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Min - PC - 1974.01.28
THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION January 28, 1974 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Jacobs (9:30) Kindig Mink No rbe rg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER City Planner Swan City Engineer Davidson City Attorney Karmel Building Inspector Calwell A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 P.M., Chairman Kindig presiding. ROLL CALL The above named members were present. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of December 26, 1973 were approved and adopted after correction of Item 2 on Page 9 to read: "It be removed upon filing of notice of completion of the building" rather than "It be removed upon completion of the building." The minutes of the adjourned and study meeting of January 14, 1974 were approved and adopted. HEARINGS: 1. SIGN PERMIT FOR BEARDSLEY' S BAR AND RESTAURANT AT 1445 BROADWAY (FOR DETERMINATION AS TO RENEWAL OF PERMIT APPROVED JULY 13, 1973.) Chairman Kindig informed the audience that this was a six -months' sign permit granted on July 13, 1973 and now before the Planning Commission for review. The Chairman then requested Commissioner Taylor to review the case since he had made the original motion to approve this signage. Commissioner Taylor reported that the present Beardsley wall sign as well as modifications thereof had been considered by the Planning Commission. Ultimately they approved the present sign permit with the requirement that the applicant again appear before the Commission in six months for a review based upon the consensus of community opinion and acceptance or rejection of the Beardsley graphics. This was the purpose of the hearing this evening. Chairman Kindig commented that many residents had written, giving their opinion of the sign, and they had been informed of the date of this meeting by staff. Upon invitation of the Chair, Mr. Jack O'Brien, manager of the Corporation of Beardsleys, addressed the Commission. He gave an audio-visual presentation which included outside views of the sign and its extension into inside decor which reflected the artist's work and decade. Similar graphics are on all advertisements including menus and matchbooks. He commented that newspaper pictures of the —a— sign were taken out of context and gave a distorted effect. Chairman Kindig requested -audience comment. Arnold Rodman, 905 Morrell, considered the graphics were in good taste and that more signs of this type could be a drawing card to the commercial areas. Mrs. Marjorie Taylor, 701 Burlingame Avenue, artist and member of Burlingame Civic Arts Council, spoke as an individual in declaring the graphics artistic and true to the work of the artist Beardsley. She thought the sign much more attractive than many on Burlingame Avenue and expressed hope that a future ruling could be made on colors of signs in the city. There were no further comments and the public hearing was declared closed. Secretary Sine read in full letters received, the majority favorable, from the following individuals: Dolores Kirk, Mrs. A. Ghiotti, Marjorie Taylor, Shirley and Robert Lyhne, Wilma Laughren, Patricia Feerick, Denise Huajardo, Alice D. Coca, B. J. Eastham, Betty M. Palm, Eve Meshover, Mrs. Alan Skellenger, and J.T. Murphy. City Planner Swan reported that additional letters had been received by the Planning Department. These had been answered if an address was available. Chairman Kindig reviewed these letters, also mostly favorable, from Jonathan Wisnom, Agnes Mathiesen, Michael Berch, a Mrs. Boone, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Faulk. City Planner Swan showed slides of the restaurant from the front and from the side across E1 Camino. He remarked that to him the figures on the side seemed out of scale because they are too large in comparison with the restaurant name. He suggested these side figures of waiters be either painted out or put in reduced scale. Commissioner Taylor declared he did not wish to impose his personal judgment of what constituted good art on the community, and that decision should be made on the basis of consensus of opinion of residents. He considered far more people were in favor of�this sign than were opposed. Commissioner Norberg remarked that he was a graduate of Mark Hopkins Art Institute, and agreed that judgment of art is a personal matter. He stated he had voted for reduction in size at the time of the initial hearing and still thought the figures at the rear were out of scale. However, they were now there and did not seem too objectionable. iCommissioner Sine prefaced his remarks by welcoming Commissioner Norberg back to the Commission after his illness. He went on to say he had originally requested the figures be reduced to 10', and he still felt the sign was out of proportion. He commented that the figures of male waiters are misleading and a misnomer in advertising since male waiters are not employed in the restaurant. He suggested - 3 - the size of the figures be reduced to 12' or the side figures be painted out. Commissioner Mink commented it would byimpossible for all to agree on the sign; that opinion of good or bad taste was an individual matter. He did not find the sign objectionable as long as it did not offend anyone. Chairman Kindig considered the figures on the E1 Camino side out of proportion, and asked Mr. O'Brien to comment on this. Mr. O'Brien protested that they had purposely hired a well-known designer for the sign and had depended on his judgment entirely for matters of dimension and scale. He added the majority of his customers liked it. Commissioner Sine questioned his reaction to painting out the figures on the E1 Camino side. Mr. O'Brien definitely objected. Commissioner Mink moved that the sign permit for Beardsley's Bar and Restaurant at 1445 Broadway be approved, and the sign be maintained as it is on the restaurant at present. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: MINK,NORBERG,TAYLOR NAYES: COMMISSIONERS: SINE,KINDIG ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: JACOBS 2. SIGN VARIANCE FOR GRAPHIC DESIGN ON FRONT WALL OF BUILDING AT 261 CALIFORNIA DRIVE FOR PENGUIN LOUNGE. (EXISTING SIGN APPROVED JULY 23, 1973 FOR A PERIOD OF SIX MONTHS.) Chairman Kindig found upon inquiry that no representative of the applicant was present. Following the tenor of public interest in this type of sign, he noted only one communication which was from Mrs. Linda Meyer. She approved the sign. He then requested audience comment. Mrs. Makjorie Taylor, 701 Burlingame Avenue, spoke in favor. Chairman Kindig announced this item would be placed at the end of the agenda, and if the applicant was not then present it would be continued until the next public meeting. Commissioner Sine objected, stating that the applicant did not show sufficient interest. Commissioner Taylor commented that it could have been a misunderstanding. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW TRANS RENT -A -CAR IN M-1 DISTRICT AT 1555 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY FOR DFK INVESTMENTS BY CYRUS J. MC MILLAN Chairman Kindig read letter from Attorney McMillan requesting this application be withdrawn. There was no Commission objection and the application was dropped from the agenda. 4. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FOR RESUBDIVISION OF BARNETT PROPERTY AT RALSTON AND OCCIDENTAL Attorney Robert Showen appeared as representative of Miss Barnett. In his presentation Mr. Showen stated this was an application for resubdivision of two existing lots into three lots, all of which met the 5,000 square foot minimum lot requirement. He displayed a resub map for the Commission's information, noting this was a revision of a previous map which had developed three wedge-shaped lots. After Planning Commission discussion the principals had gone back to the concept of primarily considering the natural topography of the area with trees and stream. The present map develops building sites to fit the topography but which still conform to size require- ments. A proposed 20' easement would provide a driveway for front Parcel A and to the rear for access to Parcel B. Parcel B will not have street frontage but it includes.the original homesite. Mr. Showen considered Parcel B the best of the sites, with its large open area. Lot sizes would be 6,000 square feet, 5,700 square feet and 5,600 square feet. In relocating the lots natural building sites have been provided with screening by trees and shrubbery and a feeling of more open space. It will be necessary to remove only one tree. Mr. Showen then displayed many slides of the property. The first was from across the street, and showed the large trees and bushes along the front which effectively screen it from the street. Others were: Parcel A with raw of trees along the east; Parcel B and its redwood trees; view to east and west across the creek and its dense thicket; view of front lots; Parcel C; and many others. He returned to resub map and.explained locations of slides. Mr. Showen closed by stating the revised map satisfies technical requirements and also makes good sense planning -wise since by use of the easement it provides three very good natural building sites. Prior plan did necessitate removal of trees and left one lot unbuildable. Chairman Kindig requested audience comment. There was none and the public hearing was declared closed. In response to questions from Commissioner Mink, Mr. Showen stated Parcel A had 120' frontage on Ralston Avenue and available building area for the three lots would be 2,200 square feet for Parcel A, 2,650 square feet for Parcel B and 2,625 square feet for Parcel C. Chairman Kindig questioned Parcel B, and Mr. Showen stated it would have its frontage on Parcel A but probably would be built toward the back setback because of the wooded setting. Commissioner Sine thought the 1,420 square feet easement to accommodate Parcel B was a legal strategm which would take sufficient footage away from Parcel A to make it an illegal lot. The Commissioner also thought that Parcel C would be a very challenging lot for building because of the creek running east and west, and said the entire property should be left at two lots. Mr. Showen said that the easement is not subtracted in the determination of square footage of lots. City Attorney Karmel concurred. - 5 - The Chair asked the City Planner to comment. City Planner Swan replied he thought the applicant had proposed a "no lose" solution. City Attorney Karmel advised that terms of the easement could be worked out. There would have to be a dedication of the easement to the City and this should be a condition of the permit. Mr. Showen agreed to dedication of the easement. Commissioner Sine again protested the expense and difficulty of building on Parcel C. Commissioner Norberg considered the revised map an improvement and saw no objection to its approval. He commented financial protection for prospective builders is not the province of the Commission. City Engineer Davidson reported that the proposal as submitted does comply with the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act. Commissioner Mink considered the subdivision a borderline case. Commissioner Taylor agreed the revised map was an improvement but did not wish to support it. Commissioner Mink moved the adoption of tentative parcel map, Drawing No. 598-1 for Barnett property at Ralston and Howard. Adoption of this map is to be contingent upon acceptance of easement by the City of Burlingame. Commissioner Norberg seconded the motion and it failed on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: MINK,NORBERG NAPES: COMMISSIONERS: KINDIG,SINE,TAYLOR ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: JACOBS Chairman Kindig advised the applicant had the right of appeal to the City Council. 5. VARIANCE FOR 8 -UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING IN R-1 DISTRICT (APN 029-265-10) AT HUMBOLDT AND ROLLINS ROAD BY ANTHONY AKELIS (ND -26 POSTED 1/18/74) Mr. Anthony Akelis was present, and upon request of the Chairman addressed the Commission. He told the Commission that complete plans including floor plans and elevations had been submitted and were self-explanatory. He stated this apartment house would be two story above a garage, and the garage floor would be about 1' above curb level. After Commissioners had studied plans, City Planner Swan commented for purposes of record that the Planning Commission had in the past approved a 14 -unit apartment for the same property. This permit was not implemented. Subsequently, there was Commission approval for a ten -unit apartment building but this permit had expired. He told Commissioners that the front of the property is considered to be Humboldt and the side yard along Rollins Road provides access to garages. Open space is behind the structure. He remarked this seems to be a good design. Chairman Kindig requested audience comment. Frank Lee, 665 Chateau Drive, Hillsborough, addressed the Commission =0= stating he was the owner of the adjoining lot. He was in favor of having an apartment house on the lot since it is now vacant and collects junk. He thought 8 units reasonable. Mr. Lee did suggest that since the area is subject to flooding the builder should not go underground for the garage. There were no further comments, and the public hearing was declared closed. City Engineer Davidson reported that if the garage level will be 1' above the curb, the problem of surface water is resolved. However, the ground water level is an unknown and should be investigated. Commissioner Taylor commented for the record that the Planning Commission had previously approved two apartment house applications for this property that were not as good as this. Commissioner Norberg questioned if the plans complied with the building code. Building Inspector Calwell indicated he had not seen the plans yet, but would inspect them when the building permit application is made. There was no further Commission comment. Commissioner Sine moved.the variance for this 8 -unit apartment building at Humboldt and Rollins Road be granted subject to the landscaping plan being submitted to the Park Director for his approval and subject to the plans as submitted. Commissioner Mink seconded the motion, and it carried by unanimous roll call vote. 6. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW AIR FREIGHT TRUCKING AND DELIVERY ESTABLISHMENT IN M-1 DISTRICT AT 1332 MARSTEN ROAD BY AIR CARTAGE ASSOCIATES, INC. (ND -27P POSTED 1/18/74) Jerry Cummings appeared as representative of this air freight company which is leasing space in a 32,000 square foot building at this address. Mr. Cummings explained that until recently he had not known that a special permit was required in the M-1 district. He stated his business has been licensed for almost a year, and there are several firms conducting the same type of business in his area. Mr. Cummings went on to say the firm does not warehouse, leases only office space, and has ample parking of 22 spaces. He stated his trucks are gone all day, returning late in the evening. Out of the 22 spaces only eleven are used, and by 10:00 or 11:00 A.M. only three or four spaces are occupied. He noted that if his trucks weren't gone, he would be out of business. Chairman Kindig requested comments from the audience. There were none, and the public hearing was declared closed. City Planner Swan remarked that in the course of inspecting for business licenses it is necessary to define what constitutes a major trucking operation in the M,-1 district. Sometimes the operation may require review. This firm might be considered mangi.nal as to size, but since there was.a doubt, Mr. Cummings was asked to apply for a permit. The City Planner stated there was no question in his mind that this was an appropriate location. He noted Mr. Cummings had been most cooperative. Commissioner Sine stated he had been by the location several times, and had not even seen any trucks parked there. Commissioner Mink moved that special permit for Air Cartage Associates at 1332 Marsten Road be approved. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it passed unanimously on roll call vote. RECONVENE After a short recess, the meeting reconvened at 9:40 P.M. Commissioner Jacobs entered the meeting at 9:30 P.M. 7. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW A ROLLER SKATING RINK IN M-1 DISTRICT AT 1250 ROLLINS ROAD (APN 026-134-090) BY LAWRENCE L. LOCKWOOD (ND -28P POSTED 1/18/74) Chairman Kindig requested Mr. Lockwood to make a presentation on his application for special permit. Mr. Lockwood reviewed the facts of his application -which is for a modern, well-equipped roller skating rink at this location. This rink will operate under the name of "Yankee Doodle Skate Country," and will incorporate a silent and dust -free epoxy skating surface, carpeting in all non -skating areas, modern snack bar, air conditioned with acoustical tile ceilings. This rink would operate primarily for the 6 - 16 age group. No alcoholic beverages or smoking would be permitted, and a dress code would be enforced. Mr. Lockwood stated hours of operation would be basically 7:00 to 10:00 P.M. on weekdays, with practically afull day's operation on Saturday and Sunday. Because of this schedule, congestion would be held at a minimum in this industrial area. There would be.a lot of drop-off traffic, and also the new Burlingame Transit proposes a bus route on Broadway. He said there were 45 existing parking spaces. Ingress and egress would further be improved by a 20 foot rear easement which would allow traffic to exit via Marsten Road. Mr. Lockwood stated he had conferred with the Fire Department, the Recreation Department and the Police Department about his operation, and they have been approving. He stated a security patrol, from the Burlingame Police Department, would watch the rink. In response to Commission question, he stated this is not a franchise operation. Chairman Kindig requested audience comments in favor. There were none. He then requested audience comments against this skating rink. Cecelia Pryshepa, 723 Linden, asked Mr. Lockwood if he was a legal resident. She was informed he lived in Castro Valley. She said she had been an ice skater, and there was a definite difference in type between ice skaters and roller skaters, the roller skaters having more potential for being a bad element. Also adults who drive would visit the rink, not just children. She questioned what kind of traffic controls would be provided. Olice Kermond, an employee of the Burlingame Ice Skating Rink, and Mrs. A. Brown both spoke against the roller rink. They thought the two rinks would be too close together and consequently would both struggle. Also, there are several other rinks in the area, including one in San Mateo. Ferdinand Gebhard, 11 Cozzolino Drive, Millbrae, and owner of the property near the rink site, disapproved. He said youngsters "are going to get into mischief in that area." Mr. Oscar Dussault, manager of the Burlingame Ice Rink, thought it would be too close to his own rink which has been operating for years. He thought there was no need for a roller rink in the city, since there are other recreational facilities. There were no other comments and the public hearing was declared closed. City Planner Swan noted Mr. Lockwood's use of rink parking standards from the City of Fremont, which specify 1 space per 175 square feet of floor area used for skating. Burlingame's rink would have 7,150 square feet of skating surface. This would require 41 spaces using the standard of parking space per 175 s.f. of skating area. Hence 45 parking spaces is more than necessary. The City Planner noted that Fremont has a large and progressive planning staff. He stated this is more parking than Blue Chip Stamp Store had with their clock wise circulation. A proposed rear easement would give access to Marsten. He noted the references to the San Mateo roller- skating rink, but stated this is a far from modern building. He requested the Commission consider all these factors. The City Planner then showed slides of the site. These slides emphasized the rear easement to Marsten Road and its poor condition at present. It is a one lane alleyway because it is partially obstructed by parked vehicles from the various businesses which enter onto it. The City Planner commented he thought it should be a two-way easement and asked who was committed to keeping the side easement open. Commissioner Mink established that Mr. Lockwood was the leaseholder on the side easement. He then quoted Code Section 13.44.010 "It is unlawful for any person to drive upon . . .or to park . . any vehicle upon any property . . .without the consent of the owner or person in control of such property." and 13.44.020 "Removal of Illegally Parked Vehicles - Posting Property" which provides for posting of property and towing away of illegally parked vehicles. Commissioner Mink questioned if Mr. Lockwood would agree to posting the side easement as a "no park easement" so that vehicles could be towed away. Mr. Lockwood agreed. Commissioner Jacobs requested more information on the rear easement, and the City Planner reported that it is part of Parcel 4 in the parcel map application for Lands of Dore following on the agenda. Commissioner Taylor questioned if the side easement could handle the circulation if the rear easement should be blocked. Mr. Lockwood considered it would, as this had been his original plan. He agreed to posting a right turn only sign on the driveway coming out on Rollins Road. Mr. Lockwood also stated he had cleared his operation with the Health Department. Commissioner Jacobs questioned hours of operation in summer. Mr. Lockwood indicated they would be 7:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; 6:00 P.M. - 11:30 P.M. for Friday; 10:00 A.M. - 11:30 P.M. for Saturday; Noon to 10:00 P.M. for Sunday. Considerable discussion followed. Mr. Lockwood was questioned about signage on this property. He stated he had plans for graphics on both outside and inside and would submit a sign application. Commissioner Mink moved the special permit for roller skating rink at 1250 Rollins Road for Lawrence L. Lockwood be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The interior be arranged in accordance with sketches submitted. 2. The side easement bordering the property be poded with proper sign by Police Department which would allow cars to be cited and towed away. 3. Closing hour of operation be limited to 10:00 P.M., Sunday, Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, and Thursday; to 11:30 P.M. on Friday and Saturday. 4. Graphics and signage not to be a part of this motion. 5. Parking lot to be striped and bumpered. Any directional signs to meet approval of City Engineer. 6. No alcoholic beverages to be served in snack bar. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it carried on following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: MINK,NORBERG, SINE,TAYLOR,KINDIG NAYE S: COMMISSIONERS: JACOBS 8. PARCEL MAP OF PORTION OF LANDS OF KATHLEEN MYRA DORE AT MARSTEN ROAD AND ROLLINS ROAD BY WILSEY & HAM FOR BANK OF AMERICA TRUST DEPARTMENT (APN 026-134-100) (TENTATIVE MAP APPROVED AUGUST 23, 1971 Chairman Kindig asked the City Planner to comment on this application. City Planner Swan stated that this application was related to the special permit for the roller rink and also to a forthcoming application for a special permit from Covey Trucking. Both businesses would use this easement. The Covey Trucking permit had expired in November, 1973 and they will reapply in February. He commented - 10 - it seemed wise to only discuss this map tonight with action later since there are several questions to be resolved. There has been no communication between the property owner, the trustee and lessor, and the Planning Department. There is the question of why there are so many lessees on one parcel. The Bank of America representative present indicated he was available for question. City Engineer Davidson stated the tentative map was approved in 1971 and the present map does comply with the subdivision ordinance. However, he thought the rear easement had not been dedicated to the City and recommended the City Attorney pursue the possibility of having this easement on the map, with further report to the Commission. Bank of America representative indicated they would have no objection to this dedication. Commissioner Mink moved this application be continued so that the City Attorney and principals can work out dedicated City easement along south side of Parcel 4. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it carried by voice vote. 9. SIGN PERMIT FOR BANK OF AMERICA AT 400 EL CAMINO REAL FOR CONTINENTAL SERVICE COMPANY Plans for this sign program were distributed. Chairman Kindig invited John James, vice-president of Bank of America, San Mateo to address the Commission on this application. Mr. James reported that their main problem is that of visibility along El Camino. He said the view of the site is blocked from the north by an apartment complex and from the south by eucalyptus trees. He displayed photographs of this site showing the visual blockage. Chairman Kindig requested audience comment. There was none and the public hearing was declared closed. Continental Service representative stated there were only•two signs which required a permit - the 41 s.f. wall sign facing E1 Camino and the double faced 65 s.f. illuminated pole sign. Mr. James stated the signs were needed to identify the business to new members of the community. Bank of America has a statewide signing program. All signs are white on charcoal. Commissioner Mink remarked they were erecting a landmark building and seemed to be cheapening it by this proposed signage. Commissioner Taylor questioned if this required an EIR. He was informed by the City Planner that this is a sign permit, not a sign variance, and signs are categorically exempt from the EI R process. Commissioner Jacobs questioned the necessity of having so many signs on this very important corner of Burlingame. Commission discussion followed. Commissioner Sine suggested that the corner sign be patterned after the Northern California Savings & Loan sign, which is a ground sign. He thought a low -profile sign would be preferable. There was general Commission agreement. Commissioner Kindig asked if Continental Service could have this sign redesigned. The representative agreed that they could, and this application was continued to February study and regular meetings. 10. SIGN PERMIT FOR SAFEWAY STORES AT 1450 HOWARD AVENUE Chairman Kindig invited the applicant to make a presentation. Wade McClure of Ad Art Signs explained plans which the Commission had before it for these signs which include a canopy sign, two wall signs and logo. There is also to be replacement of the pole sign at Burlingame and El Camino. He displayed a colored illus- tration of the site. The store is to be expanded and the signs are to be in conformance with its new image. He noted that the sign on the tower which goes up 75' will be removed. The pole sign will be roughly the size of the present one, and he thought the total sign area of the store would be cut down 45/. Mr. McClure introduced Gary Baker of Safeway Stores, who was available for questioning. There were questions from the Commission on the exact location of the signs and a comment from Commissioner Sine that the pole sign has actually been raised in height. It was noted this sign will be internally lighted. Commissioner Sine questioned if they had available any low profile pole signs. He suggested a sign coming from the ground up. Mr. Baker replied that for this corner location this would be the lowest because of the eucalyptus trees on E1 Camino. Commissioner Sine commented that the public would recognize this was a Safeway store without the pole sign. Mr. Baker replied they wished to keep the liquor panel in this sign because many people do not realize that Safeway sells liquor. The Safeway logo is a trademark. Commissioner Mink, commenting about the supposed reduction in signage, noted that windows are loaded with signs. Mr. Baker replied Safeway tries to establish a limit on window signage but this is difficult to govern with individual managers. Commissioner Taylor questioned why they could not use a ground sign similar to Northern California Savings. He noted that Safeway is concerned with how the sign fits in the landscaping. There is virtually no landscaping on this site, although it is a condition of their permit. He thought a low sign might be a guarantee of landscaping maintenance. Mr. Baker stated that plans for the entire project filed with the Building Department do include landscaping and street trees. Commissioner Sine suggested the pole sign plans be redrawn to a low profile sign. Commissioner Taylor agreed. Mr. Baker protested that Burlingame's code does include provision for pole signs and they thought it would definitely enhance the remodeled store. Commissioner Sine questioned if they did not wish to cooperate 1'A - 12 - with the Commission's wishes. Commissioner Taylor added that the situation lends itself particularly well to a low profile sign. Mr. Baker asked for direction as to height limits. Chairman Kindig thought a 20' pole sign would not accomplish any more than a 12' sign, and added it should not be a pole sign. Commissioner Jacobs agreed. Commissioner Mink suggested they redesign the pole sign. Mr. Baker agreed and asked the Commission if the building signs could be approved so that they could be fabricated. The Commission seemed agreeable. Commissioner Mink moved the approval of sign permit for Safeway stores as shown on Drawing 60-512-08 with the exception of elevated 20' pole sign. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it carried on unanimous roll call vote. 11. SIGN PERMIT FOR PRO SKI AND SPORTS AT 1247 BROADWAY Applicant Steve Beatie appeared to address the Commission in support of his 108 s.f. sign at this address, which consists of a recessed sign above entrance doorway and windows at top of a two-story building. There is one fin on each side projecting outward from the building. Mr. Beatie remarked he thought this unlighted sign was unobtrusive. Commissioner Jacobs commented she thought it was quite obtrusive for the width of the street and of the structure. Chairman Kindig requested audience comment. There was none. The public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Sine preferred to have the sign area over the second story windows blocked out, since that is visible only from directly across the street. Commissioner Mink thought the side fins should be eliminated in favor of the central area. Mr. Beatie protested that without the fins street traffic would not see the sign until they were directly upon the store. There was some discussion, after which Commissioner Sine moved the sign permit be approved, leaving the design on the two fins and painting out the area over the entry. Mr. Beatie said this would be too much to paint out. The motion died for lack'of a second. Commissioner Mink moved the sign permit be approved with the sign to consist of only the sign over the second story windows in front, and the side fins to be painted out. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. More discussion followed, during which the City Planner stated he thought the sign was too large and too high. He thought it would be better over the first floor. Mr. Beatie told the Commission there was a mix-up in the paperwork. He had asked for a small sign and had ended up with a large one. It was established he had not intended to put the fins on the side. The motion passed by unanimous roll call vote. - 13 - 12. CODE AMENDMENT - SECTION 25.28.070 - HEIGHT LIMITATIONS IN R-1 DISTRICT (ND -29P POSTED JANUARY 18, 1974) RESOLUTION 1-74 As an introduction to consideration of Resolution 1-74 and accompanying EIR 25-P, City Planner Swan showed slides of houses on Loyola and Mills Canyon Court, which had been built either up a slope or down a slope. He explained that the intent of this resolution is to determine a point on this type of topography from which building height should be measured. This is specified in the resolution which also limits building heights in the entire R-1 district to 2h stories or 30 feet, whichever is greater. Chairman Kindig requested audience comments. There were none. The public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Taylor moved that EIR 25-P be considered for certification by the City Council. Commissioner Mink seconded the motion and it carried on unanimous roll call vote. Commissioner Mink read Resolution No. 1-74 and moved its adoption so that it could be recommended to the City Council. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion, and it carried on unanimous roll call vote. 13. CODE AMENDMENT TO ADD CHAPTER 25.72 - DOWNTOWN PARKING DISTRICT REGULATIONS - RESOLUTION 2-74. With reference to preparation of EIR 26-P City Planner Swan read paragraph in the EIR dealing with amended guidelines. This states that the California Administrative Code provides that, "The degree of specificity required in an EIR will correspond to the degree of specificity involved in the underlying activity which is described in the EIR." The code further provides that an EIR on certain projects, including an amendment of a comprehensive zoning ordinance, need not be as detailed as an EIR on a specific construction project that might follow. The City Planner went on to say that the legal basis for preparing an EIR for this type of project comes from State Statutes, Guidelines of the Resources Agency, and City Regulations. The guidelines specify that we are to deal with secondary impacts. The purpose of the EIR is to document what the City is going to regulate in this district. He told Commissioners the Planning Commission should follow the specific direction from Council to require a special permit from the City Council for three types of projects in this district: 1. Those exceeding 35 feet in height; 2. Those covering more than 75/ of the total lot area; 3. Those having a gross floor area of more than 15,000 square feet. These are the three conditions specified - nothing more, nothing less. He recommended EIR 26-P for review, approval, and recommendation to the City Council. There was no response to Chairman Kindig's request for audience comment and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Mink stated he found EIR-26P to be in agreement - 14 - with previous direction, and moved that the Planning Commission recommend its adoption to the City Council pursuant to Code 25.72, Downtown Parking District. Commissioner Sine seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous roll call vote. Commissioner Mink read Resolution 2-74 and moved its adoption including findings of fact for recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Sine seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous roll call vote. 14. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW PRIVATE GAS STATION IN WATERFRONT COMMERCIAL DISTRICT AT 480 AIRPORT BOULEVARD ON PORTION OF LOTS 2 AND 3, BLOCK 9 OF ANZA AIRPORT PARK NO. 6, FOR ANZA PACIFIC CORPORATION. At the request of Chairman Kindig, David Keyston explained this application. He stated it was made because the City Code requires a special permit for any gasoline station. The site is one designated in the Anza Master Plan where there will be a major intersection. Office buildings will be nearby and other businesses. He stated Anza felt this was a logical site and one which would eventually warrant a permanent public gasoline station. This proposed land use would be for a future permanent station. City Planner Swan reported that a parcel map would be required and that the driveway entrances are substandard for a service station. However, this would be for a private use at the present. He suggested Planning Commission consider conditioning this special permit by time. It should clearly state it is a private gas station because it is a debatable use with respect to purposes of the Waterfront Commercial District regulations. Permitted uses of the C-4 regulations include; "Other uses which are found compatible with the purposes of this district." He questioned if this use would be compatible with the District. There were no audience comments for or against, and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Taylor questioned the extent of private use.' Mr. Keyston replied it would be for the use of Anza and certain of their tenants. He was questioned why it could not be put in Anza's corporation yard near the theatres and replied that ingress and egress was difficult at this location. He said the energy crisis made it necessary to store gas for their vehicles since it is available one day and not the next. On the question of compatibility in C-4, he thought a public gas station would be compatible and offered to make this one semi-public and to accept a permit limited to one year and review. He also agreed to file a parcel map. Commissioner Sine did not approve of the use, but suggested that it could be put in a temporary parking area. Commissioner Mink considered a public gas station an acceptable use when the need for it would arise, but thought a private use for Anza's own equipment totally incompatible. He suggested that if a - 15 - gas station is put in, it be a public permanent one. A private station could be installed in another appropriate site. Mr, Keyston stated this is where Anza would want a public gas station in their Master Plan, and this one could be made public. Chairman Kindig did not like the purpose for which the installation would be made. Commissioner Mink stated it should be handled by the same criteria as other gas stations and should have the same review as to land- scaping, etc. Commissioner Norberg thought a gas station was compatible with that area and suggested that a private one could be designed for a complete public gas station later on. David Keyston questioned the degree to which a public gas station would have to be completed at this time. He saw no present need for 3-4 bays or lobby and storage room. Commissioner Sine stated he thought a gasoline service station would not be needed for 3-4 years and again suggested the installation of a private oneon Anza's other property. Mr. Keyston replied he could not think of any M-1 property which they had left. Commissioner Jacobs suggested a basic station be installed with no extra service at this time. Mr. Keyston stated he could draw plans for a limited purpose public gas station. Commissioner Sine moved this application be continued for one month for the purpose of allowing the applicant to come in with solid plans for a public gas station. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion and it carried on voice vote. PENGUIN LOUNGE Commissioner Sine suggested the owner of the Penguin Lounge be informed he must be at the next meeting. Commissioner Mink moved that staff inform this applicant of the next meeting and the necessity for his attending. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it carried on voice vote. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 12:30 A.M. Respectfully submitted, Thomas Sine Secretary AGENDA CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 28, 197 I CALL TO ORDER II ROLL CALL III MINUTES Regular Meeting December 26, 1973 Adjourned Regular Meeting January 14, 1974 Study Meeting January 14, 1974 IV HEARINGS 1. Sign Permit for Beardsley's Bar and Restaurant at 1445 Broadway. (For determination as to renewal of permit approved July 13, 1973.) 2. Sign Variance for graphic design on the front wall of the building at 261 California Drive for Penguin Lounge. (Existing sign approved July 23, 1973 for a period of six month 3. Special,Permit to allow Trans Rent-A-Car in M-1 District at_B 1555aysboxe Highway for DFK Investments by Cyrus J. McMillan. 4. Tentative Parcel Map for resubdivision of Barnett property at Ralston and Occidental. 5. Variance for 8 -unit apartment building in R-1 District (APN 029-265-10) at Humboldt and Rollins Road by Anthony !, Akelis (ND -26P posted 1/18/74) 6. Special Permit to allow air freight trucking and delivery establishment in M-1 District at 1332 Marsten Road by Air Cartage Associates, Inc. (ND -27P posted 1/18/74) 7. Special Permit to allow a roller skating rink in M-1 District at 1250 Rollins Road (APN 026-134-090) by Lawrence L. Lockwood (ND -28P posted 1/18/74) S. Parcel Map of portion of lands of Kathleen Myra Dore at Marsten Road and Rollins Road by Wilsey & Ham for Bank of America Trust Dept. (APN 026-134-100) (tentative map approved August 23, 1971) jign permit for Bank of America at 400 El Camino Real for Intinental Service Company. i n Permit for Safeway Stores at 1450 Howard Avenue. Permit for Pro Ski and Sports at 1247 Broadway. 'tendment - Section 25.28.070 - Height Limitations listrict (ND -29P posted January 18, 1974) Resolution 1-7, Page 2 - Agenda - 1/28/74 13. Code Amendment to add Chapter 25.72 - Downtown Parking F District Regulations - Resolution 2-74. 14. Special Permit to allow private gas station in Waterfront Commercial District at 480 Airport Boulevard on portion of Lots 2 and 3, Block 9 of Anza Airport Park No. 6, for Anza Pacific Corporation. V. OTHER BUSINESS 15. Communications & other 16. City Planner Report VI. ADJOURNMENT d <0 U C) d Q. OOH C) �� --- 0 a © C�) Cx�