioned what the interest differential would be on rehab loans. C. Jacobs felt it would be a beginning. In continuing discussion Chm. Taylor commented in view of State mandate and the directive from Burlingame Council to prepare a Housing Element, Commission must decide how this would be accomplished; the amount of money received was not relevant. C. P. Swan read the motion from Council minutes of November 1, 1976 and noted Council had directed the Housing Element preparation be given priority. C. A. Coleman replied to C. Sine that if a Housing Element is not recommended and adopted, any project which takes place in the City of Burlingame could be challenged because its General Plan is not complete. He indicated Commission should continue to complete Burlingame's General Plan. It was felt by Chm. Taylor that the opportunity to determine the status of all housing in the community was needed with regard to long term objectives. C. Mink stated his belief that the Housing Element was long overdue and should have been completed at the time of the original General Plan's adoption. Staff advised Commission that citizen participation is a legal requirement under State law; this could be as simple as participation at a public hearing, but the ad hoc committee was staff's recommendation in order to expand upon its capability in manpower and to obtain timely feedback. C. Mink discussed the two issues involved: that of preparation of the required Housing Element and the block grant funding, the latter being a separate issue. He suggested Commission responsibility presently was the Housing Element, and the P.C. should develop a clear charge to any citizens committee in addition to advising others of the program. Chm. Taylor asked for the pleasure of the Commission in this matter, and C. Mink moved formal adoption of the work plan prepared by staff. Second C. Jacobs, and adopted by voice vote. Chm. Taylor suggested the appointment of C. Kindig as chairman of the ad hoc committee, noting the Commissioner had demonstrated interest in the housing needs of the community over the years. Commission appeared to agree with his choice. Page 3 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes November 8, 1976 The Chairman, also with no objection, asked C. Jacobs to serve as a member of the ad hoc committee. Having established the need for an ad hoc committee and in the absence of C. Kindig until the first of December, C. Mink suggested staff continue work on gathering background information and possible programs during November. Chm. Taylor believed that C. Kindig was highly qualified to choose a committee and this could be done upon his return; however, he added the policy should be that any member of the public who wishes to participate should be invited. C. Cistulli suggested a person from each section of the city be represented on the committee. 2. CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS Further City Council actions at the November 1 meeting were reported by the C. P. He detailed Council discussion of the Commission resolution to provide off-street parking in the Burlingame Avenue Area Off -Street Parking District. Exemptions and net parking deficiency had been explained and the Findings in the resolution were discussed. Mr. Swan reported the Council decision had been that those projects with a net parking deficiency would pay 40 percent, rather than the 2/3 recommended by the Commission resolution. He added Council did not allocate any share to the City or indicate any share that might be paid by the Parking Assessment District. It will now be possible for the Commission to use this formula to conditionally approve a special permit in the District. It was reported this was not a unanimous decision by Council and that comment had been made at the meeting it might possibly be a trial. C. Sine commented that he felt his recommendation and motion for a 2/3 share, while serving on the Joint Committee studying the matter, was more fair than the 40 percent. C. P. Swan told Commission that action had been taken by Council on two resolutions concerning aircraft noise abatement. The North San Mateo County Noise Abatement Task Force, composed of nine cities, has been functioning as an information gathering group. Resolutions were presented to the nine cities in order to gain formal recognition and to authorize the Task Force to proceed with certain programs; contribute to the SFI Airport Noise abatement Plan and the SFIA Land Use Study. The Task Force had found that improvements must be to the advantage of the entire group of cities, not just a change of flight patterns over one particular area. The C. P. referred to the Airport Environs Land Use Study, a $250,000 two county study with a six person board of control; three from the City and County of San Francisco and three from County of San Mateo. The San Mateo County members are Supervisor John Ward; Donald A. Woolfe, San Mateo County Planning Director; and Tony Governale, Chairman of the Airport Land Use Committee. Mr. Swan remarked that at Task Force meetings he had stressed that aircraft noise and land use cannot be separated; they are interrelated. Commission Zoning District Boundary resolution had not been acted upon, but Council has scheduled it for study this week. Council is not aware of the problems in zoning district boundaries and will likely set a hearing on this code amendment at a later date. The C. P. reported another item on the Council study meeting agenda which concerns P.C. minutes. He believed the code should be changed if the Planning Department is to take over the City Clerk's responsibilities of noticing applications and preparing minutes. He reviewed the history of this matter and noted his suggestions in a memo to Council: hiring part time help for minute taking duties, allowing more time to permit completion of thorough minutes and more communication between Council and Commission to inform Council of P.C., reasons for a decision. There was some discussion of this problem by the Commission. C. Sine remarked that in recent years the P.C. Chairman has usually been in attendance at Council meetings, or a member of the Commission has been available at the meeting. Page 4 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes November 8, 1976 C. Mink suggested another possible solution to the minute problem might be changing the code in order to give the applicant the right of appeal over a longer period of time; in this way Commission would have time to approve the minutes. The C. A. mentioned this longer wait might present a problem because often the applicant has started work on a project. C. P. Swan added that if Council was concerned about a Commission action they could suspend the action until.the next Council meeting and then at that subsequent meeting either appeal the matter or sustain the Planning Commission recommendation. C. P. Swan reported on the status of proposals for preparing an EIR for a convention center and the EIR for the Broadway grade separation. Both of these will involve a lot of information gathering and the Planning Department will be involved. When these EIRs are presented for review Commission should take an active role in determination of adequacy, accuracy and completeness. He told Commission he believed the EIR for the convention center would go to the P.C. before going to Council. Replying to C. Sine, the C. E. advised staff has been considering the Broadway grade separation in several ways: over, under, or both. 3. CURRENT ACTIVITIES This item was deferred until later in the meeting after study meeting items had been reviewed. 4. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP, BEING A RESUBDIVISION TO COMBINE LOT 20 AND A PORTION OF ADJACENT AREA IN BLOCK 11, EASTON ADDITION NO. 1 (APN 026-201-140) AT 958 CHULA VISTA AVENUE, ZONED R-3, BY WILLIAM WRIGHT FOR THOMAS MC LAUGHLIN C. E. Kirkup told Commission this parcel map was requested by the Engineering Department in order to combine Mr. McLaughlin's lot with his easement, and this request had been made a condition of granting of variance by the Commission. Engineering has suggested that the utilities and easement be shown on the map; with this addition, the C.E. would recommend it be set for hearing at the next meeting, tentative and final maps. Chm. Taylor set this item for public hearing November 22, 1976. 5. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP, BEING A RESUBDIVISION TO COMBINE LOTS H AND I, BLOCK 6, BURLINGAME TERRACE (APN 029-012-200/210) AT 828/832 EL CAMINO REAL, ZONED R-3, BY REDMOND WALSH FOR FRANK P. DONAHUE AND THOMAS VANNONI The C. E. advised this map combined two lots; one lot has an existing house which is to be demolished. When a building permit was requested, it came to staff's attention that a proposed apartment house would be across the property line, and a parcel map was requested. C. Jacobs asked that the C.E.'s recommendation as to the utilities be available at the time of the hearing. C. Sine inquired if the design of the apartment house would enable some of the trees to be saved, particularly a large oak tree at the rear. Asst. C. P. Yost advised this tree would be lost; the applicant had brought in a landscaping plan, but most of the existing trees would be lost as there must be parking space for 19 cars on-site. Chm. Taylor set this tentative map for public hearing November 22, 1976. 6. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP, BEING A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 6, BLOCK 33, EASTON ADDITION NO. 2 (PORTION OF APN 026-185-080) AT (TENTATIVE ADDRESS) 1012/1016 BERNAL AVENUE, ZONED R-1, BY GLEN D. HAGEY FOR TED FARLEY C. E. Kirkup advised this map involved subdivision of a .large parcel into two parcels; one will be kept by the owner and the other will be built on. He commented that Parcel A has a creek going through it and is heavily wooded. Engineering would ask Page 5 Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes November 8, 1976 for several public works improvements along Bernal Avenue; it was noted there is a fence extending around Parcel B which encloses it completely. It was determined that both lots are legal lots, and the average lot in the general neighborhood is approxi- mately 120' x 50'. The C. E. recommended this map be heard at the November 22 meeting, and Chm. Taylor set it for hearing at that time. 7. APPEAL UNDER MUNICIPAL CODE SEC. 18.08.050 FROM INIFORM.. BUILDING CODE SEC. 502 (1973 EDITION) PROHIBITING A CHANGE FROM RESIDENTIAL TO COMMERCIAL USE AT 1305 BAYSWATER AVENUE (APN 029-223-080), ZONED C-1, BY ADOLPH C. HARRISON, SR. C. A. Coleman told Commission Mr. Harrison's presentation had been sent to them in order to alert them that the matter would be coming up in the near future. This property is in a No. I Fire Zone and staff has said more hazardous uses cannot be permitted, in compliance.with the Uniform Building Code. Mr. Harrison does not believe his proposed office use is more hazardous than residential use. The C. A. stated he believed the burden is on the City to explain why, over the years, this judgment has been made. The Fire Inspector, Building Inspector and City Attorney are working on a study of similar structures in Burlingame. Commission discussion followed. C. Jacobs was told by Mr. Harrison that a supposed residential use two doors away was actually an interior decorator with a very small sign. C. Sine asked if the Fire Department hadn't requested a four hour rating in that area. Mr. Harrison addressed Commission, stating his contention that the members of the Planning Commission of the.City of Burlingame are the laws of the City, and Commission opinion on his appeal would be final. C. Mink noted the paragraphs in Mr. Harrison's letter which compared fires in office buildings and residential. He felt there was strength in that argument and would like to have a ratio of these structures in the City at the time of the hearing. The C. A. advised this was being prepared together with illustrations of the location of the buildings. Chm. Taylor set this appeal for hearing December 13, 1976. 8. SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONDUCT AWARENESS TRAINING SEMINARS AT 850 STANTON ROAD (APN 026-302-510), ZONED M-1, BY STEVE BAILEY OF THE CYBERNETIC WAY (APPLICANT) WITH ROBERT E. JAMES (PROPERTY OWNER) Asst. C. P. Yost reviewed this item, noting Mr. Baia.ey.holds study workshops Monday and Tuesday evenings and seminars on the weekends. The applicant's letter, which had been sent to Commissioners, outlined the four day awareness seminars and the times they would be held. The site plan of the building showed considerable parking available and these spaces are vacant at night. Mr. Bailey has an allocation from the property owner for two of the parking spaces during normal business hours. Two other tenants in this warehouse are located on the ground floor; Mr. Bailey is the only tenant on the second floor. Commission discussion followed regarding the type of training proposed and the possible qualifications Mr. Bailey might have. It was brought out Mr. Bailey was attempting to reach people who work and have limited time. There was concern with policing, especially at the Sunday night sessions from 9:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. C. Mink noted Commission must decide if the application is compatible with the neighborhood and requested a brief statement from the Police Department regarding any concerns they might have in policing of cars parked at that location at night. Chm. Taylor set this application for hearing November 22, 1976. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 November 8, 1976 9. SPECIAL PERMIT TO STORE NEW MOTOR VEHICLES ON THE EXISTING SERVICE STATION PROPERTY AT 988 HOWARD AVENUE (APN 029-214-220), ZONED C-2, BY RICHARD STURIZA AND MARSHALL PRUETT (APPLICANTS) WITH RAYMOND KLIEWER (OWNER). Asst. C. P. Yost noted the plan which was sent to Commission. 988 Howard Avenue is Pruett's Old Country Exxon station. The back portion is paved, has been in use as storage for new motor vehicles, and the property owner and lessees have been advised they need a special permit for this supplemental use. The application is to permit storage of 30-40 motor vehicles with some minor service work being performed on the vehicles stored there. C. Cistulli wanted to know exactly what type of servicing was proposed and where this would take place. C. Sine had no objection if the proposal was solely for storage of new cars. He pointed out new cars have been stored there for the past 2-1/2 years by a previous owner, and wondered why a special permit was now being required. C. Mink requested information at the time of the hearing regarding location of designated parking spaces for employees, location of building, location of major traffic ways, and all other required parking spaces in conjunction with the service station. Chm. Taylor wished to have some assurance that the gas station would be operated only as a gas station in accordance with the present limitation of the code. He then set this item for hearing November 22, 1976. C. Sine remarked it has been his observation that personnel from the service station park in the yellow or green zones on Myrtle Road which are never patrolled by the City. 10. FENCE EXCEPTION TO CONSTRUCT TWO 8' HIGH FENCES ALONG SIDE PROPERTY LINES AT 1551 CYPRESS AVENUE (APN 028-301-200), ZONED R-1, BY BARTO B. PRICE, JR. Asst. C. P. Yost referred to the site plan, copy of which had been sent Commission. Two new fences are proposed, one section on the northern property line 25' in length and the second on the southerly property line 66' long. He reviewed the four conditions required for granting of a fence exception under Sec. 25.78.050 of the Zoning Code, and said staff has a letter from the applicant giving arguments in justification of his petition. During Commission discussion staff was requested for a report of the existing fences, age and building permits for same. Chm. Taylor set this item for hearing November 22, 1976. 11. FENCE EXCEPTION TO CONSTRUCT A 3'6" HIGH FENCE AROUND THE FRONT YARD AT 1256 LAGUNA AVENUE (APN 026-091-260), ZONED R-1, BY VLADIMIR MATOV The Asst. C. P. reminded Commission that Mr. Matov had brought in a similar petition a year ago for a 6' high wooden fence along the property line. This was denied mainly because it would interfere with sight distance at the corner. The present application is for t 3'6" cyclone chain link fence. Mr. Matov was asked for comments by Chm. Taylor. He stated it was his plan to plant some fruit trees in his front yard, and he did not feel a 3' fence was high enough to discourage trespassers. The C. E. advised Mr. Matov's property line is inside the sidewalk. Mr. Matov said the proposed fence would follow the line shown on the drawing submitted last year. Chm. Taylor set this application for hearing November 22, 1976. Burlingame Planning Commission Minutes OTHER BUSINESS Page 7 November 8, 1976 C. P. Swan asked Commission members for any items of business they might wish to bring up. Chm. Taylor reported the gas station on the corner of E1 Camino and Broadway is now vacant, and wondered about the feasibility of P.C. requesting City of Burlingame acquire that space for off-street parking in the Broadway area. There was some Commission discussion about parking in that area. C. Mink thanked C. P. Swan for the report on conferences attended. Referring to Commission agreement on preparation of a Housing Element, C. Sine commented that after being appointed to the Housing Committee of the League of California Cities, he had attended a couple of meetings, but had not had any communication from them in a long time. Staff will check this matter out. Asst. C. P. Yost reported on the zoning district boundary study that had been briefly reviewed last month. The present official zoning map does not show lot -by -lot and block -by -block detail, and ambiguities have occurred on the correct zoning of lots that lie alongside or over a .district boundary. Staff has been working with 1"=100' scale base maps which could be used to show zoning district boundaries with greater clarity. These drawings could then be xeroxed or printed and sold; realtors would find this information of value when selling a property, and have expressed an interest in this type of zoning map. C. P. Swan added that staff needs these maps for other purposes as well. He mentioned Commission directive to staff earlier in the year to give more attention to C and N zones and then bring the General Plan Diagram and Zoning Map more into conformity. The'C. P. discussed the possibility of a parking assessment district for the Broadway area, especially since it has been changing drastically recently. He referenced a diagram posted on the bulletin board which indicated changes in the last five years and vacant properties soon to be committed. At a recent EIR conference it had been stressed that an EIR is most important in effecting changes. It is important to get into the act right at the beginning and influence the project design to reduce adverse environmental impacts. He cited as examples Bayside Park, the Anza properties, 1350 Bayshore Highway and the McClenahan property on Burlway Road. He also felt the General Plan Diagram deserves study and updating. C. Jacobs brought up the recently approved special permit for mini storage on Whitethorn Way and asked why the existing mini storage warehouse didn't have to get a special permit. The Commissioner did not want to be inconsistent. C. Sine was of the opinion a special permit should be requested. Mr. Swan reported that building permits were approved in the fall of 1971 for the other mini warehouse. The business license application for U -Store -It at 1855 Rollins Road, an establishment for personal property and business storage, was signed August 23, 1971 by City Planner Geo. Mann. It never came to the Planning Commission. C. A. Coleman commented that since the City Planner had signed the business license application it is not an illegal use, and he thought it would be difficult to ask for a special permit now. ADMI IPNMFNT The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Thomas W. Sine Secretary