HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1971.04.12THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION April 12, 1971 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Cistulli None Jacobs Kindig Mink Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to oraer on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Sine presiding. ROLL CALL All members present. APPLICATIONS 1. REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT O!' USE PERMIT FOR AUTOMOBILE REPAIR SHOP AT 1213 ROLLINS ROAD A letter was read from Dale Whitt, 1411 Floribunda, requesting reconsideration on a use permit granted him for an automobile repair shop at 1213 Rollins Road. He stated that it was his understanding at the time of the granting of the permit that he would be permitted to park cars in front of this location, but that he had lately been informed by the Building Inspector that this was not permissible. He therefore asked for an amendment allowing him to park four cars in front of his garage. There was discussion of the minutes of January 25, 1971 recording the issuance of the permit and which state that ". . .public streets would not be used for vehicle storage." There was some feeling that this had been meant to apply to overnight parking and not to daytime parking. Mr. Whitt, who was present, informed the Commission that overnight parking would not be necessary; that he needed only four spaces for daytime parking of cars repaired and ready for delivery - no damaged or stored vehicles. Comment was made that while overnight parking definitely could not be considered, action should be taken for purposes of amendment. Chairman Sine informed Mr. Whitt that the matter would be scheduled for a public hearing in the Council Chambers two weeks from date. DELAY OF APPLICATION It was announced by the Chair that the next item for consideration, the application of Aero-Rent-A-Car for an agency, would be delayed until the arrival of David. Keyston, its representative. 2. VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT TEN APARTMENT BUILDINGS ON SHORELAND PROPERTY AT CADILLAC WAY, CAROLAN AVENUE, AND BAYSHORE BOULEVARD BY WHEATLEY-OLIVER OF PALO ALTO Leon M. Wheatley and Richard B. Oliver submitted an application to construct ten apartment buildings and a recreation center on the above site. A letter received with the application indicated that application would also be made a later date for construction of a restaurant at a site adjacent to the apartment area. Both Mr. Wheatley and Mr. Oliver were present, as well as Mr. Kenneth P. Elvin, architect for the project. The project was first presented to the Council because of the existing contract, and their assent must be obtained for cancellation and replacement by a substitute agreement. Because the proposal includes the construction of a number of residential buildings on one parcel and the code allows only one on a lot, the matter must first be considered by the Commission as a variance. Upon conclusion of the variance procedure, the resulting action will go to the Council for final determination. It was pointed out that the property is presently divided into three pieces which have no iolationship to the submitted proposal. A new parcel map will be necessary, but this action can follow at a later date. Plans submitted by the applicant were passed out to the Commission and the City Planner called their attention to the small parcel of land next to the Union Station which is to be used for the restaurant. Mr. Oliver then addressed the Commission regarding his proposal. He reported that these units are three-story frame on a concrete slab over the parking areas, which cannot go lower than 4' below the existing curb line, and in most cases will go about 2'. The recreation building is two stories and all buildings have elevators. There will be no outside carports and the covered parking areas will accommodate 510 spaces, with 258 outside spaces. Land coverage would be approximately 31/. In reply to a question from the Chair, he stated that they had received a soils report, and that only one of the buildings may be relocated on the plan because of a soils problem; that the structures would be built on concrete columns on top of wooden piles, and that they might have to go down as far as 40 feet with the piling. Mr. Oliver mentioned the restaurant, to be called "The Velvet Turtle," on which they are negotiating for site and financing, - 2 - and stated they they would like the Commission's approval on this at the same time as the apartment project. However, he was informed by the City Planner that the restaurant project would have to be heard on its own merits when the negotiations were completed. In further discussion of the plans Mr. Oliver stated he had met with the Burlingame Fire Chief who had. requested several items necessary for fire protection - two additional fire hydrants, two call boxes, access to every building from a street, and a method of covering the box culvert through the property so that it might support the weight of his equipment. Mr. Oliver felt this could all be worked out. The City Planner felt that definite opinions should be voiced at the public meeting regarding density, since this had been one of the areas of question during Council discussion; but that he personally had no objections as to density. Chairman Sine informed the applicants that their variance request would be heard at the public meeting in the council Chambers April 26, 1971. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR CAR RENTAL AGENCY AT 1299 BAYSHORF HIGHWAY Anza Pacific Corporation, on behalf of Aero Rent-A-Car, submitted an application to operate a car rental ag-,:.ncy at 1299 Bayshnre. David H. Keyston of Anza Pacific, and Cyrus McMillan represented the applicant. The City Planner passed around plans submitted, explaining that there was already a building on the property. Mr. Keyston stated that these were plans of the office showing the parking lot as it now exists, with notations as to the spaces allotted to the car rental agency. He brought out the fact that the office building has substantial excess parking, and that the building itself was hard to keep rented because of the freeway noise. He went into the background of acquiring title to the property. The Com-nission was informed by the City Planner that only a use permit was involved for the aaency renting the cars and that there was to be provision for no more than ten rental cars. -e suggested the permit be granted. to ?'ero Rent-A-Car, rather than to the land- owner, since it would terminate with their termination of the business. Mr. Keyston told the Commission that there would be a gas pump installed, but only to service rental cars, and that there would be no car repairs on the site, since their mairtenance facilities are in San Francisco. Rental cars may be washed on the site, however. Chairman Sine informed him that the application would be considered. at the next public hearing of the Commission on April 26, 1971, and requested that the operator of the agency be at the hearing. 4. VARIANCE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF FIVE -UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING AT 1516 NEWLANDS Application was submitted for a variance for a five -unit apartment - 3 - building at 1516 Newlands, R-1 zoning, by Les Alexander and Tyrell Barker of 2057 Eaton Avenue, San Carlos. The accompanying letter gave as justification for this variance the utilization of aaemparatively neglected piece of property, providing homes for those who wish to remain in the community but not desiring a full size residence; the fact that approximately 60% of the neighborhood is already composed of multiple family residences, a variance just having been granted to property just across the street from 1516 Newlands; and the fact that the proposed building would. architecturally enhance the neighborhood instead of being a single family dwelling inadequately converted into a multiple family. The City Planner presented the Commission with plans for the apartment and also a plot plan prepared by the applicant showing in detail the location of multiple family residences in the neighborhood. The applicants, Les Alexander and Tyrell Barker, were present, and answered questions during the following Commission discussion. It was agreed that the lot coverage was approximately 44/, but that the five parking spaces indicated would not be adequate, since there is no on -street parking. The City Planner suggested that the area of the rear first floor unit be cut down, allowing additional parking space. Chairman Sine, after suggesting that the applicants confer with their architect and have him make a sketch providing for two more parking spaces, informed them that the matter would be scheduled for a public hearing in the Council Chambers on April 26, 1971. 5. FENCE VARIANCE AT 1400 COLUMBUS AVENUE, DENNIS HUAJARDO An application for fence variance, with accompanying letter and sketch, was presented by Dennis Huajardo, 1400 Columbus Avenue. The communication stated he wished to erect a new fence with four fence posts 24" above the permitted 6 feet, to support a trellis on which vines could be grown, to afford his dwelling greater privacy from the neighbor's swimming pool and sunbathing area. Mr. Huajardo, who was present, stated that the neighbor was going to put in a larger pool, which would result in even more activity and noise. He said he had discussed the fence with his neighbor, who had no objections. Mr. Huajardo was informed by Chairman Sine that his application would be considered at the public hearing on April 26, 1971. NEW BUSINESS: The City Planner discussed the 1970 census, stating that we do not have the true census figures yet, as they are still to come from the County Planning Department. However, preliminary figures indicate that the percentage of older people in the city of Burlingame is rising, and that the number of school children is not increasing. Also, he indicated that the statistics show that 50% of the home units in Burlingame are rentals, many of them being single-family homes. There was further discussion of the census and the trends which it indicates. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig, Secretary - 5 -