HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1974.02.11THE CITY OF-BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION SUMMARY OF STUDY MEETING - FEBRUARY 11, 1974 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Jacobs Taylor (excused) City Planner Swan Kindig Building Inspector Calwell Mink Asst. City Engineer Rebarchik Norberg City Attorney Karmel Sine CALL TO ORDER The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:05 P.M. by Chairman Kindig. ROLL CALL Commissioners as above were present. 1. TIME BUDGET FOR STUDY MEETING. Commissioner Taylor was excused. A new time budget was presented to reschedule the sequence of items to be considered. Items of top priority included Council referrals, code amendments, General Plan, policy and guidelines. Maps and matters under the subdivision code would be second priority, applications and zoning administration third, minor items for which no fee is charged fourth, and then other matters. Commissioner Mink commented that the time schedule proposed seems reasonable to shoot for, without being arbitrary or inhumane to the applicants. He felt policy matters would be better understood and well formed if considered early in the evening. Considerable discussion could be eliminated -by deciding first if the application is.complete. City Attorney Karmel pointed out that with Planning Commission action meetings only once a month, there is not much leeway within the 40 day limitation for response to Council referrals. He would like to see those items with a time mandate get priority on the agenda. Commissioner Sine suggested a 7:00 or 7:30 P.M. starting time for Planning Commission meetings. It was also suggested that the Chairman help set up the agenda with the City Planner, particularly for public hearings. 2. PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIALTY RESTAURANTS. No new input from staff was presented at this point. The few restaurant survey responses that have been checked reaffirm the hypothesis that a Ed. (*) indicates matter was set for hearing February 25 (**) indicates matter was scheduled for consideration February 25 -2 - parking recommendation of'l space for each 3 seats is valid, and further that 20-25% of the occupant load appears realistic. Gulliver's plans bear these out. Analyses are needed for Saluto's, Tia Maria and The Fisherman. 3. WATERFRONT COMMERCIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS. Comment was made that automobiles add 5 feet of height to parking structures but bulk regulations were not discussed. No further input from staff was available at this time. 4. GENERAL PLAN, PROGRAM AND BUDGET. The City Planner reported that very little had been accomplished on the General Plan. Four mandatory elements are to be adopted by September 20, 1974. They are the Seismic Safety Element, Noise Element, Scenic Highways Element and Safety Element. Some progress has been made with the County as lead agency to prepare the Seismic Safety and Scenic Highways Elements. As yet no substantive work has been completed. A proposal has been received from a consultant to prepare the Safety Element. Commissioner Mink felt that policies of the Commission should have first priority, i.e. General Plan concept and philosophy. He recommended that staff present the proposed program and budget to finance this program; the Commission could then look at it and deal with it at that time. 5. SHORELINE SPECIFIC PLAN - PARK AND RECREATION ELEMENT. ANZA MASTER PLAN, BAYSIDE PARK, AND SHORELINE BIKEPATH. The City Planner advised that the Anza Master Plan is the only portion of the Shoreline Specific Plan that has received attention. Nothing has been done on the Shoreline Bikepath. In response to a question as to the status of the Anza Master Plan, the City Planner said individual consultants have been retained by Anza to prepare reports. The impact on City owned property remains to be seen. Mr. David Keyston reported later in the meeting that the Anza Master Plan is scheduled for City Council study meeting on March 6. Anza Pacific hopes to have a preliminary draft of the EIR completed and available to the Council on that date. Mr. Keyston added that their approach is specific; however, if they make substantial changes they will come back giving reasons and justifications. 6. PARCEL MAP OF PORTION OF LANDS OF KATHLEEN MYRA DORE AT MARSTEN ROAD AND ROLLINS ROAD. An excerpt from the August 23, 1971 minutes, the date the tentative map was approved, was read by staff: "This map divides the property into four pieces and easements are provided to give complete access to all four areas. He (Mr. Yarborough) mentioned that adjoining property owners will be parties to the easements and that the only legal problem is the easement where there is no other owner; and that, in this case, the city may be a party." Staff said that although the map may not be -3 - conditioned, the City should endeavor to gain rights to the 20 ft. easement along the south side of Parcel 4 for public utilities, to assure that parking is prohibited and that it is paved, maintained and made available to all affected lessees. The City Attorney advised that the easement has to be accepted by City Council. (*} 7. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP OF LOT NOS. 16, 17, 18, 19, BLOCK 7 AND LOT 1, BLOCK 10, ANZA AIRPORT PARK UNIT NO. 6. Staff commented that a specific lot area was necessary to determine what 15% would be as a minimum area to be landscaped. Parcel A would be the lot area assigned to the office building at 533 Airport Boulevard. Parcel B would likely be resubdivided for another project and Parcel C included the 56 ft. wide access strip. (*) 8. TENTATIVE RESUBDIVISION MAP OF LOTS 2 AND 3, BLOCK 9, ANZA AIRPORT PARD UNIT NO. 6. Resubdivision of Lots 2 and 3 of the Parcel G will provide a parcel much larger than requested for the private gas station at 480 Airport Boulevard. Subsequent resubdivision can be expected. (*) 9. RESUBDIVISION MAP OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, MILLS ESTATE NO. 1 AT TROUSDALE DRIVE AND EL CAMINO REAL. The applicant requested this item be dropped since they are considering an offer for the entire property. 10. MAP OF 1477 FLORIBUNDA AVENUE, A CONDOMINIUM, BEING LOT 8, BLOCK 9, OF MAP NO. 2 BURLINGAME LAND COMPANY, ZONED R-3. Staff commented as follows. A building permit was approved for apartment building under construction at 1477 Floribunda Avenue. At present this construction is approximately 60% completed. At the time the permit was approved parking required was 1-1/2 spaces per unit. Subsequently, the code was amended to require two spaces per two bedroom unit. The plans now indicate nine units with one bedroom and 12 units with two bedrooms which would require 38 parking spaces. They have only 32 spaces. Conversion by subdivision to condominium will create nonconforming living units because the total parking would be six less than now required. Staff has been directed by Council to propose some means of regulation for converting to condominiums. The Commission has not even considered subdivision of space for condominiums. There was considerable discussion among the Commissioners regarding how to handle this item and what can be done in the future. It was felt that guidelines were sorely needed. The City Attorney commented that if someone switched the concept of his development from apartment to condominium he would be subject to the City's condominium requirements, if Burlingame had any. There are limitations to what a city may do with respect to this, but it is likely there are some things Burlingame can do, if it can get some regulations on the books. Merely by changing the nature of the occupancy from one of tenants to one of ownership hasn't changed the -4 - parking burden whatsoever.' He said we don't have a clear answer to this matter of vertical subdivisions at this time. We may not be prohibited from dealing with verticle subdivisions but there is very little we can do. He further stated that with subdivisions, which a condominium is, we are working under the Subdivision Map Act and can't do anything that is contrary to the Act. This applies to vertical as well as other subdivisions. There was agreement among the Commissioners that Burlingame should have some rules and regulations for conversion to condominiums, and concern was expressed that this application not be used as precedent. Staff indicated that this points to the need for recommendation to City Council that the subdivision code should be revised, and only Council can direct that. (*) 11. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP COMBINING ALL OF LOT 7 AND 3 FEET OF LOT 8, ALL OF LOT 9, AND THE REMAINING 35 FEET OF LOT 8, BLOCK 11, EASTON ADDITION NO. 1 AT 945 CALIFORNIA DRIVE BY WM. VOLKER & CO. Staff advised that details can be finished and all minor revisions completed within two weeks. The City Attorney remarked that if this map was turned down at the regular meeting, they could appeal to Council, and that it should be marked tentative map rather than final. (*) 12. PENDING RECLASSIFICATION FROM M-1 TO C-2. The report of reclassification from M-1 to C-2 will be forthcoming at a later date. 13. VARIANCE TO USE BUILDING AT 119 PRIMROSE ROAD FOR OFFICE IN R-3 DISTRICT. The applicant requested this variance be delayed until further word from them. 14. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW TRUCKING AND TRUCK STORAGE YARD IN M-1 DISTRICT AT 1246 ROLLINS ROAD BY COVEY TRUCKING CO. Staff noted that applicant's access is via Marsten Road, and that the applicant stated in his Environmental Assessment Form E2, "No change in the environment is expected since our application for a special use permit is for our business as it presently exists. There will be no major change in the nature of our business that would adversely affect the environment." Four trucks may be expected and five to eight automobiles for all day parking. Since a previous special permit had been approved without an EIR, it was decided that a negative declaration would suffice. Commission questioned whether a lease had been negotiated recently as it had been reported two months ago that the rental was on a month to month basis. It was pointed out that Commission will condition the permit and Mr. Covey should be at the regular meeting himself in order to accept or reject these conditions.(*) Chairman Kindig declared a recess at 9:45 P.M. after which the study meeting reconvened at 9:50 P.M. -5- 15. SPECIAL PERMIT TO USE -UNCLASSIFIED PROPERTY, THE COTTAGE PORTION OF S. P. BURLINGAME DEPOT, FOR OFFICE USE BY DON ANDERSON AGENCY. Staff advised Commission that leasehold negotiations are nearly final with the Southern Pacific Land Company. The application is complete and well documented; the building has been vacant since March or April, 1973; and staff recommended a negative declaration. The applicant explained they are a theatrical booking agency for major hotel chains, there are four employees and few visitors. It was the opinion of staff that this use is consistent with the surrounding zoning and use. (*) 16. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW A GASOLINE SERVICE STATION AT 480 AIRPORT BOULEVARD BY ANZA PACIFIC CORP. Drawings were examined by the Commission. They requested that the limits of service station improvements be shown, and the extent of landscaping included in the first stage development. (*) 17. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW SMALL BOAT DRY STORAGE IN M-1 DISTRICT AT 1231 WHITETHORN WAY BY ROBERT C. HOMESLEY. This operation would occupy a warehouse type building on Whitethorn Way. Staff advised it is a Butler type steel building with concrete floor and sprinkler system. The Fire Department has inspected the building and has no objections. The applicant advised that users would park their boats indoors, disconnect batteries and turn off the fuel. No repair work would be permitted. (*) 17 (A). RECLASSIFICATION OF LOTS 2B, 3A, AND 3B, BLOCK 3, TOWN OF BURLINGAME AT 25, 29 AND 33 PARK ROAD RESPECTIVELY, FROM C-1 TO R-3, BY CYRUS J. MC MILLAN AND HUGH F. CONNOLLY The applicant had endeavored to submit his application Wednesday, February 6, and might have had it completed by noon Thursday. Staff recommended reclassification of three lots from C-1 to R-3. A total of five lots are being combined for this project. The proposed 23 unit 4 -story apartment building might then be built in an R-3 District in Fire Zone 3 rather than partly in C-1 which'is in Fire Zone 1. The project is outside the parking district. It would have all parking in an underground garage that would go to the property line. Ingress/ egress would be from Park Road. It was noted that this project would require approval by the Planning Commission for the underground garage and for landscaping. The City Attorney reaffirmed that an environmental impact report is needed for a code amendment (in this case reclassification). Commission directed staff to bring the project to the Commission after a draft EIR is prepared by others and the staff work is completed. 18. APPROVAL OF UNDERGROUND GARAGE IN SETBACK AREA PER SECTION 25.62.080 FOR PROJECT AT 533 AIRPORT BOULEVARD BY ANZA PACIFIC CORP. The City Planner reported that many modern office parks have wide front lawns sloping up to buildings with floor elevations about four Q. or five feet above the curb. These establish an environment for the whole office park and are most attractive. The proposed underground garage, or area where cars would be parked, is not covered, but open to the sky and visible to occupants. The Commission felt it might be unpleasant visually from the future hotel across the street. This appears to be more of a design review approach, together with the plans for landscaping. The applicant has indicated temporary landscaping at the rear of the building. This area will be removed or replaced by more landscaping, plazas, or something else at some future date. (*) 19. SIGN VARIANCE FOR THREE POLE SIGNS MORE THAN 20 FEET IN HEIGHT IN C-2 DISTRICT BY DICK BULLIS CHEVROLET. The Commissioners expressed concern about the white Chevrolet emblem on the black building, and discussed all the other signs. Mr. Bullis indicated this proposal is the G.M. scheme to eliminate all non- conforming signs. The sign company representative was requested to update his plans to include all other signs. (*) 20. SIGN VARIANCE FOR POLE SIGN MORE THAN 35 FEET IN HEIGHT IN M-1 DISTRICT ON ADRIAN ROAD BY AMANA REFRIGERATION. Staff advised that a special permit had been approved by Council for a building covering more than 30 percent of the lot, but it did not include the sign. This is a sign variance application for a 740 SF illuminated sign on a 425 SF pilaster which would total 1,165 SF and would be 43-1/2 feet tall. The sign was explained by the applicant to be a standard sign used by the Amana company. It was reported by staff that the application was incomplete when the agenda was closed and would not have been accepted had the City Planner been in town. Sketch of the sign was not received until Friday and if the City Planner had seen it then, he would not have accepted it but told them to go back to the drawing board. (Burlingame doesn't need a sign that large, the size of a box car on the roof of a two-story building.) It was requested by Commission that applicant go back to the drawing board and not request more time from the Planning Commission. 21. SIGN PERMIT FOR BANK OF AMERICA AT 400 EL CAMINO REAL. - Staff reported there was nothing new on this application, and no representative from the Bank of America was present at the study meeting. The Commission would like to consider this at their March study meeting. (Ed. This item was continued from the regular meeting on January 28 for study in February and reconsideration February 25. Their representa- tive will present elevation and rendering of a low profile sign February 25.) 22. SIGN PERMIT FOR SAFEWAY STORES AT 1450 HOWARD AVENUE. Applicant advised they are considering changes and requested that this item be removed from the agenda until the final design changes have been worked out. -7- 23. SIGN PERMIT FOR YANKEE DOODLE SKATE COUNTRY AT 1250 ROLLINS ROAD. The application includes a 32 SF sign to be erected on the existing roof pole. This sign will be illuminated. There will be graphics on the building itself, a painted sign on the back facing the freeway and a painted sign facing Rollins Road. It was indicated that the name Yankee Doodle appears only once and "roller skating" appears twice. The north elevation would be visible from the freeway. (**) 24. SIGN PERMIT FOR THE EGGPLANT AT 1310 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. Photographs of the existing signs in place were reviewed by the Commission. It was observed that they are smaller than the previous signs for Denny's Restaurant. (**) 25. SIGN PERMIT FOR PENGUIN LOUNGE AT 261 CALIFORNIA DRIVE. The applicant indicated he wished to continue the existing graphic design without change. Community reaction has shown a greater percentage of favorable comments. ( * * ) 26. OTHER MATTERS. The Planner advised a report on the League Institute for Planning Commissioners in Palm Springs will be forthcoming. He was especially impressed with the sign regulations in the City of Palm Springs. The Commission requested copies of the revised EIR Guidelines. Staff reported that Parcel Map for Florin Rhoads is scheduled for City Council consideration Tuesday, February 19. Other matters included on the February 19 City Council agenda are: Airport Marina Hotel Expansion, EIR, Variances and Special Permit; second reading of zoning code amendment, Height Limitations in R-1 District, Ordinance No. 1002; Ordinance No. 1003, Amending the Municipal Code of the City of Burlingame by Adding Chapter 25.72 (Burlingame Avenue Area Off -Street Parking District Regulations). A draft of the Burlingame Planning Commission 1973 Annual Report was distributed to the Commissioners for their review and suggestions. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Thomas W. Sine Secretary