HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1971.07.12THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Cistulli Jacobs Kindig Mink Norbe rg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER July 12, 1971 COMMISSIONERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr An adjourned meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission, from the regular meeting of June 28, 1971, was called to order on the above date at 7:55 p.m., Chairman Sine presiding. ROLL CALL The above named members responded to roll call. HEARINGS Chairman Sine announced that one hearing, permit for which had been granted at the public hearing of June 28, was carried over to this date for the purpose of staff consultation with the applicant and would be heard at this time. 1. SPECIAL PERMIT, DOLLAR -WISE RENT -A -CAR SYSTEM, 1669 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY, BURLINGAME. Chairman Sine explained that this matter was again being heard in order that definitive plans for vehicle parking, on which staff and applicant had collaborated since the last regular meeting, might be finalized at this time. Dollar -Wise Rent -a -Car was again represented by David. Hellert. The City Planner stated that he, the City Engineer and the City Attorney had checked the site. The City Engineer had checked out the subdivision maps and the area had been measured, with the result that it was found that there was more property available for parking along the side of the building than previously thought and that it could best be utilized by angle parking; thus, the parking could not interfere with the use of the sidewalk. The City Engineer reported that the applicant had conferred with him about the parking situation; that the sidewalk area was 8' rather than 10'; and was in good condition with the exception of one depression of about 6"-8" which should be brought up to grade. He assumed there is a catch basin under the sidewalk. Commissioner Taylor questioned the area between the suggested parking strip and the edge of the 8' sidewalk. The City Planner informed him that there was 101; that a 300 parking angle would enable the applicant to use the strip without infringing on city property; and the City Engineer confirmed that the applicant could get his cars in and out. However, Commissioner Taylor felt that the use of city property would still be involved by backing the cars out. After further discus- sion, it was agreed that the parking could be accomplished along the side of the building. The City Planner brought up another point which concerned the use of the front of the building, and informed the Commission that the applicant now wishes to keep this space open, parking 6 cars on the side and the balance in the rear. Mr. Hellert confirmed that he is going to continue with landscaping. Chairman Cistulli questioned the resolution of the wash rack problem, reminding the Commission that 2 conditions must be met - no surface storm water should be allowed to get in the sanitary sewer, and a satisfactory sediment pit must be constructed. Mr. Hellert informed the Commission that he was already in the process of getting bids on the sediment pit. Commissioner Taylor moved that the application for use permit by Dollar -Wise Rent-A-Car to use the facilities at the premises located at 1669 Old Bayshore be granted subject to the restriction that the use of the parking strip alongside the building on the Stanton Road Side be accomplished at an angle of no more than 300; that the wash rack be constructed in such a manner as to have a sediment pit and guard against the introduction of surface water; and.that the number of cars fdr rental purposes be limited to 25. Commissioner Cistulli seconded, and the motion carried unanimously on roll call vote, Commissioner Mink abstaining because of absence from previous meeting. Chairman Sine informed the applicant that the permit would become effective July 20, 1971 if'not appealed to the City Council. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 8:30 p. m., followed immediately by the regular monthly study meeting. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. King, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY MEETING July 12, 1971 I. CONSIDERATION OF PLANS FOR WHEATLEY-OLIVER APARTMENT BUILDINGS AT CADI:,LAC WAY, CAROLAN AVENUE, AND BAYSHORE BOULEVARD It was announced that detailed plans would be considered for this project. These would fall into three groups: a. parcel map; b. review of landscape design plan; c. review of architectural plans. Both Mr. Wheatley and Mr. Oliver were present as representatives. a. Parcel map. The City Planner gave some of the background on this property, stating it was necessary to present and record a new parcel map as part of a substitute agreement to be made by the City with Burlingame Shore Land.Company. The land was previously divided for different purposes. It is proposed to divide the area into Parcels 1, 2, and 3. Parcel 1 will incorporate former Parcels A and B, and is the area upon which the apartments will be built. Parcels 2 and 3 incorporate most of former Parcel C. The Planning Commission is not presently concerne, with Parcels 2 and 3 - 2 may contain a restaurant in the future; 3 has an easement on it for building a parking structure. Wheatley -Oliver may build a tennis court on Parcel 3 if the restaurant owner has plenty of parking. The City Engineer had no comment other than that there were a couple of minor changes, and that tracings and signatures would be needed by the next commission meeting. Chairman Sine announced that the parcel map would be scheduled for the next regular meeting which would be July 26. b. Review of landscape design plan. City Planner Mann noted that there was a requirement that the applicant submit a landscape design plan to the Commission. Mr. Oliver made a suggestion that since the Council had put in their minutes that the working drawings be reviewed by the Council, it might be well if the Commission would look at them first. He stated that he had turned over the landscaping plan to Mr. Francard, Park Superintendent, who had approved the plant materials used and the manner in which they were to be utilized. The City Planner remarked, regarding the working drawings, that the complete electrical and plumbing plans were not available, only the schematics. He noted that the access roads were discussed with the Fire Department, and the plan now shows the main road from Bayshore to Carolan across the box culvert on the property. There are two other means of internal access.Mr. Oliver commented that all working drawings would be complete this week. Commissioner Kindig stated that since the matter required a formal action by the Commission, it would be wise if at the next regular meeting a motion were made to approve the landscape plans. Chairman Sine considered the landscaping plans to be in excellent shape. He informed Mr. Oliver that they would be brought up at the next regular meeting, July:26. c. Review of architectural plans. Mr. Oliver spoke of his hope that all phases be approved soon so that contractors would not run into inclement weather. Commissioner Mink declared that he was well pleased with the plans he had seen so far. Commissioner Taylor stated he liked it at the outset and even better now - it looked very attractive. Commissioners Norberg, Kindig and Cistulli thought the plans - 3 - were well done. Chairman Sine asked why the buildings were covered in plywood, and Mr. Oliver replied that it was for aesthetic reasons, mainly because of the location between a freeway and railroad tracks. 2. APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE - LOUIS A. STATES, INSTALLATION OF BATHROOM WITHIN EXISTING RESIDENCE AT 1355 PALOMA Chairman Sine announced this application, stating it is for the_ construction of a bathroom within a residence which has been refused by the Building Inspector because of some illegal construction. Mr. States and his attorney, Clark A. Barrett, were present. The City Planner then read a letter from Mr. Barrett to the Commission. Mr. Barrett spoke of the proposed construction, consisting of a stall shower, sink and toilet, as being internal only and having no effect on the exterior itself or upon the allegedly illegal improvements already on the property. He noted that John Calwell, Chief Building Inspector, had recently written Mr. States, informing him that no building permit could be issued on this property since the residence does not have the proper four foot setback.. The letter then went into the actual purchasing of the property, stating that the applicants had been told that the present construction was not illegal because the property line in question was the rear lot line of the Paloma Avenue property and the so-called illegal construction did not come within four feet of.the home at 1305 Grove Avenue. Also they were told that this residence was built in 1948 and the illegal construction, if such, occurred then. It was brought out that the kitchen had been remodeled recently at a cost of $4,000 and that the proposed bathroom would likewise upgrade the property; also that from an economic point of view this house in its neighborhood is much less marketable with only a single bath. It was also stated that the family is going to be increased, and a single bath would be a personal hardship. Drawings of the proposed alteration were studied. The City Planner then O read a letter from Pokrifka Realty setting forth the idea that a house in this neighborhood with only one bath was definitely less saleable. The City Planner further stated that the enclosed "patio" had been added at some time and no building permit had been issued; further that this was not an "enclosed patio" but an actual addition to the house and is in violation of the setback ordinance - that the States' had the alternatives of appealing to the Planning Commission oi� removing 4' of the so-called "patio." At this point (8:50) Commissioner Cistulli was excused. The City Planner went on to state that he had seen a map from the Assessor's Office dated 2/9/54 showing the building as it was originally, and the addition apparently was made after 1954 without virtue of a building permit and contrary to code. Mr. States declared that he had looked at the house in 1952 and the addition was built then. There was further discussion of the setback area, with the attorney making the point that the proposed bathroom was completely within the legal setback area and should be permitted. The City Planner responded that the property must be considered as a whole,and a felony would be - 4 - be compounded by allowing a variance for one area when a violation existed in another. Mr. Barrett questioned the right of the planning commission to cause the owner to alter an illegal structure, and Commissioner Mink commented that structural changes must be made only by law. Commissioner Kindig was of the opinion that a variance might be given for the bath but not for the illegal room. The City Planner suggested that all commissioners completely familiarize themselves with the property before the next regular meeting in order that all legal points could be ironed out. Chairman Sine announced that this matter would be heard at the next regular meeting, July 26, in the Council Chambers. 3. APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT, ANZA PACIFIC, FOR AIRPORT PARKING SERVICE IN ANZA AIRPORT PARK #6. Anza Pacific, represented by David Keyston, and a member of his firm, Bob Bratsberg, presented this application. Plans were inspected, and the City Planner read a letter from Attorney Cyrus McMillan presenting their justifications, and stating that they wish to install an airport parking service with 657 parking spaces, with a small office building and suitable landscaping. The letter states that this usage would be covered under the ordinance covering the waterfront commercial by the paragraph which states "other uses which, after a public hearing, are found desirable and compatible with the purposes of the district." The City Planner said he had asked Attorney McMillan to prepare material showing that this usage was compatible with the district, since this is the point of the request. Commissioner Mink read to the Commission both the permitted and non -permitted uses, and noted that outdoor storage is not permitted in the area. -David Keyston then addressed the Commission. He stated that Anza Pacific cannot get title insurance on this property and is trying to e solve a dispute with the State; that a $400,000 bond payment and higher taxes are making it difficult to manage the property; and his investment costs in the airport parking service could be amortized in 3 to 5 years. Also, Anza Pacific feels that this will be one of their later properties to be developed; and that while the proposed usage is not compatible with waterfront values, it could be closed down as others have been and hotels, motels, or other more remunerative prcjects' could take its place. He felt that this could be done in such a way as not to be detrimental to city zoning in the area. He went into the details of the proposed operation. The area now is not paved, and an operation like this would have a first-rate paving job. The customer would park his car and Anza Pacific's bus would pick him up and take him to the airport. The lot would be completely lighted and there would be a.cashier on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If this operation is approved, Hyatt House would like to combine their airport service with Anza. This service would provide transportation to the airport to all people on Old Bayshore. The building is only 30 x 30 and the setback is 301. Anza Pacific would be willing to do any fencing, landscaping etc. as required. This project would provide employment, possibly even to students and part time people, and would encourage hotels and restaurants in the area. Upon being questioned by Commissioner Kindig, Mr. Keyston stated that the fence would be 6' high with two or three strands of barbed wire and planting is proposed near the fence. The City Planner was interested in whether or not the property was filled - 5 - to the required 8 - 9' elevation. Mr. Keyston told him they were going to do some additional fill, but not to that elevation, since with succeeding structures a one -floor underground garage would balance with the fill that is there. Regarding the required public access strip along the water, he stated that 25' of its 30' is leased to the city for $1.00 per year, and Anza Pacific would landscape. The City Planner asked, since he had indicated he could amortize in 3-5 years, if he would be willing to accept this time limitation, and Mr. Keyston replied that he would. Commissioner Kindig noted that with this amount of cars there would be considerable pedestrian traffic and Mr. Keyston stated that provisions would be made for this and that a waiting house would be set up for them; also that Anza Pacific has its own private patrol, supported by all tenants, which is on duty from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. seven days a week. Mr. Keyston stated that they would not object to 15/ landscaping, and that their fees had not yet been resolved, possibly $1.00 - $2.00 per day. He promised to have a larger scale plan prepared. Chairman Sine informed him that the matter would be set up for public hearing at the next regular meeting July 26. NEW BUSINESS: There was considerable Commission discussion about illegal structural work by citizens and methods of controlling it. One case cited was that of Mrs. Marguerite Welch of 2008 Easton Drive, who, on July 12, 1965 submitted an application for a variance to change a garage into a family room, with the subsequent necessary addition of a carport. This was denied by the Commission on August 23, 1965 and not subsequently appealed to City Council.. However,Mrs. Welch went ahead and converted the garage anyhow without a permit. The Chief Building Inspector by letter in 1966 informed the Council of this - that the work done was illegal and without a permit, but no action was taken. The States house was also cited as an example of illegal building. Chairman Sine asked the City Attorney if insurance companies paid off on illegal structures, and the Attorney thought that they would pay on anything they insured regardless. There was discussion of other violations. ADJOURNMENT The meeting regularly adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary