HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1972.05.22r THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION May 22, 1972 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Cistulli None Jacobs Kindig Mink Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER City Planner Swan City Engineer Marr A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Cistulli presiding. ROLL CALL The above -named members were present. The Chairman noted that Commissioner Taylor would appear at 9:30 from another meeting. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of April 24, 1972 and the study meeting of May 8, 1972 were approved and adopted. HEARINGS 1. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR AN AIR FREIGHT FORWARDING TERMINAL IN THE M-1 DISTRICT AT 859 COWAN ROAD, BEING LOT 22 AND 23, BLOCK 2, EAST MILLSDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK, BY FIVE STAR AIR FREIGHT CORPORATION -Chairman-,Cistulli announced this application for hearing. Secretary -Jaaco7bs-read the correspondence which included the application letter of 4/5/72 from Mr. Dann Thompson, regional manager. The letter stated 5-Star is renting 2,100 square feet of warehouse space at this location and 180 square feet of office space for a transfer station for air freight forwarding operation. Air freight shipments are to be consolidated in the warehouse and then trucked to -he airport by a trucking firm. Incoming shipments are handled in the reverse manner. The operation hopes to get its own trucks in the future. Also in the correspondence were letters from Mr. Thompson attaching small site plan and notification from the building owner, Emil Damia, establishing Five St=ar's four off-street parking spaces. Mr. Thompson addressed the Commission. He stated that they do not intend to have storage to any great degree, and anticipate purchasing one or two Econoline vans and possibly 3 - 4 bobtails in the future. Only one Econoline will be stored at the warehouse; the :rest of the trucks will be stored at the airport. He stated he had only one employee at this time. Chairman Cistulli asked for audience comments against this application. I - 2 - Marion Brown, attorney for Jane Molyneux, an adjoining property owner, responded. He showed the Commission supplementary maps and stated he felt the application was misleading since it shows the building centered on the to He claimed this type of trucking business could not be conducted on t-he property without trespassing on the neighboring property with trucks. He showed slides of the driveways on both the right and left of the building, Miss Molyneaux' property being on the left. Truck access to the building is at the back. He stated that there is a large driveway area on the right side. In the past trucks have come in, up the side, then back up, and attempt to turn down the, narrow 20' driveway. There are no mutual easements in back, and there appears to be trespass here across the rear and along the side of his client's property. He showed a slide of a car parked in the driveway as comparison to the width of a truck. Mr. Thompson's reply to this was that trucks do not come in and out constantly - he has one truck that comes in only once a day. He also commented on the slide showing a car parked in the 20' driveway for comparison, noting that cars also have difficulty negotiating the driveway as well as trucks. He stated there was a floor level dock in the back, so the trucks did not have to back up to it. In reply to a question, he stated that if a fence were erected on the Molyneaux property it would not hamper his operations. He was asked the length of his largest truck, which he said was a 20' bobtail, but stated that most of his trucks would be 18'. The public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Norberg asked if parking met requirements and was informed by the City Planner that the number of spaces was adequate for code regulations, but that unloading areas were not specified in the code. He also stated that the parking space in the rear of the building was deeper than the 25' shown on sketch submitted by Mr. Brown. There was discussion of whether or not this was an accurate dimension, and again Mr. Brown stated that there was not enough room in back for the trucks to turn around, without driving down the setback line. There was discussion of a fence which Miss Molyneaux might erect around her property. Chairman Cistulli commented that if this permit were granted one of the conditions should be that 5-Star must not trespass on her property. Commissioner Sine commented on the difficulty of assessing the parking because the drawings were not to scale. He asked Mr. Thompson how long his company had been in operation at the site, and was informed it was since the first of April. Commissioner Sine stated he did not want to see a fence erected because it would give the Fire Department problems. Commissioner Kindig commented it was an unfortunate situation. Chairman Cistulli had no further comment. Commissioner Jacobs moved the special permit for an air freight forwarding terminal at 859 Cowan Road be granted Five Star Air :Freight. Commissioner Norberg seconded, and the motion passed 6-0 on roll call vote. The applicant was informed this special permit would become effective on - 3 - June 6 if not appealed to the City Council. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT At this point Chairman Cistulli acknowledged the presence in the audience of Councilman David Martin and Councilman Dorothy Cusick. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW AN ESTABLISHMENT FOR THE SALE OF FOOD AND BEVERAGES IN AN M-1 DISTRICT AT 1348 ROLLINS ROAD. OWNER: NILS H. WIK. APPLICANT: MICHAEL DAVIS. Chairman Cistulli announced this application for public hearing, and Secretary Jacobs read the correspondence in the file. This correspondence from the applicant indicated a desire to establish a, low priced luncheon type food establishment with service of beer and wine; and noted no food was to be prepared on the premises, but would be catered. City Planner Swan explained the plans which the Commission had in front of them; noting that a special permit is necessary in an M-1 district. He noted that tables will be provided for sit-down eating. He commented there were 14 off-street parking spaces, including one small car space. There would be room for three cars parked on the street a�( the curb. He stated the Fire Department thinks that the two exits in the dock area are too close together and wants another exit door at the rear. The City Planner showed slides of the location and explained them. Mr. Jack Menzies, representative of Mr. Davis, addressed the Commission. He stated that a change had been made in the plans for food preparation and that the light menu would be prepared at the establishment. He commented that Rollins Road is a highly traveled street, and there is only one commissary in the area, although many expensive restaurants. He specified they were interested in fast service of very light foods. Chairman Cistulli asked for audience comments for or against this application and there were none. The public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Mink asked the hours of the restaurant and was.informed they would be from 11:00 A.M. until 2:00 A.M., and there would be a license for beer and wine only. Commissioner Norberg commented that the State law requires a ramp rather than steps, and there was in addition the necessity for another fire exit in the rear. Commissioner Sine raised the question of the parking spaces, and stated that the stairs shown on the plan would eliminate two parking spaces. Menzies stated they would have to redesign the stairway. Commissioner Sine commented that the requirements of the Fire Department would :require redesign any- way, and noted that there was no indication on the plan of where the sign would be. Commissioner Jacobs questioned the parking requirements. Mr. Menzies stated he would be responsible for the proper development of this requirement. Commissioner Jacobs also questioned the hours of operation, stating he did not want to be responsible for the development of a honkytonk, and he didn't think it would be profitable for an establishment of this type to remain open for these hours merely for the service of food. Commissioner Cistulli agreed, and stated in addition that an establishment of this sort open for such hours at this particular location might create problems. Commissioner Jacobs suggeste� the hours be revised to 11:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Commissioner Sine expressed reluctance to see this type of establishment in Burlingame, since it would not improve the City in any sense. Mr. Menzies again spoke of the necessity for an informal low cost food' establishment in the area, commenting on a proposed likeness to the Red Garter in San Francisco. Chairman Cistulli again mentioned that food service of this type in this area would not be profitable enough to keep the restaurant going without other attractions. Commissioner Mink stated that he realized the need for a low-cost type of restaurant in this area, but moved that this permit to allow an establishment: for the sale of food and beverages at 1348 Rollins Road be denied. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion, and it passed 6 - 0 on roll call vote. The applicant was informed he had the right of appeal to the City Council. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR MAJOR MODIFICATION OF SHELL SERVICE STATION AT BROADWAY AND LAGUNA AVENUES, BEING LOTS 25 AND 26, BLOCK 2, EASTON ADDITION NO. 2, ZONED C-1 Chairman Cistulli announced this application for hearing. Secretary Jacobs read a letter of explanation from the applicant in which they state they wish to completely renovate the existing service station and add landscaping. He also read letters under dates of April 20 and May 17, discussing their lease which expires August 31, 1972. Shell Oil states they have exercised their option to extend this lease for the first of two five-year periods. City Planner Swan commented that in addition to the considerations dis- cussed at the April 24 study meeting, there was an area in the parking in front of the station where there was apparently once a street tree, but stains on the concrete indicated that overflow from the gasoline pumps had destroyed it. He suggested that Shell restore this street tree with an appropriate planter; and also that removal of the ice machine be made a condition. Larry Dorsey, representative of Shell, addressed the Commission. He stated that Shell Oil had agreed to resolve several items questioned at the study meeting. In the new plans the sign at the top of the station has been removed. The only sign will be the present one at the corner of Broadway and Laguna. Shell Oil will install a magnolia tree in place of the one removed and install some type of curb to preclude any type of drainage from entering the planter box. He stated that Shell Oil will enforce proper parking on the property. There were no comments from the audience either for or against. The public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Mink questioned the representative on the exterior construction of the building and noted that Shell Oil must comply with all code restrictions. Commissioner Kindig commented that the ice machine was under the former special permit. Commissioner Norberg requested clarification of the sign location. Commissioner Sine, commenting on the 11,000 square foot area of the station, questioned representative Dorsey on Shell policies regarding areas of their other service stations. - 5 - Mr. Dorsey replied that the policy depended on the business in the area; that a station probably could survive on a smaller location where there is a large traffic count, and that business in this particular location is good. Commissioner Sine noted that the terms of the lease state that Shell can cancel it at any time after giving the owner proper notice, and indicated he felt service stations have no place on a main business thoroughfare. Commissioner Jacobs questioned if Shell would control the five parking spaces on the property, presently leased, and stated he thought trucks should not be permitted to be stored there. Commissioner Kindig stated he felt there was no real need for two ingress and egress driveways on Laguna, and asked if one could be eliminated. City Engineer Marr added that in any new construction the city has always frowned on any new driveway being too close to the corner. The Shell representative then stated that Shell has no real need for two driveways. (At 9:50 Commissioner Taylor entered the meeting.) The City Engineer stated that it should be determined now if it is acceptable to close the driveway close to the corner, and if so, it should be deleted and new curb and gutter put back. Commissioner Kindig moved that the special permit for major modification of Shell Service Station at Broadway and Laguna Avenues be approved in accordance with the plans submitted, with the additional requirement that the Laguna driveway nearest Broadway be closed and the curb and gutter replaced; that the planter box be extended to the corner where the sign is; that the tree be replaced and protected; that the parking spaces be retained for the use of service station personnel only, and that the ice machine be removed. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion, and it passed 4 - 3 on roll call vote. The applicant was informed the special permit would become effective on June 6, if not appealed to the City Council. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR BUSINESS OFFICE AND RESIDENTIAL USE OF UNCLASSIFIED LAND AT 290 BURLINGAME SQUARE, BU RLINGAME DEPOT, BY MRS. FRANCES FENA, TENANT ON LANDS OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY This application was announced for hearing, and the Secretary read the application letter. The City Planner commented that it was an unusual application since it concerns an historic monument - the Burlingame Southern Pacific station. He stated the applicant wishes to use the cottage at the rear of the station as a residence with one room being used as a business office. He noted that any use of unclassified land, such as this Southern Pacific property, requires a special use permit. The Planning Commission or City Council can levy the conditions of use. He stated that in discussing this permit with the applicant it has been made clear to her that as tenant she is responsible for the maintenance. He showed slides of the location and explained them, pointing out one area in particular that is to be used for parking that should be surfaced. It is now overgrown with grass. Mrs. Fena then addressed the Commission, telling them of her efforts at maintaining the location. She stated her son was living in the cottage now, and she would accept responsibility for the care of the yard. She concurred that her contract with Southern Pacific states the grass -grown - 6 - area was a parking lot with space for three cars. There was discussion of how she could grade and pave this area. City Engineer Marr suggested that a first step would be to use weed -killer to eliminate the grass and weeds. Mrs. Fena stated she would bring the parking lot up to standard. There was no one in the audience either for or against this application. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Mink questioned if this involved retail. sales and was assured it did not. He asked about fire inspection and was informed by the City Planner that inspection on the loth of May by both the Fire and Building Inspectors found the structure to be safe and with no violations. Commissioners Norberg and Sine had no comments. Commissioner Taylor asked if the Southern Pacific would be expected to contribute to the beautification of Burlingame Avenue and was informed that the property was not within the Beautification District, and there would be no beautification efforts on S.P. property. Commissioner Taylor then stated that there is an increase of applications for the use of lands of the Southern Pacific which property the city cannot control, and he felt that these lands should be brought into the classification system of the city so that control could be exercised. He did not. favor the application for this reason. Commissioner Jacobs had no comment. Chairman Cistulli definitely wanted the parking area paved and the yard maintained. Mrs. Fena asked about trash pickup by the city, and he replied that property owners pay for this service and that the S.P. does not. Commissioner Kindig moved that the special permit be granted with the understanding that Mrs. Fena or her tenant maintain the property, and pave the parking area, to the satisfaction of the City Manager, and that the permit is to be non- transferable— Commissioner Sine seconded the motion. Chairman Cistulli commented that the property would be subject to inspection. The motion passed unanimously on roll call vote. 5. VARIANCE TO ALLOW REBUILDING OF THE EXISTING STANDARD OIL COMPANY SERVICE STATION AT EL CAMINO REAL, BEING PORTIONS OF LOTS 1, 2, AND 3, BLOCK 51, MAP OF EASTON ADDITION TO BURLINGAME NO. 5, ZONED R-3. Chairman Cistulli announced this application for hearing. Secretary Jacobs read letter of application from Standard Oil under date of April 19, 1972 wherein they stated they wished to remove the existing station at this location and replace it with a modern two-story building featuring landscaping, law level lighting, interior restrooms, trash enclosure, and vending machine room. They noted that the two story building was necessary due to the small lot size and the fact they have been unable to purchase additional property. City Planner Swan told the Commission that this is a non -conforming use located in an R-3 district, and that the present: station could continue in this location, as long as there was no change. However, any rebuilding or modification would require a variance. He commented that the modification design is _good for a small area such as this lot. He discussed other aspects of the plan - the continuous rolled curb along El Camino will be eliminated, and there will be only one entrance on this street. Also, the driveway entrance off Adeline is narrowed. There will be two parking spaces for employees, and the plan does meet code regulations. - 7 - He went on to say that directly across El Camino from the service station there is a 45' right-of-way, Highway Road. The property fronting on Highway Road is now zoned R-1. The General Plan indicates a low density area, and there is no indication that this area will be changed in classification. He stated it will be the policy of the city to maintain it as such, and noted there have been several recent inquiries relative to an unfounded statement that this property will be rezoned to R-3. Mr. R. H. Rieber, property representative of Standard Oil, addressed the Commission. He stated that the application letter and the City Planner's remarks fairly encompassed the situation, but added that Standard Oil wished to improve their image at this old previously remodeled station. He commented on their unsuccessful efforts to buy more property and spoke of the planned two story building as a maximum utilization of ground. Mr. Rieber noted that the building alone will cost $220,000. Chairman Cistulli asked for audience comments against this application. Mrs. Margaret Lake, 1148 Oxford, objected to the second story with restrooms and large area for vending machines. She stated that the station caters to many young people in the area, that they might congregate in this refreshment area, and there could be a police problem. Mr. Richard Crumrine, 1150 Oxford; and Mr. Fred Baldra, 1145 Cambridge agreed with Mrs. Lake. Mr. Baldra also complained about discarded paper towels blowing around the area. Audience comments in favor: Mr. Fox, present operator of Standard Station at 1501 El Camino. He stated that since young people buy gas at the station it is impossible to keep them away, but there is presently good control and he anticipated no problem with the second floor rest - rooms, since the public will have to go through the service station office to get to the second floor. He noted he often checked the station in the evenings, and wanted to do a good job with his station. Commissioner Taylor asked about beer drinking which reportedly went on. Mr. Fox replied that this did not happen in his station, although possibly it may have previous to his management. He commented that with his present attendants this would not be allowed to start. There was no further audience comment and the public hearing'was declared closed. Commissioner Mink questioned if it would be possible to have the toilet facilities on the ground floor with accommodations for handicapped people, since there are older people in the neighborhood. Mr. Rieber replied that there was no way to do this and get trash containers inside also. He noted there was an elevator for transportation of handicapped people. Commissioner Mink then asked if it were necessary to provide a table and chairs for the refreshment room upstairs, and Mr. Rieber stated this provision could be deleted. In reply to a question from Chairman Cistulli, Mr. Rieber stated the present phone booths would be removed and put on the side of the building. In reply to Commissioner Mink's question about landscaping, he stated there would be ground cover instead of grass, and olive trees would be planted. Commissioner Norberg aske-0 if the refreshment area could be eliminated entirely, and he was informed that Standard considered it a necessary service to customers; that placement of these facilities in a glass -enclosed area on the second floor was a guard against misuse. Commissioner Sine questioned if there were other two-story service stations in Northern California, and was informed that ARCO had one in Las Vegas and in Sacramento, but that this would be the only Standard two-story in Northern California. Commissioner Sine did not consider the elevator proposed suitable for the use of handicapped people, and felt that company -maintained, rather than operator -maintained, stations were much cleaner and more efficient. Commissioner Taylor was concerned about protection in the refreshment and toilet area. He felt that the refreshment area should be removed and that toilets on the second floor defeated the purpose of the service station. Commissioner Jacobs thought the 2nd floor area would create a hangout for teenagers and that the elevator also would be a problem. He noted the station had changed for the better and the present operator was a good manager, but since this was a residential area it was inevitable that there would be problems with the upstairs. Commissioner Kindig questioned the height of the building and its possible effect of blocking the view of the stores behind it. Chairman Cistulli thought there was not sufficient hardship to warrant two floors, that there had been a problem in the past with youngsters drinking beer, and the second floor might cause recurrence of like problems. He suggested modification of plans to a one-story building. Commissioner Taylor indicated approval of the appearance of the exterior, and suggested Standard might wish to withdraw the application and resubmit an acceptable interior plan. 'There was further Commission discussion of objections. Mr. Rieber indicated he would like to withdraw the plan, redesign, and present the application again. Commissioner Mink moved Commission approval of application withdrawal without prejudice. Commissioner Kindig seconded the motion, and it passed on voice vote. 6. VARIANCE TO COVER MORE THAN FORTY PERCENT OF A LOT'IN THE R-1 DISTRICT AND WAIVE PARKING REQUIREMENT AT 1556 MEADOW LANE, BEING LOT 24, BLOCK 2, BURLINGAME VILLAGE, BY OWNERS ROBERT S. AND CAROL A. GALLUCCI. This application was presented for hearing. Secretary Jacobs read appli- cation letter from Mr. and Mrs. Gallucci dated May 1, 1972, in which they stated they wished to add a bedroom, bathroom and family room to their present residence to cover the needs of their growing family, and that the proposed addition would cause a lot coverage of more than 40% and also necessitate waiving of a parking requirement. City Planner Swan stated that the main consideration is the waiver of the parking requirement, since a 3-bedroom home would require two parking spaces. The garage is 23k' from the property line, and there is no possible way to .revise the plan and provide additional parking space. There is still a 20' rear yard. Mr. Gallucci noted that one car could be parked in the single garage and one car in the driveway. No one in the audience was either for or against this application and the public hearing was declared closed. ='M Commissioner Mink was concerned about cars backing out from this driveway onto Meadow Lane, -a main thoroughfare. Commissioner Norberg suggested revising plans to knock the end off the garage and get some parking in the rear. Commissioner Sine stated that a precedent had been set by the Commission several years ago by the granting of a similar variance in the same neighborhood with an even shorter driveway. Commissioner Taylor felt the plans should be redesigned to get within the lot coverage. Commissioner Jacobs agreed, but stated he was willing to waive the parking requirements since he felt this was a case of hardship. Commissioner Kindig had no serious objections, and Chairman Cistulli thought the coverage was not excessive. Commissioner Jacobs moved that the variance to cover more than forty percent of the lot and waive parking requirement at 1556 Meadow Lane be granted in accordance with the plans. Commissioner Kindig seconded the motion. Commissioner Mink commented he saw this as the beginning of changing the whole residential use of the community. The motion passed on roll call vote of 4 - 3, and the applicant was informed it would become effective the 6th of June if not appealed. 7. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR AN OFFICE BUILDING IN AN M-1 DISTRICT, AT THE SW CORNER OF BAYSHORE HIGHWAY AND HINCKLEY ROAD, BEING LOT 1, BLOCK 6, EAST MILLSDALE PARK UNIT 2, BY BOMAR INVESTMENT COMPANY Chairman Cistulli announced this application for hearing. Secretary Jacobs read communication from the applicant dated May 2, 1972, stating the proposed office building is to be of high quality construction, designed for multiple -tenant occupancy and is to be attractively landscaped. Plans were distributed to the Commission, and City Planner Swan commented on the application. He stated that the 18,000 square foot building would require 60 parking spaces. Total width of the property is 115'; this is 2' less than 117', the total width of 13 nine -foot wide parking spaces. Since the access aisles are wider than usual, it seems reasonable to allow 12 spaces that are 8111" wide and one small car space at the end that is 8'0" wide. He noted the 8-car parking lot at the side of the building had been revised to provide adequate back around space. He recommended a driveway easement be obtained over the adjoining property to the south to provide circulation for the parking area. Mr. Charles Boone, representative of Bomar, produced a letter from Henry M. Threefoot, co-owner of the adjoining property, indicating no objections to the traffic flow through this common driveway. City Planner Swan showed slides of the location and explained them, noting the location of the suggested common easement. There was no one in the audience either for or against this application. The public hearing was declared closed. City Engineer_ Marr had no comments. Commissioner Norberg thought the plans had been improved, but questioned she size of the parking spaces. The City Planner recommended a 6' wide - 10 - central planter area, with ground cover so that cars could overhang it by 2' on each side. Commissioner Mink requested confirmation of the City Planner's suggestion that Spaces 13,26,39, and 52 were to be for small cars. He then requested that there be an agreement concerning the common driveway easement of 20' before this application is approved. Commissioner Taylor requested that parking space 48, opposite the rear entrance door, be removed from the standpoint of safety to provide more adequate egress from the building. Chairman Cistulli suggested this space be painted yellow and used for emergency parking. Commissioner Sine was also con- cerned about parking space No. 48, and thought the side parking spaces Nos. 53 through 60, now 18', should revert to the original plan of 20'. He also spoke of the state law requiring facilities for handicapped. Commissioner Jacobs had no comments. Commissioner Kindig had no comments except that the matter of common easement should be tied down, and he did not see how this could be accomplished with one owner in Europe. There was discussion of how this could be negotiated. Commissioner Mink moved that this special permit be granted to Bomar Investment Company subject to the following conditions: 1. That the parking layout as submitted be approved with the change that the planter space in front of Nos.,_57, 58, 59, and 60 be discontinued in order to make the full width of the parking area be 64'. 2. That parking Space No. 48 be well marked as a pedestrian access to the door. 3. That the central planter be redesigned to provide for circulation of pedestrians and vehicles. 4. Parking spaces in main parking lot with exception of 13,26,39 and 52 be 8'll" wide, and spaces 13,26,39,52 be 8' wide and marked "For small cars only." 5. Common driveway easement of no less than 20' along S. edge of property be negotiated with property owner currently owning that land and placed on file. Commissioner Kindig seconded the motion, and it passed by roll call vote unanimously. 8. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR AN OFFICE BUILDING WITH WAREHOUSE IN AN M-1 DISTRICT AT THE S.E. CORNER OF ROLLINS ROAD AND EDWARDS COURT, BEING PARCEL B ON PARCEL MAP 11/15 EDWARDS INDUSTRIAL PARK, BY ANDREW MORROW ENTERPRISES. This application was announced for hearing by the Chairman. Secretary Jacobs read a letter of application by Cabak Associates which states that the owner wishes to develop a 15,000 square foot building. (The Planning Commission decided May 8 that this application would be subject to special permit requirements) Plans were distributed to the Commission members. The City Planner noted that landscaping plans approved by the Park Superintendent should be made a condition of the permit. Chairman Cistulli asked for audience comments against this application. Mr. Edison of Hammett & Edison, 1400 Rollins Road, addressed the Commission. He stated he had brought slides of the proposed location and the buildings on his side of Rollins Road and asked the City Planner to show them. Mr. Edison noted the attractive landscaping of the buildings presently on his side of the street, and objected to the plan having parking between the front of the building and Rollins Road, stating it would deteriorate the appearance of the neighborhood. He would be in favor of a plan with parking to the rear of the building. Audience comments in favor: James Thorne of Cabak Associates stated that parking in front was necessary because this was a multi -purpose building; most of the buildings along Rollins Road have asphalt between the property line and the building. Commissioner Taylor suggested some type of concrete block screening for the parking area, but Mr. 'Thorne said it would be expensive. Public hearing was declared closed. City Engineer Marr noted a requirement of 15' setback on both streets. Commissioner Norberg had no comment. Commissioner Taylor again voiced the opinion that there should be some type of screening for the parking area, but that he liked the building. Commissioner Mink, after ascertaining the applicant had withdrawn his request that this be considered a warehouse building, asked Mr. Thorne if access to loading docks at rear of building could be provided without trespass. Mr. Thorne replied that the applicant also owned property to the rear and that an easement agreement could be worked out. Commissioner Mink cautioned that this would have to be a third party agreement with the City. Commissioner Sine concurred with Mr. Edison that parking should be in the rear, and that the building could be moved. Mr. Thorne replied that parking in front was essential since it would be hardship to ask customers to park in the rear and walk to the front of the building. There was discussion of adequacy of parking spaces, and the City Planner reported that on the basis of gross floor area the code requires 29 parking spaces for office areas and 7 spaces for the warehouse area. Commissioner Sine also commented on the installation of elevators and facilities for the handicapped. Commissioner Jacobs had no comment. Commissioner Kindig also thought the building should be moved so that parking could be in the rear. Chairman Cistulli agreed. Mr. Dick Lavanstein, also representing the applicant, addressed the Commission. He argued that the parking space was adequate for the building and changing the building so that parking would be in the back was economically infeasible. Chairman Cistulli asked if the applicant wished to withdraw the application; and after some discussion the applicant decided he wanted it put to a vote. i Commissioner Mink moved that the special permiL for an office building with warehouse in an M-1 District at the S.E. corner of Rollins Road and Edwards Court be approved subject to the following conditions: 12 - 1. The amount of office space be limited to less than 8,700 square feet. 2. Agreement be signed with the City for joint easement to adequate parking spaces in the rear. 3. Landscape plan approved by Park Department for the purpose of providing screening of parking area from Rollins Road. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it was approved on roll call vote of 4 to 3. 9. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW AN ESTABLISHMENT FOR THE SALE OF PRE -FABRICATED CEDAR LOG BUILDINGS AT 312 LANG ROAD, BEING LOT 4, ANZA AIRPORT PARK #2, ZONED M-1. LESSEE: MARVIN G. NACHTSHEIM. Chairman Cistulli presented this application for hearing. A letter dated May 3, 1972 from Mr. Nachtsheim was read by the Secretary in which the applicant states that a previous special permit granted for the same use at the same location, had expired on January 5, 1971 before he was able to complete final arrangements for construction. Hence he was submitting a new application. There was also a communication from Anza Pacific Corporation dated 4/18/72 granting Nachtsheim Associates permission to deposit storm drainage water into the system on Anza Pacific Land. Plans were distributed.- City Planner Swan noted that one of the requirements necessary to meet the fire inspection requirements was that the roofing be non-combustible material rather than shake. The applicant agreed to this. The parking was considered ample. City Engineer Marr stated he saw no problems with the plan. Commissioner K.i.ndig commented that this application was for two buildings rather than the one specified on the previous application, and cautioned the applicant that the same rules would apply. Commissioner Kindig moved that this special permit be granted in accordance with the plot plan and conditional upon the requirements of the Fire Department being met. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously on roll call vote. 10. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR A CONTRACTOR'S STORAGE YARD IN AN M-1 DISTRICT AT 1367 MARSTEN ROAD, PORTION OF APN 026-123-050., BY ROUNTREE PLUMBING AND HEATING INC. This application was announced for hearing by Chairman Cistulli and Secretary Jacobs read the application which is for a 10,000 square foot storage yard adjacent to a one story frame building used for office, garage, and storage. Drawings of the layout were submitted, and City Planner_ Swan commented that the City Building Inspector thought the central area of the lot should be surfaced with some sort of material to prevent the tracking of debris out into the street, and that the fence needed attention. The representative of Rountree, Hal Waters, indicated that both these items would be taken care of. There was no audience response, either for or against. The Public Hearing - 13 - was closed. Commissioner Sine stated he did not like the corrugated iron fence and hoped they would change it. There was no further Commission comment. Commissioner Mink moved that this special permit be granted with the layout as per the drawings submitted, conditional upon the applicant's observance of good housekeeping, and conditional upon the interior of the lot used for parking etc. being surfaced. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it passed upon roll call vote unanimously. The applicant was informed this permit would be effective the 6th of June. 11. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 25 (ZONING) Commissioner Taylor moved the staff prepare findings of fact and Resolutions of recommendations for an adjourned meeting before the regular study meeting of June 12, 1972. Commissioner Mink seconded the motion and it passed on voice vote. NEW BUSINESS: City Planner Swan requested the Commission's consideration of a letter written by John Linderman of 2154 Geri Lane, Hillsborough. Secretary Jacobs read the correspondence which requested a variance for the N.E. corner of Howard and Lorton for the purpose of establishing a facility for new car procurement and auto leasing. The old service station presently on the lot would be torn down and the area cleaned up. Mr. Linderman, who was present, stated this would not be a "used car" lot as such, and his proposed useage would improve the appearance of the neighborhood. He commented he had hoped to get some indication of the Commission's approval or disapproval of the idea. City Planner Swan noted this lot is in a C-1 District and would require a variance to use it for an automobile sales lot which is permitted in a C-2 zoning district. After some Commission discussion, it was indicated that no decision could be made with no plans and no pertinent details. Mr. Linderman was instructed to present an application, along with plans, and more information at the June 12 study meeting. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting regularly adjourned at 1:30 A.M. Respectfully submitted, Malcolm M. Jacobs Secretary