HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1971.12.13THE CITY OF BU RLI NGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Cistulli Jacobs Kindig Mink Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER December 13, 1971 COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT None An adjourned meeting of the Burlingame regular meeting of November 22, 1971, above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Sin ROLL CALL City Planner Swan City Engineer Marr City Attorney Karmel Planning Commission, from the was called to order on the e presiding. All members of the commission were present. HEARINGS Chairman Sine announced that adjourned meeting items would be heard later in the meeting due to the absence of the City Engineer and the City Attorney who were in attendance at a Council meeting. The meeting then progressed to the regular study meeting. STUDY MEETING: 3. AGREEMENT MODIFICATION TO CHANGE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR NORTHPARK APARTMENTS AT CADILLAC WAY AND BETWEEN CAROLAN AVENUE AND ROLLINS ROAD (BAYSHORE BOULEVARD UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 1971) APRLICANT L. BURLINGAME INC. The City Planner passed around revised landscape plans, stating that there were two major changes: The size of the pools and the recreation building had been increased, and the sidewalks had been revised, now leading from one building to another. He noted that the plan had been reviewed by the Fire Chief and some changes were necessary for fire fighting equipment. He informed the Commission that according to City Resolution the name of Bayshore Boulevard would be changed to Rollins Road effective January 1, 1972. He stated that the point of this application was the necessity for Planning Commission approval of the landscaping plan so that it could become part of the agreement between the City and the developers. Mr. Henry Richman of L. Burlingame, Inc. addressed the Commission. He explained some changes in the plan and introduced his new landscape architect, Anthony Guzzardo. Mr. Guzzardo commented that the landscaping budget had been increased to $130,000, resulting in a much better landscaping plan than originally submitted. He went into details of the plan, especially noting that the number of the uncovered parking spaces had not been changed. Chairman Sine announced that this application would be - 2 - 4. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ENLARGE SITE AND COMPLETELY REBUILD EXISTING ATLANTIC RICHFIELD SERVICE STATION AT BROADWAY AND ROLLINS ROAD BEING SOUTHERLY PORTION OF PARCELS 58 AND 59 AND PARCEL 120 ASSESSORS MAP B16, ZONED M-1 The City Planner told the Commission that this application was for the complete remodeling of this service station. This includes the purchase of an adjacent lot and the removal of an old building on it. This is to be a 3-bay service station with an enclosed area for sale of other items such as vending machines. It was brought out that these would be Coca-Cola machines, etc. Mr. T. T. Clausen, representative of Atlantic Richfield, stated there would be no change in the cement block building used as the D & M. garage. Plans were passed around to the Commission, and Mr. Clausen stated that new plans were being prepared to provide better access. Traffic circulation will be from an access on Broadway to the rear and around Whitethorne Way. There will be no wash rack. The City Planner noted that parking was adequate. Atlantic Richfield is willing to install new curb and gutter and new sidewalks in their area. This application was scheduled for public hearing on December 27. 5. VARIANCE TO USE PERMIT FOR SHELL SERVICE STATION AT BAYSHORE AND BURLWAY TO INSTALL AN IN -BAY CAR WASH The City Planner passed out plans for this proposed service station alteration. He told the Commission that the fourth bay, the one closest to the Airport Marina Hotel, would be remodeled by installa- tion of car -washing equipment. This equipment is of the type that moves past the car, the autos would enter the station by the rear, come out the front and be driven to the side of the station for drying. He stated the building inspector had assured him that the sump for that bay was adequate for car washing. He noted that this particular station must maintain a large area for off-street parking, and suggested that if the variance were approved, a periodic check be made to insure that the parking was adequate. A changed sign was included on this application, consisting of the existing identi- fication sign and a reader board to be placed below it. There was discussion about whether or not the sign should be included on a separate application. Mr. John Williams, Shell representative, told the Commission that this car washing equipment was little different from the "Robo" car wash and operated on the same principle. He noted there is little noise and no drying machine. He stated that the existing sign would not be raised, and the readerboard would have a permanent message and would not be changed. It is to be plastic on plastic with a light inside. The Chairman announced that this application would be considered at the public hearing of December 27, 1971. - 3 - 6. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FOR RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 7-14 INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 5 AND A PORTION OF BAYSHORE HIGHWAY, E. MILLSDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK #2, HINCKLEY ROAD AND BAYSHORE HIGH14AY. CHRISTENSEN PROPERTIES, INC. City Planner Swan reviewed the background of this application, stating that when Christensen's special permit was approved to build two office buildings, each on a separate parcel, one of the conditions of approval was the submittal of a parcel map showing the split into two parcels. He passed around the parcel map and a diagram and explained each. The map shows Parcels A and B and an ingress -egress easement to allow the use of both properties. He noted, however, that an easement agreement cannot be executed when both parcels are under the same ownership. Therefore, one parcel must be under trusteeship. He stated that Christensen had prepared an easement agreement which incorporates this provision. City Engineer Marr suggested that there be more than one driveway on these properties. The City Planner agreed that a review of the traffic situation indicates that two driveways would be better, and recommended that this change be made. Upon a question as to parking, he reported that parking for each lot would support that particular building, one a two story building and one a three story.. Chairman Sine announced that this application would be considered at the public meeting of December 27. 7. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FOR RESUBDIVISION OF PARCEL N AND PARCEL S PARCEL MAP 10/41, ROLLINS ROAD AT MARSTEN ROAD, AERO SPECIAL AIR FREIGHT TERMINAL City Planner Swan reported to the Commission that Aero Special Air Freight submitted this parcel map because they wished to purchase more land for parking for their proposed new air freight terminal. Copies of the tentative parcel map were distributed and he explained that it creates two parcels, Parcel E and Parcel W. The proposed parking area would be Parcel W. Lelan Sparks, representative of Aero Special Air Freight, told the Commission that this parking area would be paved. He commented that his company had started business in Burlingame in 1966; that they wished to build this large terminal, which they would regard as their world headquarters, but must have more parking. This item was scheduled for public hearing on December 27, 1971. 8. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR DUPLEX IN R-1 ZONE, DONALD W. NAHRWOLD, 117 BLOOMFIELD City Planner Swan distributed plot plans and elevations of the proposed duplex which constitutes one three -bedroom unit and one two -bedroom unit for an owner -user type of dwelling. Mr. Nahrwold stated that after the City Council had rejected his proposal one year ago for a five -unit apartment on this property the existing building had been demolished. He did not feel that again erecting a one -family dwelling on this lot would be economi- cally feasible, and thought that a duplex would be both more - 4 - financially sound and would also meet with the approval of the property -holders in the area. Chairman Sine commented that some of the apartment protesters in the previous application had suggested that a duplex be built. City Planner Swan drew a parallel between this lot and 100% fire lots, which, also might not be economical to rebuild in their present R-1 locations. Mr. Nahrwold assured the Commission that the duplex, if granted, would definitely be built on the lot; that the lot would not be held for sale to a developer once the special permit is granted. He stated that the owner of the property would live in it and the price would probably be around$70,000. He noted that he had bought the lot 8 years ago for future use as per the General Plan projected by the former City Planner, George Mann. Chairman Sine announced that this application would be considered at the public hearing of December 27. NEW BUSINESS: 9. RECLASSIFICATION STUDY City Planner Swan passed out a draft of a reclassification study which he had prepared. He also showed Commission members a map with the proposed reclassifications. The reclassification study included a listing of the areas for study to consider for reclassification, primarily residential areas. These areas were divided into neigh- borhoods and then into smaller areas. The reclassification study also included proposed district regulations for a new zoning district to be called R2-A. R-2A is to be a zoning district which provides for more density than R-2 (duplex) and less than R-3, and allows a dwelling occupied by not more than four families. It provides for one dwelling unit for each 2,200 square feet of lot area in contrast to R-2 minimum specifications of one unit per each 5,000 square feet. R2A minimum lot area is to be 9,000 square feet. Height limitation is two stories. The City Planner noted that this type of district would be consistent with the General Plan, and explained other regulations for this district. With regard to reclassification he suggested that the Commission consider establishment of priorities. He commented that public utilities would have to be upgraded in areas of higher density, and it was important to know which areas to consider first so that the Engineering staff could make studies of the cost of upgrading. He noted that a current area of interest and possible candidate for reclassification would be Burlingame Park #2, due to the proposed construction of townhouses which people in the R-1 area near Hillsboroug have been opposing. He proposed that this particular R-1 neighborhood be protected but that it might be feasible to establish an R-2A district 400 feet from El Camino to go only to Occidental and the vicinity of Howard. He then discussed other areas for possible reclassification. - 5 - At this point, City Engineer Marr and City Attorney Karmel entered the meeting. The City Engineer was asked how long it would take to complete a feasibility study with regard to utilities of Burlingame Park, as an example. He replied possibly two weeks, noting that his department must be given the boundaries of the area and what type of rezoning is considered. Chairman Sine suggested the Burlingame Park #2 area as a first priority, and the Commission agreed. The Commission agreed on second and third prioritbs as Town of Burlingame, Lyon and Hoag Subdivision Area; and the Corbitt Subdivision. It was agreed that.the City Engineer should start on the feasibility study. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Mayor Irving Amstrup entered the meeting and extended holiday greetings to the Commission and staff. He voiced appreciation to Commissioners on their service to the Commission. RECESS: The Chairman announced a recess at 9:30 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 9:40 p.m. ADJOURNED MEETING: 1. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FOR PROPERTY OF MRS. MELBA P. RILEY 3.50 AC MOL AT 1554 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY ZONED C-4 (SITE OF FISHERMAN RE STAU RANT The Chairman announced this item for hearing and noted that it had been continued from the last regular meeting so that legalities could be cleared up. The City Planner reviewed the background,stating that documentation leading to issuance of building permit was close to completion, and following approval of the parcel map, might be in shape for presentation to the City Council on December 20. He passed out copies of the tentative parcel map and noted that the proposed Fisherman Restaurant would be on Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 would be developed in the future. The 25' easement will provide for a two-way road for access. A three -party agreement has been drafted and executed by Mr. O'Hara and Mrs. Riley and is to be executed by the City of Burlingame. He showed where the fire protection water main will be in the easement area, and noted that gate valves and provisions for hydrants are on the Riley property. City Attorney Karmel reported that a copy of his letter of December 1, 1971 to Erskine, Tulley, Boyd and Todd, with attachments was delivered to each member of the Commission and they had been considering the letter prior to this meeting. A copy is also on file in the City Clerk's office. He stated that this matter could now go on to the City Council. The Planning Commission could take final action on the parcel map except where improvements are necessary, then the City must authorize =:20 agreement with the subdivider; dedicating the improvements to the City. If the Commission approves the map, necessary documentation must be prepared, bonds submitted and final parcel map drawn up at Council level. This revised map must show the shifting of the easement from its present position. He noted that Mr. O'Hara has delivered to the City a signed copy of the agreement between him and Mrs. Riley for purchase of the additional 10 feet for the 25' easement. He felt that there was sufficient verification at this time. The City Engineer reported that he had reviewed the tentative map and he thought it was technically correct. Also, the cost estimate for installing the pipe line had been checked and it would require a $15,000 bond. He then commented on a water main to be installed on a 30' easement on the McClenahan property and there was discussion. The City Attorney stated that all problems the Commission was concerned with were resolved. During Commission discussion, Commissioners Taylor, Mink, Norberg, Jacobs, and Kindig had no comment. Commissioner Cistulli noted that he was happy with the result. City Attorney Karmel suggested a motion that the map be approved subject to the condition that the subdivision improvement agreement and grant of easement acceptable to the City Council be executed by the applicant. Commissioner Cistulli moved that the tentative parcel map for the property of Mrs. Melba P. Riley, 3.50 AC MOL at 1554 Bayshore Highway be approved subject to the condition that the subdivision improvement agreement and grant of easement acceptable to the City Council be executed by the applicant. Commissioner Mink seconded the motion and it carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS CISTULLI, JACOBS, MINK, NORBERG, TAYLOR, SINE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONER KINDIG ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Commissioner Mink commended City Attorney Karmel for his excellent work with the Planning Commission. Chairman Sine agreed that the City Attorney had contributed beyond the call of duty. 2. RESOLUTIONS RECOMMENDING UTILITY UNDERGROUND DISTRICTS a. On Chapin Avenue between El Camino Real and Primrose Road b. Along Bayshore Highway and the shoreline from the South boundary of East Millsdale to the City of Burlingame Wastewater Treatment Plant The City Planner informed the Commission that the City Council had - 7 - already established priority for the Chapin Avenue undergrounding district, which accorded the Bayshore property the second priority. He stated he had redrafted the resolution for each of these, and gave the Commission copies. City Engineer Marr stated that he did not yet have a cost estimate from P. G.E. on this undergrounding, and it would take one or two months to get it. City Attorney Karmel commented that he was drafting a resolution for the Council and this was why he had to delay it. The City Engineer noted that the Chapin Avenue District was definitely set up, but he did not think that both districts could be taken care of even with the P.G.E. allotment for next year. He suggested that Bayshore could be done partially. Mr. David Keyston suggested a district be set up for future funding and construction on Bayshore. He commented that there is already . some $15-20,000 worth of undergrounding in the area already. He questioned if there were a requirement that all new buildings be undergrounded, and the City Planner replied that this was not in the zoning code for C-4. The City Attorney cautioned that when a district is set up, a completion date must be set. Commissioner Taylor moved that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 71-3 to recommend consideration by the City Council of establishing a utility undergrounding district on Chapin Avenue between E1 Camino Real and Primrose Road. Commissioner Kindig seconded and it passed unanimously on'voice vote. Commissioner Kindig moved that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 71-4 to recommend consideration by the City Council of establishing a utility undergrounding district along Bayshore Highway and the shoreline from the South boundary of East Millsdale to the City of Burlingame Wastewater Treatment Plant. Commissioner Cistulli seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by voice vote. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting regularly adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary