HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1972.06.26THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION *, June 26, 1972 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Cistulli None City Engineer Marr Jacobs City Attorney Karmel Kindig Councilman Cusick Mink Planning Aide Hendrickson Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Cistulli presiding. ROLL CALL The above -named members were present. INTRODUCTION Chairman Cistulli introduced Planning Aide Chris Hendrickson to Commission members. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of May 22, the adjourned meeting of June 12 and the study meeting of June 12, 1972, were approved and adopted. HEARINGS 1. RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS I,J,K, BLOCK 10, AS SHOWN ON MAP NO. 2 OF THE BURLINGAME LAND COMPANY, INTO PARCEL 19 FOR NORTHERN CALIFORNIA SAVINGS. Chairman Cistulli announced this application for public hearing. Secretary Jacobs read the letter of June 2, 1972 from this§ organization which stated they had acquired Lots I,J, and K instead of Lots K,L, and M as originally planned, and attaching plot plan and sketch of temporary facility. City Engineer Marr commented that this resub- division entails deleting only two property lines. He questioned Northern California's representative, Mr. Jack Middaugh, about a curb cut, which was installed with asphalt on Chapin, and for which they had no permit. Mr. Middaugh explained that this was a temporary expedient due to the concrete strike, and would be replaced with concrete when the strike was over. There was no audience comment either for or against, and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioners Norberg, Kindig and Sine had no comment. Commissioners Mink, Taylor and Jacobs stated they were satisfied with the resub map. Commissioner Taylor moved that the application for resubdivision of Lots I,J,K, Block 10, Burlingame Lana Company No. 2 - 2 - for Northern California Savings be approved. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion and it passed unanimously on .roll call vote. 2. VARIANCE TO COVER MORE THAN FORTY PERCENT OF A LOT IN THE R-1 DISTRICT, WITH LESS THAN REQUIRED SIDE YARD AT 1364 COLUMBUS AVENUE, BEING LOT 41, BLOCK 59, EASTON ADDITION NO. 7, BY RAY HOLLASCH Chairman Cistulli announced this item for public hearing and Secretary Jacobs read the letter of application. Plans for the addition were distributed. At this point in the proceedings Chairman Cistulli acknowledged the presence of Councilman Cusick in the audience. There were no audience comments either for or against this application. Commissioner Sine stated he visited the site today and saw no objection to the addition. However, he had inspected a room at the rear of the garage with a view toward its possible occupancy as a rental unit but saw no evidence of plumbing or cooking facilities. Commissioner Norberg had no comment. Commissioner Mink questioned the inclusion of the garage in the percentage of land coverage, and noted that the dwelling was still non -conforming as to side setback. The City Engineer commented that the old building was still non -conforming with a side setback of 1'10", but the addition had a setback of 5110". Commissioner Taylor voiced his reluctance to vote for any variance of more than 40% in an R-1 area, stating he felt this sets a precedent and that more and more of these applications will be received. Commissioner Kindig agreed with Commissioner Taylor, commenting that the additional 3h% does not seem large, but results in an over -crowded lot, and requested that Mr. Hollasch remove the Doughboy swimming pool. Commissioner Jacobs also thought the pool should be removed. Mr. Hollasch stated that this would be done. Chairman Cistulli noted there was hardship involved in this case with the applicant's family needs. Commissioner Taylor noted that Mr. Hollasch could have hired an architect to design a building which would comply with the code. Commissioner Sine moved that the application for variance to cover more than forty percent of this lot be granted with the condition that the swimming pool 'Pe removed before any construction is started. Commissioner Kindig seconded the motion and it passed 4 - 3 on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: JACOBS, KINDIG,SINE,CISTULLI NOES: COMMISSIONERS: MINK, NORBERG, TAYLOR ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: NONE Mr. Hollasch was informed this variance would become effective July 5, if not appealed to the City Council. 3. VARIANCE TO ALLOW REBUILDING ENTIRE FACILITY FOR STANDARD OIL COMPANY SERVICE STATION AT 1501 EL CAMINO REAL, BEING PORTIONS OF LOTS 1, 2, AND 3, BLOCK 51, MAP OF EASTON ADDITION TO BURLINGAME NO. 5, ZONED R-3. This application was announced for hearing by the Chairman. Secretary 3 - Jacobs read the applicant's letter of June 7 which detailed the changes in plans from a previous application. These include having only office and storage area upstairs instead of restrooms, a building height of one and one-half stories over part of the station, and restrooms accessible for handicapped people. Revised plans were distributed to the Commission. Mr. R. H. Rieber, Standard representative, showed. the Commission and the audience a rendering of the station as revised. Chairman Cistulli asked for audience comments against this application. Margaret Lake of 1148 Oxford objected to the three bays planned. She stated that she had made a survey of the 29 service stations in Burlingame and there were already 10 with three bays, and 15 with two bays. She commented on the 87 service stations she had counted from Mountain View north on El Camino to Burlingame. She thought the 10,000 sq. foot lot was too small, as opposed to the 22,000 generally recommended for new service stations. She noted the code specifies stations should be in a commercial or industrial area and this is residential, and again objected to the station as a gathering place for youngsters. Fred Baldra, 1145 Cambridge, considered the rendering good and noted the corner did need improving, but objected to the 3 bays and the two stories at the rear of the building. He noted no parking for cars waiting to be serviced on the lot. Richard Crumrine, 1150 Oxford, stated this was a bad corner with a traffic problem and a 3-bay station would add to the hazard. He suggested 2 bays for this residential area. Reba Phillips, 1152 Oxford, objected to the station because of additional traffic. Clarence Rusch, who stated his business address is 1508 Adeline, objected to the height of the station, stating it darkened his parking lot. He objected to trash blowing over on his establishment. There were no audience comments in favor of this application. Mr. Rieber again addressed the Commission to answer some of these objections. He stated that a 3-bay station was necessary to take care of the business which they have at present. They are doing more service work and less gasoline sales. They need three pumps for present business also, but will keep the same tanks, with the possibility of increasing one 2,000 gal. tank to 5,000. He commented on other Standard stations in this area on which only minor remodeling was done because the' -property was leased, but emphasized that this station is on Standard owned property. He introduced Standard engineer Anthony Edwards who explained the lowerin of the building from the previous plan. The present plan is for 169 feet, which is only 4 feet higher than the existing building and 2 feet higher than Standard's ordinary single story building. The extra height is necessary to get the office and storage area above the station. There being no further comment, the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Sine objected to a 3-bay station on this small lot. He could agree with the 16h' height but only for the office area, and would prefer the standard height of 12' for the service station - 4 - area. He preferred 2 bays. Commissioner Norberg commented that the design was a great improvement over the one previous but agreed that 2 bays would be sufficient. Commissioner Mink questioned the effect the change in curb line would have on the traffic flaw, and Mr. Rieber replied that one effect would be preventing people from cutting corner - wise through the property. Commissioner Mink voiced concern about the late hours of operation, and Mr. Rieber stated that Standard had suggested to the operator that instead. of staying open until 12:00 on two evenings a week, the station be open only until 11:00 P.M. on any evening. Commissioner Taylor commented that his main objection to the prior plan had been the restrooms on the second floor. He thought this plan was as attractive as was possible and had no objections to the 3 bays, although it would overcrowd the lot. He felt the remodeling was a substantial improvement over the building there now. Commissioner Kindig thought this residential area was not the place for a service station, but that this plan would represent an improvement and would help a bad situation. Commissioner Jacobs had no objection to the plan. Chairman Cistulli voiced sympathy for the small businesses behind the station and thought the height should be reduced to 14Y and there should be only two bays. Standard re- presentatives contended that a 2' difference in height would not affect visibility to any great degree, that 3 bays would keep cars off the lot because cars awaiting service could be parked tandem in one of the bays, and that if the office were put on the ground floor, even more of the lot area would be used. Commissioner Sine suggested a 161height for the office area and a 12' height for the mechanical area, and that the height of the sign be changed to conform to the height required for the area. He also mentioned the 16' height for the canopy. The Standard representatives contended that a split in roof height would affect the continuity of design, agreed to change the height of the sign, and stated that the standard height of canopies for clearance of automobiles is 1316". In reply to a question from the Chairman they stated they were not in a position to eliminate one bay at this time. Mr. Fox, present operator -.of the station, addressed the Commission. He stated that he, too, was a small business man and needed the three bays to insure any profit. He noted, also, that one car could be' parked in a bay and two others parked behind it. Commissioner Mink established that the Standard Oil Company would conform to code with respect to signs and price boards, and commented that he liked the plan. Commissioner Kindig moved that this application for variance be approved in accordance with the plot plan and the applicant's letter of June 7, 1972 and with the conditions that the hours of operation cease at 11:00 p.m., that activities be limited to retail sales and services permitted gasoline service stations, that good housekeeping be maintained, with good waste control, that the only signs permitted be those shown on the plan with the exception of the price board, and that the permit is granted in compliance with Resolution No. 6-72 adopted by the Planning Commission. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. Chairman Cistulli commented that his vote was predicated only on the fact that Standard owns this land, and it is not leased or rented. The motion passed 6 - 1 on the following - 5 - roll call vote: } AYES: COMMISSIONERS: JACOBS, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: SINE ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: NONE KINDIG, MINK, NORBERG, TAYLOR, CISTULLI 4. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF RETAIL STORE IN AN M-1 DISTRICT AT 1180 CAROLAN AVENUE (APN 026-233-01), BY DONALD D. TATEOSIAN Chairman Cistulli announced this application for hearing. Secretary Jacobs read Mr. Tateosian's letter of application dated June 5, 1972 which states he wishes to lease his property at 1180 Carolan to Mrs. Joe Dimiceli for an antique store. He noted the building was sprinklered. Plot plans were distributed to the Commission. Mr. Tateosian addressed the Commission, stating he wished to lease this property in this fashion because of the good character of the tenants and the fact that such a store would be good for the community. There were no audience comments either for or against this application and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Norberg had no comment. Commissioner Sine stated he had inspected the premises, and questioned the gasoline pump inside the garage, whether or not the second floor was to be used for dwelling purposes, and the parking problem. He felt it would be necessary to get an easement along the south side. Commissioner Taylor had no objections to the use, but questioned the adequacy of the parking. He suggested an agreement with Oscar Person for an egress easement. Commissioner Mink also had no objection to the use but was concerned with the parking area. He thought it was dangerous for cars to back out onto Carolan. Commissioner Kindig had no objection to the use but thought the parking should be clarified. Upon questions from Commissioner Jacobs, Mr. Tateosian stated that the upstairs was used only for storage, never for living quarters; that the fire inspector had stated that the gasoline pump was safe if it .remained in constant use, and that the tenants intended to use the pump. He commented that three cars could be parked on the 20' driveway next to the building. City Attorney Karmel commented on the City Planner's statement that this 20' easement was for the use of the veterinary hospital. He stated that if this is an ingress -egress easement in which the hospital or Mr. Person has a part, he failed to see how it could be used for parking. Someone would have to abandon the easement. He further noted that if parking were arranged on the 20' easement, the egress would be from Cadillac Way over Mr. Person's property. Mr. Tateosian stated that the veterinary hospital does not use the easement, therefore parking would not block the easement. Upon Commission questions, City Attorney Karmel suggested that Mr. Tateosian obtain a preliminary report or a title insurance policy which would show the burden of the 20' easement. This would give the Commission the limitations of the easement. Mr. Tateosian stated he would contact the veterinary hospital regarding the easement, and Mr. Person regarding an egress. Commissioner Mink moved that this application be over to the adjourned meeting of July 10. Commissioner Taylor seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote. ]RECONVENE: After a recess at 9:301; m. the meeting reconvened at 9:40 p.m. 5A. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR AN ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE AND DISTRIBUTION CENTER FOR RENTAL AUTOMOBILES FOR NATIONAL CAR RENTAL SYSTEM, INC. ON LOT 1, EDWARDS INDUSTRIAL PARK, ZONED M-1 BY ROBERT F. EDWARDS. Chairman Cistulli announced this application for hearing and Secretary Jacobs read the applicant's letter of June 7, 1972. This letter stated this location would be used for a fleet distribution center for National Car Rental System for the entire Bay Area. It would house accounting and administrative offices and a maintenance facility for the entire operation, along with a small rental operation. Plans were distributed to the Commission. Messrs. Roy Anderson and W. Smidt were present as representatives of National Car Rental. Chairman Cistulli asked for audience comments against this application. Mr. Richard Lavenstein, 1310 Bayshore Highway, addressed the commission. He stated his company was developing two office buildings on the same street; and while he had no objection to the use or architecture, he was concerned with the street parking this facility might generate. He went on to state that at some future date when National's lot was completely filled with cars, they might park employee and rental cars on the street. He requested that the Commission ask National Car to agree to confine their parking to their own property. There were no audience comments in favor, and the public hearing was declared closed. In reply to questions from Commissioner Mink the National representative stated that there would be 27 parking stalls for the office building, the area would be landscaped, the major portion of the property would be paved, and that they did not intend to put in a car wash area or gasoline storage tanks. The lot would be fully fenced with a gate for overnight storage. Commissioner Taylor questioned if there would be a paint spray booth, and he was told that since this was required by code, one would be added. Commissioner Jacobs had no comment. Commissioner Kindig questioned the fence and was told it would be a 6' cyclone fence. Commissioner Sine asked if this fence along Bayshore should not be screened with redwood slats, and was informed by National that landscaping would be adequate to screen. Commissioner Sine questioned the unenclosed lunch area in the service department and was informed this was common in operations of this type. Chairman Cistulli agreed that this was quite frequently done. Commissioner Mink moved the granting of this special permit according to the plans and specifications submitted, with the - 7 - exception of Sign No. 2, and the letter of June 7, 1972 indicating purposes. Commissioner Sine seconded the motion and it passed unanimously on roll call vote. 5B SIGN VARIANCE TO ALLOW A 46 FOOT HIGH POLE SIGN IN AN M-1 DISTRICT ON LOT 1, EDWARDS INDUSTRIAL PARK FOR NATIONAL CAR RENTAL SYSTEM,BY ROBERT F. EDWARDS. This application was announced for hearing. Secretary Jacobs read the applicant's letter of June 21, 1972 which requested variance for a sign 40' x 6' supported on a pipe 40' high. The sign is to be lighted with interior lights. Plans for the sign were distributed. Roy Anderson, of National Car Rental, told. the Commission they considered the sign height necessary because of the landscaping along Bayshore with eucalyptus trees 35' high and shrubbery 20-25' high. They want the sign higher because of the freeway landscaping, which, he commented, will continue to grow. Where were no audience comments in favor of or against this application and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Sine stated he feared if this variance were granted in a few years it again would not be high enough, and there would be an application for a still higher sign. He made the point that National Car Mental had already been granted an identification sign as shown on their plan at the entrance to their lot. He also objected to the term "readerboard" as applied to this sign. Mr. Anderson responded that the sign was not a readerboard, containing only the words "National" and "Car Rental" and would never be changed. Commissioner Norberg thought the sign should comply with the code. Commissioner Mink thought that National did not need an identification sign at that point and commented that an advertising sign next to the freeway was illegal. Commissioner Taylor considered there was no hardship involved and was against the variance. Commissioner Kindig stated that this would set a precedent in this undeveloped area and cause further complications. Commissioner Jacobs stated the sign should comply with the code. Commissioner Cistulli agreed, stating that if signs are constructed to be above the height of the trees, the trees will continue to grow, and there must be limitations. Mr. Anderson then informed the Commission that they did want a sign which would be visible from the freeway, but if the city objected to the height, National Car would make it conform to the maximum height permitted by code. Chairman Cistulli noted this application might be considered withdrawn because it will no longer be necessary. The applicant's sign will be constructed according to code. 6. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR ADDING TWO SCREENS AND ALTERATIONS TO BURLINGAME AND PENINSULA DRIVE-IN THEATERS AT 350 BEACH ROAD, 15.928 AC MOL OF ANZA AIRPORT PARK ##1 (APN 026-350-070) ZONED M-1 BY ANZA PACIFIC CORPORATION FOR TENANT SYUFY ENTERP RI SES _ This application was announced for hearing. Mr. David Keyston of Anza Pacific addressed the Commission, and introduced Mr. Jack Hague, vice president of Syufy Enterprises. Mr. Keyston stated this appli- cation involved the addition of two small screens at the back corner of the theater, and added he had contacted the State Highway Department about the visibility from the freeway. State Highway regulations prohibit theater screens within 600' of the freeway, but the original screens are 800' from the freeway, and the new screens would be 1/3 of a mile. He stated this request was brought about by a substantial change in the theater industry with the necessity for multiple units to attract the public. He commented. Anza Pacific would be happy to limit any consideration to the present tenant and to the present lease, which will not be extended; and that the same conditions applying to the original permit would apply to this one. There was no audience comment either for or against. The public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Taylor questioned the size of the screens and was in- formed that they would be 1/2 the square footage of the present ones, which are 90' high. New screens would be 60' high. Commissioner Sine asked about the lease and was told it was for 25 years originally and that 14 years remain. Commissioner Norberg had no comment. Commissioner Mink questioned the conditioning of the old and the new permit and was informed by the City Attorney that the old permit could. no longer be conditioned. Commissioner Taylor stated that the use had already been accepted, and that this addition could not make the situation much worse. Commissioner Kindig did not agree with this comment, particularly with regard to boat traffic. Commissioner Jacobs stated he did not condone the theater usage, but felt the variance would be acceptable since the screens would have to come down at the end of the lease. Commissioner Cistulli thought it would be more acceptable if the old screens were cut down to the size of the new ones. Mr. Keyston stated that the addition of the screens would cost $400,000,' Cutting down the size of the old screens, with attendant work of relocation of projection booths and regrading of parking to different angles would cost half again that much. He questioned that it would be economically feasible for the balance of this lease. Commissioner Kindig moved that this application for special permit for adding two screens and alterations to Burlingame and Peninsula Drive-in Theaters at 350 Beach Road.be denied. Commissioner Mink seconded the motion and it passed 4 - 3 on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: JACOBS, KINDIG, MINK, SINE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NORBERG, TAYLOR, CISTULLI COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: NONE The applicant was informed he had the right of appeal to the City Council. M= 7. VARIANCE TO ALLOW UPGRADING THE EXISTING APARTMENT BUILDING AT 1452 BELLEVUE AVENUE, BEING SW 50 FEET OF LOT 1, BLOCK 8, BURLINGAME LAND CO. MAP NO. 2 (APN 029-111-140) ZONED R-4, BY JAMES GONG. Chairman Cistulli announced this.application for hearing. Secretary Jacobs read a letter concerning the property from G. K. Curtis, General contractor, setting forth improvements to be made on this property to upgrade it both interior and exterior. These include new stucco exterior, entrance change, new roof line, concrete driveway, landscaping, elimination of two ground level apartments to provide more parking. Preliminary plans were distributed. Mr. Curtis addressed the Commission. He stated this apartment was in a good neighborhood and with renovation would appeal to a higher income group of tenants. This would justify the cost of renovation and benefit the area. 'There were no audience comments either for or against. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Sine, commenting on the City Planner's notation that it would be impossible for this building to meet zoning code regulations, suggested a delay on this application until revised plans were drawn and further facts established. He noted another reason for the delay would be the consideration of this building in conjunction with the single family residence at 1448 Bellevue, since apparently there would be some action on it also. He stated that on the revised plans there must be some provision for shoring. Mr. Curtis stated that the reason for providing only preliminary drawings was to find if the parking provisions would be acceptable. The renovation of the building would be contingent upon the acceptance of the parking, and complete plans for the building would be submitted afterward. Chairman Cistulli commented that any improvement of this property would be of benefit, but in view of the situation, the Planning Commission would rather have more concrete plans before them prior to voting on any aspect of this renovation. Commissioner Kindig commented he could see Mr. Curtis' point in not wishing to go to the expense of having a complete set of plans drawn if the parking arrangement were rejected. Commissioner Taylor moved that this application for variance be tabled until the regular meeting of July 24. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion and it carried on voice vote. Mr. Curtis commented that Mrs. Gong had made an offer on the 1448 Bellevue property, and if it were accepted, the two properties could be combined for purposes of parking. Mr. Gong was requested to bring more facts to the study meeting of July 10 after consultation with the City Planner. - 10 - ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p. m. to the study meeting of July 10, 1972. Respectfully submitted, Malcolm M. Jacobs Secretary .