HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1971.12.27THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION December 27, 1971 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT C'istulli Mink - excused City Planner Swan Jacobs City Attorney Karmel iwpndig City Engineer Marr Narberg Sine ,any for �_2A T�L TO ORDE R i' -egular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Sine presiding. i�OLL CALL .9re above -named members were present. t;.. ,UTES: °'he minutes of the regular meeting of November 22, the adjourned ,-Feting of December 13, and the study meeting of December 13, 1971, bmitted to members previously were approved and adopted. MEMORIAM: =trrnan Sine noted the passing of Mr. George Mann, former City ribr�er, commenting on his many fine qualities. He suggested that a 1:4-er be sent to Mrs. Dolores Mann, signed by all members of the rir,ission. Commissioner Cistulli moved that the adjournment of the -ui.ng be in memory of Mr. Mann. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the notion and it carried on voice vote. It was agreed that the City {fr3..anner would compose the letter for Commission signature at the forthcoming study meeting. Y"APTMr, F, AGREEMENT MODIFICATION TO CHANGE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR NORTHPARK APARTMENTS AT CADILLAC WAY AND BETWEEN CAROLAN AVENUE AND ROLLINS ROAD. APPLICANT L. BURLINGAME INC. :..airman Sine announced this application for hearing. Secretary Kindig ,{3 application letter from applicant. City Planner Swan commented ,t the Fire Chief had made an inspection with regard to certain areas designated for use by the Fire Department equipment. The ,,. Department requested that "where trees project over the roadway e used by fire apparatus, there must be a minimum of ten feet the lowest branch to the ground . " He spoke of the box culvert sough the development, noting that two of the three barrels <,:;nvey storm water runoff to the Bay. One barrel is open and could be diked and kept open for use by pedestrians and bicycler, for access - 2 - to Bayside Park. He also thought that additional landscaping was necessary next to the City Pumping Station. The parking is basically the same as before; the plans are an improvement. Anthony Guzzardo, landscape architect, represented the applicant. He agreed that the box culvert had potential and he would like to work with the staff exploring the possibilities further. He noted there was money set aside for the pumping station work. He promised that he and his associates would work with the staff on this. Commissioner Taylor wanted clarification on procedure for agreement modification. City Attorney Karmel stated that since the landscaping plans on the original agreement required approval by the Commission before it went to the Council, any modification of these plans would likewise require Commission approval, although its action was only advisory. There was no commission comment. Commissioner Taylor moved that the agreement modification to change landscape plan for Northpark Apartments at Cadillac way and between Carolan Avenue and Rollins Road be recommended to the City Council for approval. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously on roll call vote. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ENLARGE SITE AND COMPLETELY REBUILD EXISTING ATLANTIC RICHFIELD SERVICE STATION AT BROADWAY AND ROLLINS ROAD Chairman Sine announced the public hearing on this application. City Planner Swan passed out plans for this development and explained them. He noted the purchase of an adjacent lot and the subsequent rebuilding of a three -bay service station, commenting there were certain unresolved design details. He told the Commission it was proposed that Broadway be widened with relocation of existing public utilities and a curb -line setback in front of the station along Broadway. The applicant will bear the cost of widening along their frontage, new curb and gutter and new sidewalks. The City Planner brought out another problem. The automotive service garage on the adjacent -property is required to have a fire door. A wall of the proposed new service station will close off the existing fire exit. Therefore another access doorway must be provided from the garage for fire safety. Owners of the repair garage realize this and were at the meeting. He stated the total remodeling can be worked out in detail, with the widening of Broadway being a condition the Commission can consider, and added that the planting materials for landscaping should be approved by the Park Superintendent. Commissioner Taylor brought up the question of a resub map. Mr. T. T. Clausen, ARCO representative, stated that they planned to combine the parcels into one and were agreeable to resubdivision. Chairman Sine suggested that the resub map be made a condition of the special permit approval, and the City Attorney agreed. Commissioner Cistulli questioned the sign for the new building and was informed the same sign would be used. Mr. Clausen presented the Commission with a rendering of the design stating they wished to make the service station completely modern and they needed more room. He added they' would be willing to landscape the site. Chairman Sine questioned how much Broadway would - 3 - have to be widened on the North side, and the City Engineer replied that due to lack of time no definite figures could be given, but it probably would be about five feet. The owner of the D & M garage told the Commission the present fire door had been put in at his own expense. With the blockage of this door he did not see any way to go since according to fire code the door must be a minimum of 65' from the front entrance. It was suggested that a door be put in the rear. He stated he had not talked to the building inspector about a rear door. Mr. Clausen stated this was the first time the fire door had come to his attention. He made note of the 10' non-exclusive easement at the rear of the property and suggested this could be used. Chairman Sine suggested that this matter be continued to either the next regular meeting or the study meeting so that the staff, ARCO, and the garage owner can resolve this problem. He added that the garage should not be penalized because of enlargement of the service station. It was agreed that this would be continued to the study meeting of January 10, 1972. City Engineer Marr stated that the -fire door on the garage had been considered before the operation first started, and it was agreed that the door should not be put on Whitethorn Way because that is private property. Commissioner Norberg questioned the roof on the new station and was informed it would probably be aluminum shingles. He also questioned the necessity of removing two trees in the street widening. It was suggested that the Park Department possibly could determine if the trees were salvagable. 3. VARIANCE TO USE PERMIT FOR SHELL SERVICE STATION AT BAYSHORE AND BURLWAY TO INSTALL AN IN -BAY CAR WASH, LOT 2, SMALLCOMB INDUSTRIAL PARK Chairman Sine introduced this item for hearing and Secretary Kindig read application letter from Shell Oil Company. City Planner Swan commented on the application, stating that the main concern for an automatic car wash is adequate parking, since there is need for reserve space for drying cars. The layout shows adequate parking space at the rear of the station. Circulation would be clockwise with cars entering at the rear and moving toward the front. He noted that installation of power driven machinery would make this a different type of operation and questioned if a blower might be in- stalled later presenting a noise factor. He suggested an ordinance amendment to require that a special permit be obtained to install power driven machinery and a separate license be issued. He further noted that additional water would be added to the waste water treat- ment system and additional signs installed to indicate this kind of facility. Mr. Howard Jones, 1 Rollins Road, Millbrae, introduced himself as a representative of Shell Oil Company. He stated that cars would be parked after they were washed, but there was no intention of installing a dryer, since there was no room for one. All equipment would be portable and he would be agreeable to separate licensing. He stated the service was needed in the area, since there is none now, and will be conducted with a minimum noise factor. He noted this type uses less water than a manual car wash. No one in the audience was either for or against this application. The public hearing was declared closed. - 4 - Commissioner Norberg questioned the location of the rear door. Commissioner Taylor requested confirmation that the application for the sign was not under consideration but had no other comment. Commissioner Jacobs requested the opinion of the City Engineer. City Engineer Marr replied that the Building Department had checked the proposed operation and had no objection. Commissioner Kindig questioned the area in back of the station and the matter of public access to the Bay. Mr. Jones stated that the area in the rear is asphalted and Bay access would be along Burlway. Commissioners Cistulli and Sine had no comment on the car wash. Commissioner Jacobs moved that the application for variance to use permit for Shell Service Station at Bayshore and Burlway to install an in -bay car wash be approved, exclusive of the sign application. Commissioner Cistulli seconded the motion and it passed unanimously on roll call vote. Chairman Sine informed the applicant this variance would become effective January 4 unless appealed. 4. VARIANCE TO USE PERMIT FOR SHELL SERVICE STATION AT BAYSHORE AND BURLWAY TO INSTALL A SIGN, LOT 2, SMALLCOMB INDUSTRIAL PARK Chairman Sine introduced this item for hearing. Secretary Kindig read the letter of application. City Planner Swan reviewed the background of the existing sign, stating that it is at present 24' high. He noted that the sign ordinance has recently been amended to permit only 20' signs in the waterfront commercial district; therefore this sign is now non -conforming. To add a readerboard to a present non -conforming sign requires a variance. Commissioner Taylor noted that at the time the station was constructed it was in an M-1 district which permitted a 35' sign. Chairman Sine commented that the station was entitled to an identificatio. sign but questioned the value of the readerboard. Mr. Jones stated that the readerboard, 3' x 8', below the sign would have permanent wording and that it was reasonable to advertise the car wash. He offered to reduce the height of the sign to 20' and make it non - rotating. No one in the audience was either in favor of or opposed to the sign variance. The public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Norberg questioned the overhead room of the sign if reduced to 20' in height and thought it might be as obstacle to vehicles. Mr. Jones replied that precautions would be taken so that no vehicles would be parked there. Commissioner Taylor objected to the wording of the sign. Commissioner Jacobs had no objections since the sign would be made conforming in height. Commissioner Kindig raised the question of flashing lights. Jones replied there would be none. Commissioner Cistulli agreed on the conforming neight but asked that the readerboard section showing price be eliminated. Chairman Sine established the fact that there are no readerboards on any service station in Burlingame at present. This one could establish a precedent and there was the danger that such advertising, if permitted, could become increasingly blatant. Commissioner Taylor moved that the application for variance to use permit to install a sign in conformance with plans and specifications be rejected. Commissioner Kindig seconded the motion and it passed - 5 - unanimously on roll call vote.. Mr. Jones was informed he had the right of appeal to the City Council. RECONVENE After a ten minute recess at 9:40 the meeting reconvened at 9:50. 5. SPECIAL PERMIT TO RAISE PRESENT HYATT HOUSE SIGN AND MODIFY READERBOARD OF EXISTING ADVERTISING DISPLAY AT 1333 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY, ZONED M-1. (REVISED READERBOARD REFERRED BACK TO PLANNING COMMISSION BY CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 20, 1971) Chairman Sine announced that this application had been referred back to the Planning Commission by the Council after appeal, since the applicant had changed plans for the sign. Attorney Cyrus McMillan, representative of the Hyatt House, announced that the applicant had changed the width of the readerboard from 40' to 30'. However, the Manager of the Hyatt House could not be present at this meeting, and he requested a continuance of the hearing. Chairman Sine stated that the hearing will be continued to the study meeting of January 10. 6. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FOR RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 7-14 INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 5 AND A PORTION OF BAYSHORE HIGHWAY, EAST MILLSDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 2 INTO PARCEL A AND PARCEL B AT HINCKLEY ROAD AND BAYSHORE HIGHWAY, ZONED M-1 (APPLICANT CHRI STENSEN PROPERTIES. INC. Chairman Sine announced this item for hearing, and asked the City Engineer if he had any comments regarding the parcel map. He had none. Secretary Kindig stated the Commission had a copy of the agreement for easement. Attorney Karmel noted that part of the agreement covered the transfer by Christensen properties to a third party of one of the parcels,_ since an easement cannot be granted when the same person is the owner of both parcels. He also stated that the grant of easement is for the acceptance of the City Council. City Planner Swan explained the parcel map, stating that the previous map had shown only one driveway, but had now been revised to include two. He commented that the easement would be over Parcel B and noted that adequate parking had been provided for both buildings. Herman Christensen Jr. was present as representative of the applicant. There was no comment from : the Commission. Commissioner Taylor moved that the tentative parcel map be adopted subject to acceptance of the terms of the easement agreement by the Council. Commissioner Cistulli seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously on roll call vote. City Engineer Marr asked if the map could now be signed and recorded, but was informed by the City Attorney that the easement problem must be resolved first. 7. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FOR RESUBDIVISION OF PARCEL N AND PARCEL S OF PARCEL MAP VOL. 10/41 ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF ROLLINS ROAD AT MARSTEN ROAD ZONED M-1 FOR NEW AERO SPECIAL AIR FREIGHT, INC. TERMINAL. Chairman Sine announced this item for hearing and Secretary Kindig read the letter of application. City Planner Swan stated the tentative parcel map had been reviewed and found to be satisfactory with the exception that one property line to be abandoned should show on the parcel map. He recommended approval. The representative of Aero Air Freight stated he was available for questions. Commissioners Norberg, Taylor and Jacobs had no comments. Commissioners Kindig and Cistulli asked for clarification of exact use of Parcels E and W.' Leland Sparks, representative, stated that all building and parking is on Parcel E. Parcel W belongs to someone else and has a building and a concrete contractor's storage yard on it. Commissioners Cistulli and Sine had no comment. Commissioner Kindig moved that the tentative parcel map for Aero Air Freight be approved. Commissioner Taylor seconded, and it passed unanimously on roll call vote. 8. VARIANCE TO ALLOW A DUPLEX ON A VACANT LOT IN AN R-1 DISTRICT, 117 BLOOMFIELD ROAD, APPLICANT DONALD W. NAHRWOLD Chairman Sine announced this application for hearing. Mr. Nahrwold asked permission to interrupt the proceedings. He stated that the lot had been for sale since 1964 and that tonight at 7:00 p.m. he had sold the lot to an applicant for a single family dwelling. He noted there had previously been much opposition in the neighborhood when he --proposed to build apartments on this lot, and voiced the opinion that rezoning would be appropriate for this area in that it would bring about upgrading. He wished to hear the opinions of those present opposing the duplex so that it would be helpful in determining -the future of the neighborhood, commenting that in the past it has been possible for a few "noisy neighbors to run the city." Chairman Sine commented that the Planning Commission had the rezoning of this area under consideration, although it would take possibly lh years before the study could come up for consideration, that the same procedure would be used as in the proposed reclassification of the Corbitt tract in that the entire neighborhood would be notified and a public hearing would be held. He stateahat each application is considered on its own merits. Mr. Nahrwold's application was noted as withdrawn. NEW BUSINESS: 1. RESOLVE AMBIGUITY OF USE - CLASSIFICATION FOR KARATE STUDIO, R. J. TODDY TODD'S KENPO KARATE STUDIO, 1210 BROADWAY City Planner Swan stated this matter had been referred to City Staff and the Planning Commission by the City Council. There was a question of permitted use in the area, and a petition had been received from several Broadway merchants opposing this type of business. Commissioner Kindig commented that he was not opposed to karate studios as such, but in his opinion it would not be helpful to a business area. Chairman Sine questioned the City Planner if there were anything in the code to prevent this type of operation. City Planner Swan gave the background for this case, stating it had come before the Planning Commission in accordance with Municipal -::7 - Code 25.36.050 "Ambiguity of Use" which states, in part, that if there is a question regarding a particular use as being permissible in this zone (C-1) it shall be resolved by the Planning Commission and recommendation made to the City Council by resolution. After noting that Mr. Todd leased this building and lived upstairs, he went on to state that this use is not specified in a C-1 district, although it could be considered similar in nature, as instructional, to a dancing school which is permitted. He noted a previous application for a karate studio in an apartment at.1045 El Camino Real which was approved. The City Attorney further explained the uses in a C-1 district, with particular reference to uses similar in character. In response to a question from Chairman Sine, the City Planner stated that a representative of the Broadway -Burlingame Merchants Association and Mr. Todd had been expected at this meeting, but neither had arrived. Mr. Todd had previous commitments. It was agreed by the Commission to continue this matter to the study meeting of January 10 when each representative could be in attendance. 2. COMMUNICATIONS• The City Planner announced a dinner meeting on January 27 of the Regional Planning Committee at the Crystal Springs Golf Club. He stated he had received a report from the Regional Planning Committee regarding the airport land use of the county, with particular reference to identification of the impact area of the airport. He acknowledged receipt of a communication from BCDC. They would like to receive information regarding the acquisition of privately owned property for public use for their annual report. He noted this matter will be on the study meeting agenda. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned/to the study meeting of January 10 in memory of George Mann. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary