HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1972.01.24THE CITY OF BURLINGAME ?LANNING COMMISSION January 24, 1972 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Cistulli None City Planner Swan Jacobs City Attorney Karmel Kindig City Engineer Marr Mink Fire Inspector Pearson Norberg Councilman Mangini Sine Taylor CALL TO O RDE R A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Sine presiding. ROLL CALL The above -named members were present. MINUTES: Minutes of January,.10, 1972, page 7, "Reclassification Study" third paragraph, "It was decided to study the draft further at the next regular meeting." - "Regular" was changed to "study." Page 2, first paragraph, " .one costly item would be the installation of two more traffic signals." This was changed ". . .one costly item wouldlbe the relocation of two existing traffic signals." The minutes of December 27, 1971 and January 10, 1972 then stood approved as read. 1. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ENLARGE SITE AND COMPLETELY REBUILD EXISTING ATLANTIC RICHFIELD SERVICE STATION AT BROADWAY AND ROLLINS ROAD BEING SOUTHERLY PORTION OF PARCELS 58 AND 59 AND PARCEL 12, ASSESSORS MAP B16, ZONED M-1. Chairman Sine announced the hearing on this application. Commissioner Cistulli stated he would be unable to vote on this hearing because of being -_Absent from the last adjourned meeting. The City Planner reviewed the application, stating that discussions have continued among the owner, applicant, and garage operator; and that the resolution of the design plan for widening of Broadway has been achieved. The garage owner has been given permission to exit from an emergency fire door on the 10' easement on ARCO property. He commented that there were four conditions the commission might wish to consider: 1. The combination of two lots to be effected by a parcel map; 2. Grant of easement to D & M Garage to assure exit from their building; 3. Agreement with City to take care of widening of Broadway; and, 4. Future landscaping to be approved by the Park Superintendent. He noted that adequate parking is shown on the plans, and that relocation of utilities must be effected. T. T. Clausen, ARCO representative, then addressed the Commission and presented to each Commissioner a copy of the ARCO letter of intent dated January 24, 1972. The letter sets forth that ARCO will grant to D & M Auto Repair the right to use the 10' easement as a means of - 2 - egress from a fire door, and states that a legal agreement is being prepared to this effect. It also states that ARCO will pay its pro rata share in the widening -of Broadway, and requests the Planning Department authorize the Park Department to work with ARCO in recommending plant material. Mention is made that a resub map has been prepared but not yet submitted because it requires the signature of the owner. Commissioner Taylor questioned the length of time the easement would be of benefit to the D & M Garage and Mr. Clausen replied that this would be a grant of easement by deed and would be to the owner of the property rather than the tenant. Mr. Rochette confirmed that the proposed arrangements by ARCO would be satisfactory to him. Commissioner Jacobs moved that a special permit be granted, effective upon agreement with the City, to enlarge site and completely rebuild the existing Atlantic Richfield Service Station at Broadway and Rollins Road, in conformance with the stipulations set forth in Atlantic Richfield's letter of January 24, 1972. Commissioner Kindig seconded the motion, and it passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Jacobs, Kindig, Norberg, Taylor, Sine NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioners Cistulli, Mink Chairman Sine informed Mr. Clausen that the Planning Commission recommendations would be sent forward to the City Council. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO USE A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING IN AN R-4 DISTRICT AS A PROFESSIONAL OFFICE FOR A :'PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED FIVE (5) YEARS, BEING THE FRONT HOUSE AT 1209 BAYSWATER, LOT 11, BLOCK 8, POLO FIELD, APPLICANT, RUDOLPH SIEMSSEN Chairman Sine reported this application open for public hearing, and the City Planner summarized the facts. He stated this is a recently remodeled frame residence located in an R-4 district and in Fire Zone 2. The owner wishes to rent it for professional use. There is a non -conforming small cottage on the rear of the lot. Parking consists of three carports behind the duplex at 1211 Bayswater and one garage with the cottage behind 1209. There is a narrow driveway going to the rear. He read Municipal Code Section 25.32.030-3 "Conditional Uses Requiring a Special Permit:" "3. Offices of physicians, surgeons, dentists, chiropractors, chiropodists, drugless practitioners, and members of similar occupations, when operated in conjunction with their respective dwellings." The City Planner recommended that this sentence be deleted from the Ordinance Code. He questioned whether the structure would meet the regulations for Fire Zone 2, and referred to Council minutes of July 20, 1964 regarding a similar case for commercial use in a wood frame building: ". . .Council concurred that code provisions must be upheld." He stated that the element of time must be considered in this case - that the two properties could be developed for an - 3 - apartment building and it must be decided whether or not an interim use should be permitted and whether the Fire Underwriters would waive the deficiency penalty for -this commercial use in a non -conforming building. He gave as possible conditions of the -permit widening of the driveway, adequate off-street parking; no signs on the building; and compliance with other qualifications of the code and the Fire Department. Secretary Kindig read the applicant's letter of January 5, which explained the proposed use for five years for use of -professional offices of the front dwelling on a two dwelling residential lot. The applicant stated that this type of tenant would be preferable to him and an improvement to the area. He plans to convert this property in the future to other use. Secretary Kindig also read a letter from Mrs. Robert Lingaas, 1115 Bayswater Avenue, approving the project if off street parking were provided. Mr. Everett Landon, 423 26th Avenue, San Mateo, addressed the Commission as the applicant's representative. He stated that there were existing businesses such as beauty shop, realty, on the same street and he could not see any objection to an architect. He said he had spent some $7-8,000 on renovating this building, and this,use for it would take four cars off the street. There was no one in the audience either for or against this application. The public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Norberg did not approve of this use for this building nor did Commissioner Jacobs. He suggested that the dwelling on the rear of the lot be torn down. Commissioner Taylor was not favorable. Commissioner Mink suggested that the applicant be asked if he would be willing to do the necessary updating of the building to meet requirements of Fire Zone 1. Mr. Landon indicated willingness to widen the driveway and.:provide additional parking, but not to tear the back building down. Commissioner Mink asked if the tenant would live in the building in question and it was brought out that he would not. Commissioner Kindig commented that this was then strictly a commercial use for a residential building; that it did not meet the fire code for commercial, and he did not think it was a legal use. Commissioner Cistulli questioned if the applicant would go to the expense of meeting requirements for a shorter period of time such as three years. Mr. Landon said that he would. Chairman Sine commented that he recalled a special permit having been granted for a veterinary hospital with the same code and fire conditions. Fire Inspector Pearson commented that the veterinary hospital permit had been for a non -conforming business use, that it did not involve change in type of building occupancy. He went on to report to the Commission that the Board of Fire Underwriters had established Fire Zone No. 1 for the commercial zone such as the substantial buildings on Broadway and Burlingame Avenue. The use contemplated for this present application is commercial. Therefore the Underwriters will consider that this should be Fire Zone No. 1. When the occupancy is changed, the code requirements must be met. Commissioner Jacobs moved that the Commission deny the application for .special permit to use the residential building at 1209 Bayswater as a professional'office for a period of five years. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously on roll call vote. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT At this point, Chairman Sine acknowledged the presence of Councilman Victor A. Mangini. 3. VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT VELVET TURTLE RESTAURANT AT 1095 ROLLINS ROAD, NORTHPARK APARTMENTS, BY SAGA ENTERPRISES, INC. This application for variance was announced by the Commission Chairman. Secretary Kindig noted the application and the applicant's letter. City Planner Swan reviewed the background of the application. He noted that when Northpark apartments were developed, the land was subdivided into two parcels. Parcel 1 is occupied by the apartments. When the agreement was executed between the Burlingame Shoreland Company and the City Council it was agreed that Parcel 2 was to be reserved for a first class restaurant. This prior agreement stipulates that a supplementary agreement between the council and the property owner be executed to implement the restaurant use agreement. He noted receipt of a plot plan for the parking layout, explaining there will be 55 parking spaces, which is more than the code requirement of 45 spaces. He commented that they will have standard parking at first, but later want valet parking. Everett Hansen, architect for Velvet Turtle Restaurants, addressed the Commission. He explained to them the plot plan showing location of restaurant and parking, and stated that the restaurant itself would have an area of 9-10,000 square feet. He went on to say that valet parking was proposed at no charge to the customers; although it could be to any degree the Planning Commission wished. The City Attorney commented that the Commission did not have any jurisdiction over the type of parking. The applicant's representative then stated that the valet parking was for the convenience of the patrons and that the labor cost of valet parking would be paid by the hour by the restaurant. There was further discussion of valet parking and comments about the location of the parking area, which, it was brought out, would be under the tennis court. The tennis court will effectively be a roof over part of the parking area. The Chairman asked for public comments in favor, and Mr. Richman of L. Burlingame, Inc., developers of Northpark, spoke. He stated the restaurant would enhance the area and would be an asset to the apartment complex. Audience comments against: a resident of 912 Toyon Drive was not in favor of the parking which he felt it would bring about on Rollins Road. Tom Reynolds of 1019 California Drive felt there were already too many restaurants on Broadway. Commissioner Cistulli commented that figures show 41% of the population eats in restaurants every day - 5 - and yearly the percentage is increasing. Joe Fena of 1035 Chula Vista thought 55 parking spaces not enough for a restaurant of this size. He stated he is to be the proprietor of the coffee shop "Broadway Joes" at Broadway and Carolan and will have about 100 parking spaces. There was much further discussion of restaurants and their value to the community. The public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Norberg asked for elevations and a landscaping plan, and suggested the project be approved subject to the approval of landscaping plan. The architect had elevations with him and presented them to the commission. He stated they had a landscape architect and could work on the plans. Chairman Sine noted the importance of a proper landscaping plan, stating it should be a condition. Commissioner Jacobs agreed, commenting that the Velvet Turtle is a first class restaurant in every regard. Commissioner Taylor thought one of the conditions should be a landscaping plan prior to the issuance of a --permit. commissioner Mink pointed out that the action of the Planning Commission in this case was recommendatory. Commissioner Kindig was in favor but stated he felt that although they met the code on parking, they would need more. Commissioner Cistulli indicated approval. Commissioner Mink moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that necessary agreements be negotiated so that a variance can be granted to the Saga Enterprises, Inc. to construct a Velvet Turtle Restaurant at 1095 Rollins Road to be built in conformance with plans and specifications presented January 24 and parking plan dated January 6, 1972, and submittal of landscape plan. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it passed unanimously on roll call vote. RECONVENE Chairman Sine announced a recess at 9:35. The meeting reconvened at 9:40. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW A TRUCKING BUSINESS IN AN M-1 DISTRICT, BEST AIR SERVICES AT 373A BEACH ROAD (LESSEE OF ANZA PACIFIC CORPORATION) LOTS 3,4,5, BLOCK 1, ANZA AIRPORT PARK NO. 1 The Chairman presented this application for hearing. Secretary Kindig read correspondence from Best Air Services stating they are an air freight and general trucking company with eleven employees and eight pieces of equipment and had taken over the obligations of Medallion Air Freight Corporation in California. There was also a letter from David Keyston of Anza Pacific Corporation, lessor, enclosing site plan showing location and parking. City Planner Swan showed the Commission the plan and commented that when this building was constructed the parking requirements were approved by the City. Larry Burtman, of 1548 Lago Street, San Mateo represented Best Air Services. He stated there was enough parking for trucking vehicles, employees cars, and vehicles for three other tenants in the building. He told the Commission his company had been in operation several years in Burlingame under a different name, and hence was not a new business. There was no one in the audience either for or against the application and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioners Norberg, Jacobs, and Taylor had no comment. Commissioner Mink stated he had visited the site, and in his opinion there would be plenty of parking. Commissioner Kindig had no comment. Commissioner Cistulli had questions about the details of the operation. Chairman Sine had no comment. Commissioner Cistulli moved that special permit be approved to allow a trucking business in an M-1 District, Best Air Services at 373A Beach Road. Commissioner Mink seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved on roll call vote. Chairman Sine informed the applicant the special permit would become effective February 8, 1972 unless appealed to the City Council. 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALIAW A TRUCKING BUSINESS IN AN M-1 DISTRICT AT 42 INGOLD ROAD, JUDD TRUCKING Chairman Sine announced this application for consideration. Secretary Kindig read the applicant's letter which stated that a trucking business has been in operation at this address for the last three years, and that in December 1971 the applicant had..ourchased this business and changed the name. A plot plan was attached to the letter. The Secretary also read a letter from R. R. Miller of 1105 Dufferin Avenue stating he would not be able to attend the hearing. City Planner Swan reported that this is a small business man who operates only one truck and meets all the requirements. Jerry Judd, 28127 Harvey Avenue, Hayward was present. There was no one in the audience either for or against this application. Commissioners Norberg, Jacobs and Taylor had no comment. Commissioner Mink stated Mr. Judd should be commended for keeping a clean operation. Commissioners Kindig and Cistulli commented favorably on his enterprising spirit. Commissioner Kindig moved that the application for special permit to allow a trucking business at 42 Ingold Road, Judd Trucking, be approved. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it passed unanimously on roll call vote. The applicant was informed that this action would become effective on February 8, 1972 unless appealed to the City Council. 6. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR AN ADVERTISING DISPLAY TO IDENTIFY THE SKYLINE TERRACE APARTMENTS AT 3133-3155 FRONTERA WAY Secretary Kindig read a letter from Mrs. Diane Shane, manager of Skyline Terrace Apartments, requesting that hearing be continued on this application, since she,will be out of town. Chairman Sine suggested that this be continued until the next regular meeting. Commissioner Kindig so moved, Commissioner Mink seconded the motion and it passed unanimously on voice vote. MM OLD BUSINESS 1. Resolution regarding Karate Studio: Secretary Kindig read Resolution No. 1 - 72 recommending to the City Council that this use be permitted. Commissioner Mink moved the adoption of the resolution, Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously on roll call vote. 2. Institute for Planning Commissioners, February 23-25: City Planner Swan reported on this institute, stating that planning commissioners will have an opportunity for discussion with other planning commissioners in the Bay area. It will be held in San Jose and the cost will be $50.00 per official. The City Planner was instructed to make reservations for two commissioners. NEW BUSINESS• 1. Avis - Mobile Homes: There was discussion of a proposed business idea by Avis Rent -a -Car to rent mobile homes and service them at their facility on Bayshore Highway. It was agreed that a Special Permit application will be considered in February, 1972. 2. Proposed redevelopment of Reynold C. Johnson Company, property at 808 Burlway Road Proposed redevelopment of warehouse space for an office area was discussed. Since time on this project is of the essence, it was decided to consider this item at an adjourned meeting at the time of the next study meeting, February 14, 1972. 3. Council Action City Planner Swan told the Commission that the City Council had referred back to them the proposed Cable Car Wash at Broadway and Carolan. This time the applicant will be supported with a $6,000 contribution to the City of Burlingame from Southern Pacific. There will be further consideration at the next study meeting. Tickets were distributed to the planning commissioners for the RPC dinner Thursday, January 27, at the Crystal Springs Golf and Country Club. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting regularly adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary