HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1973.10.24THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION October 24, 1973 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT 'COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Cistulli None Jacobs Kindig Mink Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER City Planner Swan City Engineer Marr City Attorney Karmel A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 P.M., Chairman Kindig presiding. ROLL CALL The above named members were present. -INTRODUCTION Chairman Kindig introduced Mrs. Ruth Jacobs, new Commissioner replacing Malcolm Jacobs. He welcomed her as the first woman member of the Planning Commission, noting that many women have served other City Commissions very well. Commissioner Sine stated he had served with Mrs. Jacobs on several committees, and she would be a welcome addition to this Commission. -MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of September 24, 1973 and of the study meeting, October 10, 1973 were approved and adopted. City Attorney Karmel advised that Commissioner Jacobs would not be able to vote on two items continued from a previous regular meeting. However, she elected to abstain from all voting for this meeting. 1. SPECIAL PERMIT TO USE UNCLASSIFIED PROPERTY LEASED FROM THE SAN FRANCISCO WATER DEPARTMENT FOR PRIVATE OFF-STREET PARKING LOT, 1800 BLOCK ON EAST SIDE OF CALIFORNIA DRIVE BY B. CARL SNYDE R Mr. B. Carl Snyder was present. Secretary Sine reviewed this file which included letter of application of August 30, 1973. City Planner Swan reported that the City of Millbrae was sent a letter on October 2 inforpning them of this potential development. The Millbrae City Council received this information but took no action. Mr. Snyder addressed the Commission. He reported lie thought the crosswalk should be painted and a sign installed directing people to use the crosswalk. When questioned by Commissioner Cistulli about - 2 - the fence, he reported the matter had been given thought, but was considered infeasible. It would be in constant disrepair from people hitting it and would not -serve much purpose. Pedestrians emerging from the parking lot can see for many blocks on this straight street. Commissioner Cistulli insisted the fence was necessary for safety; otherwise people would come out from behind the shrubbery into the path of oncoming cars. He felt that even a small :barricade such as a 3-wire fence could prevent accidents. Commissioner Mink established that Mr. Snyder had :not yet made a request to have the crosswalks painted or signs put up. He then stated he could not vote on this application until this was done and arrangements made for the fence. He referenced minutes of the September 24 meeting which stated Mr. Snyder agreed to return with definite plans on the fence. Commissioner Sine commented on the danger of driving out the entrance on California Drive and encountering the north bound traffic which is hidden because of the shrubbery. He suggested as another requirement that they keep the shrubbery trimmed for visibility. He suggested this application be continued. Commissioner Taylor was not convinced that this was a good use for unclassified land, particularly since this is one of the last open areas in Burlingame. He also thought this use constituted a traffic hazard. Mr. Snyder protested there was no other appropriate use for this property. Nothing can be built on it. He volunteered to put up a sign at the entrance indicating a straight -ahead driveway to the north, and agreed there would be no charge for parking. Commissioner Sine moved this application be continued for one month contingent upon the applicant presenting information requested and review by Health,Safety and Traffic Commission of the proposed crosswalk. Also details must be submitted to the City Engineer's office of proposed modification of open drainage channel. Otherwise the application is to be dropped. Commissioner Mink seconded the motion and it carried by voice vote. 2. SIGN VARIANCE TO ERECT A POLE SIGN 47 FT. HIGH IN A C-2 DISTRICT AT 100 CALIFORNIA DRIVE BY CUMMINGS & CO. FOR DICK BULLIS CHEVROLET 3. SIGN VARIANCE TO ERECT TWO 31 FT. HIGH POLE SIGNS IN A C-2 DISTRICT AT 21 CALIFORNIA DRIVE BY CUMMING S & CO. FOR DICK BULLI S CHEVROLET Secretary Sine read letter dated October 19, 1973 from Cummings & Company requesting this application be continued to a later meeting date. Commissioner Mink moved the application be dropped until the applicant chooses to have it returned. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it carried on voice vote. - 3 - 4. SIGN PERMIT TO ERECT A 48 SQ. FT. WALL SIGN AT 1433 BURLINGAME AVENUE FOR DRAGON WANG'S TRADING COMPANY No representative of the applicant was present. City Planner Swan confirmed that no documentation had been received on this sign although fee had been paid for application. Commissioner Mink moved this application be continued to the November regular meeting. Commissioner Cistulli seconded the motion and it carried by voice vote. City Planner Swan noted that 1433 Burlingame Avenue is the property owner's address. The actual address of the property is 1429. Chairman Kindig requested the City Planner contact the applicant and urge him to finalize this application. 5. VARIANCE TO ALLOW CONTINUED OFFICE USE IN R-3 DISTRICT AT 19 PARK ROAD BY EVERETT LANDON AGENT FOR SAN MATEO-BURLINGAME BOARD OF REALTORS. (ND-18P POSTED 10/16/73) Secretary Sine reviewed the file, reading letter of application received October 2, 1973. Cyrus McMillan, attorney for the applicant, noted this is basically not a change in use and the new use would actually be of less intensity than the old. The Board of Realtors had occupied this building for 26 years; had 8 employees; 130 realtor members and 800 associate members. These people made occasional visits to the office, whereas the new use would encourage not more than six visitors during any one day. It will be mainly a mailing operation and no printing will be done on the premises. City Planner Swan acknowledged receipt of communication from the Burlingame Fire Inspector stating no objection to the use for .offices. However, if group meetings exceed more than 50 people different fire protection arrangements must be made. Attorney McMillan confirmed that no group meeting would exceed 10 people. Chairman Kindig requested audience comment. There was none, either for or against this application, and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Mink moved the variance be granted subject to adherence to the conditions specified in the application. Commissioner Cistulli seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous roll call vote. 6. RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 16,17,18, BLOCK 12, BURLINGHOME SUBDIVISION, BEING 1420 AND 1424 BENITO AVENUE, ZONED R-1, BY EDWARD W. BACA FOR JACK FENA, OWNER Mr. Jack Fena was present as was his representative, Paul Feldman. They submitted a revised parcel map for inspection by the Commission. This revision incorporated the 7' setback from the lot line for the garage on Parcel 1. Again, Mr. Fena explained that he needed the additional space as a play yard for his five children and space for a dog which he must keep for his patrol duties. Mr. Feldman remarked that the rear of Parcel 1 would still be comparable to the rest of the lots in the neighborhood. City Engineer Marr stated this revised map incorporates the condition requested at the study meeting with respect to the garage; and that if this tentative map is approved, a final map should be brought to his office. He noted this is a parcel map and not a resub map. Chairman Kindig requested audience comments. There was only one question as to the width of the two respective back yards. The public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Taylor objected to the oddly -shaped lot this map would create, noting it would be effective for years; and thought it would not be to the long range interest of the City. Also, it would result in Parcel 1 having a rear yard only 40' wide. Commissioner Mink also noted this would be a long term decision and asked the City Attorney if it would be possible for this portion of Parcel 2 to be leased instead of added to the lot. City Attorney Karmel indicated this would be possible for a permitted use. Commissioner Mink then urged the applicant to consider this leasing alternative instead of the awkward cha ge in lot lines. This could be handled as a condition to the sale of Parcel 1. Then when the use ceases to exist for Parcel 2 the property could revert to the existing lot lines. Commissioner Norberg agreed with Commissioner Mink:, especially since the garage is already located on the side lot line. Mr. Feldman cited the previous subdivision which resulted in the house and garage being practically on the lot lines; and objected that having a lease as a condition of sale would make it difficult to sell the property. Commissioner Sine agreed with Commissioners Mink and Norberg, stating he did not approve of further mutilation of this :Lot. Chairman Kindig agreed that Mr. Fena should consider a lease. Commissioner Taylor moved this application for a parcel map be denied. Commissioner Mink seconded the motion and it carried on unanimous roll call vote. Chairman Kindig informed Mr. Fena he had the right of appeal to Council. 7. RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 4, EAST MILLSDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK, UNIT #2. BY WILLIAM A. BARTLETT FOR GUL'LIVER'S INC. City Engineer Marr distributed copies of this final resubdivision map to the Commission, noting that it deletes only one property line. He recommended this map be approved. There was no audience comment, and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Mink moved the approval of this resubdivision map dated September 21, 1973. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion. It carried on unanimous roll call vote. - 5 - 8. SPECIAL PERMIT TO USE UNCLASSIFIED PROPERTY FOR A RESTAURANT, AT 1190 CALIFORNIA DRIVE, BROADWAY DEPOT OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, BY JAMES L. LLEWELLYN. Secretary Sine read applicant's letter of October 18, 1973 giving hours of operation, seating capacity, parking, and method of operation of the restaurant. The communication noted Mr. Llewellyn had operated a similar type of restaurant in San Carlos for seven years. The Secretary noted receipt of a plot plan for the restaurant. Mrs. Helen Haensel, real estate representative, told the Commission that she had contacted Southern Pacific today and had been informed they would have the formal lease prepared within the next few days. City Planner Swan reported to the Commission that documentation on this application was not complete. He had placed it on the agenda contingent upon receiving more information. The applicant had been informed formally by letter of October 16 of what was necessary, but not all of the required items had been received. He noted the diagram of the restaurant had no parking indicated. Consequently he recommended that the application be continued. Commissioner Mink moved that the application be continued under the condition that it be resubmitted when all documents are prepared. Commissioner Cistulli seconded the motion and it carried by voice vote. After a short recess at 9:20 P.M., the meeting reconvened. Chairman Kindig requested Commission approval in placing Item 10 ahead of Item 9 on the agenda for the convenience of the principals in the audience. The Commission agreed. 10. REVIEW OF SPECIFIC PLANS AND OPERATING HOURS FOR BLUE CARROT CAFE IN OFFICE BUILDING AT 1633 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. Chairman Kindig requested Mrs. Chapman, proprietor of the present Blue Carrot restaurant, to review her plans for the new location. Mrs. Chapman referenced the plot plans she had previously submitted to the Commission, and stated this would be a better location with opportunity of more patrons. Facilities also would be better. The hours of operation would be the same as the present restaurant - five days a week, 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., breakfast and lunch trade. She felt she would be offering a service to the building occupants and others in the area since many people cannot afford to eat luncheons at the higher priced restaurants along Bayshore. She noted she had applied for a beer license; and remarked there would not be a resulting increase in parking, since she thought 50/ of the people working nearby are driven to and from work. The City Planner reported the Fire Department had checked and approved restaurant plans with some minor corrections. They had received assurance that these corrections would be made. It was noted that the Planning Commission could approve the use; it would still be necessary for the developer to obtain a building :permit and comply with the building code. - 6 - The question was raised if this restaurant would be contrary to the conditions of the original permit which stated that it would be primarily for the use of the occupants of the building. However, it was decided that it could not be arbitrarily restricted to building patrons, since it was a public place. Commissioner Mink moved that the Commission accept the plans for operating the Blue Carrot Cafe as submitted by Mr. Woodruff and Mrs. Chapman. Commissioner Cistulli seconded, and the motion carried on unanimous roll call vote. 9. DRAFT EIR-21P FOR GULLIVER'S RESTAURANT AT 1699 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 24. REVISED OCTOBER 5, 1973 FOR REVIEW AND FINAL ADOPTION. Del Davis reported to the Commission that he had modified this EIR as of October 5, 1973 in conformance with suggestions made at the September 24 Planning Commission meeting and was prepared for discussion. He noted a typographical error on Page 7. At the top of the page "(increase over existing)" should be opppsite the figure of 950 for the Airport Marina Hotel Addition. He explained the expression "trip end" on this page and remarked that "0.7 trip ends per patron seat" is a ratio developed by the California State Division of Highways. Page 8 - he explained that the maximum generation of "260 trip ends per day" was derived from architect's estimate of 65 tables at 4 seatings per day. Commissioner Sine suggested that the phrase "formal restaurant" on Page 1 be struck since in his opinion this is not necessarily a formal restaurant. The Commissioner questioned the volume of 14,800 vehicles daily for Bayshore Highway (Page 6.) Mr. Davis stated this figure had been obtained from traffic engineers for the King Development and was the best available at this time. However, Mr. Davis presently had traffic counters installed at the Airport Marina Hotel which count the volume that occurs every 15 minutes; and he thought the volume actually would be much higher than is anticipated. The City Planner directed the Commission's attention to two corrections made: Page 2, Air Quality: "It is not anticipated that the proposed restaurant will significantly add pollutants to the local air basin." Page 8, Long Term Employment: "It is estimated that the new facility will have a total of about 74 employees." In his opinion, the modified EIR was sufficient for a project of this type, and could be approved. Commissioner Mink moved the adoption of EIR-21P for Gulliver's Incorporated and the City of Burlingame with the modifications and changes on Pages 1,2,7, and 8. Commissioner Cistulli seconded, and the motion carried on unanimous roll call vote. NEW BUSINESS Airport Marina Hotel Addition - EIR: Commissioner Taylor suggested a mitigating factor for the traffic and parking problem. He offered - 7 - the possibility of an agreement between the hotel and the office building to be constructed next door for the use of their parking structure. Commissioner Taylor also questioned the paving of the unimproved corner lot behind Pacific Standard Life Insurance Company at California Drive and Trousdale. This is paved curb to curb and there is no landscaping. He wondered if this is within the city code without a permit. City Engineer Marr stated that paving private property does not require a permit from the Building Inspector. Chairman Kindig requested the City Planner to research the conditions of Pacific Standard's permit. City Planner Swan informed the Commission that the next regular agenda will contain some continued items: The Florin Rhoads parcel map, revised draft EIR-20P and variance application for the Airport Marina Hotel. There will be new applications for a small animal hospital and for a Federally financed Half.-Kayt House for female adults at 1035 - 1039 California Drive. The City Planner reminded members that the parcel map for the Bank of America building at Chapin and E1 Camino should now be considered, since construction has started. City Engineer Marr concurred, stating the map is in his office and can be brought to the next meeting. The City Planner requested Commission direction in the matter of returning a check for $40.00 to Eleanor Moorehouseā€˛ manager of Skyline Terrace Apartments. This check was for a variance application which was never set for hearing, and the matter is now apparently dead. After some discussion, Commissioner Cistull:L moved the check be returned, Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion, and it carried on voice vote. At the close of the meeting Chairman Kindig noted that this is City Engineer Marr's last Planning Commission meeting since he is retiring after 23 years in this office. He voiced his personal appreciation for the cooperation which the City Engineer had given. Commissioner Sine agreed, stating that in his opinion the Commission had always received the absolute maximum of cooperation from the City Engineer and that he would be missed. City Engineer Marr expressed the hope that he had added to the effectiveness of this and other Planning Commissions and he greatly valued their efforts in working with him and his dE!partment. He announced that Robert Davidson would be replacing him as Director of Public Works. Commissioner Norberg suggested that it would be appropriate for the Commission to write a letter of commendation in consideration of the 23 years the City Engineer served and his loyal and efficient service. All Commissioners concurred. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 in honor of George J. Marr. Respectfully submitted, Thomas W. Sine Secretary