HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1973.09.24e THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Cistulli Kindig Mink Nc rberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER September 24, 1973 COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT None City Planner Swan City Engineer Marr City Attorney Karmel A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:05 P.M., Chairman Kindig presiding. ROLL CALL The above named members were present. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of August 27, 1973 were approved and adopted after the following corrections: Page 3, last paragraph, show Commissioner Sine as making the motion rather than Commissioner Mink. Page 10, Item 10, show Commissioner Sine as making the motion rather than Commissioner Cistulli. The minutes of the study meeting of September 5, 1973 were approved and adopted. ELECTION OF PLANNING COMMISSION SECRETARY Chairman Kindig opened nominations for this Planning Commission office. Commissioner Norberg nominated Commissioner Sine. Commissioner Cistulli seconded the nomination. There were no other nominees, and Chairman Kindig closed the nominations and declared Commissioner Sine was Secretary for the remainder of the term. Chairman Kindig requested that Agenda Item #4 be considered out of its order since one of the principals had an announcement to make. 4. VARIANCE TO PROVIDE A PORTION OF REQUIRED PARKING CLOSE TO SMC RESTAURANT AT 1220 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY (APN 026-142-020) IN A C-4 DISTRICT FOR BRUGGER MARKETING SYSTEMS, INC:. BY JOHN G. SCHONER. Mr. Charles E. Weesner of Bell/Weesner addressed the Commission, stating his client and the property owner had been attempting to renegotiate the lease but had failed to come to an agreement. Therefore, he requested this item be taken off the agenda permanently. There will be no further consideration of this restaurant. He! expressed appreciation for the time the Planning Commission had spent on the application. Dr. Beryl Befit of 802 N. Delaware Street, San Mateo requested permission to address the Commission on this matter. He stated he is the owner of the 20' drainage ditch adjoining.' this property. �AE The applicant had been considering acquiring an easement over this ditch for the purpose of using -Mobil property for parking. Dr. Bearint opposed this because the application had used the property all the way to the drainage channel without attention to safeguarding the channel. Dr. Bearint hoped that any future applications would get the close scrutiny of the Planning Commission for the safety of this channel. City Engineer Marr added that he had discussed this with Dr. Bearint, and had told him that future applications would be reviewed by the Engineering Department for determination of feasibility in connection with the channel. 1. VARIANCE FROM SIDE YARD REGULATION FOR GARAGE AT 2201 HILLSIDE DRIVE, ZONED R-1, BY WALTER L. MC ARDLE Chairman Kindig questioned if the City Planner had any new information on this long -stalemated application. The City Planner informed him there was no new information. There was Commission discussion of this item with no response from the applicant, Mr. McAxle. Commission opinion was that he was no longer interested. Commissioner Cistulli moved that this application be denied. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it carried on unanimous roll call vote. ALFA RENT -A -CAR Chairman Kindig reminded the Commission that the agenda contained two items for Alfa - Item 2, the revocation of their present special permit because of parking problems; and Item 3, the consideration of a special permit for a new parking lot. It was considered a logical sequence of events to consider the new parking lot application first. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING LOT FOR RENTAL CARS IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT THE REAR OF 1722 GILBRETH ROAD, BEING THE NORTH- EASTERLY 64 FEET OF LOTS 22 AND 23, BLOCK 3, EAST MILLSDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1, BY ALFA RENT -A -CAR. Mr. Robert A. Lapporte, an Attorney representing Aristocar d/b/a Alfa Rent-A-Car, addressed the Commission. He cited his letter of September 11, 1973, which requested a special permit for a new parking lot at the rear of 1722 Gilbreth Road, 120' x 64' currently not in use and not required for parking for the existing building on the property. The letter also noted that a lease has been executed by Alfa with the owner of the property. Mr. Lapporte added that an executed copy of the lease is now available and had been submitted to the City. He claimed that the use of the parking lot will not add significantly to congestion of city streets. Access to the lot is simple and easy, and use of this property will solve the problem that Alfa had finding sufficient parking at 1669 Bayshore Highway. - 3 - Mr. Robert H. Brown, owner of property at 1722 Gilbreth Road, stated he had an executed copy of the lease with him. It is for a period of one year with an option to renew. Chairman Kindig requested audience comment on this application. There was none, and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Taylor questioned if this application should be for a variance since he thought the storage of autos in an M-1 district is not a permitted use. The City Planner stated the .application for a special permit at 1722 Gilbreth was requested by the Planning Commission in addition to the special permit at 16,99 Bayshore Highway. Commissioner Mink questioned security arrangements and was informed by Mr. Lapporte that the area is well lit and will be surrounded by a chain link fence which will be kept locked. He and his client have discussed the use of a security patrol if it becomes necessary. Commissioner Mink wondered if Alfa could add slats to the fence to screen the parking area. Mr. K. Ali, president of Alfa, objected that this would be a substantial expense; and Mr. Brown noted that the fence is 246' from the street and is behind a building which would screen it off from view; and claimed the Police Department would prefer that the fence not be solid. He stated there is a recorded 24' access easement. Commissioner Cistulli moved that this special permit be approved for a period of one year from October 1, 1973 to September 30, 1974, renewable yearly by the Planning Commission; and subject to the area being enclosed by a chain link fence. Commissioner Mink seconded the motion and it passed unanimously on roll call vote. 2. CONSIDER REVOCATION OF SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALFA DOLLAR -WISE RENT -A -CAR SYSTEM AT 1669 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. Chairman Kindig opened Commission discussion of reasons for considering revocation of this permit. He commented he personally had seen several of their cars parked on the street during the weekend. Mr. Lapporte stated this was still necessary until they had the Commission's approval to use the other lot, which would solve the problem. In no case were cars parked on the street, overnight. There was discussion of Alfa's request to park more than six cars along the side of the building. Mr. Lapporte stated Alfa is now using much smaller cars than at the time of the original permit. More small cars can be accommodated in the same area. Secretary Sine remarked on Alfa's previous lack of cooperation, especially during the month of April when the street was crowded with their cars. Mr. Lapporte cited management and other personnel problems during that period but noted that they now have a new manager and some employees have been replaced. He also pointed out the landlord would no longer let them use the back of the lot. In response to further questions from Secretary Sine, Mr. Ali stated that most vehicles are bought locally and that billing is done locally. All traffic tickets have been paid. Commissioner Taylor questioned the request for 15 curs and was told }hat this would take care of eleven cars on the side and four in the front. City Planner Swan noted the present :permit allows six cars to be parked at an angle of 300 at the side of the building. Chairman Kindig requested audience comment. There was none, and the public hearing was declared closed. Upon Commission question, City Attorney Karmel stated that a motion to dismiss the revocation and modify the existing use permit would be in order. Commissioner Mink moved that this special permit for Alfa be allowed, and that a revised parking plan be submitted for approval by the City Planner for the Stanton Road property. No rental cars are to be parked on public property; no more than 15 cars are to be parked on this whole area. The special permit is to be in effect for one year only, renewable by the Planning Commission in September, 1974. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it passed unanimously on roll call vote. 5. DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, EIR-21P, FOR GULLIVER' S RESTAURANT AT 1699 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. Mr. Del Davis, of Del Davis Associates, told the Commission he had prepared this preliminary EIR and was available for questions. City Engineer Marr took exception to the statement on Page 3, "Sewage Treatment" - "An 8" gravity flow main located under the old Bayshore Highway will serve the project . . He stated the connection to the sewer would be on Malcolm Road or in the easement to the rear. There is a 6" main going down the easement that deadends and an 8" main on Malcolm Road. He noted this quoted statement is the same as contained in the EIR for the Airport Marina Hotel and questioned Mr. Davis' source of information as being the City Engineering Department. Mr. Davis apologized that possibly his staff had placed the wrong interpretation on the information received. Chairman Kindig requested audience comment on this :EIR. There was none, and the public hearing was declared closed. Secretary Sine assumed the developers would use adequate engineering procedures to accord with the soils report, but questioned concerning the statement on Page 8 that long term employment would be afforded approximately 75 people. With only 89 parking spaces, he wondered where employee parking would be. Mr. Al Levie of Gullivers said there would probably be only 30 employees in the restaurant during any one shift, and employees would be requested to ;park off the site. This would present no problem in the evenings. For daytime employees he presumed there would be car pools and -that some would be dropped off at work. He also noted possible use of the Burlingame Transit system. The Commissioner questioned statement on Page 8, "It has been indicated that a restaurant use is consistent . "(with this area). He stated this is an M-1 district and actually calls for a variance.(special permit). Mr. Davis cited the restaurants across Bayshore Highway. The Secretary commented he thought this was an incomplete EIR. - 5 - Commissioner Taylor questioned statement on Page 8 under "Climate and Air Quality" - .nor will the use affect the conditions of the surrounding area." Mr. Davis replied that the project complied with the requirements of the Bay Area Air Quality Conbol Board. Mr. Levie added that cooking emissions will be so low that no special venting equipment would be necessary. Commissioner Mink requested that "of daily flow" be inserted after the percentage in sentence on Page 5 ". . .and an estimated peak hour volume of approximately 1350 or 9.1 percent in the vicinity of the development." Also, Page 7, first paragraph "Broadway Avenue" should be changed to "Broadway." Page 2, Part A, ". . . nor will the use significantly affect the conditions of the surrounding area." City Engineer Marr added that Page 9, 3.b "Utilities", and Page 10, 2, "Sewage Disposal" must be changed. Commissioner Mink questioned the accuracy of the traffic tables on Page 6, and asked staff if development of a turning lane would reduce the cross traffic hazards in that area. City Engineer Marr stated that left turn lanes usually facilitated traffic and made less hazardous traffic conditions. The City Planner suggested Mr. Davis be given an opportunity to revise the EIR and return at another time. He thought it could be accepted in principal in its preliminary form subject to review and final adoption. The City Attorney agreed that this would be correct. Mr. Davis thought he could redraft the document in two weeks. Commissioner Mink moved the adoption of draft EIR for Gulliver's Restaurant as a preliminary draft subject to review and final adoption. Commissioner Cistulli seconded the motion and it carried on unanimous roll call vote. 6. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW A RESTAURANT IN AN M-1 DISTRICT, AT 1699 _BAYSHORE HIGHWAY (APN 026-302-55) BY GULLI:VER'S INC. Chairman Kindig asked Architect Arthur Lavagnino if he had information to present at this time. Mr. Lavagnino replied that basically the plans had few changes. In addition to the restaurant being raised by fill and putting the entrance on a pad, he plans: to slope the site downward from the entrance so that cars parked in the front will be more obscu r-ed from view. They have provided planter walls in the parking area for protection from cars backing from the stalls. They now will provide curbing and planting in the front of the restaurant. On a question about drainage, Mr. Lavagnino stated there is a catch basin in the street 2/3 of the way back on the facade of the building. They can connect to that with drain tile or culvert, at the same time getting a reduction in grade. There was discussion of high tide requirements, since this area is subject to flooding. The architect stated the building would be 24" or more above the curb line. The City Engineer questioned where they planned to hook into the sewer line and was informed it would be the 8" main in Malcolm Road. Commissioner Mink again questioned the fill requirements above minimum high tide in this C-4 district, and the City Engineer stated no definite grades have been established for this side of Bayshore except that the building must be above the existing curb line. Mr. Lavagnino assured the Commission he would not put the restaurant in the position of receiving water. He had made an educated estimate from preliminary information, but awaited site survey and topography. The City Engineer warned he should present the existing topography and the final topography to see if he would have problems. City Planner Swan stated that the required tentative resub map is being processed by staff and noted the Fire Chief's regulation that this building must have an automatic sprinkler system. Mr. Lavagnino stated it would have. There was no audience comment for or against, and the public hearing was declared closed. In response to Commission questions Mr. Lavagnino further stated that there would be no valet parking; there would 'be a 15' setback on Malcolm Road; there will be landscaping in the public right-of-way, and the sign is not a part of this application. Secretary Sine moved that the special permit for Gulliver's Restaurant be approved subject to the following conditions: Approval of resub map at later date. 15' wide planting area along Bayshore Highway. Maximize landscaping along Malcolm Road. Landscaping plan approval by Park Superintendent and subsequently by action of Planning Commission. Sign permit to be a separate application. Structure to be fire sprinklered. Surface drainage and wastewater plans to be approved by the Burlingame Engineering Department. Commissioner Cistulli seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous roll call vote. RECESS After a short recess at 10:05, the meeting reconvened. 7. VARIANCE TO EXPAND SUITE 4 OF EXISTING DENTAL BUILDING AT 500 PRIMROSE ROAD, ZONED R-4, BY SCOTT C. HALLSTED, AGENT FOR GEORGE P. HENNESSY, (ND-13P POSTED 9/13/73) Secretary Sine noted letter from Dr. Hallsted dated August 27, 1973 giving reasons for this variance, chief of which eras the need to give more room for larger modern equipment in the operating rooms. Additional parking space will not be required since number of employees will not be increased. The letter noted that a similar variance was granted to Dr. George Hennessy on September 22, 1969, which was not implemented because of adverse personal circumstances. - 7 - Dr. Scott Hallsted addressed the Commission, stating the file also held updated drawing of the addition and a letter from West Coast ? Dental Supply dated 9/17,/73 verifying that more space is needed for up-to-date dental equipment and procedures. Chairman Kindig requested audience comment. There was none either for or against this variance, and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Taylor questioned the drawing for the addition and the parking. Dr. Hallsted explained the plans more fully and repeated that need for additional parking would not exist. Commissioner Cistulli questioned the single restroom shown and was informed it would be for the use of 4 employees only, not for the public. Commissioner Mink wanted to make certain the parking met the requirements of the code. He was not in favor of expanding a non -conforming use such as this, and questioned the setback requirements. The City Planner explained that a non -conforming use in a residential area would require the same setback as residential. Commissioner Mink questioned how this variance met the requirement that it be necessary for the owner's enjoyment of his property right. Dr. Hallsted introduced Dr. George Hennessy for this question. Dr. Hennessy explained that for medical reasons it was necessary for him to sell his practice. His dental office would not be saleable without extra space, and denial of the variance would represent a personal hardship. He cited previous variance granted and the fact that conditions have not changed. He noted the City has no formal City Hall District, and it would not be fair to treat this application as if there were. This is especially in view of the fact there are other medical offices close by on Primrose. He noted the dental building was constructed in 1959 when this area was deteriorating, and that it had added considerably to the appearance of the neighborhood. He cited the fact that dental patients also shop on Burlingame Avenue. Dr. Hennessy added that the personal hardship in this situation is now considerably more than _when the variance was first granted. Secretary Sine commented that on his numerous visits to the dental clinic he had never experienced any parking difficulties. Commissioner Norberg questioned the elevation and was told it would be the same as at present. Commissioner Cistulli moved that this variance be granted in accordance with the plot plan. Commissioner Sine seconded the motion, and it carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CISTULLI,NORBERG,SINE,KINDIG NAYES: COMMISSIONERS: MINK, TAYLOR 8. SPECIAL PERMIT TO USE UNCLASSIFIED PROPERTY LEASED FROM THE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO WATER DEPARTMENT FOR A PRIVATE OFF-STREET PARKING LOT, 1800 BLACK ON EAST SIDE OF CALIFORNIA DRIVE, BY B. CARL SNYDER (ND-14P POSTED 9/13/73) Secretary Sine read application and letter dated August 30, 1973 from B. Carl Snyder. Plans were distributed. Mr. deWolf, architect, addressed the Commission. Fie told them the plans had been changed to show only one curb cut instead of two. This cut will be south of the center line of Trousdale and will be for the entrance to the parking area. Cars would exit to the north onto an existing paved area placed there by the S.P. Railroad in Millbrae. Mr. deWolf stated that an extension would be added to the catch basin midway between Trousdale and Murchison in conformance with suggestions from the City Engineering Department. This additional catch basin would be for the purpose of draining the parking area itself. The Chairman asked for audience comments. There were none and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Cistulli discussed in detail with Mr. deWolf the possibility of considerable traffic confusion with only one exit and one entrance. He preferred there be two openings with in and out lanes on each end. However, Mr. deWolf pointed out that the medical building already had ample parking and the employees who would use this lot would not be arriving and departing at the same time. He added that another purpose for only one cut would be to provide a solid wall of hedge to screen the entire area. Commissioners Sine and Kindig agreed that the north end should be used for exit only. Commissioner Mink questioned who would pay for the cut and if there would be parking fees. He noted if there were fees this would be commercial use of unclassified land. He was informed the cut would be at the expense of Mr. Snyder; no parking fees would be charged; employees would be identified by sticker. Commissioner Mink questioned Mr. deWolf about a pedestrian crossing and pedestrian warning signs to motorists. Mr. deWolf indicated that the present crosswalk at Trousdale could be used, and agreed to erection of traffic signs contingent upon approval of the City Engineer and City Traffic Director. Commissioner Mink then raised the question of a cyclone fence along California Drive to prevent pedestrian exit from the parking area at any place except the crosswalk. There followed considerable discussion of the expense of such a fence, with Messrs. deWolf and Snyder agreeing to return to the Commission in one month with definite plans on this fence. It was noted the fence would not be on City property. City Engineer Marr requested that Mr. deWolf confer with him on drainage plans. Commissioner Taylor brought up the point that the exit would be 1/2 in Burlingame and 1/2 in Millbrae. He feared traffic confusion �Z from people making a left turn on Murchison to go south on California Drive and thought this should be prohibited. Commissioner Mink questioned if Burlingame should enter into some discussion with the City of Millbrae on this matter. City Attorney I -mel confirmed that the city of Millbrae has already asked Burlingame to collaborate on some of these mutual traffic problems, and that he could bring it to the attention of the proper sub -committee of the Council. Commissioner Mink moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that this matter be brought to the attention of the City of Millbrae through appropriate channels. Commissioner Cistulli seconded the motion and it carried by voice vote. Chairman Kindig requested the applicant to appear a month from now at the regular October meeting. 9. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR TRELLIS MORE THAN SIX FEET IN HEIGHT AT BURLINGAME GARDEN CENTER, 1427 CHAPIN AVENUE, ZONED C-1, BY JOHN T. CHIAPELONE Secretary Sine read the application, and drawings of the proposed trellis were distributed. Mr. Chiapelone addressed the Commission. He complimented the City and staff on the undergrounding of utilities on Chapin. Mr. Chiapelone stated the proposed fence with trellis for vines was mainly for beautification of the rear of his property and the parking lots there; although security would also be increased. He noted that over the years he had consistently attempted to upgrade the property and improve the community. He was asked if 8' would be high enough for this trellis. He stated it might be, but he would prefer it higher. Chairman Kindig asked for audience comment. Mrs. Chiapelone told the Commission she thought the trellis would greatly improve the appearance of the premises. There were no other comments and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Mink felt this application should be referred to the Beautification Commission. He moved that the Planning Commission respectfully request the City Council to refer this; item to the Beautification Commission for advice. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion. Commissioner Norberg felt the height of the fence should be dropped from 12" to 18", and commented he thought the Planning Commission was capable of deciding whether it was beautiful or not. The motion was denied on voice vote and the hearing continued. Secretary Sine determined that Mr. Chiapelone was in the Parking District and was a participant. He told Mr. Chiapelone he had heard many comments about his trucks being temporarily pparked on the public lot. Mr. Chiapelone agreed this condition could he corrected The Secretary also remarked on the unsightly appearance of the - 10 - racks and flats on the east side of the parking logs and was assured by Mr. Chiapelone that these could be moved inside if the screening were provided. There was some further discussion of the height of the fence. Secretary Sine moved that this special permit for a trellis more than six feet in height be approved, subject to the issuance of a building permit and a height limit of no more than 9' from the ground to the top of the posts, the top of the trellis to be 6" below the top of the posts. Commissioner Cistulli seconded the motion. It carried on unanimous roll call vote. 10. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW AN AUTOMOBILE LEASING COMPANY IN THE LOWER REAR OFFICE AT 1310 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY BY CYRUS J. MCMILLAN FOR ANZA PACIFIC CORPORATION (ND-16P POSTED 9/113173) Secretary Sine read letter of -application dated 9/6/73 for an auto leasing company to use a portion of premises at 1310 Bayshore for their business. This company would have the right to park a maximum of 15 cars on the Anza Pacific property. There would be no servicing of automobiles. This business would riot cater to S.F. Airport passengers but to businessmen in the adjacent office buildings. Mr. David Keyston told the Commission Av-Car Agency had signed a lease for a rear suite at 1310 Bayshore. This suite opens onto an entry porch and is in a good location for this type of business. He told the Commission that no sign permit would be requested since LeJon Restaurant had given permission for this company to use the existing sign in front of the building. Mr. Keyston stated there would be no parking problems since the lease provides they must move cars to another location if the site becomes overcrowded. Parking would be behind the service station and along the drainage channel. He stated there are 27 more parking spaces in this lot than required by code. Chairman Kindig requested audience comments. There were none. The public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Taylor questioned the exact location of the spaces and whether this was a daily or long term leasing operation. Mr. Keyston said both types of leasing would be used. Chairman Kindig requested verification there would be no servicing of automobiles and was assured by Mr. Keyston there would not be. Commissioner Mink questioned if the C-4 district was the proper place for an automobile rental servicing business offices. He thought car rental was permitted in C-4 mainly for the purpose of enhancing the district, such as servicing of hotels and motels in the area. Mr. Keyston replied that offices also have a car rental function and that this is not prohibited by ordinance. The Commissioner questioned if spaces would be marked. Mr. Keyston stated it is his company policy not to mark spaces since this cuts down available parking when these spaces are empty. Commissioner Cistulli thought the spaces should be marked. City Planner Swan wanted verification of responsibility for policing this operation. Mr. Keyston stated the cars would be marked with decals. If a car is parked that does not have a decal, they will give the owner a warning. If subsequently parked, he will be cited. He assured the Commission the lot would be policed. Commissioner Norberg moved that a special permit for this automobile leasing company be approved a period of one year subject to renewal by the Planning Commission; that there be no servicing or mechanical work on the vehicles at the site; that there be a maximum of 15 cars parked on the site; that parking be restricted to the area behind the service station and along the levee. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it carried on unanimous roll call vote. OTHER BUSINESS SCHEDULING REVIEW OF DRAFT E.I.R. AND VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR PROPOSED ADDITION TO THE AIRPORT MARINA HOTEL AT 1.380 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY Chairman Kindig reported to the Commission that he had discussed with the Mayor the possibility of a joint special meeting with the City Council on this application. However, the Council calendar is so full that the only possibility of a joint meeting would be on a Saturday morning. He requested suggestions as to the date. There was discussion, and it was decided that Saturday, October 13 at 9:00 A.M. would be appropriate for most of the Commission. City Planner Swan stated he would communicate the Commission's invitation to the Council to attend and participate in this study. CONSIDER RECLASSIFICATION OF M-1 TO C-2 FOR THE AREA SOUTH OF BROADWAY The City Planner told the Commission there was a forthcoming application for a retail service outlet where Peninsula General Tire is located. Also, he had received several inquiries about commercial uses south of the Cable Car Wash. He requested direction from the Commission as to whether they would support a study for reclassification of this area from M-1 to C-2. :The City Planner suggested this reclassification to achieve greater consistency between the zoning map and the General Plana There was discussion, but half the Commission did not support the concept of reclassification, and there, was no action. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CONFERENCE City Planner Swan announced this conference would be held October 21 through 24 in San Francisco; and requested Commission members to notify him if they planned to attend. Conference Schedules will be distributed to Commissioners for information. - 12 - SISTERS OF MERCY PROJECT City Planner Swan reported that San Mateo County has scheduled a public hearing to allow on -site grading in the amount of 11,000 C.Y. to facilitate construction of Marian Convent, a new addition, on property overlooking Mills Creek. It is not within the City's jurisdiction. The project should be reviewed with regard for the Open Space Element adopted by Burlingame. Paragraph 551 of the Open Space Element suggests preserving open space. Implementation ideas from Paragraph 552 were read by the City Planner: "Advise San Mateo County of Burlingame's interest in retaining the open space qualities presently existing on this site; prezone with regulations permitting the existing use to continue but limiting the extent of any expansion. Such pre -zoning should be done as a part of pre -zoning of other lands in the City's sphere of influence. Explore the possibility of entering into an agreement with Russell College to permit limited public use of the college grounds with particular attention to obtaining a pedestrian and bicycle path along Mills Creek as a link to Mills Canyon Park." There was Commission discussion. Commissioner Taylor will attend the public hearing on October 5 in Redwood City. CITY PLANNER REPORT The City Planner told the Commission about applications expected in October. There will be 3 sign applications from Cummings & Company for Dick Bullis Chevrolet; one for a 47' high sign. There will be a new application for a Mexican restaurant replacing "Broadway Joe's" at the Broadway Station of S.P. He told the Commission that four buses were authorized for purchase for the City's new public transportation system. The system would be operative in May. There was discussion. Date of the October study meeting was set for Wednesday, October 10 because of the holiday Monday, October 8. There was a question of the Florin Rhoads subdivision hearing, and the City Planner stated that Mr. Rhoads would prefer to attend the November 12 study meeting. The City Planner showed the Commission a photograph (taken by City building inspector September 24) showing a garage at 1617 Monte Corvino Way, which had been remodeled by Svorinic Construction Company into a possible apartment without benefit of a building permit. There was considerable discussion of this apparent code violation. Commissioner Taylor moved that staff be directed to conduct an investigation to determine apparent violations. The City Planner is to inform the Commission so that they may take whatever action is deemed appropriate. Commissioner Mink seconded the motion and it carried on unanimous voice vote. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 12:20 A.M. '=ITO8il?R§ tS3UAk She bre a y '