HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1971.01.25THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION January 25, 1971 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Cistulli None City Attorney Karmel Kindig City Planner Mann Jacobs City Engineer Marr Mink Councilman Johnson Norberg (8:20 p.m.) Councilman Mangini Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Sine presiding. ROLL CALL The above -named members responded to roll call. Commissioner Norberg, attending a Library Board meeting, appeared at the time noted above. AGENDA ORDER CHANGED. Chairman Sine announced that Commissioner Cistulli, because of his absence from the meeting of December 28, was ineligible to vote on the two matters that were continued from the prior meeting to the present time (Items Nos. 1 and 2 on the agenda) and that,to assure a full complement of voting members,the matters would be held for the arrival of Commissioner Norberg from the Library Board meeting. HFARTNRC 1. SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVED FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND EXPANSION OF STANDARD OIL COMPANY STATION. BURLINGAME AVENUE & EL CAMINO REAL. Chairman Sine announced a public hearing on the application of Standard Oil Company of California for special permit to expand the area of the existing service station at E1 Camino Real and Burlingame Avenue. A statement accompanying the application reported that negotiations are in progress for Standard Oil Company to acquire additional property at the location, thereby increasing land area to 13,506 square feet with 144 feet of frontage on both E1 Camino Real and on Burlingame Avenue. The communication stated that all existing to be replaced with a new modern unit with a single sign of minimum size and height. further that it is intended to widen access relocate Burlingame Avenue access away from traffic safety. facilities will be demolished substantial landscaping and The communication reported from E1 Camino Real and to the corner for purposes of -1- Plans, including landscaping detail, and a colored rendering of the proposed improvement were filed. Mr. E. L. Stewart represented the applicant. In response to Chairman Sine, Mr. Stewart confirmed that Standard Oil Company has acquired the property adjacent to the service station where the arcade is located and that it is intended to utilize the entire parcel in the proposed reconstruction. The City Planner, at the Chair's invitation to comment, stated that there is evidence to indicate that Standard Oil Company has occupied the site since mid-1920's. Commenting that the location would probably not be considered suitable in modern practice, he indicated no objec- tion to the permit inasmuch as the company owns the property and that adjoining, and proposes a completely new facility of modern design with amenities of landscaping and a small attractive sign. He recalled that the Commission a few years back permitted enlargement of the Shell Station on the opposite corner of Burlingame Avenue and the El Camino. There was no correspondence nor comments from the audience favoring the application. A letter dated January 20, 1971, from William C. McGowan, Jr., 1401 Vancouver Avenue deplored removal of the arcade --"a unique attraction in the shopping area" --to accommodate expansion of a gasoline_ service station. There were no comments from the audience protesting the application. The hearing was declared concluded. During a period of Commission discussion, the City Planner, in response to Commissioner Mink, confirmed that reconstruction of sidewalks, curbs, driveways is subject to issuance by the City Engineer of an encroachment permit. Mr. Stewart, in response to Commissioner Kindig, reported that three (3) on -site parking spaces will be provided, as permitted by code. (Commissioner Norberg appeared) Chairman Sine's reference to an access that has been available to pedestrians to and from the city parking lot through the arcade initiated a period of discussion; there appeared to be agreement that space for a suitable walk -way did not exist and that it would be poor policy to allow pedestrians access over the station site proper. A motion introduced by Commissioner Mink, seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and carried unanimously on roll call (Commissioner Norberg abstaining) approved the application of Standard Oil Company of California for special permit to reconstruct and enlarge the service station at the southeast corner of Burlingame Avenue and E1 Camino Real in accordance with plans, specifications and landscape detail on file. - 2 - la. RESUBDIVISION MAP - PROPERTY OF STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, EL CAMINO REAL AND BURLINGAME AVENUE. A preliminary map of the above -described property, being a portion of Lot 9, Block 1, Town of Burlingame Subdivision, prepared for the land owner by Holm, Tait & Associates, Sun Rafael, California, for the purpose of deleting internal parcel lines and establishing a single large parcel, was accepted on a motion introduced by Commissioner Mink, seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and unanimously carried on roll call, Commissioner Norberg abstaining. The Commission was informed that the engineers were preparing final tracings for signature. lb. AREA TO BE DEDICATED FOR PUBLIC USE - STANDARD OIL COMPANY TO CITY OF BURLINGAME. The City Planner referred to the area designated "Parcel 2" on the resubdivision map, explaining that it was discovered recently that Standard Oil Company ownership extends to part of the sidewalk and a small triangle of the street, that at some prior time the sidewalks apparently were widened but that the land never changed ownership and that Standard Oil Company has submitted material to the City Attorney whereby an offer of dedication will be prepared for acceptance by the City Council. Upon advice from staff that an action was required by Planning Commission endorsing the dedication, Commissioner Mink introduced a motion recommending to the City Council that an offer of dedication, from Standard Oil Company to the City of Burlingame, of a small triangle at Burlingame Avenue and E1 Camino Real for street purposes be approved. The motion was seconded by Commission Cistulli and unanimously carried, Commissioner Norberg abstaining. The applicant was informed the use permit would be effective Tuesday, February 2, 1971, if not appealed. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of December 28, 1970 and the study meeting of January 11, 1971, previously submitted to members were approved and adopted. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Chairman Sine acknowledged the presence of Councilman Charlotte Johnson, accompanied by Mr. Johnson, and Councilman Victor A. Mangini. HEARINGS (Cont.) 2. VARIANCE TO COMBINE P, 1 LOTS WITH R-3 LOT FOR MULTIPLE OCCUPANCY DWELLING, RALSTON AVENUE AND EL CAMILNG, APPROVED. Chairman Sine announced a public hearing continued from the regular meeting of December 28, 1970, on the application for variance submitted - 3 - by David A. Nicolaides, 1009 California Drive, Burlingame, to improve a parcel at the southwest corner of El Camino Real and Ralston Avenue, partly zoned R-3 and partly R-1, with a twenty-seven unit apartment building. In response to the Chair, the Secretary reported no new correspondence received since the prior meeting. Two colored renderings of the proposed building were displayed --the original, shown at the meeting of December 28, and the revision, incorporating changes requested by the Commission. Mr.Nicolaides, in response to Chairman Sine, reported that the plans have been amended to include a slump -stone wall at the front of the building to screen uncovered parking, the wall to be extended along the westerly property line in the driveway area, thereby shielding the adjoining property from reflecting headlights; additionally, the driveway ramp will be moved further into the building. The City Planner, in response to the Chair, pointed out that the proposal to combine an apartment zoned lot on E1 Camino Real with first -residential lots fronting the side street is not unusual, that similar variances have been granted because the requirement of 20 feet of setback on E1 Camino substantially reduces buildable area of some lots. He indicated no objection to the variance, stating that there are perhaps three or four comparable properties where similar improvements may be attempted. There were no comments from the audience in response to the Chair. The hearing was declared concluded. At Commissioner Jacob's request, a letter dated January 21, 1971, from the Director of Public Works was read. The communication stated that, at the request of the Commission, a study was made of existing sanitary sewer and water distribution in the subject area, that, in general, there should be no additional problems involved with sanitary sewers but that fire flow is a matter of concern; presently, there is an average of 1500 gallons per minute, which is adequate for R-1 zoning; R-3A zoning would require a minimum fire flow of 2500 gallons per minute at a cost of approximately $100,000. The communication recited costs per square foot of lot area, assuming rezoning'in the area to a higher density, in accordance with general plan proposals. In concluding the communication, the Director of Public Works again recommended that consideration be given to requiring deposits into a city fund in situations of variance rezoning that may be used when the need arises for upgrading of the fire flow system. The communica- tion also noted that using the factors for R-3 and R-3A that a total of 18 units can be allowed on the property. Commissioner Norberg spoke in favor of the proposed construction as a method of improving the property and replacing a dilapidated structure with a modern functional building. Commissioner Norberg suggested that it would be advantageous to.relocate the building toward the rear of the property to allow for possible future widening of Ralston Avenue and to redesign or eliminate the first -floor balconies that project over E1 Camino Real. An inquiry directed -by Commissioner Mink to the City Attorney concerning proper procedure in a situation where the Commission elected to apply the proposition advanced by the City Engineer, initiated a period of discussion. The City Attorney stated that the plan may not be applied in the subject application, primarily because of the requirement of a special fund whereby the city will accept and hold on deposit for an indeterminate time private monies for a specific purpose; whether or not such fund shall be created can be decided only by the City Council. The City Attorney cited a number of areas where problems of administration may arise and suggested that the Commission, with the assistance of staff, present the subject to Council for considera- tion and guidance in attempting implementation. In response to Chairman Sine's inquiry whether the subject construction will burden existing water installations, the City Engineer replied in the negative, explaining, however, that the area will require close attention because problems may result where new construction wil substantially increase density. In further comment, the City Engineer stated that the City's fire rating could be adversely affected should the Board of Fire Under- writers decide that fire flow improvements were not staying abreast of expansion of areas of higher density. Commissioner Taylor indicated no objection to multi -family use of the property but to the number of units in the proposed building, stating that the resultant density will be greater than is generally acknowledged for the area, except on E1 Camino Real. In response to Commissioner Kindig, Mr. Nicolaides clarified details of height and type of construction employed in the first -floor balconies. Chairman Sine stated that traffic flow proposed in the basement area leaves much to be desired but that, in apartment houses, normally there are a number of small cars and some tenants with no cars, which will help to improve the situation. He stated that he was primarily concerned with.the retaining wall and was satisfied with the revisions prepared by Mr. Nicolaides. The City Planner commended the City Engineer on his report on the fire flow situation, concurring that some equitable method must be found for financing the improvements. A motion introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs, approving the application of David A. Nicolaides for variance to construct a 27 unit apartment building on land partly zoned R-3 and partly R-1, at the southwesterly corner of E1 Camino Real and Ralston Avenue, in accordance with amended plans dated November 23, 1970, including landscaping detail., was declared carried on the following roll call: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Kindig, Jacobs, Norberg, Sine NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Mink, Taylor ABSTAIN CO:10IISSIONERS: Cistulli (absent at the initial hearing) ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: None Complying with suggestions from staff, the following motion was introduced by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Kindig and carried unanimously: That the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that consideration be given to some method of equitable financing of improvements in the water system to upgrade the fire flow to support higher density construction. The applicant was informed the variance would be effective Tuesday, February 2, 1971, if not appealed. RECONVENE Following a recess at 9:15 p.m., Chairman Sine reconvened the meeting at 9:30 p.m. 3. VARIANCE APPROVED FOR MULTI -FAMILY CONSTRUCTION ON R-1 LOT BLOOMFIELD ROAD Chairman Sine announced a continued hearing from the meeting of December 28, 1970, on the application of David Kron and George Parsons, 1005 Drake Avenue, for variance to construct a "5 unit garden apart- ment" on first -residential property at 117 Bloomfield Road. The City Planner, in response to the Chair, recalled that following a lengthy hearing at the prior meeting, the Commission decided to request the applicant's consideration to reducing the number of units from five (5) to four (4) and, upon the latter's indication of willingness to discuss the matter with the architect, the hearing was continued to the present date. Reporting that the requested changes were made, the City Planner distributed copies of the original and the amended drawings. The City Planner, in response to the Chair, reported that the revised plans show a two-story building with two units on each floor; that there is one less unit but the individual apartments are larger than the original proposal; that carport parking for three (3) automobiles, plus one (1) open space, is provided at the very rear of the property, and that there are no garages at the front of the building. r,�ommunications in favor of the variance received after the meeting of December 28, were read from: John Horgan, 701 Howard Avenue, Jean Ainsworth, resident, 133 Bloomfield Road, Gerald and Bridget Rafferty, 121 Bloomfield Road (adjacent to subject property,) William J. Moir, owner, 133 Bloomfield Road, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Stack, owners of duplex building at 105 Arundel Road and 600 Bayswater Avenue, Mary Michniuk, owner, 108 and 110 Arundel Road and 211 North Humboldt and from Anna Buckareff, owner, 6 Arundel Road. 6 - The communications urged removal of the existing badly deteriorated building, stating that the property creates a blight upon all other properties on the street in its present condition, requested consideration to an improvement that will enhance neighborhood and property values, stated that the city should attempt to provide moderate -rental units, and that the area in question is ideally situated for development of small apartment buildings. The Chair acknowledged the presence of Mr. David Kron, one of the principals in the application. There were no comments from the audience favoring the application. Communications received since the meeting of December 28, 1970, opposing the application were read from: Mrs. Walter R. Hansen, 325 Bloomfield Road, John W. and Margaret Burns, 464 Bloomfield Road, T. J. McNamara, 120 Arundel Road, Otto Compagnin, 511 Bayswater Avenue, Mrs. G. Benedetti, 36 Bloomfield Road, W. A. Vagt, 123 Dwight Road, Dominico Russo, 17 Arundel Road, C. E. Flock, 215 Clarendon Road, 0. A. Sissass, 610 Bayswater Avenue, Washington Elementary School P.T.A. Board, Augusta Carniel, 14 Bloom- field Road and owner 115 Bloomfield Road, ;Michael F. Tarasoff, 129 Bloomfield Road, Mrs. Eleanor Keegan, 116 Arundel Road, Alice Fricke, 125 Arundel Road, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Metzler, 100 Arundel Road, Mrs. Celia Parker, 125 Bloomfield Road and owner 123 Bloomfield Road. The Protestants stated that the area is predominately single-family residential and should be permitted to remain so, that the narrow streets and existing water and sewer facilities cannot support apart- ment building density and that the cost of improvements will result in additional burdens upon the home -owner, particularly those dependent upon retirement incomes and on young -family budgets; that increased traffic will create hazardous conditions on streets in the area of the neighborhood elementary school, that approval of one variance for apartment construction will establish a precedent for others to attempt to follow suit, thereby discouraging home owners from maintaining and improving their properties. Some writers indicated that duplex use of the property would be acceptable. The City Planner, at the Chair's invitation to comment, referred to discussion at the last meeting in connection with the city's adopted general plan and called attention to an enlarged copy of the general plan map on display; he pointed out that the area under discussion is designated for a higher density and, for that reason, so far as the adopted general plan is concerned, it is the city's thinking that the area will change in•time. He noted that a number of letters were read and comments heard from persons living between Burlingame and Howard Avenues and explained that there has been no consideration given to changes north of Howard Avenue. Referring to the block of Bloomfield Road between Bayswater and Howard Avenues, where the subject property is located, he reported that five (5) properties on the street are improved with two -unit residences, all without benefit of variance,or rezoning. - 7 - The City Planner referred to a report on file of an inspection made by the San Mateo County Health Department and the city building and fire departments wherein it was stated that the property is not suitable for human habitation and cannot be made so and that existing structures should be demolished. The City Planner stated that the land use study of the 18 lots fronting on the 100 block of Bloomfield Road, made from external observations only, revealed 3 properties in excellent condition, 6 good, 6 fair and 3 poor. He noted that the result shows 9 properties rated "good and excellent" and an equal number "fair and poor." Comments were invited from the audience in opposition. Mrs. Randal Wardlaw, 116 Bloomfield Road, requested acknowledgment of the petition filed at the onset of the hearing. A petition bearing approximately 115 signatures protested on the grounds of overloading of utility installations, increased taxes to support safety services, traffic congestion. The petition stated that the subject property was purchased in 1964 by the present owners, was rented continuously without benefit of main- tenance or repairs and that the practice of investing in rental properties in residential areas for the sole purpose of eventual apart- ment construction must be discouraged through denial of variances that permit such construction in single-family residential neighborhoods. Mrs. Susan Ferris, 616 Howard Avenue, Mr. Joseph Bacchetto, Sr., 228 Bloomfield Road, Mr. J. Clyde Cross, 312 Howard Avenue, requested clarification of the scope of hardship that must be established to justify the city's approval to a variance, questioned costs of reconstructing water and sanitary sewer facilies and providing adequate fire protection for apartment dwellings. A letter dated January 21, 1971, was read from the Director of Public Works concerning fire flow to accommodate multiple dwelling rezoning. The communication stated that a cost survey made in 1964, on the occasion of a proposed rezoning of the area presently under discussion, indicated a cost of 7(� per square foot of lot area, or $540.00 for the average size lot of 50 by 150. The communication stated that the only conditions that have changed since the prior survey are in construction costs and that, on the present market, it probably would be necessary to figure an increase of at least 30%. The communication recommended that in situations of approval of variances to higher density that the applicant be required to deposit with the city a fixed amount to be used at a future date when improvements will be necessary to increase fire flow. The City Planner, at the request of the Chair, and in response to an inquiry from the floor, commented on the element of "hardship" in applications for variance, pointing out that proper land use and orderly development are of primary concern in every city and that guidelines have been established to assist planners, members of planning commissions and city councils to judge an application on its merits, to determine, on an individual basis, whether a valid situation of hardship exists and to render a decision accordingly. The code provides a guide but each commissioner must make his own judgment whether the variance is warranted. The City Planner explained his position that there is a definite economic hardship in the subject application, that the existing building is valueless, and that the owner can claim legitimately that it would be foolhardy to attempt to improve the property with a single-family dwelling. The City Planner stated that he was convinced that the application resulted from general plan recommendations for the area. He noted that the City Council recently approved a similar type of improvement on first -residential land west of E1 Camino Real where a desirable property was literally wasted because an existing structure was not habitable and valueless. Commissioner Taylor referred to code conditions requisite to variance grants, noted that the applicant, by admission, has neglected to maintain the property and stated his position that there are no grounds to justify approval. Commissioner Taylor stated that the proposed density exceeds general plan recommendations and suggested that the Commission consider initiating an action to determine whether the entire area should be rezoned according to general plan proposals. Commissioner Mink pointed out that the proposed development coincides with the comprehensive zoning plan of the city as determined by the general plan, noted that the "garden apartment" type of development, as defined in the general plan, is restricted to a rather limited area, and that apparently some misunderstanding exists as many of the letters of protest, signatures on petitions in opposition, and comments from the audience represent properties in areas that are quite removed from the subject property and where zoning changes are unlikely. He noted further that protests were filed by persons living in an area of higher density just two blocks removed from the subject property. Stating that he was chairman of the Planning Commission when the general plan was being developed, Commissioner Mink noted that prior to its adoption by the City Council, every phase of the plan was studied in depth by a citizens group, by the Commission and the Council. He stated that all of the studies were directed to the time that implementation would become a reality, that that time has come, and that the Commission must recognize its responsibility to foster orderly development of the city by observing guidelines recited in the general plan. Commissioner Kindig stated that he was impressed with arguments advanced by the opponents but that, from a practical standpoint, recognized that it would be unwise to attempt single-family redevelopment in a neighbor- hood of older homes where some properties are beginning to show evidences of poor maintenance. Commissioner Kindig also referred to protests that were received from areas some distance from the property. Referring to the matter of precedent, raised by many of the protestants, Commissioner Kindig stated that it was questionable that one 4-unit building would materially affect the residential character of the neighborhood or require costly expansion of utility systems. He stated that he felt reasonably certain that changes in land use in the area would be gradual, possibly extending over a period of years. Commissioner Kindig spoke in favor of the proposed construction as an alternative to allowing the land to remain unused. Chairman Sine referred to comments voiced at the prior meeting wherein objections were voiced to the variance procedure and pointed out that the right to apply for variance is recognized by law. He stated that existing conditions make single-family, duplex or triplex construction economically unfeasible. Chairman Sine noted that the City of Burlingame enjoys an excellent structure, commenting that during a seven-year period the city taxes on his home increased approximately $12.00. In response to Commissioner Kindig, the applicants agreed that one additional on -site parking space could be provided at the rear of the property. A motion introduced by Commissioner Jacobs to approve the application of David Kron and George Pars ns for variance to construct a four-plex building on first residentialM 117 Bloomfield Road, in accordance with submitted plans, including the addition.of one parking space to make a total of five on -site spaces, was seconded by Commissioner Kindig and declared carried on the following roll call: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Jacobs,Kindig,Mink,Norberg,Sine NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Taylor ABSTAIN COMMISSIONERS: Cistulli (absent from meeting December 28) The Chair announced that the variance would be effective Tuesday, February 2, 1971, if not appealed. RECONVENE Following a recess at 10:30 p.m., the meeting was reconvened by Chairman Sine at 10:40 p.m. HEARINGS (cont.) 4. SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVED AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS, 1213 ROLLINS ROAD. Chairman Sine announced a public hearing on the application of Dale Whitt 1411 Floribunda Avenue, Burlingame, for. special permit to occupy an existing building at 1213 Rollins Road for purposes of "mechanical repair and/or storage." The applicant's communication dated January 6, 1971, stated that he is presently the operator of the D&M Arco service station at 1000 Broadway, immediately adjacent to the subject building, that automobile repairs -10- constitute a sizeable part of the business and that the additional space available in the building is considered essential to an efficient operation. A sketch was filed to indicate general location of the properties. Mr. Whitt, in response to Chairman Sine, stated that attempting to perform repair work on the service station site is difficult because of limited space, thAt he is hopeful of remodeling and improving service station facilities but cannot do so unless permitted to use the adjacent building. The City Planner reported that the city approved service station use of the property by variance a number of years ago, that Mr. Whitt has been in business there for approximately two years and that problems have been created recently due to the extensive repair work undertaken by Mr. Whitt. The City Planner noted that the city has approved two use permitsfor automobile repair shops in the immediate vicinity of the subject property and that the city will benefit by permitting the building to be used for Mr. Whitt's purposes to the extent that housekeeping and general appearance of the service station will improve. There were no comments from the audience in favor of the application. Comments in opposition were heard from Mr. Robert G. Burger, 275 Kingston Hill Way, Los Gatos, who identified himself as owner of the building.at 1221 Rollins Road, occupied by Typo Press, Inc. Mr. Burger stated that he has received complaints from his tenants about indiscriminate storage of wrecked vehicles on Whitethorn Way, in front of the Typo Press office area. Mr. Burger reported that he inspected the area earlier in the evening and observed cars parked on the private access easement and two cars parked on an adjacent lot that he owns. Mr. Burger stated that the building proposed to be used by Mr. Whitt is set back 20 feet from the street and expressed concern that the front area will be used for parking. Mr. Burger stated that he would be willing to withdraw his objections with assurance from the city that all wrecked vehicles will be stored under cover and that the work performed inside the building will not create a noise nuisance. He stated that Mr. Whitt operates an AAA towing service and questioned whether there is sufficient space to accommodate the variety of vehicles that Mr. Whitt services. Mr. Whitt, in response to Chairman Sine, stated that every effort will be made to improve the appearance of the service station and to arrange for storage of wrecked vehicles at another location. He advised that the building will be used for engine repair work and temporary storage. In response to Commissioner Jacobs, the.City Planner confirmed that a use permit can be revoked upon proof of non-compliance with the terms of the approval. Commissioner Mink stated that other similar operations in the general area were permitted on the condition that the public streets would not -11- be used for vehicle storage and that on -site parking would be covered. Commissioner Mink introduced a motion to approve the application of Mr. Dale Whitt for special permit for automobile repair and/or storage at 1213 Rollins Road, in conjunction with the operation of the service station at 1000 Broadway, on the condition that there shall be no visible parking of cars on the 1213 Rollins Road property. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jacobs and unanimously carried on roll call. The applicant was informed the permit would be effective Tuesday, February 2, 1971, if not appealed. 5. SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVED PRIVATE SWIM CLUB. ROLLINS ROAD. Chairman Sine announced a public hearing on the application of Mr. Jack Bellevue, #10 South El Camino Real, Millbrae, for special per- mit to operate a "swim and acrobatic club" in the 1700 block of Rollins Road (Lots 1,2,3, Block 9, Millsdale Industrial Park). The applicant's communication dated January 6, 1971, described the facility as a private swim club, offering swim and acrobatic lessons (maximum of four children per class in swim lessons, per ieacher) and possibly swim and exercise club for businessmen. Drawings prepared by Melvin Rojko, Architect, were filed and a colored rendering of the proposed building displayed. The City Planner, in response to the Chair, stated that the only existing facility in the city that is comparable is an ice skating rink on North Carolan Avenue. He advised that the parking layout is similar to other properties on Rollins Road --landscaping in front, parking spaces behind. Mr. Bellevue, upon recognition by the Chair, stated that both he and Mrs. Bellevue, vho has been associated with swim clubs for approximately 13 years, are aware that there is a need and a demand for the type of facility proposed,that the operation can best be described as a family - membership swim club, with swimming lessons available to the public on a limited basis. He mentioned several similar clubs located on the penin- sula and in the east bay. Mr. Bellevue stated that the parking layout was patterned after that of Millbrae Meadows Skimming Club, Inc. Mr. Rojk_q discussed building design, provision for landscaping and interior plan. There were no comments from the audience in response to the Chair. Commissioner Norberg discussed changes in architectural design on the side elevations. A motion introduced by Commissioner Jacobs to approve the application for special permit of Mr. Jack Bellevue to operate a "swim and acrobatic -12- club" in Millsdale Industrial Park - Lots 1,2,3, Block 9 - facilities to conform generally to drawings on file, was seconded by Commissioner Norberg with a suggestion for revisions in the side elevations to improve the appearance of the building. The motion was carried unanimously on roll call. The applicant was informed the permit would be effective Tuesday, February 2, 1971, if not appealed. The City Engineer requested that a resubdivision map be prepared, deleting internal parcel lines, and filed with his office for processing. ADJOURNMENT The meeting regularly adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary -13-