HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1973.10.10THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMI S SI ONE RS P RE SENT Cistulli Kindig Mink Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER October 1.0, 1973 COMMISSIONERS ABSENT .-- OTHERS PRESENT None City Planner Swan City Attorney Karmel Robert Davidson The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 P.M., Chairman Kindig presiding. ROLL CALL The above members were present. MARIAN CONVENT PROJECT BY SISTERS OF MERCY Chairman Kindig requested Commissioner Taylor to report on his attendance at special County meeting on this project October 5, 1973. Commissioner Taylor reported that at this meeting he had expressed the concerns of the City with the fact that Russell College is included in Burlingame's Open Space Element, and its use was of vital concern to the City. He suggested that Burlingame's long range plans had included acquisition of easements -through Russell College to Mills Canyon Park. He also raised the question of sewer and water facilities and suggested that prior to the issuance of a use permit the County Planning Commission may want to require that the Sisters of Mercy enter into an agreement with -the City of Burlingame. He also questioned if construction would cause turbidity in Mills Creek and raised the concern of slippage and mud slides. He noted the City would like to see sectional elevations showing the final creek bank. He suggested that this matter be referred to the Burlingame City Council, noting that to the best of his knowledge `here was no objection to the actual use itself. Commissioner Taylor added that as a result of his suggestions the County Hearing Officer postponed the consideration of this use permit until the 19th of October so that the Burlingame City Council could have it on its October 15 agenda. Chairman Kindig noted that a Mr. Stack, attorney for the Sisters of Mercy, was present, and requested his comments. Mr. Stack told the Commission that he had not been present at the County hearing. However, it was his understanding from the architects that they had completely cleared this matter with the City of Burlingame some time last year. They had been advised by the City that this was not within their jurisdiction, being out of city limits, and the architects had been referred to the County Planning Commission in Redwood City. He stated it was not until last week that the - 2 - EIR aspect and the Open Space Element of the Burlingame General Plan came to the attention of the Sisters of Mercy. He said the conditional use met all the requirements of San Mateo County and is ready to go to bid. They had hoped to start excavation before the rainy seasons. The architects had indicated to him that all requirements as to sewer and water had been met with no detriment to the City of Burlingame. Mr. Stack stated the purpose of the addition is to house infirm Sisters of the Order who are presently located at ;St. Mary's Hospital in San Francisco. Facilities for their care will be demolished when the new St. Mary's is completed. Facilities for this purpose are also inadequate at Russell College, and time is of the essence for this new addition. The addition will be built in an area unused for decades. He noted that increased vehicular traffic through the area had made it necessary for the College to put in a security ,system including patrol and additional lighting. Mr. Stack commented that the City's plans for access in connection with the Open Space Element are so far in the future that it would be bad to prevent construction of this facility at this time. He stated that the Sisters of Mercy had requested a variance from the County on grading. The only addition to Burlingame facilities necessary would 'be the connection of a sewer lateral on Hoover and Columbus, and it had been confirmed that this would not overload the system. Commissioner Mink disagreed, indicating that this area between Hoover and Columbus runs raw sewage in the winter, and he thought there was already a problem. Discussion followed. City Planner Swan stated that he had just today received some plans from the architect, the first information he had seen with details. He was in the process of considering the information for a report to the Council, and noted the grading permit had originally been for 11,000 c.y. but now was for only 2,000 c.y. Be referenced several communications from the County and noted recdpt of a Negative Declaration dated October 10. There was discussion of whether or not there should be an EIR on this project, and a question if the contract had actually been let. The Attorney indicated that it had been. Plans for the project were distributed and examined. Commissioner Mink again commented that the sewer is a real health hazard, and noted that grading equipment would be using Hoover Avenue and there will be a soil run-off onto Hoover from grading. Commissioner Taylor reported the zoning administrator's favorable comments on Burlingame acquiring a public access easement, and his concern with the sewer and water problem. Engineer Robert Davidson told the Commission the Civil Engineer for this project had indicated there will be no request for an additional water connection. Mr. Davidson stated the City would have problems furnishing them with additional water. Fire protection is a County problem, since Russell College does not contribute anything to our water system for fire protection. If they want increased fire protection, they must make contribution to the fity. Sewer: this sewage will be routed through Hillside and El Camino - 3 - where the city does have problems. The Engineering Office.had thought it might be a substantial sewage problem, since it was to be a 230 bed hospital. However Mr. Davidson explained it was later found to be only 30 beds; a sewer analysis was run, and the problem at Hillside and E1 Camino seems to be contributed by Burlingame Hills, rather than this project. He added that hydraulically the sewer will carry whatever sewage is in that area; and if there are problems he would like additional details. There was further discussion, with the attorney assuring the Commission that everything necessary would be done to implement this project. He was informed that this would be on the agenda for the next Council meeting for purposes of information. He thanked Commission members for their time. SHORELINE BIKE PATH City Planner Swan introduced Charles Eley, Architect, for a presentation of this proposed bike path. Mr. Eley offered a detailed and well illustrated concept for the Commission's consideration. This bicycle path would be an exclusive right of way along the Bay, connecting the Airport with Coyote Point and ]becoming a part of the bike path system proposed by S.M. County. Mr. Eley produced plans for this path, stating BCDC requires public access to the Bay as well as zoning plans, and this implements both items. He discussed two routes, one paralleling the shoreline totally; the other following the shoreline to Broadway and south of Broadway paralleling the lagoon and the PGE right of way. He discussed plans for bridges across drainage channels or the possibility of a hand - drawn ferry. This bike path is compatible with the plans for Bayside Park and would be an asset to the City. Mr. Eley noted the bike route on the Broadway overpass did not seem safe and should be improved. He then showed a larger drawing of the path along the Bay from Avis to Airport Boulevard. He explained the uses of all properties, stating that where possible the pedestrian walkway is separated from the bike path. Where these are combined the path should be 10' wide; where separated, the bike path should be 8' wide. He suggested several courses of action the City could take in implementing a bike path. It would be possible to persuade and negotiate with owners of existing :buildings; and new construction and building additions such as the Airport Marina could have stipulations written into their permit approval. Public access easements may be required for improvement projects along the shoreline. The Mills Bill gives cities the power of eminent domain to purchase property for bike paths. In some cases it might be necessary to add fill to the Bay to give adequate room, and he thought it likely that BCDC would give permission since it was public access. He noted the Department of Transportation might give financial aide, and possibly the State. There was discussion of the problem of financing and maintenance. David Keyston told the Commission that his company as landlords of much of this property could be helpful. Possibly Anza Pacific could put conditions in their leases relative to maintenance of bike paths and walkways. However, he felt that a definite set of specifications should be developed for this project. - width; type of construction, etc. He noted Anza has a slope easement that is 50 feet wide along part of the Bay and that they have a legal right to fill for this purpose. He felt the City should come up with a definite overall plan for this bikeway and get Airport and BCDC permission. Then when property is developed this plan would be stipulated. Speaking for Anza, he said they would be happy to include these plans in their developments. City Planner Swan commended Mr. Eley on his excellent presentation, and went into further details of the plan. He noted that some people employed in the area might ride bikes, thus easing the parking situation. He stated the best procedure would be for the City to have an adopted plan. This would entail an estimate of cost and a commitment on the part of the City to do what is required backed up by approvals from property owners. There was some discussion relative to Police Department control of bicycles. The Commission indicated its support of the bike route, and was desirous of expediting it so that it could be implemented by the City Council. Mr. Eley suggested the present bike route resolution adopted in 1972 could be modified to include the bake path along the shoreline. Then the Planning staff could start developing standards, criteria and dealing with the individual property owners. There was approval of this procedure. 1. SIGN VARIANCE TO ERECT A POLE SIGN 47 FT. HIGH IN A C-2 DISTRICT AT 100 CALIFORNIA DRIVE BY CUMMINGS & CO. FOR DICK BULLIS CHEVROLET. SIGN VARIANCE TO ERECT TWO 31 FT. HIGH POLE SIGNS IN A C-2 DISTRICT AT 21 CALIFORNIA DRIVE BY CUMMINGS & CO. FOR DICK BULLIS CHEVROLET. There was no representative present for either Bullis or Cummings. The City Planner stated he had told Cummings & Company that the Planning Commission had spent three months on a like application for high signs for Arata Pontiac, and he thought these signs were too high for consideration. The sign representative had insisted that the opinion of the Planning Commission was desired. City Planner Swan recommended this application be placed on the agenda and denied. This application was scheduled for hearing on October 24, 1973. 2. SIGN PERMIT TO ERECT A 48 SQ. FT. WALL SIGN AT 1433 BURLINGAME AVENUE FOR DRAGON WANG'S TRADING COMPANY There was no representative of Dragon Wang's present. City Planner Swan displayed an illustration of the proposed sign and there was some discussion. This application was scheduled for hearing on October 24. 3 . RE SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 17, 18, BLOCK 12, BURLINGHOME SUBDIVISION, BEING 1420 AND 1424 BENITO AVENUE, ZONED R-1, BY EDWARD W. BACA FOR JACK PENA, OWNER - Mr. Pena exhibited the parcel map and told the Commission he wished to change the lot lines of these two lots which he owns. This involves taking 15' x 44' from the rear of Parcel 1 and showing it as belonging to Parcel 2. He plans to sell Parcel 1 and live on Parcel 2; desiring the addition to that lot to provide a larger back yard for his five children. According to him, the back yard of Parcel 1 would still be comparable to others in the neighborhood. There was Commission discussion of the non -conforming garage on Parcel 1 which is built on the existing side property line, and by this resub action would be only 3' from another property line. There.was also consideration of:fire equipment entrance to this property and the feasibility of fire walls for the garage. Engineer Davidson advised that the garage was non -conforming by virtue of an unrecorded resub previously accomplished at an unknown past date. He questioned if the garage conformance should be judged on the merits of this old resub. He requested that if the resub is approved the three new property corners be established by survey and that the block number be shown on the drawing. He stated the Engineering Department had no objection to this resub and requested the owner confer with him as to finalization of the map. Af�er Commission discussion Mr. Fena agreed to make the rear property line to be 7 feet behind the garage. This application was scheduled for hearing October 24, 1973. 4. 19 PARK ROAD. VARIANCE APPLICATION TO ALLOW CONTINUED OFFICE USE IN R-3 ZONE BY EVERETT LANDON FOR YOKE -FELLOWS, INC. OWNER, SAN MATEO-BURLINGAME BOARD OF REALTORS. Representatives present were Dr. Osborne of Yokefellows; Mr. Everett Landon and Hugh Connolly, attorney. Mr. Connolley reviewed the variance granted to the San Mateo -Burlingame Board of Realtors allowing them to use this property in an R-3 zone for office use. The Board of Realtors has expanded, and is desirous of selling the property to Yokefellows. However, the variance does not go with the property. He stated Yokefellows wants a variance for a comparable use. Yokefellows is a religious organization and would employ five full-time people at this location. The office would be used for presentation and mailing of books and related materials. Also periodic group meeting would be held. He stated the pedestrian activity would probably be even less than the Board of Realtors because of this type of work. City Planner Swan reviewed Planning Commission minutes of October 8, 1956 giving conditions of the granting of this variance. He noted it also might be considered a variance for required parking. He noted the previous variance showed approval of five parking spaces on the property; no access on El Camino; a 5' planting strip and 15' setback on Park Road. He thought Yokefellows should supply a detailed parking layout. There was Commission request that reasonable closing hours be specified; as well as the number of people who would attend their group meetings. This application was scheduled for hearing on October 24, 1973. 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO USE UNCLASSIFIED PROPERTY FOR A RESTAURANT, AT 1190 CALIFORNIA DRIVE, BROADWAY DEPOT OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, BY JAMES L. LLEWELLYN. Mr. Llewellyn was present and was represented by Mrs. Helen Haensel, Rollins Realty Company. Mrs. Helen Haensel told the Commission that this business, formerly "Broadway Joe's" had been sold by Mr. Joe Fena to Mr. Llewellyn. Mr. Llewellyn was negotiating a new lease with the Southern Pacific Land Company. The applicant professed ignorance of the fact that the special permit for this use had been issued to Mr. Fena only and did not go with the property. City Planner Swan stated he had received only the application form on this special permit. There was no supporting documentation. He told Mrs. Haensel it was necessary to see the lease and to have a letter from S.P. Railroad giving approval for this use of their property. He noted that they have put up new signs and do not have a sign permit. Also, the restaurant is open for business but is not licensed to operate. Mrs. Haensel stated that they had merely modified the signs Mr. Fena had already up and that she thought the Building Inspector had approved them. Also, she stated they had a temporary permit to operate. It was clarified that this was merely an application for a business license which has not yet been approved, and there is no such thing as a temporary permit. It was the definite opinion of the Commission that this application was disorganized and lacked facts supporting it. The applicant was advised he must have exhibits of lease; S.P. letter; restaurant plan; parking plan; definite hours of operation specified; sign permit application; and substantiation for operating this type of business on unclassified land. There was also comment that inspection by the health and fire departments was necessary. It was agreed this application would be put on the agenda at the discretion of the City Planner contingent upon his receiving information. City Planner Swan informed Mrs. Haensel that a letter from S.P. must be in his office by noon, October 12, 1973. 6. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR OFFICE BUILDING IN M-1 DISTRICT AT 1511 ROLLINS ROAD BY AIR TRANSPORT EMPLOYEES UNION The City Planner reported to the Commission that the architect and the owner were both informed of the necessity for this special permit about a year ago. Their contractor was reminded of this on Friday, October 5, when he came in for a building permit. The City Planner had just received the plans as of this date and suggested the application be delayed until November. This met with Commission approval. - 7 - 7. REVIEW OF SPECIFIC PLANS AND OPERATING HOURS FOR BLUE CARROT CAFE IN OFFICE BUILDING AT 1633 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY Mr. Jack Woodruff, developer of this office building; and Mrs. Chapman, operator of the present Blue Carrot Restaurant at 833 Mahler Road, were present. City Planner Swan told the Commission Mrs. Chapman wishes to operate her restaurant in this new office building; and he referenced Planning Commission minutes of October 30, 1972 which give conditions for special permit for this office building. He emphasized the condition that the cafe planned for this building would be approved in concept; but -the Commission would retain the right to review specific plans and operating hours. Mrs. Chapman distributed layouts of the proposed restaurant which would be open from 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. for the 'breakfast and lunch trade. This would be cafeteria style; 72 seats on the inside, and approximately 20 seats in an outside area. Mr. Woodruff stated the building is completely fire sprinklered; the heating in the kitchen is part of the system of the building; and he would maintain control of the decor. The.Fire Department would be contacted on the cafe operation. City Planner Swan was requested to check on Mrs. Chapman's present operation. Mr. Woodruff stated Mrs. Chapman's present lease is up December 1, hence the need for present action. Incidental to other conditions, he reported that landscaping on the site is about 90% complete. This application was set for hearing October 24, 1,973. 8. DRAFT EIR-21P FOR GULLIVER'S RESTAURANT AT 1699 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. REVISED OCTOBER 5L 1973 FOR REVIEW AND FINAL ADOPTION. City Planner Swan distributed this revised EIR. He stated he had not yet reviewed it since it had arrived yesterday. He suggested the Commission go through this revision, and schedule it for review on October 24. This suggestion met with Commission approval. 9. 1617 MONTE CORVINO WAY City Planner Swan referenced his staff memo to the Commission on this subject with its list of apparent zoning violations. He gave his opinion that nothing could be done until the owner of the property returns from Europe. There was considerable discussion to the effect that the job seems nearly completed, making it possible to add a dwelling unit in this garage. On a query about possible revocation of the contractor's license, City Attorney Karmel replied that it would be wise to make formal complaint to the Contractor's Licensing Board; although private owners are not apparently very successful. It was stated this would take care of the contractor but did not influence the owner. Attorney Karmel stated he thought the owner could be charged with the violation of the parking code, and that :in a civil action the contractor could be pursued as the owner's agent. Prior to the commencement of an action, he noted, the City should know what building, plumbing, fire and electrical violations there might be above not having a building permit. There was further discussion and the suggestion that the Planning Commission make a recommendation to the Council that action be initiated. SUGGESTED PARKING REQUIREMENTS City Planner Swan initiated discussion on his suggested parking requirements for restaurants, office buildings, banks, medical offices and real estate offices. These proposed requirements are based more on occupant and employee load than on GFA. Different types of occupant load were specified. There was much discussion, particularly with respect to the occupant load for restaurants. Most of the Commission thought this was a step in the right direction, but that it must have further study and comparisons. Mr. David Keyston, present at the meeting, thought this would be an improvement over the present parking requirements. City Planner Swan commented this table was only tentative and would be given more study. CORRESPONDENCE The City Planner noted receipt of letter from David Keyston regarding sign policy. This letter had been distributed to Commission members. He noted Council had not taken action on the sign policy. He also noted receipt of communication from Virginia Stoddard on the difficulty of pedestrian crossing of Old Bayshore. The City Planner requested reservations for the League of California Cities' meeting. He announced the resubdivision map for Gullivers would be on the agenda for the regular meeting. Commissioner Sine brought up the question of the sign on the Cable Car Wash and was informed this had been brought up to the Council. It had then been determined that the sign was instigated and approved before new regulations became effective on February 2 to require sign permits for signs larger than 32 square feet. BU RLI NGAME BUS ROUTE The City Planner distributed maps showing the proposed bus routes and discussed points of the demand responsive transit conference he had attended in New York. He made special reference to the "Dial A Ride" System which could be implemented here at a later date. There was discussion of the bus routes and the colors for the buses. The City Planner commented that if these routes are used, no city resident will be more than one half mile from public transportation. Relative to source of funding, he stated that 1/4 of 1% of sales tax is returned to San Mateo County and can only be used for - 9 - transportation. If it is not used, it will remain in the County to be used for a County public transportation system. SPECIAL MEETING, EIR FOR AIRPORT MARINA Chairman Kindig announced there would be a special meeting Saturday morning October 13 for the purpose of considering this EIR. The Council has been invited. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Thomas Stine Secretary