HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1974.04.08THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION SUMMARY OF STUDY MEETING - APRIL 8, 1974 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Francard Jacobs Kindig Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER Mink (excused) City Planner Swan City Engineer Davidson The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order at 7:35 P.M. on the above date, Chairman Kindig presiding. ROLL CALL The above members were present. Commissioner Mink was out of town and excused. City Attorney Karmel was absent. POLICY PLANNING 1. PROCEDURES FOR REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF ANZA MASTER PLAN DRAFT TENTATIVE EIR, EIR-28P Procedures for review of the Anza Master Plan Draft Tentative Environmental Impact Report were discussed to establish a schedule for review and hearing. A special study meeting was scheduled to be held at 9:30 A.M. in the Council Chambers on Saturday, April 27. City Council will be invited. Thereafter, the Anza Master Plan and EIR can be placed on the regular study meeting agenda May 13 and scheduled for a public hearing Wednesday, May 29. The Anza Master Plan will be* treated as an element of the General Plan with public hearings before Planning Commission and City Council. Traffic impact from the Anza Master Plan development will affect the Broadway interchange. An Oak Grove overpass was suggested by their consultant to mitigate the impact on Broadway and Peninsula Avenue. Without an overcrossing Anza Pacific Corp. could only develop 45% of the proposed project. Other measures considered to aid in moving people to and from this proposed employment center included BART, through the Anza property, addition of a Y type off/on ramp from the northbound freeway lane, and a bridge at Broadway to add one lane and a facility for bicyclists and pedestrians. The overall impact of the project on Burlingame is also a concern. In CEQA terms, the EIR should provide information about the growth inducing impact and the effect on demo- graphic patterns. -2- 2. ALPHA LAND COMPANY PRESENTATION OF PREAPPLICATION CONCEPT FOR A CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT PROJECT ON TROUSDALE John Griffin, Executive Vice President of Alpha Land Company, described a proposed project located on Trousdale between El Camino Real and California Drive. This preapplication presentation was scheduled on the study meeting agenda to give the applicant feedback from Commissioners regarding an acceptable type of project and to determine type of applications to be submitted and the scope of an EIR. The land is in a C-1 zone and any buildings more than 35 feet in height will require a special permit from City Council. Mr. Griffin displayed a model showing two buildings with their longitudinal axis parallel to Trousdale. They were about 110 feet high with 100 condominium units each, principally two-bedroom two -bath units with 1300 to 1400 SF of floor area at a price from $50-60,000. The two buildings would cover 23,000 SF of the lot and two-story garage another 30,000 SF, resulting in 47% lot coverage. There would be 1-1/2 parking spaces per condominium unit. The design incorporated a submerged plaza that would utilize the existing building foundation wall and a large amount of deck area would be provided around the swimming pool. Strong reactions were expressed in opposition to the building bulk, the traffic, the lot coverage, the density (yield), and the lack of required parking. It was expressed that without the garage it would be more attractive. There was a concensus of no major objection to residential use of this property, but building bulk and lot coverage were concerns. Commission invited Mr. Griffin and his design teams to prepare some alternatives and come back to their May 13 study meeting. 3. POLICY FOR REVIEW OF LANDSCAPING PLANS A policy for review of landscaping plans was discussed. As an illustration, plans for 1633 Bayshore Highway were scheduled for review at the April 22 regular meeting because the conditional approval of the special permit on October 30, 1972 stated, "Specific landscaping plans shall be submitted for review by the Commission." It was generally agreed by the Planning Commission that approval of discretionary permits may be conditioned subject to the landscaping plans being approved by the Park Director, and that the applicant submit a performance bond for a two year period after planting to assure that plant materials are established. Enforcement of landscaping might be referred to the Park and Recreation Commission. 4. SIGN REGULATIONS The City Planner distributed excerpts from the Palm Springs sign ordinance and called attention to the amortization schedule. They permit up to 10 years for removal of nonconforming signs based upon the permit value of the sign. It was brought out that the depreciated, or present, value of a sign should be used rather than the permit value or original cost. At issue was whether to proceed with a comprehensive -3 - sign ordinance and review system or to start with a simple code amendment to prohibit roof signs. The Commission does not wish to delay the sign ordinance as they would not want to approve sign permits for signs which might soon become nonconforming and need to be removed. 5. CONDOMINIUM CONVERSIONS New Commission comment and input were given concerning condominium conversions. Topics of concern included higher standard of soundproof- ing, better parking requirements, clear distinction between apartment buildings and condominium living units. Suggestions were made to require a special permit for conversion to condominium, designate locations where condominiums are to be permitted and develop specific guidelines by which a nonconforming apartment building might be converted to a condominium living unit. It was noted that the City Council is concerned about this matter also and that the Planning Commission might initiate something and recommend to the Council. 6. CITY PLANNER REPORT The Planner reported on the suggestion of the Parking Commission that Zoning Code Section 25.70.030 (j) Other Uses be amended by inserting the words "Parking Commission and" so that it would read, ". . .where the decision of the City Planner is contested by the applicant, his decision may be appealed to the Parking Commission and Planning Commission." Feedback included: Parking Commissi—'on might attend Planning Commission meeting rather than delay applicant by 30 days or more; amend parking regulations to clearly exempt hotel meeting rooms. The City Planner reported on the joint planning program with San Mateo County to prepare General Plan elements, including Seismic Safety, Scenic Highways, and others. The two TDA Fund claims to Metropolitan Transportation Commission were reported by staff. These are $177,000 for Burlingame Transit and $4,400 for planning shoreline paths for the exclusive use of bicycles and pedestrians. Staff would commit comparable value in services to this planning program to prepare design, preliminary plans and specifications with support work by the city staff. Then, when an applicant seeks approval for a project along the shoreline, we can provide criteria and specifications for shoreline pathways to be included. Conditional use permits for projects along the shoreline can be approved with the condition that they construct the facilities located on their property. The Planner also advised that the Regional Occupational Program of San Mateo County Office of Education is going into 1800 Rollins Road. This has been reviewed, processed by Building and Fire Departments; they will have adequate parking. Longs Drug at the Plaza is of some concern with minimal landscaping. These plans are under review by staff. -4- 7. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP, LOTS 3, 4 AND A PORTION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 50, MAP OF EASTON ADDITION TO BURLINGAME NO. 4, ON EL CAMINO REAL NEAR ADELINE DRIVE: ENGINEERS - FRAHM, EDLER & CANNIS; BY ROBERT E. CHURCH No representative of the applicant was present. This tentative parcel map at 1469-1471 E1 Camino Real near Adeline Drive would relocate the property line between Lots 3 and 4 and create parcels A and B, each with 68.75 feet of frontage along E1 Camino. Eventually the CLC Corporation would construct a 12 unit apartment building on each lot. Preliminary plans are not acceptable because they show auto parking in the side yards. City Engineer Davidson discussed the difficulty of providing a sidewalk to meander past the trees. The Commission recommended that staff hold the plans to work out details during the next month. The map was not scheduled for hearing in April. 8. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP, COLONIAL TWELVE, BEING A RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 28 AND 29, BLOCK NO. 1, MAP OF SUBDIVISION NO. 4 OF BURLINGAME PARK: ENGINEER - HOWARD HICKEY; BUILDING PLANS BY DE WOLF & ASSOCIATES Phil Karp explained the proposed condominium project with 12 townhouses on 12 lots. Transwestern Builders, Inc. would construct the three-story townhouses on the 19,266 SF property. A motor courtyard will be owned in common and provide access to a double garage below each townhouse unit. There will be six townhouses on each side of the motor courtyard and each will have an 11-1/2 ft. private rear yard. The CC&R would grant exclusive easement over the motor court to all owners. This property is opposite the Oak Grove intersection at E1 Camino Real. Concern was expressed about an existing 2 inch water supply main; in the event of a fire an engine could pump it dry. Mr. Karp resisted the inference that he should pay his share to upgrade the water supply system owned by the city. He stated the project would have smoke detectors and sprinklers in the garage. The application was scheduled for hearing April 22. 9. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR ROOM ADDITION TO ACCESSORY BUILDING AT 21 HAYWARD COURT FOR JOHN G. HURD BY ROGER CHINN Roger Chinn presented the application for his client, John -Hurd. This is a special permit to add to an existing accessory building near an existing swimming pool in the rear corner of the property. It was scheduled for hearing April 22. 10. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR MINI -WAREHOUSING SERVICE IN M-1 DISTRICT AT 1340 MARSTEN ROAD BY OSCAR F. PERSON This special permit application to construct a mini -warehousing project in an M-1 District at 1340 Marsten Road was sent back to the drawing board. Concerns discussed were the 19 ft. width for two-way drives between buildings; gates close to Rollins Road for access. The Commission wants to see alternative plans with a U-shaped circulation route off Marsten Road, with landscaping on Rollins Road and some improvement to the front elevation. Another alternative might provide only one driveway off Rollins Road. -5- 11. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR OPEN STORAGE OF VEHICLES IN M-1 DISTRICT, ON PG&E EASEMENT IN MILLSDALE.INDUSTRIAL PARK (APN 025-271-090): OWNER - FRANK EDWARDS CO., INC.; BY PAUL JACKSON Regarding this special permit for open storage of vehicles on property with PG&E easement, Paul Jackson presented the scope of improvements proposed, primarily fencing and striping for inventory storage and rental of storage space for recreational vehicles. He said there would be no temporary buildings and no mechanical work on the premises. He has a five year lease and proposes to fence the paved area for use as a permanent facility. The Commission scheduled this application for hearing April 22. 12. PETITION TO AMEND PLANS FOR 255 ROLLINS ROAD BY ANTHONY AKELIS Anthony Akelis explained that the foundation cost to build a three-story building on this site caused them to reevaluate and redesign. They request amendment of the previous plans approved with a variance for eight units. They now wish to construct a two-story building with seven units. It was decided to re -notice the application for amendment to their variance and hold a hearing on April 22. 13. SIGN PERMIT FOR 228 SF POLE SIGN ON ADRIAN ROAD BY AMANA REFRIGERATION WEST COAST This application for a sign permit to erect a 228 SF pole sign on Adrian Road was presented by Mr. Whittle, Amana Refrigeration West Coast. He said a 32 SF sign would not be sufficient identification and that they desire a pole sign consistent with other signs along. Adrian Road. The size was controlled by the "AMANA" logo. This application was set for consideration April 22. 14. PETITION FOR FENCE THAT EXCEEDS SIX FEET IN HEIGHT AT 1247 DRAKE AVENUE BY BRUNO N. MUZZI A petition to put a 9 ft. high fence (trellis) over the driveway entrance on the front property line of 1247 Drake Avenue was presented by Bruno Muzzi. This item was scheduled for consideration April 22. 15. APPEAL TO CITY PLANNER DECISION THAT AN EIR IS REQUIRED FOR C-3 USE OF R-3 LOT AT 119 PRIMROSE ROAD BY HAROLD W. MARTIN The City Planner reported that written appeal from Harold Martin to City Council should be scheduled for hearing by the Planning Commission. The appeal to the processing official's decision that an environmental impact report is required should be reviewed by the Planning Commission, so that the Commission may decide whether or not an EIR is required. Thereafter, the Planning Commission can schedule the application for a variance for hearing. The variance application is for C-3 use of an R-3 lot at 119 Primrose Road. The Commission requested that the Fire Chief and City Attorney be present at the hearing for their consideration of the appeal. The April 22 regular meeting agenda shall include,as the last item, election of officers for the coming year. am ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Thomas W. Sine Secretary