HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1970.01.26CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Brauner Cistulii Kindig Pali n k Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER January 26, 1970 COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT None City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr A regular monthly meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Mink presiding. ROLL CALL All members were present. ACKNOULEDGMENTS Chairman Mink acknowledged the presence of Mayor Martin and Councilman Amstrup. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of December 22, 1969 and the study meeting of January 12, 1970, were approved. 1. CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT OF RHINETTE 4URSERY SCHOOL APPROVED. A letter dated January 19, 1970, from the law offices of Hanson, Bridgett, Marcus and Jenkins, San Francisco, signed by George R. Moscone, concerned a transfer in ownership of the property at 1117-1119 Rhinette Avenue, from Mrs. Harriett Giacomini, the present owner, to Mr. Jack Jones, San -4ateo. The communication referred to a variance granted to tars. Giacomini in April, 1966, to remodel and occupy the premises for nursery school pur- poses under certain conditions, and requested that, upon transfer of the property, Mr. Jones be permitted to replace Mrs. Giacomini as operator of the school, under the same conditions. The City Planner, in response to the Chair, explained that there are no physical changes proposed in the school but, because the application was made by Mrs. Giacomini and approved to her personally, it is necessary that the Commission take an action involving change of operator. Communications attesting to Mr. Jones's background, reputation and qualifi••• cations were read from: Martin C. McDonnell, Chief of Police, City of San Mateo; George R. Moscori.�_. Senator, State of California; Reverend James D. Brown, Pastor, St. Gregory's Church, San Mateo; San Mateo County Board of Education, Office of J. Russell Kent, Superintendent of Schools; County of San Mateo, Department of Public Health and Welfare, Social Service Division; Eleven letters from parents of children attending Peter Pan Nursery School in the City of San Mateo, operated by Mr. Jones; Louise McEnany, employee, Peter Pan dursery School; Mrs. Harriet Giacomini, owner/operator Rhinette 3ursery School. A copy of a memorandum from the Office of the State Fire Marshal, dated December 29, 1969, to the Director, State Department of Social Welfare, was acknowledged, granting fire clearance for a capacity of 50 children, day care only, to be housed in the main building of the Rhinette Nursery School. Mr. Jones, in response to a question raised by Commissioner Brauner, acknowledged that he had been informed of conditions in the use and was prepared to conform without reservation. The City Planner, in response to Commissioner Kindig's inquiry concerning maximum number of children that the school may enroll, advised that the Commission made no restriction, relying upon the county agency charged with licensing to establish the maximum according to its space require- ments per child. A motion introduced by Commissioner Brauner, seconded by Commissioner Kindig and carried unanimously, approved Mr. Jack Jones (operator Peter Pan ;lursery School, San Mateo) as operator of Rhinette Nursery School, 1117-1119 Rhinette Avenue, subject to the identical conditions required of the prior operator. The City Planner agreed to furnish Mr. Jones a copy of the conditions. HEARINGS 1. REAR YARD VARIANCE APPROVED. 1536 MEADOW LANE. The Chair announced a public hearing on the (amended) application of Mr. and Mrs. Eric G. Mausser for variance to provide a rear yard less than the minimum required by code to allow an addition to the dwelling at 1536 Meadow Lane (Lot 19, Block 2, Burlingame Village Subdivision). (Because of an inconclusive action at a prior meeting -November 24,1969- the Commission was requested by the City Council to conduct a new and complete hearing and to state its position.) The applicant's letter of September 26, 1969, stated that the existing two -bedroom, one bath home is inadequate for the family of two adults and three children; efforts to find a suitable home in another location proved fruitless and, for that reason, the decision was made to enlarge the dwelling by the addition of a master bedroom and bath. The communication stated that a second -story addition was considered but abandoned as too costly, and in consideration to neighbors' privacy and the exterior design of the majority of homes in the general area. The communication cited conditions in the property which would appear to Justify the request for variance: the building is located some dis- tance from the street --the front yard, including patio, approximates -2- 1500 square feet, with a resultant reduction in rear yard area; location of stairs at the rear of the dwelling further complicated attempts to design an attractive and functional room. Chairman Mink recognized Mrs. Mausser, who confirmed that the applica- tion proposes an addition 19 feet in length by 22' feet in width, and that the area of the variance is 4 feet, in accordance with the amended plan presented by ter. Mausser at the study meeting of January 12, 1970. A letter dated January 22, 1970, from Grant R. and Mildred W. Bishop, Pine Grove, California, reiterated prior objections to any attempt to vary code provisions. Mrs. Mausser, in response to an inquiry from Commissioner Kindig, stated that theirs and the Bishop's properties abut at the rear. In response to the Chair, there were no comments from the audience favoring or protesting the application. Commissioners were invited to comment. Commissioner Cistulli stated that the present plan represents.a marked improvement over the original, meeting the family!s require- ments for additional area within the home, maintaining side setbacks and preserving adequate open space at the rear. Commissioner Kindig noted that the area of variance is actually restricted to the portion of the yard directly behind the proposed addition; that there is an area -approximately 28 feet in width where the rear yard is considerably deeper than the 15 feet required by code. Commissioner Norberg indicated approval of the amended drawing, stating that the area of variance appears to be reasonable and should not be injuriour�-�or disturbing to neighboring properties. The hearing was declared concluded. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Cistulli to approve the appli- cation for variance of Mr. and Mrs. Eric G. Mausser, 1536 Meadow Lane, to provide a rear yard 11 feet in depth in the area of a proposed addition to the dwelling, in accordance with the amended plan dated January 7, 1970. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sine and carried unanimously on roll call. Chairman Mink announced that the Commission's action would be final on February 3, 1970, if not appealed. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR DETACHED STRUCTURE, MARTINEZ DRIVE. REMOVED FROM AGENDA Chairman Mink announced that an application for special permit filed by Susan Stewart Bournizeau and Virginia Jane Stewart, 2739 Martinez Drive, dated November 3, 1969, proposing a detached accessory struc- ture for purposes of storage and guest room, was scheduled for pub- lic hearing at the regular meeting of November 24, 1969, continued to -3- the December regular meeting at the request of Paul M. Hupf, attorney for the applicants, and recontinued to the present date. The City Planner, in response to Chairman Mink, stated that there has been no further word from Mr. Hupf since a conversation approximately six to eight weeks ago. On a motion thereafter introduced by Commissioner Cistulli, seconded by Commissioner Kindig and unanimously carried, the matter was removed from the Commission agenda, because of the proponent's apparent lack of interest. 3. BLUE CHIP STAMPS, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION: a. Parcel Map - Resubdivision of acreage Rollins Road --approved b. Special Permit - Stamp redemption center, Rollins Road -- approved Chairman Mink announced a public hearing on a two -fold proposal sub- mitted by Blue Chip Stamps, a California Corporation, Los Angeles requiring consideration of a Parcel Map creating a lot on the north- easterly line of Rollins Road and a Special Permit to improve the site for purposes 'of a stamp redemption center. Mr. Hugh Drury, Construction Manager, Blue Chip Stamps, represented the applicant. The City Planner, invited by the Chair to initiate the discussion, reported that the land involved is a portion of unsubdivided acreage, commonly known as the "Dore property." Parcel Flap Referring to the map, the City Planner pointed out that the proposed lot is designated "Parcel 1" and includes within its boundaries an access easement 20 feet in width along the southeasterly line, thereby pro- viding a method ofcirculation for tenants in other areas of the property, from Rollins -Road thence to Marsten Road; the easement will provide access for city service vehicles and ingress and egress to the parking lot of the proposed Blue Chip Stamp building. The City Planner reported that Blue Chip Stamps has negotiated a ground lease for a period of 30 years; when the matter of the access easement was broached to the owner, she agreed and the appropriate documents have been delivered to the City Attorney for transmittal to the Council, whereby the city will become the owner of the access rights. The City Attorney stated that the situation differs little from prior situations where the Commission has recommended acceptance of access easements to the City Council in hillside developments. The City Attorney stated that the owner of the subject property will grant to the city a non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress, thereby assuring that the easement cannot be abandoned, vacated or built upon, without the consent of the city. Commissioners were informed by staff that the city will not be held responsible for maintenance of the easement. The City Engineer reported -4- that the map is technically correct. Commissioner Kindig commented on the unsightly condition of the property and the lack of improved off-street parking areas for the tenants. The City Planner reported that the situation has been brought to the attention of the bank that administers the property, with a suggestion that they confer with the proper city offices concerning land use and parking requirements prior to any further rentals.. He also advised that -..he intends to attempt to arrange for parking for Hanson's Auto Repair which occupies the area adjacent to the Blue Chip Stamp site. Chairman Mink recognized Mr. Buel Proffitt, Hillsborough, owner of industrial property on Rollins Road, who questioned provisions for storm -water drainage. The City Engineer reported that an existing catch basin on Rollins Road is located approximately at the street entrance of the proposed access easement. Special Permit The City Planner, in response to Chairman Mink, explained that a retail use is proposed in the industrial district, requiring the Commission's approval of a special permit. Commissioners were furnished a complete set of building plans, the City Planner pointing out that a plot plan is included showing location of the building; that a single -story, concrete tilt -up structure is proposed with retail store area at the front and warehouse behind; parking at the rear exceeds present requirements, having been computed on the proposed ratio for retail stores. The City Planner, in response to the Chair's inquiry regarding set- backs, explained that in this older area of the industrial district there are no setback requirements; however, because of location, the building will have ample open area on three sides, but no front setback. A question was raised concerning landscaping at the entrance. Mr. Drury referred to the plans, pointing out landscaping detail noted thereon. In response to the Chair, there were no comments from the audience favoring or protesting the application. The hearing was declared closed. A motion introduced by Commissioner Cistulli, seconded by Commissioner Sine and carried unanimously on roll call approved the Parcel Map dated September, 1969, prepared by Donald D. Greek, Civil Engineer, for Blue Chip Stamps, A California Corporation, proposing a resubdivision of a portion of the lands of John H. Dore, conditional upon the City Council accepting the owner's offer of grant of easement for ingress and egress. In response to the City Engineer, the Chair confirmed that the Commission will delay signing the map pending the Council's decision on the offer of easement. A motion introduced by Commissioner Brauner, seconded by Commissioner -5- Taylor and unanimously carried, approved the application of Blue Chip Stamps, A California Corporation, Los Angeles, for Special Permit to establish and maintain a trading stamp redemption center on a portion of the lands of Dore, as indicated on the Parcel Map approved in the preceding action; the proposed building and landscaping to conform with building plans prepared by Danielian and Moon, Architects, dated November 6, 1969. The applicant was informed by Chairman Mink that the Commission's action will be final upon acceptance of the access easement by the City Council. INTERMISSION Following a recess at 9:25 p.m., Chairman Mink reconvened the meeting at 9:30 p.m. HEARINGS (cont.) 4. SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVED AUTO REPAIR AND PAINTING, MARSTEN ROAD. Chairman "plink declared a public hearing on the application for special use permit of Elgin, Inc.,John Baeza, Jr., owner, to operate an auto body repair and paint shop in the industrial district at 1302-1304 Marsten Road. The applicants letter dated December 30, 1969, stated that the business is operating, that a spray booth was installed and inspected by the building department and the fire inspector has visited the premises; however, through misunderstanding, application was not made for the use permit until the matter was called to his attention by city staff. A copy of a communication dated January 26, 1970, from Reginald E. Moorby, Chief of the Burlingame Fire Department, signed by Howard Pearson, Inspector, recited restrictions applicable to the spray painting operation and the requirement 'for installation of additional fire extinguishers. Mr. Baeza, in response to Chairman Mink, confirmed that he had received the original letter from Inspector Pearson and that he agreed to the conditions therein. The City Planner, in response to the Chair, advised that the location is on the Marsten Road frontage of the Dore property; the building is non -conforming, with no facilities for parking. lie stated that he had no objection to the use and that, in fact, a similar operation was permitted to locate in another area of the same property. The City Engineer, in response to the Chair, indicated no problems of concern to is department. Mr. Baeza, in response to a series of inquiries from the Commission, stated that there is a small identification sign on the building over the entrance on Marsten Road; that total floor area approximates 5500 square feet and that all of the work will be carried on indoors, where there is ample work area and space to store 16 to 22 vehicles. The Chair invited comments from the audience. we Mr. Quentin Cooke, attorney with the law firm of Carr, McClellan, Ingersoll and Thompson, Burlingame, advised that the was representing the United California Bank, Trustee for the estate of Earl Wilsey. Mr. Cooke stated- that the bank is concerned primarily with fire safety installations and that the . applicant The restrained from using the city streets to park or store wrecked vehicles. Mr. Henry E. Lapkin, owner of 1275 Rollins Road, expressed concern that a second body repair shop on the Dore property will compound an existing nuisance created by the Hanson operation, which is a detri- ment to the entire neighborhood. Mr. Lapkin stated that vacant land at the corner of Marsten and Rollins Road is used for storage of wrecked automobiles by persons having no rights of tenancy. Mr. Baeza, in response to Chairman Mink,stated that he has no interest in nor responsibility for wrecked vehicles stored in the vicinity of the building that he occupies; he reported that, in addition to the area within the building that can be used for parking, he has at his disposal a vacant lot in Millbrae for parking and,/or storage. The City Planner stated that, with the cooperation of other depart- ments, the property will be policed and, should Mr. Baeza's operation involve painting outside of the building, or parking other than in the area immediately in front of the building, the matter will be brought to the attention of the Commission for review of the use per- mit. He reported that staff is concerned with conditions in the property and making valiant attempts to affect improvements. He pointed out that it must be recognized that neither Mr. Baeza nor the city can force the owner to provide a parking lot as an adjunct to the building. In response to Chairman Mink's reference to allegations that the Hanson operation is contributing to problems in the property by storage of wrecked vehicles, the City Planner stated that he has approached the owner of that business on numerous occasions and that he has disclaimed ownership or knowledge of the vehicles. The City Planner stated that he was informed by the fire inspector that a trucking operation has been using the property for disposal of rub- bish without permission. He pointed out that the property is under continuing surveillance and that, hopefully, conditions will improve since the situation was brought to the attention of the trustee who administers the property. Mr. Baeza, in response to Commissioner Sine, agreed to remove the sign of a former tenant from the westerly portion of the building. Mr. Cooke, in response to Commissioner Brauner, stated that he felt reasonably certain that his clients will be satisfied with fire safety precautions when informed of the fire department requirements. The hearing was declared concluded. A motion introduced by Commissioner Taylor to approve the special use permit of Elgin, Inc., to conduct an auto repair and paint shop on the premises identified as 1302/1304 Marsten Road, on the condition that the applicant agrees to abide by all building and fire regulations -7- was seconded by Commissioner Sine and carried unanimously. The applicant was advised that the permit would be effective Tuesday, February 3, if not appealed. 5. VARIANCE APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SIX UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING IN R-2 ZONE, CAPUCHINO AVENUE. Chairman Mink announced a public hearing on the application of Neil J. Vannucci, A.I.B.D., Architectural Design, South San Francisco, as'agent for Mr. D. Franco, property owner, for variance to construct a 6 unit apartment building on property located at 1129 Capuchino Avenue (Lot 8, Block 5,. Easton' Addition) Zone: Second Residential. Preliminary plans were filed. The City Planner, in response to Chairman Mink, confirmed that lot coverage and parking conform to code. In additional comment, the City Planner stated that the proposal, in effect, will extend the small unit° type of apartments in the block of Capuchino Avenue, between Broadway and Carmelita Avenue. He pointed out that the Commission has granted a number of similar variances- 5 unit buildings on the easterly side of the street and 6 unit on the westerly side where the lots are deeper; that the application follows a pattern that has been established, and that the general plan recommends low density, multi -residential in the area. The City Engineer stated that the improvement should not create utility problems as the area is zoned duplex and four additional units would not burden existing facilities Chairman Mink invited comments from the audience. Mr. R.C. McDermott, owner of a 6 unit building at. 1125 Capuchino Avenue, reported there have been sanitary sewer problems on the subject property for a period of approximately 4 years. He requested that an investi- gation be made to determine if existing lines are, adequate for the proposed building. The City Engineer stated that he had no knowledge! of the situation and would order an investigation. Mr. and Mrs. McDermott and Mr. Nicholas Melnick, owner of an apartment building at 1127 Capuchino Avenue, complained that a large black acacia tree on the subject property is a source of constant annoyance and nuisance and requested its removal. Mr. Vannucci, in response to Chairman Mink, reported that the property has not been surveyed, as yet, and that he was not certain whether the tree is on his client's property. He stated that his client prefers to preserve as many of the trees as possible but those within the actual building site will be removed. The City Planner suggested that should the tree be within the parking atrip that a letter be directed to the Park Superintendent requesting consideration to its removal and replacement with one of the newer type street trees. In response to Commissioner Sine, Mr. Vannucci stated that the existing redwood fence on the southerly property line probably will be replaced but that he was not prepared to make a firm commitment at this time. The hearing was declared concluded. A motion introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Taylor and unanimously carried, approved the application of Neil J. Vannucci, A.I.B.D., South San Francisco, in behalf of Mr. D. Franco, for variance to construct a 6 unit apartment building on the property designated 1129 Capuchino Avenue (Lot 8, Block 5, Easton Addition), generally in accord with preliminary plans on file, and including landscaping in the front setback comprising greenery, as opposed to rocks. The applicant was advised that the variance would be effective Tuesday, February 3, 1970, if not appealed. 6. VARIANCE TO BOARD FIVE GUESTS IN R-1 ZONE DENIED. Chairman Mink announced a public hearing on the application for variance filed by Loretta F. Lynch to provide board and room to 5 aged ambulatory females in a single-family dwelling at 850 Acacia Drive. Zone: R-1. A letter dated December 11, 1969 from the law offices of Tarver and Doherty, Burlingame, signed by Robert A. Tarver, written in behalf of the applicant, pointed out that there `are a number of residents in the City of Burlingame who might be classified "ambulatory aged" and in need of the type of care and service proposed by Mrs. Lynch. Character references furnished by Mrs.. Lynch were read from: Rehabilitation and Research Center, Society for Crippled Children and Adults of San Mateo County, Inc. County of San Mateo Department of Public Health and Welfare, Social Service Division. Acknowledgment was made of the San Mateo County Housing Sanitarian's inspection report and the City of Burlingame Fire Department inspection report and recommendations. In a letter dated October 22, 1969, addressed to the San Mateo County Department of Public Health and Welfare, the fire department granted clearance for the building to house ambu- latory guests. The letter further stated that Mrs. Lynch was informed of the requirement for the Planning Commission's approval to more than three paying guests in the home. The City Planner, in response to the Chair, stated that the building is a very largge older single-family dwelling, that prior owners have attempted to convert to multi -residential use by installation of illegal kitchens, which have been removed. The City Planner stated that the matter is before the Commission because the applicant proposes to house 5 paying guests where the code permits 3. A map showing location and floor plans of upper and lower stories were filed. The City Planner noted that there are 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms on the ME first floor, to be restricted to guest use; Mrs. Lynch and her daughter will occupy second floor rooms. Letters in opposition to the variance were read from: Mrs. Julia K. Wilkins, 835 Acacia Drive; Mrs. Osmer S. Hempstead, 834 Acacia Drive; Lillian Dibella Scott, '843 Acacia Drive; Mrs. Clara Quadt, 807 Acacia Drive. The letters protested intrusion of a commercial enterprise in first - residential district and additional traffic and on -street parking. Mrs. Lynch, in response to Chairman Mink, advised that there is a two - car garage on the property and that,ordinarily, guests in the age bracket that she intends to house do not drive. Comments were invited from the audience in opposition to the variance. Edmund Wilkins, 835 Acacia Drive, -James Duffey, speaking in behalf of his wife, owner of 843 Acacia Drive, Otto Sommerhalder, 828 Acacia Drive, Fred W. Hartman, 812 Paloma Avenue, Rose L. Hershey, 831 Acacia Drive; Virginia J.Hvid, 845 Paloma Avenue, F.R. Cary, 829 Acacia Drive. The protestants argued that: The city has set a precedent for denial of such facilities in the area, by reason of prior actions wherein two similar applications for properties on Acacia Drive were disapproved; Several years ago an owner was refused permission to construct a duplex dwelling in the 800 block of Acacia Drive; The area is crowded with small children riding bicycles, which could prove hazardous to elderly ladies on foot; Sanitary sewer facilities are inadequate for multi -residential uses; Approval of the variance will encourage others to request a like privilege; The area is strictly first -residential in character and use and the owners will not welcome a change. Communications in favor were read from: Mehemut and Aline Deus, 1220 Edgehill Drive; Mr. and Mrs. C.J. McCarthy, 847 Acacia Drive; Eleanor Rezek, 845 Acacia Drive; Arvillio Cirimella, 842 Acacia Drive; Vera N. Rankin, 1312 Edgehill Drive; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crull, 1323 Edgehill Drive; W.R. McQueen, 1308 Edgehill Drive; Mfrs. Frances M. Funke, 811 Acacia Drive; Comments favoring the variance were heard from Mrs. Esther Quist, Licensing Social Worker, County of San Mateo, who spoke of the need for homes where elderly ladies, who are no longer able to maintain their own homes, and who are alone, can live in a family atmosphere and be relieved of the chores oPousekeeping. Mrs. Quist stated that Ors. Lynch's guests will -,healthy, normal persons of advanced years. Commissioners were invited to comment. Commissioner Taylor referred to a recent application for a similar use of R-1 property that was denied by the Commission because the applicant failed to meet code requirements for variance grants. He stated his position that the identical situation exists in the present instance-- -1 o- there has been no proof of hardship, nor evidence of exceptional or extraordinary circumstances in the property. Commissioner Cistulli concurred, mentioning that economic gain may be the basis for the application. Mrs. Lynch, in response to Commissioner Kindig, explained that there is an attractive rear yard that would be available to the guests during the warm weather. Commissioner Kindig stated that from personal exposure to such facilities in this area, he was aware of the need and that, in his opinion, the subject property would be highly suitable. He pointed out that the code permits 3 paying guests in a single-family dwelling and two more certainly should not be that objectionable and would make for a more economical operation. Commissioner Brauner stated that the applicant has failed to meetcode conditions for variance grants and that an unfavorable precedent would be created were the variance to be granted under such conditions. Commissioner Sine stated that he was aware of the community's respon- sibility to its aged but that the Commission must abide by the code. He suggested that perhaps there should be a study, to determine methods of providing for homes for the aged in the city. Mr. Tarver stated that denial of the variance will deny the owner the use for which the property has been prepared. The hearing was declared concluded. A motion introduced by Commissioner Taylor to deny the application for variance filed by Loretta F. Lynch to provide board and room to 5 paying guests in a single-family residence at 850 Acacia Drive, was seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and carried on the following roll call AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Brauner, Cistulli, Mink, Norberg, Sine, Taylor NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Kindig ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: None The applicant was advised of the right of appeal to the City Council. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. STREET NAME CHANGE "(OLD) BAYSHORE HIGHWAY TO AIRPORT BOULEVARD." The City Planner, invited by Chairman Mink to initiate the discussion, recalled that, at the request of the City Council, the Commission has held a series of public discussions for the purpose of formulating a recommendation on a request from owners in the industrial area that the street designation "(Old) Bayshore Highway" 'From Millbrae Avenue south be changed to coincide with the name of the principal street in the Anza Airport Park subdivisions. The City Planner stated that public participation was concluded at the meeting of November 24, 1969, that the subject was considered at the meeting of December 8, 1969 and referred to the present meeting for conclusion. The City Planner suggested that the Commission consider the proposed name change of Bayshore Highway, renaming the road where the proposed "Howard Johnson" hotel will front (presently designated "extension of Broadway" on city mapsl and a time element for affecting changes that may occur. Chairman mink referred to and read from his letter dated December 2, 1969, mailed to the Commission on the occasion of his absence from the meeting of December 8, 1969, wherein the following suggestions were made: I "A single name for the street from Millbrae Avenue in Millbrae to Peninsula Avenue in San Mateo with the incorporation of that section now known as "extension of Broadway," that care be given to select a name that can be readily identified with that locale of Burlingame, and that one year be given for the changes to be made." The discussion thereafter was concerned with the above suggestions. The Commission heard comments from the City Engineer that little if any change in alinement will result in existing roads when the State undertakes interim improvements in the area of Broadway Interchange. After lengthy discussion, there was agreement as follows: Commissioners Norberg and Taylor and Chairman Mink favored a single name from Millbrae Avenue to Peninsula Avenue; Commissioners Kindig and Sine preferred that "Airport Boulevard" be maintained as it presently exists and that a second name be selected to include the proposed "Howard Johnson" hotel site and northerly to Millbrae Avenue; Commissioners Brauner and Cistulli were in favor of two;,. names but preferred "Howard Johnson" site being identified with the name southerly to Peninsula Avenue. As an alternative to the above,there was unanimous agreement that, if there are to be two names, the dividing line be fixed so that there shall be one name from the "Howard Johnson" site northerly to Millbrae Avenue., that "Old Bayshore" replace "Bayshore Highway" and that if the change is approved implementation be delayed for at least two years. .NEW BUSINESS 1. MEETING DATE CHANGED Wednesday, February 25, 1970, was selected as the dite of the next regular meeting, because of the holiday occuring on the 23rd. 2. PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED: Reclassification to "Waterfront Commercial." On a motion introduced by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Kindig and unanimously carried, Wednesday, February 25, 1970, was selected as the date for initiating a public hearing on reclassification of lands to "Waterfront Commercial." ADJOURNMENT The meeting regularly adjourned at 12:20 a.m. Respectfully s bmted.. -�12- Everett K.Kind g,itecru-tIr;'