HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1975.07.28THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION July 28, 1975 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Francard Mink (excused - out of City Planner Swan Jacobs town) Asst -City Planner Yost Kindig City.Attorney Coleman Norberg Asst -City Engineer Sine Rebarchik Taylor ROLL CALL The above named members were present. CALL TO ORDER A+regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Sine on the above date at 7:30 P.M. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of July 14, 1975 were approved and adopted with correction on Page 8, date of August meeting changed from August 14 to August 11. 1. DRAFT SCENIC ROADS AND HIGHWAYS ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN (ND -GPS POSTED JULY 18`1975) AND RESOLUTION NO. 12-75. chairman Sine announced consideration of this element and requested report from City Planner Swan. The City Planner, after stating the purpose ofthis element as ". . the development, establishment, and protection of scenic highways," quoted the Negative Declaration as stating "The adoption of, -this general plan element will of itself, have no environmental impact on the City or its surroundings. This project . . proposes policies and implementation guidelines for protecting attractive views from scenic highways and scenic routes in and adjacent to the City of Burlingame." He suggested the key phrase for this element is "protecting attractive views" and considered the ideas expressed in the element are primarily for information purposes and a step toward future policies. On a question.as to how views are protected, he commented the State will agree to support abatement of billboards in residential areas of a city that has adopted this element. There was no response to the Chair's request for audience comment and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Jacobs approved the change on Page 9 of the element which indicates the County of San Mateo proposes the "loop" and the city itself is not recommending a scenic route on a narrow street such as Canyon. Commissioner Francard-questioned if designating certain streets in the city'as scenic would have an effect on citizens' property rights on those streets. City Planner Swan replied. that this - 2 - element merely indicates measures that could be enacted at a later date with appropriate code amendments to establish new legislation. He gave the example of E1 Camino as a State Highway. The city is concerned about parking in the 20' front setback, but abatement of such parking would require a different.type of ordinance than the city presently has. Commissioner Kindig indicated he was satisfied with the element. Chairman Sine disagreed with the inclusion of Trousdale as a scenic route because of its stop signs. Commissioner Taylor tended to agree that the scenic view from Trousdale was lacking, but liked the idea of the scenic loop, and thought Trousdale should be included. He approved the objectives of the scenic element. Chairman Sine requested other Commission input on the subject.of Trousdale. Commissioner Kindig agreed the traffic was detrimental, but thought the street was scenic and should be included. Commissioner F.rancard was inclined to agree that Trousdale was not scenic. Chairman Sine suggested it -could be -included -at some future date when stop signs were reduced. Commissioner vorberg considered it scenic. Commissioner Jacobs noted two stop signs have already come down, and thought it should be included in the element. Commissioner Jacobs moved the adoption of Resolution 12-75 approving and recommending the draft Scenic Roads and Highways Element. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FRANCARD,JACOBS,KINDIG,NORBERG,TAYLOR NAYES: COMMISSIONERS: SINE 2. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP, BEING A RESUBDIVISION OF LATS 1, 2,3, AND 4, BLOCK NO.;, 3, ANZA AIRPORT PARK UNIT NO. 5 (RSM VOL. 60/13) (APN 026-342-030/040/060) ZONED C-4, BY H. G. HICKEY FOR WILLIAM J. PURDY Assistant City Engineer Rebarchik reviewed this map, with a positive recommendation for approval. He stated the applicant had provided satisfactory assurance that the drainage problem would be taken care of in a reasonable period of time. Mr. Leonard Waldo was present as representative of Wht. J. Purdy and available for questions. There was no response to the Chair's request for audience comment and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Kindig questioned the type of assurance on the drainage matter. City Attorney Coleman told him a letter had been received promising to do such work by December 1. The City Attorney added that if the work is not:'done, the City would make them enforce their agreement. Commissioner Taylor moved that the tentative and final parcel map.be approved subject to the restriction that the applicant will design and place a drainage system that will meet the approval of the City - 3 - Engineer and will include pump and such grading as may be required by December 1, 1975. Commissioner Francard seconded the motion and it carried on unanimous roll call vote. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR AUTO REPAIR SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT IN M-1 DISTRICT AT 1244 ROLLINS ROAD (PORTION OF APN 026-134-100) BY DON YARBROUGH, BANK OF AMERICA, NT&SA FOR KATHLEEN M. DOBE, ET AL, OWNERI AND LESSEE, RICHARD GEORGE OF R&R AUTO REPAIR SERVICE (ND -59P POSTED JULY 18, 1975) (CONTINUED FROM JUNE 9, 1975) Chairman Sine announced this agenda item for consideration. City Planner Swan told Commissioners the project was only conditionally exempted from an EIR, quoting from Negative Declarations "If leasehold becomes a separate subdivision lot with adequate access and fire protection, and if sufficient off-street parking is provided for employees and customer cars, then an auto repair service establishment at this location should cause no adverse impact upon the surrounding neighborhood." He suggested Commissioners give considerable thought to this application, since the Fire Department does not approve of an address on Rollins Road when the property is not even visible from Rollins Road. He emphasized that the city expects to receive a subdivision map which will establish an adequate number of parcels for this site. This would include parcels to be leased. A subdivision map is in preparation by the trustees of the property, but has not yet been submitted to the city. A tentative map submitted 3-4 years ago showed only four lots; this is not adequate today. Commissioner Taylor thought the application should be continued until the map is available. He did not care to approve the use before this was done. The City Planner considered continuance would be wise in that the map would give specific lot areas. He added that the trustees are already collecting rent from this tenant, Richard George. in the discussion following, Commissioners were sympathetic to the tenant but did not wish to consider the special permit until the matter of the map was resolved. Chairman Sine questioned if a representative of the Bank of America was present. There was no one in attendance. City Attorney Coleman commented that the applicant, Mr. George, was cooperative, but the landlords were unresponsive. He suggested that if the Commission wishes to continue the application, a time limit should be put on it. Commissioners questioned how the Bank of America could be induced to submit the map; it is impossible to determine how many businesses can be put on the site without it. City Attorney Coleman stated that the Subdivision Map Act applies to leased land, as well as that being sold; and suggested that pressure could be brought to bear on the bank with a notice to them and a 4 -week time limit. Commissioner Taylor suggested that the applicant consult attorney in order to influence the bank. In response to Commissioner Jacobs, Mr. George indicated he had leased for one year, of which three months had already passed. commented that notice to prepare a map had been given t before this tenant had leased the land. with his own a question from the property The Commissioner o the bank long Discussion closed with the City Attorney's assurance that he would - 4 - contact the bank and inform them that if a parcel map were not submitted to the city within one month, no more special permits would be granted for this parcel. 4. COUNCIL REFERRAL FOR REPORT ON CHANGES TO THE PROPOSED OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE BUILDING AT 1315 ROLLINS ROAD (0.72 AC MOL BEING SELY PORTION AND 0.23 AC MOL BRING NWLY PORTION RESPECTIVELY OF PARCEL E, RSM VOL. 15/19) FOR MICH COUNCIL APPROVED A SPECIAL PERMIT OCTOBER 7, 1974. S. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR AUTO SERVICE CENTER IN M-1 DISTRICT AT 1315 ROLLINS ROAD BY WILLY OSTERTAG (ND -60) POSTED JULY 18, 1975) . City Planner Swan reported that the original special permit for this building was approved by the City Council with conditions. The original plans included office windows the entire Rollins Road frontage of the building. The applicant wishes to -change building plans by adding five truck doors along Rollins Road. Building plans were distributed and examined by the Commissioners. At the request of Chairman Sine, Rich Deodati addressed the Commission. Commissioner Jacobs questioned the traffic pattern for the doors. Mr. Deodati told her that cars could enter on Rollins Road and could exit either on Carolan or Rollins Road. In response to further questions from the Commissioner, he said that cars to be serviced will be parked on site during the day, and there would be no cars outside the building in the evening. He reported there was a total of 35 parking spaces, some in back of the building. Mr. Deodati stated this plan would take traffic off North Carolan and. commented no other repair shop in the area provides offstreet parking. Chairman Sine commented that the revised plans do not meet the present M-1 regulations. City Planner Swan agreed, but Mr. Deodati protested that a special permit and a building permit already existed for the building, more landscaping is being added., the parking is not altered, and the use is not dramatically changed. City Planner Swan emphasized that the point of the discussion was whether or not the plans could be changed under the present permit. City Attorney Coleman considered that the Council's action was taken under a previous ordinance and that the applicant could either construct the building as approved by the Council or come to the Commission for a variance from setback requirements. commissioner Francard questioned if the landscaping plans were available at this meeting. The City Planner stated that staff had no landscaping plans and during consideration of the Council permit, it was suggested that the landscaping be approved by the Park Department. chairman Sine requested audience comment. There was no response and the public hearing was declared closed. In the discussion following it was emphasized that the variance, or changes in the building, were being considered, not a special permit for the proposed auto service use. City Planner Swan considered that - 5 - a recommendation should be forwarded to the City Council on the redesign of the building which they had approved under the emergency ordinance. He citedthe examples of Park Plaza Towers and the Mills Medical building. He also noted that one reason the Council had approved this building was that it was attractive and had a pleasing facade along Rollins Road. The addition of the five doors would change the appearance. City Attorney Coleman considered that since the ordinance under which this building was approved was no longer in effect, the most expeditious manner to handle this would be by. variance from setback requirements and a special permit for the proposed use. He added that Park Plaza Towers had a specific contract with the city. Considerable discussion followed during which Mr. Deodati stated that they had a permit for the building, and if the changes were not approved they would still build the building according to the plan approved. However, they were trying to keep traffic off North Carolan. Mr. David Keyston was accorded permission to address the Commission. He stated that for many years his firm had been building tilt -up buildings and cutting new doors. He suggested that the applicant was being given too much of a problem. One Commissioner commented that since the building was approved and they were only adding five doors, he was inclined to go along with the variance idea. Another commissioner remarked that if this were a new application the Commission would have to treat it as a variance because of the setback requirements, and there would be little control over the design of the building. Commissioner Kindig moved that the Commission approve the changes to the proposed office and warehouse building as a variance for the setbacks for the building. Commissioner Francard seconded the motion and it carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FRANCARD, KINDIG, NORBB RG , TAYLOR, SIM NAYES: -COMMISSIONERS: JACOBS Commission discussion followed on special permit for the auto service center. City Planner Swan reported to the Commission that one important consider- ation of the previous permit had been the parking and traffic in this area. He exhibited snapshot showing recent vehicle parking on North Carolan. Mr. Willy Ostertag of 3104 Cananea, told the Commission of his plans for the bualding. The prime objective of his service is to specialize in fuel injection systems developed by foreign car manufacturers. Section 1 of his building would be devoted to Mercedes= Section 2, Porsche and VW; Section 3, front end alignment; Sections 4 and 5, not yet committed. Each section would be operated by a person who has had 10-15 years experience. Mr. Ostertag has a contract with the Bosch Corporation of America, German manufacturer of fuel injection systems - 6 - for foreign cars. Mr. Ostertag stated that financing of this project has been committed. He listed investment in equipment as $25,000= improvements inside the building, $150,000= and cost of land as $390,000, bringing the entire project cost to over one half million dollars. He told. Commissioners his desire is to have a very clean andreliable operation. He considered it would be an asset to the city. In response to Commission questions Mr. Ostertag stated the office spaces in the front of the building would be used for customer waiting areas or for storage of parts. They would be used only in connection with this auto servicing operation. He hopes to get a Volvo mechanic for one of the two vacant sections, HMW or expansion of Mercedes or VW in the other, or possibly an upholstery shop. He consideredthat he would be able to get experienced people for these two sections by the time the building was completed. He stated that people who do his servicing would be employees and part owners of the business: not subcon- tractors. Commissioner Kindig considered this would be a better use than the office -warehouse project, but cautioned he did.not want the two extra sections used for warehouse purposes. At this time, 9:00 P.M., Commissioner Francard was excused from the meeting. Chairman Sine requested audience comment. Mr. Sumner Orr, Diesel Parts and Equipment Company, 1390 Rollins Road, stated he had been�in this location for 17 years. He had no objection to the proposal as outlined but was concerned that they might handle large trucks with diesel fuel equipment. if so, this would require much area for the trucks and congestion of traffic. He thought trucks should not be serviced on this site. Mr. Richard Lavenstein, 14 Adrian Court, was concerned that this use would become out of character with the intended development of the neighborhood. He stated that while this is outlined as a highly specialized use, an automotive service is very encompassing, and questioned the possibility of a body shop or paint shop being put in. There were no further comments, and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Kindig was also concerned about truck service in this business. Mr. Ostertag stated no trucks would be serviced and he would not like to have them in the area. He said he would agree to this as a condition. Commissioner Taylor wanted a size definition of vehicles to be serviced and Mr. Ostertag suggested a condition that vehicles be limited to two axles. Commissioner Jacobs questioned the 14' doors. Mr. Deodati stated that was the size door in the plans approved by the City Council and they do not wish to change them. Commissioner Taylor moved this application for special permit be approved for vehicles of not more than two axles and subject to the restriction that the entire building be limited to auto service. Also, this special - 7 - permit is to be approved in accordance with the site plan received by the Planning Department on July 24,.1975, and any other related uses must come in for variance or amendment of this use permit. Commissioner Kindig seconded the motion and it carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NAYES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: RECESS KINDIG, NORBERG, TAYLOR JACOBS,SINE MINK,FRANCARD After a brief recess at 9:15 P. M. the meeting was reconvened. 6. DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, EIR-34P, FOR GIENCO TRUCK LINES'PROPOSED PROJECT= TRUCKING TERMINAL AND WAREHOUSING OF PRODUCE IN M-1 DISTRICT, BY DAVID H. KEYSTON OF ANZA PACIFIC CORP. 7. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR TRUCKING TERMINAL AND WAREHOUSING OF PRODUCE IN M-1 DISTRICT AT 330 BEACH ROAD (APN 026-332-080/090) BY ANZA PACIFIC CORP. FOR GLENO TRUCK LINES INC. David H. Keyston of Anza Pacific told Commissioners that additional information had just been submitted to staff, which they had not yet had time to review. He commented there was no urgency on this application and suggested it be continued for two weeks. Commissioners were agreeable and Chairman Sine ammounced those two items would be continued to the August 11 meeting of t#R Planning Commission. 8. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR ACCESSORY LIVING QUARTERS IN GARAGE AT 225 STANLEY ROAD (APN 029-261-080) ZONED R-1, BY LUCILLE J. ARSENAULT At the request of the Chairman, Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed this application. He told Commissioners the applicant had applied for a permit not to exceed two years•, duration, and that the garage in question was.constructed with a building permit in 1924, but converted in 1968 without permit. The room has no cooking facilities and no running water. He quoted letter from Robert A. Arsenault, son of the applicant which states, "This is only a request that I be --permitted to continue living in this room. I hope to leave when I obtain a full time job. After I leave, the room will no longer be maintained as living quarters." He added that a amort on the property prepared by the Building Inspector lists the foU wing problems: . 1. A 24• setback exists. It must be at least 48" for living quarters. If less than 48% there can be no opening on the property line. 2. If 24" is accepted, a one hour wall must be installed on the property line. 3. One-tenth of the floor area must be window area - 50% openable. 40 A heating unit must be installed in sleeping quarters. Robert A. Arsenault addressed the Commission on behalf of his mother, - 8 - Mrs. Lucille Arsenault. He said he had.lived there five years and planned to stay until he has a full time job, possibly a matter of six months, when he would probably move to San Jose. He added the family hope is small. Secretary Jacobs read recent letters, all approving this application, from the following residents: Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Wyatt, 213 Stanley Road Frances M. Engelhardt, 212 Stanley Road Mrs. Florence Phelps, 237 Stanley Road Mr. and Mrs. Henk van Arkel, 228 Stanley Road Commissioner Taylor questioned if the applicant would agree to correct the violations as found by the Building Inspector. Robert Arsenault stated they would be corrected, including the one hour fire wall. Upon the Chair's request for audience comment, Mrs. Caroline Richardson, 224 Stanley Road, and Mr. Delphin Capps, 229 Stanley Road, spoke in favor of the application. They stated there would be no parking problem, there was no plumbing in the garage,'and they knew the applicant as a responsible person. There were no further responses, and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Norberg considered this application as a special situation and noted it was for the purpose of sleeping quarters, not living quarters. Commissioner Kindig indicated confidence in the applicant, and stated his only concern was that attendant upon the property being sold. City Attorney Coleman stated he had prepared a resolution, to be recorded, which would limit the use of this property if sold. Chairman Sine wanted the permit conditioned on sale of property and with a time limit. Commissioner Taylor agreed that this was an exceptional circum- stance. Commissioner Jacobs was approving, but wanted it clearly understood that this room does not have a kitchen. She moved that this special permit be approved conditional upon the Building Inspector's recommendations of July 17 being carried out, and with a time limit of either two years or the sale of the property. Commissioner Norberg seconded the motion, with the provision that the application is for sleeping quarters, not living quarters. The motion carried on unanimous roll call vote. City Attorney Coleman stated he would hold the resolution until it is found whether or not the decision would be appealed. 9. SIGN PERMIT FOR 14 SF WALL SIGN AT BROADWAY ARCADE, 1050/60 BROADWAY. BY S. C. MENICUCCI OF APOLLO TRAVEL, Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed: the physScal characteristics of this sign, noting that it would be in addition to the signage program approved October 30, 1974. He reminded Commissioners they had requested the owner to be present at this meeting since a comparison of signage approved and actual signage existing showed a discrepancy. Commissioners commented they wished an explanation of why Mr. Crisafi had exceeded the program granted. Mr. Crisafi explained in detail his remodeling and that he believed that the approved program for putting up the signs had been exactly =sem followed. He said that some of the excessive signs had been put up recently without his knowledge and consent, and he had learned of the disapproval of them when Mrs. Menicucci had reported the Commission's reaction. He stated he would take them down. Chairman Sine said there were eight discrepancies from the approved sign program. Mr. Crisafi was shown the location and type of these signs, and he stated that some of them were there before the permit had been applied for. He commented it was his impression that the sign program was in addition to the existing signs and he did not have to take them down. He indicated that if the Commission would specify these in a letter that he could take to his tenants, he would be happy to take them down. He added that when he had applied for the sign program he had hoped the Planning Commission would tell him to take down the existing signs because he disliked them. Discussion followed in which it was pointed out to Mr. Crisafi that only the signs within the submitted program had been approved and not the others. The Chairman cautioned that this must now be clear. Mr. Crisafi indicated that it was, and he would give his word they would be taken down. On a question as to when, he stated he would take them down Tuesday morning, July 29; and offered to confirm it with a letter to staff by Wednesday, July 30. City Attorney Coleman suggested that the Apollo Travel sign be erected only when other specified signs are removed. Several commissioners questioned the advisability of going 14 SF over the signage program by allowing Mrs. Menicucci a sign. Mr. Crisafi stated that most of the businesses in the Arcade are professionally oriented, whereas she has a retail operation which needs more identification. Commissioner Taylor remarked he had no objection to the Apollo sign, but he would like to see it in relation to the entire program. Commissioner Jacobs wondered if larger identifications would be more realistic for this "riding" street and questioned if Mrs. Menicucci's application were granted it would cause other tenants in the building to come in for a larger sign. Chairman Sine commented that this com- mission had granted the signage program and could, of course, reopen it. That would be the owner's prerogative. Again he remarked it was hoped the signage program was clear to the owner and that he would comply with what had been specified, and suggested. the Menicucci sign be continued until the next meeting. On Mr. Crisafi's question as to whether he should apply with his tenant, Chairman Sine considered that the entire signage program was granted to the property owner. Commissioner Taylor pointed out that some of the signs which belonged in the program were oversized. Mr. Crisafi said there were some minor infractions, but he would correct them, cutting down the si;e. He stated he would check with the Planning Department to be sure the dimensions were correct. chairman Sine announced this application would be continued to the August 11 meeting. He observed that if Mr. Crisafi were not present at this meeting, no action would be taken. - 10 - lb. SIGN EXCEPTIONS FOR TWO ILLUMINATED WALL SIGNS OF 157 SF TOTAL -AND SIGN PERMIT FOR .ONE PAINTED WALL SIGN OF 147 SF BY COAST QRS SIGNS FOR THE DIP STICK INC. AT CORNER OF BROADWAY AND CAROLAN (1049 BROADWAY) Chairman Sine announced this item for hearing. Assistant City Planner Yost reviewed this application for three wall signs. One, Sign C, faces Broadway= and two, Signs A and B, face Carolan. He displayed colored rendering of these signs to the Commission. Sign A, a painted wall sign, comprises 147 SF, has no illumination and had white letters on gold background. Sign B is 81 SF, has rust and black letters on a gold and white background. Sign C, of 76.5 SF has the same copy and is the same type as Sign B. Asst. City Planner Yost pointed out that the letters on Sign B extend down to within 7' above the sidewalic and only 316" above the sidewalk on Sign Cs the sign code specifies that wall signs shall be 10' above the sidewalk. Mr. Cliff Leclaire, part owner of the business, told commissioners it would not be possible to have these angled signs 10' above the ground because they would then extend to the roof or over the upper windows. He emphasized that they were trying to upgrade this problem building. Commissioner Jacobs questioned the purpose of the 10' requirement and the percentage of the area on Carolan to be occupied by signs. This area was estimated at 10%, and it was pointed out that only the words, "Dip Stick" would be illuminated. Commissioner Taylor suggested the letters be reduced to accommodate the 10' requirement, but Mr. LeClaire protested they were a reasonable size that could be read. In reply to a question from City Planner Swan, he stated that the Broadway side had been selected as the front of the building with an address of 1049 Broadway. There was no response to the Chair's request for audience comment, and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Kindig considered the signs "The Dip Stick" too large and that they could be reduced to 2/3 their size and still be readable. Commissioners Jacobs and Taylor agreed that these signs were too large. Chairman Sine questioned the hours of illumination. Mr. LeClaire hoped to have them lit until 10:00 P.M. Chairman Sine questioned the applicant if he would be willing to reduce the size of the letters. Mr. LeClaire requested. specifics and discussion followed. Mr. LeClaire concluded he could probably get the sign on Carolan up to 8', but the Broadway side would be more of a problem. He agreed to consult with the sign company and bring a proposal to the next meeting. Chairman Sine continued. this application to the meeting of August 11. 11. SIGN EXCEPTION FOR 3816" high illuminated Pole SIGN OF 232 SF BY BELL ELECTRICAL SIGNS, INC. FOR NEUFELD PORSCHE AUDI, INC. AT 1025 ROLLINS ROAD. Chairman Sine announced this application for hearing. Assistant City Planner Yost explained to Commissioners that it is proposed to alter this sign, recently approved by the Commission, by changing the position of the time and temperature sign from below the main panel to just above. The total height of the sign is now 35'. By moving the time and temperature panel upward, an additional 3Y would be added., making a total height of 38160. He noted one condition of the earlier approval of the sign was that it be turned off at 11:00 P.M. At the invitation of the chair, Mr. Dave Neufeld addressed the Commission. He considered the time and temperature sign as a public service rather than advertising, and commented that to many people it will be a landmark. By raising the panel, it will be visible from Bayshore Freeway. There was some discussion of the mechanics of removing the old sign and erecting the new. Chairman Sine stated he had no objections to moving the panel to a new position if the top of the time and temperature sign did not exceed 351. Mr. Neufeld replied that if this was necessary he would do without the time and temperature panel. There was no response to the Chair's request for audience comment and the public hearing was declared closed. There was little Commission discussion. Commissioner grant the sign exception for a 3816" high illuminated Neufeld. Porsche Audi with the 11:00 P. M. stipulation the time and temperature panel. Commissioner Kindig and it carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: JACOBS, KINDIG, NORBERG, TAYWR NAYES: COMMISSIONERS: SINE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: FRANCARD,MINK CITY PLANNER REPORT Jacobs moved to pole sign for not to apply to seconded the motion City Planner Swan reported that the Beautification and Traffic,Safety, and Parking Commissions had been notified of the hearing for the Scenic Roads and Highways Element. In addition, the TSP Commission had been transmitted the Munkdale complaint with a request for advice on how they wish the city to proceed. Staff work is underway on a report to the Commission on sign review procedures and policy. A major issue is what does the city wish the Commission to exercise in the way of sign policy. The City Planner stated that the noise consultant preparing the draft element may not be able to finish mapping noise measurements by August 11, but will bring to that meeting suggested policies for noise regulations. He announced the League of California Cities Annual conference in San Francisco on October 22. The City Planner stated he was on a legislation committee, and suggested Commission support of a proposal that the State support their mandated efforts with monies to do the work instead of making the individual cities and counties -responsible for the financing. He noted that one of the problems of local government is where to get the time and resources to carry out these mandates. - 12 - There was discussion of the noise complaint about the Arco station at Broadway and Rollins Road, and a suggestion that Mr. T. J. Clausen of that,company be contacted, since he had worked many times with the city, and most cooperatively. Commission members were informed of the death of Mr. Carl Fava, owner of the Exxon station at Howard and Myrtle Road, which results in the abeyance of Planning Commission action on this site. ADJOURNMENT The meeting regularly adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ruth E. Jacobs Secretary