HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1970.02.09CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Brauner Cistulli Ki ndi g Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Mink February 9, 1970 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel (8:1 City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m.,, Chairman Pro Tempore Taylor presiding. ROLL CALL The above -named members were present. Chairman Mink, away from the city on business, was excused. 1. DISCLOSURE OF FINANCIAL INTEREST STATUTE. Copies of the opinion of the State Attorney General, datedFebruary 5, 1970, were dis- tributed to Commissioners. 2. ANtA PACIFIC CORPORATION SPECIAL PERMIT FOR SERVICE STATION. A letter dated January 27, 1970, from the law offices of Anderson, McMillan and Connolly, Burlingame, signed by Cyrus J. McMillan, requested an extension of the special permit granted on February 17, 1969, to Anza Pacific Corporation for service station use of property adjoining the Charley Brown Restaurant, Bayshore Highway, because of internal problems which have delayed the start of construction. Following comments from the City Planner that the code permits such extensions up to a period of one year, the matter was referred to the regular meeting for formal consideration. 3. STREET NAME CHANGE -- BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. The City Planner reported that the Commission's recommendation in the above matter was acknowledged at the City Council meeting of February 2 and that a public hearing before Council was scheduled for the meeting of March 2, 1970. 4. WATERFRONT COMMERCIAL (C-4) DISTRICT. Commissioners were reminded that the public hearing on a proposed reclassification of certain lands within the M.-1 (Light Industrial) District to C-4 (Waterfront Commercial) District is scheduled for the regular meeting of February 25. Copies of a two-part map of the area involved were distributed, the City Planner pointing out that some parcels that may appear to be inboard of the water have been included, because of the possibility that such parcels could be combined with the C-4 properties in future resubdivisions. Referring to the drawing designated "Exhibit -A," the City Planner called attention to a "white" area on the water side of Bayshore Highway, separating the proposed C-4 parcels (approximately opposite Mahler Road), and explained that the area is part of San Francisco Airport holdings for purposes of future access to its outboard properties and that it is proposed that the existing Tidal Plain zoning be maintained; immediately adjacent to the south is the drainage channel where Mills Creek empties into the bay, owned in fee by the City of Burlingame and included for reclassification from Tidal Plain to Waterfront Commercial, for the reason that there may be other proposals for its use in conjunction with development of the adjoining large parcel of acreage, similar to a prior plan that proposed a pier spanning the channel. Reference was made to the area of Bayside Park., The City Planner explained that the land is city -owned, reserved for "park" uses and so classified. He referred to a recommendation made by Mr. William Spangle that there be a new zone classification for all public properties and expressed his position that I property owned by the city and used for city purposes needs no special classifi- cation. In response to a suggestion from Commissioner Cistulli that Anza Pacific Corporation consider dedicating an area to the city for recreational purposes, in respect to the memory of the late Mr. George N. Keyston, Senior, Mr. George N. Keyston, Junior, explained that he, personally, was unable to make such a commitment, that there must be approval of all of the stockholders of the corporation. Mr. Keyston pointed out that the owners have complied with the city's request for public access to the water and, additionally, are cooperating with the county in its plans for expansion of recreational areas. Mr. Keyston suggested that reclassification may have the effect of the city losing control of its waterfront properties to B.C.D.C. The City Planner indicated that he was not in agreement with Mr. Keyston, stating that the city will continue to maintain pri- mary control of land uses within its boundaries. 5. GENERAL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION. The City Planner referred to his memorandum dated January 7, 1970 and to a report from Mr. William Spangle dated December 29, 1969, -2- distributed to Commissioners at the study meeting of January 12,1970, concerning a program for general plan implementation in the areas of rezoning to higher densities. The City Planner recommended that the Commission consider the matter of application of R-3A zoning. He mentioned 4 areas that have been discussed on prior occasions as suitable for low -density apartment developments and suggested that a priority list: be establishod from the following: 1. Capuchino Avenue between Broadway and,Carmelita, where the variance procedure has been employed to replace older dwellings with small attractive apartment buildings. Existing zoning R-2.' 2. Corbitt Tract - Linden and Laurel Avenues between Oak Grove and Park Avenues; some of the lots are as much as 215.feet in depth; existing zoning is R-2, the density ranging from single-family-. to up to 5 units on a single property. 3. Lyon & Hoag.Subdivision (easterly of railroad right-of-way); some years ago the Commission and the City Council held a series of public hearings for the purpose of reclassification to R-3A in a portion of this area between Burlingame Avenue and Peninsula Avenue; the rezoning failed because of strong opposition from the property owners to bearing the costs of water service improvements. 4. The "trian;gie`area" westerly of E1 Camino; between Howard and Barroilhet Avenues at the rear of the R-3 • zone on E1 Camino. The City Planner; stated that a few years ago he submitted suggestions to the City Council for financing utility improvements in situations of rezoning where density will be intensified and that he intends to up -date the material and resubmit. He reviewed briefly a number of suggested methods that hopefully would be equally acceptable to the city and the property owners. The subject was referred to the regular meeting of February 25 for further discusslon. 6. PUTNAM BUICK., XC., OUTDOOR AUTOMOBILE STORAGE. An application for special permit filed by George T. Catomer, Realtor, in behalf of Mr. J.D. Putnam, President, Putnam Buick, Inc., 50 California Drive, proposed "parking of new -car inventory" on a por- tion of a large parcel of unimproved acreage between Rollins Road and North Carolan Avenue, adjacent to and northerly of 1415 Rollins Road. A letter from Mr. Catomer dated February 5, 1970, stated that a lease has been negotiated for a period of six months, and that occupancy beyond that time will be on a month -to -month basis. The City Planner reported that there is no proposal for a structure of any kind; the property is fenced but unpaved and the use should be subject to the applicant placing a seal coat in the area where the vehicles will be parked to eliminate mud and dust problems. -3- The application was scheduled for public hearing at the regular meeting on Wednesday, February 25. 7. PROPOSAL FOR RESTAURANT, BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. Mr. Jack Krystal was present for an informal discussion of plans for a restaurant on a portion of a large parcel of acreage on the north- easterly line of Bayshore Highway, adjacent to and southerly of the City of Burlingame Mills Creek drainage channel. Mr. Krystal stated that he is acquiring the property from the present owners, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riley, that the proposed building will approximate 10,000 square feet gross area and that the project will not require fill into the bay. A preliminary drawing prepared by Rene Cardinea.ux, Architect, was_ reviewed, Mr. Krystal pointing out that the plan includes a proposal for the city's drainage channel. He stated that the property does not have frontage on the street --access being by easement on the property of another --and that he intends to seek approval from the city to construct a bridge over the drainage channel extending from Bayshore Highway to the property. Mr. Krystal was informed by staff that use of city property is sub- ject to approval of the City Council, that the city engineering department will require a plan and elevations of the structure pro- posed for the channel, and of code provisions that will restrict expanding or remodeling existing non -conforming buildings. ADJOURNMENT The meeting regularly adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig, Secretary -4-