HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1972.08.14TILE CITY OF BURLINGA14h PLANNING COMMISSION August 14, 1972 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Cistulli Kindig Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER Jacobs (excused) Mink (excused) City Planner Swan City Engineer Marr City Attorney Karmel Planning Aide Hendrickson An adjourned meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission, from the regular meeting of July 24, 1972, was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Cistulli presiding. ROLL CALL The above -named members were present. Commissioners Jacobs and Mink were excused, having given previous notice that business com- mittments prevented their attendance. HEARINGS: 1. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF RETAIL STORE IN AN M-1 DISTRICT AT 1180 CAROLAN AVENUE (APN 026-233-010) BY DONALD D. TATEOSIAN. Chairman Cistulli announced this item for hearing. PAr. Tateosian stated that he wished to present two documents: Grant of Easement between Oscar F. Person and. Rector Cadillac Company and Donald D. Tateosian, granting easement for parking only, not exclusive, for a period of five years, and Grant of Easement between Oscar F. Person and Rector Cadillac Company and Donald D. Tateosian, granting easement for egress only, not exclusive, for a period of five years. Mr. Tateosian thought these documents would support and assure the parking spaces and egress rights required by code for granting of the permit. City Attorney Karmel observed that the major problem had been off- street parking and circulation, that the commission suggested parking be on the easement and circulation be effected through egress on Rector Cadillac premises. Mr. Karmel stated he and Mr. Tateosian had agreed right-of-way across [and on] the Oscar Person property, Rector Cadillac, tenant, should be obtained, thus resolving the problem. He would ask the engineer's office to check the description to see it proved satisfactory. Commissioner Taylor noting that the easement was not exclusive, wondered if the owner of the land could enter into some other agree- ment. This could account for two parking spaces. Would this inter- fere with the Guyselman easement? City Attorney Karmel thought since this had been resolved, the parking difficulty had been resolved. Commissioner Kindig asked for clarification on Mr. Tateosian's request to keep the gasoline pump in service. Mr. Tateosian felt that as the - 2 - whole building was sprinklered and as the fire inspector had said that if in active use the gas pump could remain, it would be ad- vantageous for the present tenants and an asset to the property. Commissioner Sine expressed concern as to additive parking. tie also referred to lack of a permit for the present sign, illegally installed. Mr. Finkelstein, attorney for Mr. Dimicelli, stated that he had recom- mended the sign be covered for the time being. Commissioner Sine re- minded him that an application by the antique store for a sign permit was still necessary. Commissioner Taylor moved that the special permit for establishment of a retail store in an M-1 district at 1180 Carolan Avenue by Donald D. Tateosian be granted conditionally: 1) The documents submitted be approved by the City Attorney and City Engineer, and 2) that the application be limited to and extensive with the life of the lease, not to exceed five years. Motion was carried 5 - 0 on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS KINDIG, NORBERG, SINE, TAYLOR, CISTULLI NOES: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS JACOBS, MINK 2. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR A LADIES READY-TO-WEAR STORE IN AN M-1 DISTRICT AT 1047 BROADWAY (PORTION OF APN 026-233-010; OWNED BY DONALD D. AND N. L. TATEOSIAN) BY RHODA SMALL. Neither bars. Small nor a representative responded when Chairman Cistulli announced Item 2 open for hearing. City Planner Swan ad- vised the commission that only verbal notification of application withdrawal had been received from Mrs. Rhoda Small. At that time, she was informed that a letter stating her intention was required. However, because the application fee was not refundable, bars. Small indicated there (probably) would be no further communication. The City Planner stated a letter from the Police Department giving the traffic circulation in that area had been received but review would seem academic. Chairman Cistulli observed that there was no proof to file of the fact that Mrs. Small was withdrawing the application. If the motion were tabled, it would continue to be carried, serving no purpose. It was noted that application rejection would apply only to Mrs. Small, not to the property owners. Commissioner Taylor moved that the application for a special permit for a Ladies Ready -to -Wear Store in an MI-1 district at 1047 Broadway by Rhoda Small be denied. Motion was carried 5 - 0 on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMIMISSIONERS KINDIG, NORBERG, SINE, TAYLOR, CISTULLI NOES: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS JACOBS, MINK Chairman Cistulli adjourned the adjourned meeting of July 24 at 8:40 p.m. to the regular study meeting of August 14, 1972. - 3 - Planning Commission Study Meeting of August 14, 1972 APPLICATIONS: 1. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FOR RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 40 AND PORTION OF LOTS 39 AND 41, BLOCK 58, EASTON ADDITION TO BURLINGAME NO. 7, ZONED R-1 BY R. C. DAUBEMIRE Chairman Cistulli introduced the application for study. Mr. George Beatty, engineer, was present to display and explain a revised plan which involves remodeling the existing house so as to establish two 50' lots. There exists on one parcel a dwelling which has a 6.2' portion extending over the 50' line. A porch encroaches and on the back,the diningroom, which does not go up to the second story. The plan is to remove the porch and modify the area of the dining room and incorporate the entry way into what is now the living room. Removing this portion would not change the architecture of the building (the present door would be replaced with a stationary window when the entry is moved). Being presented at this time are only plans for redesign of the exterior of the building to make it conform with present code. No special permit would be necessaryif it would meet all code requirements. Commissioner Taylor asked if these portions of the structure could be removed before application for resubdivision in two weeks at the hearing. He would suggest as a more practical approach asking the city engineer permission to post a bond to remove portions of the existing house. The entire project would need extra time. City Engineer Marr observed that a decision could not be made tonite. A parcel map cannot be signed until after the house has been re- modeled. It would seem satisfactory if that portion of the house on the other lot were demolished before request is made for division. There would still have to be a 5' setback to make this legal. Post- ing of a bond would be up to the City Attorney. Commissioner Sine noted that the plan for lot at 39A, the building, would be substantially revised. He felt that as the neighborhood was deeply concerned, those that signed the petition, regidents within 500' around the subject resubdivision, should be notified of the hearing. Commissioner Kindig asked City Planner Swan or City Attorney Karmel if there were some way to eliminate the illegal extra foot from the existing fence. City Planner Swan replied it could be strongly suggested that legal action would be forthcoming unless this were done. Chairman Cistulli informed the applicant his request for resubdivision would be set for public hearing on August 28. - 4 - 2. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR A RECREATION VEHICLE DEALERSHIP IN AN M-1 DISTRICT AT ADRIAN COURT AND ADRIAN ROAD BY BAYWEST ASSOCIATES RECREATION VEHICLE COMPANY City Planner Swan observed that of concern are type of advertising and a sign that would be involved. The application for a special permit is for a use designated for a different district. Mr. Carl E. Kirker, president of the company, defined a recreation vehicle as a self-contained, self-propelled vehicle, and stated that the dealership would handle new merchandise as well as resale of vehicles turned in. In addition to carrying motor homes from 18' to 28', self-contained vehicles having water, electrical and gas systems, the company would also have travel trailers which are towed by another vehicle, campers to place on truck tops and caps for pick-up trucks. The latter generally used in an urban area with facilities enabling them to go for several days without servicing. Two schematic plans of the site covering approximately 3.8 acres were shown. The development includes building for show -room, offices, rental units and shops, areas designated for servicing and parking, and landscaping to establish the proper atmosphere and screen working areas. In reply to questions from Chairman Cistulli and Commissioner Sine, Mr. Beatty stated that a maximum of 100-135 new and used vehicles would be stocked on hand. When Commissioner Taylor asked if banners, balloons and that type of display would be used, Mr. Beatty stated that the company would not have any gimmicks that would detract from the area, but would like a sign commensurate with other properties and so placed as to be seen from the freeway. Chairman Cistulli asked how many employees were anticipated and if proper parking were provided. Mr. Kirker listed the personnel as 6 in sales, 7-8 in service and repair, 3 for vehicle cleaning and 5 for the office. Customer parking is provided in front and employee parking (not tandem) in the rear. Answering Commissioner Taylor, Mr. Kirker stated there would be a full service operation for repair, flushing containers and motor servicing. Regarding a refuse tank dump, waste would go to the City Sanitation System after being put through a clarifier. City Engineer Marr stated that he would have to know more about the chemical used in vehicle facilities before use of the City system would be approved. Chairman Cistulli requested the City Engineer be given a break -down of the chemicals. As for car -washing drainage, City Engineer 1"9arr informed Mr. Kirker that the City would object to soap in the storm drains. City Planner Swan told the commission that Mr. Kirker had been noti- fied that noise generated by planes at the airport was greatest in this particular area of Burlingame. When Chairman Cistulli asked what this meant in an M-1 district, the City la er id d that ew development in this area is to be brought to/Re RTra90ntARc e Committee for recommendation. Air. Kirker felt that was not a draw- back for this type of enterprise; however, Commissioner Kindig - S - questioned the effect on those working within the office building. Chairman Cistulli pointed out that the commission was acting on the special use of both -building and land. Commissioner Sine sug- gested scheduling the hearing, stating that some permits granted are conditional to meeting certain requirements and the commission could look further into what would be more appropriate. Application was scheduled for hearing at the meeting of August 28. 3. VARIANCE TO ALLOW J. H. SNYDER COMPANY OFFICE IN THE EXISTING MASONRY STRUCTURE AT 1011 CADILLAC WAY, LOCATED ALONG THE NORTHERLY PROPERTY LINE, AND JOINT USE OF PARKING WITH NORTHPARK APARTMENTS IN AN R-4 DISTRICT BY L. BURLINGAME, INC., HENRY L. RICHMAN Application was declared open for study. Mr. Richman stated that as in submitted letter, he would like to remodel and convert the building to use as an office for the operation of the Northpark Apartments. Replying to Chairman Cistulli, Mr. Richman said the building would be repainted but there would be no exterior structural changes, only a few interior modifications. "We will utilize parking for the guests of the complex," as 1) The office would be open from 8:30 to 5:30 only and guest parking is generally not used during these hours, and 2) Approximately 250 apartments are Studios which accommodate one person but there are 1-1/2 parking spaces per unit which means 400 spaces for 250 people. We will use probably 15 spaces. With regard to parking: Commissioner Sine observed that would be taking guest parking for his own use, and that in his [Mr. Sine's) review of minutes, where Northpark had previously had parking spaces, some had been taken away. Commissioner Kindig stated that the com- mission had reviewed parking for the Northpark Apartments once and shouldn't go through it again. City Planner Swan noted that there was no parking on the south side of Cadillac Way and only 2 hours parking on the other side. Commissioner Taylor referred to the fact that parking requirements were incorporated in the agreement, there- fore there would be no way that the commission could allow the pro- posed parking. Chairman Cistulli suggested further discussion be withheld and public hearing scheduled for August 28. 4. LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR VELVET TURTLE RESTAURANT AT 1095 ROLLINS ROAD BY SAGA ENTERPRISES. INC. City Planner Swan stated that the agreement between Saga Enterprises and the City included approval of landscaping plans by the City. Upon request two weeks ago plans were submitted by Saga Enterprises and are being presented to the Planning Commission for review. The Director of Parks has seen the drawings, and Planner Swan would suggest that the Beautification Commission also be given the op- portunity to comment. - 6 - Chairman Cistulli proposed inviting the Beautification Commission to the public hearing, asking the Chairman and Vice Chairman if they could arrange to see the plans prior to the meeting. Commissioner Sine stated that he would like to have a representative of Saga Enterprises management also present. Public hearing was scheduled for August 28. 5. SIGN VARIANCE FOR ROOF SIGN EXCEEDING TWENTY (20) FEET IN HEIGHT FROM ROOF LEVEL AT 1021 BURLINGAME AVENUE, ZONED C-2, BY CUMMINGS AND COMPANY FOR LEE OLDSMOBILE City Planner Swan quoted code limitation: ..No roof sign shall exceed 20' in height, measured from the roof level to the highest point of the sign, with the further limitation that no portion of such sign shall exceed fifty feet in height, measured from the ground level...", and suggested that the upper portion of the sign [two sections] be lowered so that it would comply. Replying to Chairman Cistulli, Mr. Lee said that the upper sign was a General Motors Corporate sign, for identification purpose, and that it was this main sign for which he was asking a variance. In answer to query, Mr. Robertson stated that the sign would be internally lighted, face California Drive, and that no light would be so placed as to interfere with the adjacent residents. Air. Lee explained that the application for variance was being made because the firm is not located on Automobile Row and the prominent sign was needed to identify location and attract customers. Public hearing was set for August 28. City Planner Swan would ask that a representative of the management be in attendance at the hearing. OLD BUSINESS 6. SIGN VARIANCE FOR SKYLINE TERRACE BY DIANE SIIANE City Planner Swan presented and Commissioner Sine read to commission the July 10, 1972, letter from Mrs. Diane Shane. Following discussion, commissioners concurred the matter should con- tinue to be handled by the City Planner and Airs. Shane advised of the attitude of the commission: The sign is to be installed exactly as agreed upon or else torn down. 7. VARIANCE TO ALLOW UPGRADING THE EXISTING APARTMENT BUILDING AT 1452 BELLEVUE AVENUE BY JAMES GONG (FOR STUDY ONLY) Mr. F. B. Schlageter, attorney for Mr. Gong, was present to submit modified plans and gain some background on the problems attendant to the application. - 7 - Commissioner Taylor observed that the shear wall and parking were concerns that had been discussed, and wondered if an internal post were not also involved.- Commissioner Sine noted the shear wall had been incorporated; however, parking had to be modified before application would be amenable to the commission. New locations of some parking spaces under the building were pointed out, but Com- missioners Sine and Norberg saw no way that cars could safely maneuver from the garage. They would still have to back into the street. Commissioner Sine advised members that he had been to the site several times with the Building Inspector and Fire Marshal and felt more adequate parking was all that was left to be resolved. Mr. Schlageter will contact City Planner Swan prior to the public hearing which was scheduled for August 28. NEW BUSINESS RE: SPECIAL PERMIT FOR REVISION OF ATLANTIC RICHFIELD SERVICE STATION AT BROADWAY AND ROLLINS ROAD City Planner Swan told commission that subsequent to the July 24 hearing, Atlantic Richfield had conferred with the Fire Department to verify fact that self -serve gasoline stations were not permitted in Burlingame. Mr. Clausen had written letter to City Council re- questing the plan be returned to the Planning Commission for further study. Revised plans must be awaited. The Planner said he had heard there was the possibility of a third bay containing a car wash being added in new plans. Regarding the station, City Engineer Marr stated that widening of the street had been discussed but there was still no binding agree- ment with Arco that they would participate in payment of the project. The Engineer was asked if, when the street -widening contract were let, the low bidder could be asked to hold the agreement for 90 days. Mr. Marr replied that would be too late. RECONVENE After a recess at 9:45 p.m., meeting reconvened at 9:55 p.m. PLANNING STUDIES City Planner Swan stated that in his opinion the items slated for review warranted a special study session; however, Items 1 and 4 were most timely and should be covered at this time, for needed direction on implementation of the General Plan. 1. RECLASSIFICATION STUDY - INDICATORS FOR CHANGE In researching the Arundel area, Planning Intern Hendrickson cited two key factors for evaluation: percentage of owner -occupied living units [in comparison to rental property], and the ratio of assessed value of improvements to the assessed value of land. These two indicators reveal that the Arundel area has a relatively high proportion of rental units (less than 500 of homes are owner occupied on many blocks), and that the value of improvements in - 8 - relation to land is comparatively low, indicating deteriorating or underdeveloped property within the area. City Planner Swan observed that he would favor more owner -occupied housing. A major problem is water supply for multi -family units. Until the cost is resolved, nothing concrete can be done in the way of reclassification. Various means of financing adequate water systems in renewal areas were discussed. There was also discussion about the extent of the area to be proposed for rezoning. The Planning Commission favored the entire study area rather than sequential or subarea reclassi- fication. 2. SECOND DRAFT - R-2A DISTRICT REGULATIONS City Planner Swan felt this should be covered at the suggested special study session. 3. FIRST DRAFT - SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW This, too, should be considered at the proposed special study meeting. 4. INTERIM OPEN SPACE ELEMENT City Planner Swan observed that this should be scheduled for public hearing on August 28. A state law requires that an Open Space Element of the Burlingame General Plan be prepared and submitted. By complying with the state law and adopting an interim open space element, Burlingame would be eligible to apply for federal and state funds. S. POSSIBLE CODE AIMENDMENTS Postponed for later study were a) Parking Regulations - Parking permits, and b) Home Occupations. The meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Thomas W. Sine Acting Secretary i�