HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1973.07.13THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION July 13, 1973 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Cistulli (arrived 5:40 p.m.) Jacobs City Planner Swan Kindig Mink Planning Assistant Norberg Building Inspector Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 5:05 p.m. in Conference Room B, City Hall. Chairman Everett K. Kindig presided. ROLL CALL The above -named members were present. CONDITIONAL SIGN PERMIT GRANTED BEARDSLEY'S BAR AND RESTAURANT The Chair announced that the meeting was called for the purpose of considering the application of Beardsley's Bar and Restaurant for sign permit to paint a graphic design on front and side of building at 1445 Broadway exceeding 32 square feet of area on a single face. The City Planner relayed a message from the City Attorney, who was absent because of another commitment, to the effect that this meet- ing was called by the Chairman as a special meeting but the notice went out over the City Clerk's signature. There is a statutory provision whereby the planning commission can waive any irregu- larity in the notice if it so desires. A motion introduced by Com- missioner Taylor, second by Commissioner Sine and approved by the four members present, recognized and waived the deficiency with respect to signature in the notice of hearing. Eley Calwell The City Planner was invited to comment on the application. He stated that the code permits up to 500 square feet of surface cover- age for a painted wall sign but the sign cannot exceed 20% of a building face. From dimensions furnished by the applicant for let- tering and figures (waiter logos), and a determination by staff that the decorative portion not be counted as part of the sign, total coverage for both Broadway and E1 Camino frontages was calculated at less than the 20% code maximum. Because size exceeds 32 square feet, there must be approval by the Commission. -2- Patrick Finnegan, one of the partners in the business, presented an illustration of the display and advised that the "BEARDSLEY'S" lettering will be 4' in height x 32' in length, "FOOD & DRINK" 1' x 12' and each figure (waiter) 4.5' x 18'. Dimensions will be iden- tical on both walls. Building dimensions were given as follows: Height 30', front length (Broadway) 501, side length (Broadway) 84'. In response to the Building Inspector, Mr. Finnegan reported 18% coverage on E1 Camino side. Chairman Kindig inquired about illumination. Mr. Finnegan reported none beyond the present lighting on the building. Commissioner Taylor's statement that the display exclusive of decor- ative portion meets code, except for the 32 square foot requirement, was confirmed by the City Planner and the Building Inspector. Commissioner Sine considered the figures depicting waiters out of proportion at 18' and suggested a reduction to 10'. Commissioner Norberg agreed but felt that 12' might be acceptable. Commissioner Sine explained he was concerned with the matter of precedent, because of the Penguin Lounge sign that will be coming to the Commission for hearing. In response to Commissioner Sine, the City Planner repeated the com- ment made at the study meeting that, personally, he liked the sign. Charles Eley, an Architect -Planner assisting the Planning Department, approved the display in its present form, explaining that to reduce the size of the figures will necessitate reducing the size of the words, and these can't be lowered very much because they would be below the door; there would be the choice then of having the figures off ground level, which would be even more distracting and disturbing. Mr. Eley also commented there is one essential difference between the Penguin Lounge sign and Beardsley's. Had the ordinance not come into effect requiring Planning Commission review of signs larger than 32 square feet, the Building Department could have issued a permit to Beardsley's without the need for review, because the sign does not exceed 20% coverage; on the other hand, the Penguin sign cover- age is more than 50% coverage on the front and 25% on the side. Commissioner Sine asked the proponents to comment on the minimum height they would accept for the waiters. Sanborn Towle, asso- ciated with the firm responsible for the design, explained it would be necessary to go back to the drawing board, which will involve time and money. It is necessary to observe proportion and aes- thetics and it would be difficult to attempt to modify one area of -3- the sign without affecting the whole. Commissioner Taylor suggested consideration of an interim permit to determine impact on the community. The applicants offered no objection. A motion introduced by Commissioner Taylor to approve a sign permit for a painted graphic design on the front and side of the building at 1445 Broadway, in accordance with specifications and drawings presented, the permit to be re-examined on or before February 2, 1974, for determination as to renewal was seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and declared carried on the following roll call: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Cistulli, Kindig, Sine, Taylor NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Norberg (modifications should be made be- fore permit approved) ABSENT:COMMISSIONERS: Jacobs, Mink ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 F.M. Respectfully submitted, Thomas Taylor, Secretary Pro-Tem